
Culture methods and matters needing attention of floral plant torch flower

Published: 2024-09-21 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/21, Torch flower, also known as red torch stick, torch lotus, etc., is a perennial herb of the genus Liliaceae, native to South Africa, suitable for growing in loose and fertile sandy soil, flower shape and color like burning torches, embellished in emerald leaves with unique garden charm, can be planted in the lawn or beside rockery as a matching scene

Torch flower, also known as red torch stick, torch lotus, etc., is a perennial herb of the genus Liliaceae, native to South Africa, suitable for growing in loose and fertile sandy soil, flower shape and color like burning torches. embellished in the emerald leaves with a unique garden charm, can be planted in the lawn or planted beside the rockery as a matching scenery, let's take a look at the breeding methods and matters needing attention!

Growth habits of Torch Flower

The torch flower grows on the mountain at an altitude of 1800m to 3000m above sea level and on the rock peat layer along the coastal infiltration line. It is strong and hardy. Some varieties can withstand short-term ~ 20 ℃ low temperature. The aboveground part of North China has withered in winter, and the underground part can survive the winter in the open field. The Yangtze River basin can be cultivated as evergreen plants, and the upper leaves will be dry-frozen under the condition of ~ 5 ℃. Like warm and sunny environment, the soil requirements are not strict, but it is appropriate to humus-rich, well-drained loam, avoid rain and waterlogging.

Propagation methods of Torch Flower

1. Sowing: the torch flower can be sown and propagated in spring, summer and autumn, usually in spring and autumn, or sown with picking. Sowing and raising seedlings in greenhouse in January, planting in open field in April, and flowering in autumn of that year. The tiller buds can be cut and planted independently in spring and autumn. Proper amount of mature organic fertilizer should be applied to the cultivated land, and the plant-row spacing should be 30 × 40 cm. If sown at natural temperature, it will blossom in the next year.

2. Ramet: the ramet of torch flower is mostly carried out in autumn, and the time can be chosen after the autumn flowering period, the whole mother plant is dug up first, and it is divided into one plant every 2 or 3 tillering buds at the root neck for planting, with at least 2 or 3 roots. The row spacing of the plant is 30cm to 40cm and can be watered after planting. After planting, the management of water and fertilizer must be strengthened, 2 or 3 scape can be extracted in the second year, and the next year will blossom and grow normally.

The Culture method of Torch Flower

1. Soil: the torch flower is deeply ploughed and some mature organic fertilizer is applied before planting. Pot planting requires sandy loam with deep soil layer, fertile soil and good drainage.

2. Sunshine: torch flowers like a warm, sunny environment. If potted plants are placed in shade for a long time, the leaves will turn yellow due to lack of light.

3. Temperature: the torch flower has strong growth and cold tolerance. It can survive the winter at a temperature of more than 5 ℃ in winter, and some varieties can even withstand short-term-20 ℃ low temperature.

4. Watering: special attention should be paid to watering torch flowers. In dry areas in winter and spring, water should be thoroughly watered before freezing, and plants should be covered with hay or fallen leaves to prevent drying and freezing death.

5. Fertilization: when the flower stem of torch flower appears, the extra-root topdressing of potassium dihydrogen phosphate should be carried out with a concentration of 0.1%, with an interval of 7 to 10 days each time.

6. Pruning: the torch flower should be pruned with traditional Chinese medicine in the process of culture, and the residual flower branches should be cut off as soon as possible so as not to make it fruiting, so as not to consume nutrients.

7. Insect pests: the torch flower mainly harms leaves and flower stems by rust. At the initial stage of the disease, it is sprayed with lime-sulfur mixture or 400-fold solution of 25% verapamil EC.

Matters needing attention of torch flower

The main results are as follows: 1. In order to make the torch flower grow well and grow colorful, the torch flower should be fully mature organic fertilizer and certain calcium superphosphate or bone powder before planting.

2. Torch flower is a kind of positive plant, which requires plenty of sunshine during its growth period, so it must be planted in a sunny place, otherwise it will affect flowering.

3. Although the torch flower is not strict on the soil quality, it is suitable for the loam with rich humus and good drainage, and grows better in the clayey soil.

4. in order to maintain the excellent characteristics, ramet propagation is better, which should be carried out in autumn, and the shortened rhizome can be planted by cutting open the fibrous root.

