
How do the leaves of pineapple turn yellow? Causes and solutions

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Pineapple flowers, also known as ornamental pineapples, pineapple flowers, etc., are native to the jungles from Mexico to southern Brazil and northern Argentina. They are more famous holiday flowers. Many flower lovers buy pineapples at home for a period of time and find that the leaves of pineapples turn yellow. I don't know what happened to the pineapple.

Pineapple flowers, also known as ornamental pineapples, pineapple flowers, etc., originated in the jungles from Mexico to southern Brazil and northern Argentina, are relatively famous holiday flowers. Many flower lovers buy pineapples at home for a period of time and find that the pineapple leaves turn yellow. I don't know what happened to the pineapple. Let's take a look at how the pineapple leaves turn yellow.

Too much watering

Watering too much, the basin soil is too wet for a long time, resulting in lack of oxygen in the soil, causing part of the fibrous roots to rot, hindering normal absorption and absorption of water and nutrients, causing leaves to turn yellow and fall off. After the injury, the young leaves turn pale yellow, and then the old leaves gradually turn yellow. watering should be controlled immediately, fertilization should be suspended, and the soil should be often loosened to make the soil well ventilated.

Drought dehydration

Flower cultivation leakage watering or long-term watering half waist water (that is, upper wet and lower dry) will affect nutrient absorption, and it is also easy to cause dull and dull leaves and drooping leaves. First, the lower old leaves aged, and gradually withered and yellowed off from the bottom up. At this time, a small amount of watering and spraying is needed to gradually recover and then turn to normal watering.

Long-term fattening

There is no application of ammonia fertilizer or no change of soil for a long time, and there is a lack of nitrogen and other nutrients in the soil, resulting in thin branches and leaves and thin and yellow leaves. It is necessary to pour the pot in time and gradually apply rarefied mature liquid fertilizer or compound flower fertilizer into new loose and fertile culture soil.

Excessive fertilization

If you fertilize too much, the new leaves will be thick and uneven, and the dry tips of the old leaves will fall off. You should immediately stop fertilization and increase the amount of water to make the fertilizer flow out from the drainage hole at the bottom of the basin, or immediately pour the pot, rinse the soil block with water and then plant it again into the basin.

Hot and hot

In summer, if you put cool flowers (such as cyclamen, Golden Bell upside down, four Seasons Begonia) in a high temperature place to let the strong light shine directly, it is very easy to cause the young leaf tip and leaf edge to scorch, or the leaf yellow to fall off. Move to a well-ventilated shady place in time.

Excessive shading

If the sun-loving flowers are placed in shady places or places with insufficient light for a long time, it will cause the branches and leaves to turn yellow.

Soil and water partial alkali

There are more saline and alkali in soil and water in most areas of northern China, and flowers with acid-like soil are planted, such as rhododendron, camellia, Michelia, gardenia, orchid, magnolia, sweet-scented osmanthus and so on. Due to the lack of soluble iron and other elements that can be absorbed by the soil, the leaves will gradually turn yellow. Acid soil should be selected when planting, and alum fertilizer and water should be often watered during the growth period.

stuffy room without ventilation

If too much nitrogen fertilizer is applied, the branches and leaves will grow luxuriantly, coupled with the long-term unpruned, resulting in insufficient light in the inner chamber branches and leaves, which is easy to cause the leaves to yellowing and falling off. Reasonable fertilization should be applied and pruning should be strengthened to make it ventilated and transparent.

Air drying

When the indoor air is too dry, some flowers that like the humid environment, such as hanging orchids and orchids, often appear leaf tip dryness or leaf edge scorching and so on. Attention should be paid to water spraying, plastic film cover and other methods to increase air humidity.

Improper temperature

If the room temperature is too low in winter, the flowers are often vulnerable to cold damage, which leads to the yellowing of the leaves and death in severe cases. If the room temperature is too high, the transpiration of the plant is too high, and the root water and nutrients are in short supply, the leaves will turn yellow. Please pay attention to adjust the room temperature in time.

Soil partial acid

It is easy to lose acid and magnesium in southern red loam. planting flowers and trees with alkali-tolerant or mute soil, such as oleander, yellow poplar, Yingchun, etc., are often prone to green and yellowing between the veins of old leaves. Can apply calcium magnesium phosphate fertilizer or spray magnesium sulfate solution.

