
Growth habits and pot culture methods of Liubili

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, They are perennial herbs of the genus Campanulaceae, with high ornamental value. The whole plant is swollen when it blossoms, and the plant is almost full of flowers. It is suitable for flower beds, potted plants, hanging pots and garden landscaping. It is widely loved by families in Europe and the United States.

Six times more than known as butterfly flowers, mountain stem vegetables, flower lotus, etc., are Campanulaceae half lotus perennial herbs, ornamental value is very high, the whole plant shows an expanded circle, the plant is almost full of flowers, suitable for flower beds, potted plants, hanging pots and garden landscaping, widely loved by families in Europe and the United States, let's take a look at the breeding method of six times profit!

The growth habit of Liubili

Liufoli is native to South Africa and is also widely distributed in Jiangsu, Anhui, Zhejiang, Jiangxi, Fujian, Taiwan, Hubei, Hunan, Guangdong, Guangxi, Sichuan and Guizhou. Liubeili needs long sunshine and low temperature to blossom. It is not strong in cold tolerance, avoids extreme heat, and likes loam rich in humus.

The breeding method of Liubili

Sow seeds from January to March and blossom after July. Sow seeds from August to October and blossom in the next year. Seeds can germinate 20 days after sowing at 22 degrees Celsius and are generally used as pots and hanging pot plants or mixed with other flowers. The plant grows slowly and the seeds are so small that they do not need to be covered when they germinate. It is not suitable for high temperature, and it grows better at 12-15 degrees Celsius. It can blossom at 65 after sowing, usually sowing 8-12 seeds per hole.

The culture method of six times the profit

1, basin soil: six times the profit needs to choose loose, good drainage, rich in humus sandy soil. Put the soil into flowerpots about 10 to 15 centimeters in diameter and put in some base fertilizer. Two or three seedlings can be planted in the flowerpot to make the six-fold pot bloom more full and exuberant.

2. Illumination: Liubeili is a long-day plant, which needs to be illuminated for a long time, and needs to be exposed to sunlight for a long time every day. In the case of short sunshine time in winter and early spring, artificial light is needed to meet the lighting conditions of flowering.

3, temperature: six times the low temperature environment will grow well, the suitable temperature for growth is between 15 ℃ to 18 ℃, the cold resistance is poor and not resistant to extreme heat. You don't have to spend the winter indoors when the weather is cold, but you should be careful that it is not resistant to frost and avoid freezing.

4. Water and fertilizer: during the growth period of Liubeili, it can be watered every 7 to 10 days, basically following the principle of dry and thorough watering. Fertilization needs to be carried out according to the growth needs of six times profit, and nitrogen fertilizer can be applied once a week in order to make six times the benefit of healthy growth during the growth period.

5. Coring: coring and pruning is a simple method to control plant type. during the growth period, coring can promote the growth of lateral buds. If there are more branches, there will be more flower buds.

6. Diseases and insect pests: during the growth period of Liubeili, the growth status of Liubili plants should be observed frequently. Use some germicidal and insecticidal agents to prevent the invasion of mold or red spiders.