Culture methods and matters needing attention of potted flowers

Hongyun head is a kind of pineapple family flower, also known as Mitou, round vertebra fruit vine, torch pineapple and so on, because the flower core is bright red, so it is called Hongyun head, leaf wide band shape, outward bend, dark green, spike is round vertebra-shaped, bracts dense, bright red, tip yellow, flowers open at the top or middle of the plant, let's take a look at Hongyun's breeding methods and points for attention!

The breeding method of good luck

1. Ramet propagation: after the Hongyundang plant blossoms, it will produce 1 to several tillering buds from the base of the mother plant. When the tillering buds grow to the size of the mother plant, the tiller buds can be cut off from the base of the buds with a knife, the lower leaves are removed, the cut is dried, and inserted into a basin of rotten leaf soil and plain sand. Under the conditions of slightly dry soil, 25 ~ 28C, ventilated and humid environment, it took root in about 12 ~ 15 days. After the new leaves begin to grow, normal cultivation and management can be carried out. If it is propagated separately, it can blossom in 1-3 years.

2. Sowing and reproduction: when Hongyun blossoms, artificial pollination must be carried out to bear fruit, and the seeds are very small. When using seeds to propagate, it is generally required that the temperature should be stable above 16C before sowing, and acid basin soil should be used. Cover with chopped moss or plastic film to moisturize after sowing. Under the temperature of 25 ~ 30C, the seedlings can emerge 20 ~ 25 days after sowing. When the seedlings grow to about 4 cm, they can be divided into shallow plates, then planted separately with the growth of the seedlings, and finally planted in the flowerpot. It takes 3 to 4 years for seed propagation to blossom.

The aquaculture method with good luck

1. Lighting: if you want to see bright leaves and blossom regularly, light plays an important role. You need at least 4 to 5 hours of sunshine every day in the cold season. If it is cloudy, light can be used instead of sunlight. It is not suitable to be exposed to the sun, so it is appropriate to put it in a cool place in summer.

2. Temperature: the suitable temperature for Hongyundang is 15 ℃ to 22 ℃, and the lowest temperature in winter should not be lower than 10 ℃, otherwise the plant will suffer frost damage, make the leaf color turn yellow, and affect the healthy growth of the plant.

3. Soil: Hongyun is suitable for the growth of loose, fertile and humus soil. Friends who plan to grow at home can choose 2 parts of peat soil mixed with 1 part of fine sand to prepare culture soil. (hint: because many flower lovers bring dirt when they buy it, there is no need to change the soil, unless what they buy is a very small one.)

4. Fertilizer: when Hongyun blossoms in winter, there must be enough fertilizer. Thin organic liquid fertilizer, such as bean cake and sesame sauce residue soaking solution (20% concentration is suitable), can also be used every two weeks. Soy bean soaking solution or fermented rice washing water can also be used. (hint: flowers are suitable for thin fertilizer to avoid too much at one time.)

5. Moisture: Hongyun prefers a humid environment, keeping the basin soil moist on weekdays, and generally does not water on rainy days. Family maintenance, it is best to use pure water after drying, not directly irrigated with tap water. Hongyun is a flower that can enjoy both flowers and leaves. It is best to spray water on the leaves once a day to remove dust and make the leaves bright. at the same time, it is also conducive to photosynthesis and promote the healthy growth of plants. (hint: although Hongyun likes a high humidity environment, it doesn't mean a lot of watering, such as foliar spraying.)

6. Diseases and insect pests: pineapple flowers are prone to diseases and insect pests in the environment of high temperature, humidity and poor ventilation, such as soot disease, red spider, shell insects and so on. If diseases are found, carbendazim can be sprayed in time, and pests can be sprayed with omethoate. No matter which solution is sprayed, it must be carried out outdoors to prevent pollution of the indoor environment. (hint: most flower friends' good luck is bought directly from the flower market, generally disposable flowers, so there are not many opportunities to encounter diseases and insect pests.)

Matters needing attention at the head of good luck

1. In daily maintenance, when Hongyun is in bloom, remember not to apply fertilizer, otherwise it will lead to nutritional prosperity. And the flowers can be cut off in time after blooming, and then fertilized. Generally, cuttings are selected in the growing period of small plants.