Disease and insect damage

The leaf spot disease caused by fungi and other bacteria is easy to cause local necrosis of the leaves, yellow spots or patches appear, the whole leaves wither and fall off seriously, the leaves are mottled with yellow and green after being infected by mosaic virus, and are damaged by shell insects, red spiders and so on. the leaves will also become local yellow, or even the whole leaves will wither and fall off. All should be sprayed in time.

Strong sexual stimulation

The use of excessive concentration of pesticides in the prevention and control of diseases and insect pests, or being polluted by toxic gases in the atmosphere, or suddenly watering cold water when the temperature is high, are easy to cause local yellowing and scorching of the leaf tip or leaf surface, or even the whole plant to die. Therefore, we should pay attention to the rational use of pesticides and try to eliminate air pollution sources. Avoid watering flowers with cold water around noon in midsummer. Finally, it should be mentioned that the yellow leaves of potted flowers are sometimes caused by one reason, but they are often caused by a variety of factors, so a correct diagnosis should be made to prescribe the right medicine to the case.

The reason for the yellowing of pineapple leaves how to deal with the yellowing of pineapple leaves

Pineapple is a very beautiful foliage plant, but its breeding needs to pay more attention, otherwise it is easy to appear yellow leaves, let's take a look at the causes and solutions to the yellowing of pineapple leaves.

The reason for the yellowing of pineapple leaves

The original state of pineapple flowers is parasitic under the trees of the tropical rain forest, habits like semi-shade, should prevent hot sun exposure, should be placed in semi-shade or bright indoor or window. So its demand for sunlight is not particularly large, when the sun is exposed to too much time, it will produce part of the leaves yellowing, and then the flower tip begins to dry and yellowing. Pineapple is native to tropical South America and is somewhat afraid of cold. if the lowest temperature in winter is lower than 10 ℃, the plant will suffer frost damage and the leaf color will turn yellow, which will affect the healthy growth of the plant. Hefei is not cold at all this winter, so it is more suitable for the growth of pineapple.

Leaf tip yellowing and wilting may be due to too strong alkalinity of irrigation water or high content of calcium and sodium, low air humidity, excessive fertilization or too high concentration of liquid fertilizer, resulting in salt accumulation in leaf tips, resulting in salt damage, protoplast separation and dehydration, and poor substrate drainage, resulting in rotten roots. water can not be fully supplied to leaf tips and so on.

Because the original state of pineapple is parasitic under a tree in the tropical rain forest and so on, habits like semi-shade, should prevent hot sun exposure, should be placed in half-shade or bright indoor or window. So the demand for sunlight of pineapple is not very great. So when you spend too much time in the sun, it produces part of the leaves yellowing, and then the tip of the flower begins to dry and yellow.

What if the leaves of pineapple turn yellow?

Topdressing 1Mel twice a month, the basin soil can be moist, don't cut off the water in the roll hole, and increase the times of foliar water spraying to improve the environmental humidity. After winter, you should move indoors to keep warm and keep room temperature for 5 ℃. In case of extra cold, you can put plastic bags on the basin to warm up.

Turning the basin and changing the soil is carried out every 1-2 years. The basin soil can be mixed with 5 parts of mud, 4 parts of sand, 1 part of rice chaff ash or mature sawdust. If a small amount of bone meal is added to the soil, it is better. Water uses ionized water or mineral water. The PH of tap water is higher.

The day before watering, it is best to store the water in the greenhouse for one day, or you can use a thermometer to measure its water temperature to ensure that it is above 20 degrees.

When dispensing fertilizer, it is directly mixed with deionized water. Generally speaking, the proportion of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium in it is 20:10:20, because pineapple does not like too much phosphate fertilizer. If there is too much phosphate fertilizer, it will affect the growth of its root system.

Then it likes nitrogen and potassium, but if there is too much nitrogen fertilizer, it will also cause the leaves to grow excessively. In general, the ratio of nitrogen fertilizer to potassium fertilizer is about the same, nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium 20:10:20. The general fertilization cycle is about half a month, and during its growth, you can take it out of the basin and observe the color of its root system. If the color of the root is dark, it proves that its fertilizer concentration is more suitable for its growth. If the root is a little white, you can appropriately increase its concentration or shorten the interval period. When applying fertilizer, we should pay attention to increase the application of potassium fertilizer and magnesium fertilizer, reduce the amount of phosphate fertilizer, and strictly control the application amount of copper and boron.