Six times profit Lobelia erinus Thunb six times benefit map: six times profit how to raise / six times how to reproduce six times profit business card six times Lobelia erinus Thunb alias: butterfly flower, mountain stem vegetable, flower lotus, South Africa half lotus classification: annual herbaceous floral genus: plant kingdom angiosperm phylum dicotyledonous plant class Platycodon grandiflorum family Platycodon grandiflorum in full bloom: in spring six times is a species under the genus Campanulaceae, also known as Campanulaceae. A perennial herb of the genus Platycodon in the family Campanulaceae, cultivated annually, semi-trailing, spread on the ground, smooth or proximally slightly hairy, branches slender Leaves opposite, leafy, lower leaves spatulate, crenate, apex obtuse, upper leaves oblanceolate, near apical leaves broadly linear and pointed; racemes terminal, florets long stalked. Liubeili is generally used as a flower bed and the edge of the flower border, and it also has a certain medicinal value. Introduction to the cultivation methods and matters needing attention of Liubeili is a species of the genus Campanulaceae, also known as Campanulaceae, Campanulaceae, perennial herbs, annual cultivation, semi-trailing, spread on the ground, smooth or lower slightly hairy, branches slender; leaves opposite, leafy, lower leaves spatulate, crenate, apex obtuse, upper leaves oblanceolate, near top leaf width linear and pointed Racemes terminal, florets long stipitate. Liubeili is generally used as a flower bed and the edge of the flower border, and it also has a certain medicinal value. The morphological characteristics of Liubili the plant height is about 1220 cm and the stems and branches are fine. The upper leaves of the stem are smaller and lanceolate, the leaves near the base are slightly larger and spatulate, and the leaves are alternate. Flowers terminal or axillary, Corolla apex 5-lobed, lower 3 lobes larger, shaped like butterfly wings, flowers are red, peach, purple, purple, white and other colors. The ecological habit of six times the profit needs to blossom in long sunshine and low temperature. Liubeili cold tolerance is not strong, avoid extreme heat, like easy loam rich in humus. The cultivation technique of Liubili should not be too dry when pseudo-planting and maintenance of seedlings, especially if the soil is hardened, the root system is easy to be seriously injured in the seedling. First take out the seedlings in a seedling tray and break them apart according to the situation, roughly divide them into several piles, and then gradually separate the seedlings. For weaker plants, they can be removed. The appearance after false planting, the seedling is easy to operate. Generally false planting in the first few days to give appropriate scattered light, gradually excessive. If the root system of the seedling is less injured, the sun will last longer, and if the root injury is severe, it will take a long time to recover, so you can bask in the sun later. In short, slow the transition of seedlings. In the growth process of pseudo-planting seedlings, it is necessary to top and pick the heart in time, and the frequency of fertilizing the seedlings does not need to be too high. Generally, the temperature at this time is 10-20 degrees, which is suitable for the growth of young seedlings. It is very good to water once every 7-10 days, and it should be dry and thoroughly watered. In order to control the reproduction of mold, consider watering together with some fungicides to prevent it, such as Jinggangmycin. Coring branches use the method of coring to adjust the plant type of six times the profit, usually the height of coring is 4-5 cm. Coring can effectively promote the germination of lateral buds and obtain more branches. In this way, there are more flower buds differentiated in the later stage, and the effect will be better. Planting and picking do not conflict, planting is considering that the root sprouting well can be put on the basin, picking is based on the growth of the situation, from time to time to do this work. In this picture, you can see the traces of heart-picking, maintain this height, use heart-picking to promote the germination of lateral buds, and the diameter will become larger. In order to make the difference more obvious, and in order to better see the growth changes of seedlings after pseudo-planting, I took a seedling and planted it separately with a square pot of 10 to 10, which was easy to illustrate. The seedling was originally planted in a round basin of 8: 8, but in the later stage, it was changed to a black basin of 10: 10. This was just taken after the fake pot was replaced. We can see that the branch of the seedling itself did not come out, so it was a solitary show. After growing in the sham pot for a period of time, the root system has been well developed, so we can consider planting in the pot. Planting pots I usually use to hang 2986 or other similar pots, according to the size of this type of pots, I still suggest to adopt the method of single planting. Base fertilizer can be considered to give some appropriate, I do not recommend giving a lot, later can consider using liquid topdressing to supplement. Base fertilizer I am used to using the multi-functional fertilizer of the bud, but it is not very fertile. Planting in the pot can choose when the humidity of the medium is kept at 30% Murray 50%, pour through the fixed root water after the pot, and dry thoroughly when watering in the later stage. Basically, there is little fertilizer in winter, or stop fertilizing when the temperature is low, and wait for the temperature to warm up. It is suggested that the cultivation of six times profit does not need close planting, and the plump plant type depends on the late coring regulation and water and fertilizer management. Because from sham planting to planting, it is in a low temperature environment, so the growth is relatively slow, but don't worry. For the development of the root system, the medium should be pressed properly, so that when the seedling is raised from the container to the next process, the soil ball will not disperse basically, and the damage of the root system in the later stage is so small that the process of slowing down the seedling can be ignored. The number of seedlings is arranged according to the size of the container, and it is recommended that it be 2-3. How much base fertilizer looks like giving, depends on personal