2. Hongyun blossoms only once, and cuttings or transplants should be carried out in time after flowering. Flowering usually occurs in the third year after the mature plant.

3. At the head of Hong Yun, the growing environment should be placed in a semi-shady and long-term ventilated place, which is always moist. Because it is a parasitic plant, it will not take root very deeply in the soil. If too much fertilizer is harmful, it will lead to root rot. Therefore, home cultivation is suitable for small pot planting.

4. Watering is usually watered before noon or in the morning and evening, and needs to be watered thoroughly. If photosynthesis cannot be carried out after watering at night, it is easier to survive germs. And if the temperature is too high, insect pests will occur, so it is recommended to control the temperature.

Conclusion: the breeding methods and matters needing attention at the head of Hongyun are introduced to you first. In fact, Hongyudang can be said to be the boutique of flowers, showing the high taste of the owner, cooperating with the furnishings of the home, and adding a beautiful scenery. next we are going to take a look at the role of Hongyun in breeding.

Is good luck poisonous?

Good luck is innocuous. Many people mistakenly say that some pineapple flowers are poisonous and their fragrance can make people unconscious and cannot be kept indoors. In fact, there is no scientific basis for this. Although Hongyunchouhua belongs to semi-shade plant, its ability to purify air is not very strong, but it is not poisonous. As an ornamental type of fireworks, many other plants have different habits. Many plants of the pineapple family release oxygen at night, the main principle is the metabolism of crassulanic acid, so the flowers that work with other plants will purify the air of the family.

The aquaculture function of good luck

The main results are as follows: 1. Hongyun can release oxygen at night. when the leaves of most plants photosynthesis during the day, the stomata open to night, the plants enter the sleep state, and the stomata close, while the pineapple plants are just the opposite. This phenomenon is called crassulanic acid metabolism in plant science. Under this effect, good luck inhaled a large amount of carbon dioxide and released oxygen on the first night. Therefore, putting a pot of good luck in the bedroom means having a family oxygen bar.

2. Good luck should be placed in the living room, with the intention of gathering wealth and getting fat. In addition, it also likes the moist environment, you can put it in the bathroom to absorb dirt. Of course, if the bathroom is spacious, bright and air-conditioned, you can decorate the bathroom like a mini garden with gorgeous plants like Hongyudang. However, it should also be appropriate to let good luck absorb some sunshine. So if your balcony is more empty, you can also breed such flowers with bright colors and evergreen leaves, which can sometimes have the fengshui effect of flourishing evil spirits.

3. We say that growing flowers can cultivate the mind, eliminate troubles, relax the mood, and it is also an appropriate amount of physical activity. Luck can increase indoor humidity, beautify the environment, produce oxygen and eliminate nervous tension and visual fatigue. When you are mentally sleepy, you can look at the good luck around you to broaden your mind and relax your nervous nerves. Good luck at the moment like the semi-overcast environment, suitable for the hall, desk, living room, office, conference room and other places. Imagine that you can enjoy such lovely flowers in your leisurely time, and you will feel comfortable naturally.

The leaves of good fortune turn yellow

1. Good luck leads to tropical flowers, and many flower lovers' homes cannot achieve high temperature and humidity, so it is inevitable that the leaves are withered and yellow, and hair curls are inevitable. Once this is done, you can consider throwing them away, because good luck blossoms only once in your life. The picture below is a picture of cultivating good luck in the greenhouse, we can see that the good luck in the greenhouse is very strong, this is the difference between high temperature and humidity environment.

2. Good luck has the characteristic of blooming only once in a lifetime. Flower friends have already flowered when they buy it. After appreciating a period of flowering, the plant will slowly age and the leaves will turn yellow. at this time, you can consider throwing it away. or propagate separately when there are evil buds.

3. Improper watering leads to the yellowing of leaves in the head of Hongyun. In general, watering only needs to pour water into the core of the leaves, and dry air can also spray water, if the stagnant water in the basin will lead to yellowing of leaves and rotting roots.

The watering method of good luck

1. Good luck loves the water, but remember not to water it too often! When watering, the water should be watered in the cup in the middle, not directly in the flowerpot. Hongyun head watering needs to be determined according to the amount of water in the leaf cup, there should be sufficient water in the leaf cup, and the water quality should be clean, and fertile water can also be irrigated, but the clear water must be changed in about a week.