After reading the above analysis, I believe you already know how to deal with the yellow leaves of pineapple. If your pineapple also has the phenomenon of yellow leaves, you can deal with it in accordance with the above.

What is the function of pineapple? what is the yellowing of pineapple leaves?

Pineapple, also known as pineapple, is a perennial herb belonging to the pineapple family. It has more than 60 genera and more than 1400 varieties. Pineapple is native to the Caribbean coast, South America and other regions. Pineapple is a very popular foliage smooth plant. Nowadays, the more popular pineapple flowers are pineapple, water tower flower, colorful pineapple, dragonfly pineapple, Phnom Penh pineapple, Ji pineapple. Their plants are generally in a tufted state and are relatively short. The leaves are long and narrow, like swords. The color of the leaves is rich and colorful, and the flowers are in full bloom, as if coated with a layer of wax, giving people a hard sense of gloss and a very good ornamental value. Pineapple flowers are suitable for empty lift, personal a kind of warm and implicit feeling, especially lovable. Next, let's take a look at the function of pineapple, and how the leaves of pineapple turn yellow. [introduction to pineapple] pineapple is also known as pineapple and ornamental pineapple. As the name implies, its shape is somewhat similar to that of pineapple. Pineapple is native to the jungles of Mexico, southwest Brazil, and northern Argentina. There are more than 50 species in total. Most of them are terrestrial plants. Its leaves are sickle-shaped, the upper part is tilted downward, mainly arranged by 5-8 pieces, its shape is in the shape of rosette leaves, it has a very good ornamental value. The ornamental nature of pineapple is very strong and it is suitable to be used as an indoor plant. When breeding, it needs about three hours of sufficient light every day, which is more conducive to the growth of the plant, and is a very good ornamental plant. [what is the function of pineapple] pineapple is a high-quality ornamental plant that releases oxygen at night. The leaves of many plants undergo photosynthesis, and then the stomata open naturally at night, while the plant is in a state of sleep, and the stomata slowly close. And the characteristics of pineapple and these plants are just the opposite. Pineapple has the metabolism of crassulanic acid. At night, pineapple will absorb a lot of carbon dioxide in the air, thus releasing oxygen. This is also the reason why many people raise pineapple at home. Raising an impatiens is like raising an oxygen bar indoors. At the same time, it is generally said that it also absorbs radiation. So there are many people will raise pineapple in the office, it finally played a role in purifying the air, is a very popular foliage and flowering plants. [how pineapple leaves yellowing] it is relatively easy to raise pineapple flowers, it does not have particularly high requirements for the growth environment, and it likes to grow in a high temperature, humid, semi-shady environment. If you encounter pineapple leaves yellowing may be caused by low temperature, lack of water, strong light, low humidity, poor ventilation and so on. If the leaves on the roots are yellow, this is a normal situation and can be trimmed off in time, but if the leaves on the upper part turn yellow, it may be caused by inadequate maintenance. Mainly irrigated plants with strong alkaline water quality or relatively high levels of calcium, sodium and other substances. Or the humidity of the growing environment is too low, the soil is too fertile, the concentration of irrigated liquid fertilizer is relatively high, salt damage will occur, and so on, there will be protoplast separation and dehydration. Poor drainage of the soil or stagnant water can cause the roots of pineapple to rot. [pineapple leaves yellowing solution] when the temperature is too low, the leaves will wither and turn yellow, and if the water is insufficient or the light is too strong, it is best to put it in a position of high temperature, moisture and light to cultivate patiently. Need more watering, in the spring to autumn growth period, to increase the amount of water, the leaf tube will also be filled with some clear water inside, half a month for a change of water treatment, to avoid water deterioration and odor. Spray more water on the leaves and reduce watering in winter to keep the basin soil dry, but it can not be too dry. Generally, nitrogen fertilizer is applied every other week from May to September, and the amount of potassium and phosphorus fertilizer is increased during the flowering period. as a result, the flowering of pineapple flowers is more luxuriant. When the flowers are in full bloom, avoid irrigation and direct light, which is more conducive to prolong the flowering period, enter a dormant state after the couple, and need to prune the pedicels so as to reduce the consumption of nutrients.

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