habits, popular saying is called moderate amount. I such a pot does not give much fertilizer, roughly converted, just a handful of compound fertilizer. When the root system of the seedling is stable, you can fertilize it. I like to use "Biwang". Use the concentration to roughly look at the temperature, cold in winter, a little thinner, a little bit thicker, a bit thicker, a little bit thicker, 500-800 when the temperature is below 5 degrees, stop fertilizing. The whole growth process actually looks very simple, but coring control is essential. Before the flower buds differentiate, coring runs through the whole growth process. The whole growth process of autumn sowing seedlings is very long and needs to go through the severe winter. In general, if the outdoor temperature is less than-3 degrees, you can consider not moving indoors. I have tried-5 degrees outside. If you encounter weather such as snow or hail, it is recommended to move indoors to avoid, mainly for fear of frostbite after the leaves encounter water. Cold season, it is recommended to stop fertilizer, its own growth is very slow, the absorption of nutrients is very little. When the spring breeze blows the earth, the six-fold growth will become rapid, and the branches will be dense and compact because they are planted in a cold environment. When the pot is basically full, Biwang can stop and switch to flowering to promote flower bud differentiation. When the leaves begin to turn into sharp strips, then flower buds begin to appear. Look at the differentiated flower buds, which are obviously different from the growing buds. If the flower buds differentiate in the late growth stage, and the overall plant type has not reached your satisfaction, you can remove the flower buds and apply growth fertilizer at the same time to adjust the plant's growth hormone. For the seedlings with inconsistent flower bud differentiation, you can still continue to use plastic techniques to deal with it, until you review it from multiple angles, you are more satisfied. At this time, you basically don't have to worry about it and wait for the joy of a bumper harvest. In the early stage of the initial flowering, you can continue to blossom for the last time, with a concentration ratio of 500-800. At the same time, you can try a fungicide and insecticide. Germicidal drugs to prevent the reproduction of bacteria, insecticides I mainly use Awei drugs to prevent the disease of red spiders. These two drug use is also recommended not to be easily omitted, because the flowering season is between April and May, after the temperature comes up, mold and pests will reproduce faster, prevention before flowering can reduce a lot of trouble. Basically at this stage, or after the flowers bloom, try to avoid the heavy rain directly, otherwise it will have a greater impact on the overall pattern, the visual effect will be reduced. Through trial and exploration, I concluded that the best sowing time for the Yangtze River valley (myself in Wuhan) is from September 10 to September 20, no more than National Day holiday in the evening and no more than September 1 in the evening. Sowing in August, the seedlings will take shape early, probably in late February to early March can blossom, but due to climatic conditions, flowering sunshine and temperature is difficult to guarantee, flowering effect is not ideal, relatively sparse. As the temperature rises, the internodes of the branches become longer, the effect will be loose and can not achieve the goal of fullness, of course, if you like the effect of elegant hanging, that is ideal. Sowing in September is the most suitable, especially in the middle of the climate. The flowers are dense. Sowing in October, the temperature will drop faster, the seedling stage will be long, and the growth will be slow throughout the winter, so it will test the patience of flower friends. With the rise of the temperature in spring, the seedlings will grow gradually, the time left for heart-picking control will be relatively short, and the density of flowering will be greatly reduced, so it will be difficult to come up with a good effect. Therefore, mastering the right sowing time is the key to success. On the planting of six times the profit of sowing and raising seedlings, I prefer to use the method of single planting. Usually, the six-fold seed bought is a pelleted cluster seed, and it is easy to sow a bunch of seeds, so consider turning the pelleted seeds into water before sowing. This picture is taken after germination, in which you can see that the seeds can be separated as far as possible after the pelleted seeds are sown into water, so as to facilitate the seedlings in the future. Fertilization in the planting at the same time to add long-acting fertilizer, and then topdressing every three weeks or so, especially before the advent of flowering, to add more phosphate fertilizer to facilitate flowering. Pay attention to loosening soil and weeding at seedling stage, apply rare human feces and urine once after planting, topdressing livestock manure or ammonium sulfate and urea after summer harvest, and applying rotten manure or compost in winter. Irrigation should be followed in the dry season, and the economy keeps the soil moist to facilitate growth. Long-acting fertilizer should be added at the same time of planting, and then topdressing every three weeks or so, especially before flowering, more phosphate fertilizer should be added to facilitate flowering. The six-fold breeding method can be sown in autumn, winter or early spring. The sowing method should pay attention to the small seeds of the butterfly flowers, so when sowing, you can mix some fine sand before sowing, or plant the seedlings in a pot or flower bed when raising seedlings to 6 or 8 leaves, and use a spray pot with fine holes to water them, so as not to be too strong to prevent seed loss. Sow from January to March and blossom after July; sow from August to October and blossom in the following year. Seeds can germinate 20 days after sowing at 22 degrees Celsius. It is generally used as potted plants and hanging pot plants or mixed with other flowers. The plant grows slowly and the seeds are so small that they do not need to be covered when they germinate. It is not suitable for high temperature, and grows better at 12-15 degrees Celsius. It can blossom at 65 after sowing. Usually sow 8-12 seeds per hole. Pay attention to loosening the soil and weeding at the seedling stage. Rare human