2. in the case of dry, muggy or low temperature, the leaf edges and tips of Hongyun are easy to scorch, so to keep the basin soil moist, you can spray water on the leaves one or two times a day, and the cup-shaped part in the middle of the leaf seat can be filled with water.

3. Good luck likes water at the moment, but you must pay attention to the watering time, not at noon, preferably in the morning, and in the morning and evening in summer. Special attention should also be paid to the watering part, which should be watered in the leaf cup, not only in the basin soil, some people like to give it fertilizer and water, this is also fine, but we must pay attention to it, after watering, the clear water should be changed for a week, otherwise the plant heart will rot.

How to cultivate Torch Flower

The torch flower plant is strong, blossoms from July to August, and the flowers are yellow, orange-red, red and so on. The tall-haired flower stem holds the torch flower-like inflorescence high, magnificent and impressive, suitable for perennial mixed flower border and configuration in front of buildings, and can also be used as cut flowers. Next, let's take a look at how to raise the torch flower with the editor, and introduce the breeding method of the torch flower in detail.

Introduction of Torch Flower

Torch flower, also known as red fire stick, is native to southern Africa. It is more hardy and can survive the winter in the open field in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River. Like plenty of sunshine, but also withstand half-shade. It is suitable to be cultivated in sandy loam with good drainage and deep soil layer.

Torch flower, alias: red fire stick, torch lotus, Latin name: Kniphofia uvaria, Liliaceae, torch lotus perennial herbs. Like warmth, it is suitable to grow in loose and fertile sandy soil. Can be planted in the lawn or planted next to rockery, used as a backdrop. It often appears in some poems as a metaphor for grand and warm scenes!

1. Morphological characteristics

The plant is 80-120 cm tall and the stem is erect. The raceme bears hundreds of tubular florets with a torch-shaped Corolla orange-red with a florescence from June to July. The leaves are linear. Capsule yellowish brown, fruiting in September.

2. Ecological habits

Torch flowers like warm, moist, sunny and sunny environment, but also resistant to semi-shade. Sandy loam with deep, fertile and well-drained soil is required. Appropriate amount of base fertilizer, phosphorus and potassium fertilizer should be applied before planting. After transplanting or ramet, the seedlings should be watered for 2 or 3 times, cut weeds and keep the soil moist in time, and resume growth after about 2 weeks.

How to raise torch flowers

I. cultivation techniques of Torch Flower

1. Ground planting

Sowing and raising seedlings in greenhouse in January, planting in open field in April, and flowering from July to August in summer. Appropriate amount of base fertilizer, phosphorus and potassium fertilizer should be applied before planting. After transplanting or ramet, the seedlings should be watered for 2 or 3 times to weed in time and keep the soil moist.

Strengthen the cultivation management, sowing seedlings or split seedlings can blossom in the second year. When the scape appears, it is necessary to apply 0.1% potassium dihydrogen phosphate external topdressing 2 times, each time at an interval of 7 to 10 days, or with 1% 2% superphosphate fertilizer once, to enhance the stiffness of the scape and prevent bending. Increase irrigation before flowering, and stop watering after the flowers fade. If the flower is bitten by a beetle during flowering, 0.2% omethoate can be sprayed. Torch flower has strong cold tolerance, so open field cultivation should be properly covered with grass to keep warm in order to survive the winter safely.

2. Colonization

The seedling height 10cm should be planted with extra-root topdressing of 2 Mel 3 potassium dihydrogen phosphate, with a concentration of 0.1% at an interval of 7 to 10 days, and should be replanted every 2 to 3 years to promote the growth of new roots and facilitate cultivation.

In the production of cut flowers, the florescence should be prolonged as much as possible, which can be controlled by sowing and transplanting by stages. The natural flowering period of torch flower is from late May to mid-June. If the seedlings sown in the previous year are transplanted and planted in April-June of the second year, they can blossom in September-October.

II. Culture methods of Torch Flower

Torch flower can be cultivated in open field or potted in many rows. The planting site should choose clayey loam with high and dry terrain, leeward and sunny place and rich in humus. Before planting, apply more mature organic fertilizer, increase phosphorus and potassium fertilizer, and then dig deep into the soil. The height of the seedling was fixed around 10cm, and the row spacing was 30cm × 40cm. After planting, the seedlings were watered twice, and then ploughed, loosened soil and squatted seedlings to promote the development of new roots.