feces and urine were applied once after planting, animal manure or ammonium sulfate and urea were applied once after harvest in summer, and rotten manure or compost was applied in winter. Irrigation should be followed in the dry season, and the economy keeps the soil moist to facilitate growth. Long-acting fertilizer should be added at the same time of planting, and then topdressing every three weeks or so, especially before flowering, more phosphate fertilizer should be added to facilitate flowering. Many flower friends do not know when to sow. For the sowing time of Liuxili, the best sowing time in the Yangtze River Basin is from September 10 to September 20, no more than National Day holiday in the evening, and no more than September 1 in the evening. Sowing in August, the seedlings will take shape early, probably in late February to early March can blossom, but due to climatic conditions, flowering sunshine and temperature is difficult to guarantee, flowering effect is not ideal, relatively sparse. As the temperature rises, the internodes of the branches become longer, the effect will be loose and can not achieve the goal of fullness, of course, if you like the effect of elegant hanging, that is ideal. Sowing early in this way also has certain advantages, that is, it takes a long time to enjoy the flowers. Sowing in September is the most suitable, especially in the middle of the climate. Sowing in October, the temperature will drop faster, the seedling stage will be long, and the growth will be slow throughout the winter, so it will test the patience of flower friends. With the rise of the temperature in spring, the seedlings will grow gradually, and the time left for heart-picking control will be relatively short, and it will be difficult to get a good effect. The seedlings sown in October can also pull up and blossom. However, because the temperature is already relatively high in the season suitable for growth, the internodes will be longer and the density of flowering will be greatly reduced. Because this flower is not heat-resistant, the time for appreciating flowers is limited in many places, and you don't want it to be gone for more than half a year. The main points of sowing should pay attention to the small seeds of the butterfly flower, so you can mix some fine sand before sowing, or plant the seedlings in a pot or flower bed when raising seedlings to 6 or 8 leaves, and use a fine-hole spray can to water it, do not be too strong, to prevent seed loss. Sow from January to March and blossom after July; sow from August to October and blossom in the following year. Seeds can germinate 20 days after sowing at 22 degrees Celsius. It is generally used as potted plants and hanging pot plants or mixed with other flowers. The plant grows slowly and the seeds are so small that they do not need to be covered when they germinate. It is not suitable for high temperature, and grows better at 12-15 degrees Celsius. It can blossom at 65 after sowing. Usually sow 8-12 seeds per hole. The distribution area of Liubeili is native to South Africa and is distributed in many provinces in China. Six-fold interest is also widely distributed in Jiangsu, Anhui, Zhejiang, Jiangxi, Fujian, Taiwan, Hubei, Hunan, Guangdong, Guangxi, Sichuan, Guizhou and other places. The medical information and health dietotherapy information of Liubeili dietotherapy or medicinal value Huanhua net are for reference only and can not be used as the basis of diagnosis and medical treatment. Any health problems should consult professional health care personnel, the treatment of any disease, please follow the doctor's advice. The ultimate task of protecting flowers: to love yourself, proceed from reality and follow the doctor's advice. For disease, do not be careless, do not postpone, do not give up hope, face it bravely, warm the silent world with love, and protect the inner flower field with your heart. Medicinal value: snakebite; carbuncle sore; tonsillitis; eczema; tinea pedis; fall injury; damp-heat jaundice; appendicitis; enteritis; glomerulonephritis; cirrhotic ascites and a variety of cancers. Treatment method 1, treatment of cold, dyspnea and malaria: 10 grams of stem vegetables and realgar. Mash the mud, cover the bowl, wait for cyan, and make the rice balls as big as Wuzi. Each take nine pills, hollow salt soup. ("Shouyu Shen Fang") 2. Treat snakebites: a mountain of stem vegetables soaked in roasted wine. ("Lingnan Herbal Medicine") Erxianshan stem vegetable 50g 100g, smash the strangled juice, add 50g sweet wine to mix, take the quilt to fall asleep, in order to sweat slightly. Poisonous-take it twice. And apply mashed fresh mountain stalk vegetables around the wound. ("Jiangxi Folk Herbal Medicine prescription") 3, to treat furuncle, all positive swelling and poison: the right amount of fresh mountain stalk vegetables, smashed with several grains of salt, applied to the affected area, yellow water exudate, gradually healed. ("Jiangxi Folk Herbal prescription") the unique blue flower variety of Liubili is an important variety of flower bed flowers in spring. The whole plant is swollen when it blossoms, and the plant is almost full of flowers. it is suitable for flower beds, potted plants, hanging pots and gardens, and is widely loved by families in Europe and the United States. Six times the cultural background of the literature records 1, "Compendium of Materia Medica": treatment of snake injury, ramming juice drink, with me encircling it. 2. "preparation of herbal medicine": apply sores, detumescence and toxin. 3. "Lingnan Medicine Collection record": treat fish mouth stool poison, fall wound and bruise pain, evil sore, fire sore, pound and apply it. 4. Chinese Medicine planting Chronicles: treatment of schistosomiasis ascites. 5. "Fujian folk herbs": clearing heat and detoxification, diuresis and detumescence. 6. "Lu Chuan Materia Medica": detoxification and anti-inflammation, diuresis, hemostasis and muscle production. Treat ascites, infantile wind, double single milk moth, lacquer sore, traumatic bleeding, skin scabies, snake bee scorpion injury and so on. 7. Nanning Medicine Chronicles: detumescence and detoxification. To treat eczema and ulcers at the beginning. 8. Chinese Herbal Medicine Picture Guide: decoction for rheumatic neuralgia and dizziness. The flower language of six times the profit: pity and sympathy. The method of planting seeds with six times of interest should ensure a long period of light.

The whole plant is swollen when it blossoms, and the plant is almost full of flowers. it is suitable for flower beds, potted plants, hanging pots and gardens. It is widely loved by families in Europe and the United States. let's take a look at the method of planting seeds.

Six times the profit of the culture method:

1, basin soil: six times the profit needs to choose loose, good drainage, rich in humus sandy soil. Put the soil into flowerpots about 10 to 15 centimeters in diameter and put in some base fertilizer. Two or three seedlings can be planted in the flowerpot to make the six-fold pot bloom more full and exuberant.

2. Illumination: Liubeili is a long-day plant, which needs to be illuminated for a long time, and needs to be exposed to sunlight for a long time every day. In the case of short sunshine time in winter and early spring, artificial light is needed to meet the lighting conditions of flowering.

3, temperature: six times the low temperature environment will grow well, the suitable temperature for growth is between 15 ℃ to 18 ℃, the cold resistance is poor and not resistant to extreme heat. You don't have to spend the winter indoors when the weather is cold, but you should be careful that it is not resistant to frost and avoid freezing.

4. Water and fertilizer: during the growth period of Liubeili, it can be watered every 7 to 10 days, basically following the principle of dry and thorough watering. Fertilization needs to be carried out according to the growth needs of six times profit, and nitrogen fertilizer can be applied once a week in order to make six times the benefit of healthy growth during the growth period.

5. Coring: coring and pruning is a simple method to control plant type. during the growth period, coring can promote the growth of lateral buds. If there are more branches, there will be more flower buds.

6. Diseases and insect pests: during the growth period of Liubeili, the growth status of Liubili plants should be observed frequently. Use some germicidal and insecticidal agents to prevent the invasion of mold or red spiders.

The growth habits of six-fold profit:

Liufoli is native to South Africa and is also widely distributed in Jiangsu, Anhui, Zhejiang, Jiangxi, Fujian, Taiwan, Hubei, Hunan, Guangdong, Guangxi, Sichuan and Guizhou. Liubeili needs long sunshine and low temperature to blossom. It is not strong in cold tolerance, avoids extreme heat, and likes loam rich in humus.

The breeding method of six-fold profit:

Sow seeds from January to March and blossom after July. Sow seeds from August to October and blossom in the next year. Seeds can germinate 20 days after sowing at 22 degrees Celsius and are generally used as pots and hanging pot plants or mixed with other flowers. The plant grows slowly and the seeds are so small that they do not need to be covered when they germinate. It is not suitable for high temperature, and it grows better at 12-15 degrees Celsius. It can blossom at 65 after sowing, usually sowing 8-12 seeds per hole.