If sufficient water supply and topdressing are needed in summer, it will grow rapidly, and under the condition of 25-28 ℃ and sufficient sunshine, it can heading and blossom in about 5 months. When the flower stem appears, the extra-root topdressing of 2 Murray potassium dihydrogen phosphate should be carried out. Each time the interval is 7-10 days, the concentration is 0.1%, or 1%-2% calcium superphosphate is used as soil topdressing, which can increase the stiffness of the flower stem and prevent bending. More basal fertilizer should be applied before dividing and planting in autumn to supplement the lack of nutrition in the plant.

The overwintering ability of torch flower is closely related to the accumulation of nutrients in its body. After flowering, the residual flower branches should be cut off as soon as possible so as not to make it fruiting so as not to consume nutrients. In dry areas in winter and spring, water should be poured through before freezing, and plants should be covered with hay or fallen leaves to prevent drying and freezing death. It is late to remove the cold cover in early spring, so pay attention to the attack of cold in late spring to prevent plant damage.

Torch flower is a shallow root flower with slightly fleshy root system, less root hair, dense and clustered root system, less root hair and lower absorptive capacity, so it must be replanted every 2-3 years. To promote the growth of new roots. The seedlings were watered twice when the seedlings were moved, and the seedlings were squatted under ploughing and loosening soil to promote the development of new roots at 25-28.

Appropriate amount of base fertilizer, phosphorus and potassium fertilizer should be applied before planting. After transplanting or ramet, the seedlings should be watered for 2-3 times, cut weeds and keep the soil moist in time, and resume growth after about 2 weeks. When the scape appears, it is necessary to apply 0.1% potassium dihydrogen phosphate external topdressing 2-3 times, each time at an interval of 7-10 days, or with 1% Murray 2% superphosphate topdressing once, to enhance the stiffness of the scape and prevent bending. Increase irrigation before flowering, and stop watering after the flowers fade.

Third, pot management

1. Lack of light

Catharanthus roseus likes a warm, sunny environment. If potted plants are placed in shade for a long time, the leaves will turn yellow due to lack of light.

2. Poor ventilation of basin soil.

Catharanthus roseus requires loose matrix and good ventilation, such as planting in clayey alkaline soil, resulting in poor root development due to soil consolidation, affecting the growth of aboveground parts and yellowing leaves.

3. Lack of fertilizer and stagnant water or too wet

Potted Catharanthus roseus in the growing period, such as insufficient fertilization and too much watering or poor drainage, will cause the leaf color to turn yellow. In view of the above reasons, strengthening maintenance in time can avoid leaf yellowing.

Fourth, the propagation mode of torch flower.

Common ramet and sowing propagation

Ramets are carried out before the germination of new leaves in March or after flowering in autumn, and whisker roots should be left on each tuber root. Generally speaking, the ramets are divided once every 3-4 years.

Sowing, autumn sowing, 20-25 days after sowing, seedlings need 3 years to blossom.

The sowing time should be in spring and autumn, and the sowing effect in early spring is the best. It can be sowed in the seedling box for easy management. The depth of covering soil is 0.5cm, and the optimum temperature for germination is about 25 ℃. Generally, it can sprout 2-3 weeks after sowing. When the seedlings grow to 5 cm × 10 cm, they can be planted, and the row spacing is 30 cm × 40 cm. Ramet propagation can be used for 4-5-year-old plants, which can be divided in both spring and autumn, usually after anthesis, with the most suitable period in early September. When ramet, cut from the rhizome, each plant should have 2-3 buds, and attach some fibrous roots, respectively, the plant row spacing is 30 cm × 40 cm.

5. Disease control of torch flower

Rust mainly harms leaves and flower stems. At the initial stage of the disease, lime-sulfur mixture or 400-fold solution of 25% verapamil EC is used to control the disease.

If you encounter a beetle bite and eat flowers during flowering, you can spray 0.21% omethoate.

Torch flower has strong cold tolerance, so open field cultivation should be properly covered with grass to keep warm in order to survive the winter safely.