
Growth habits and culture methods of wisteria

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Wisteria has been cultivated as a garden scaffolding plant in China since ancient times, with its first leaves blooming, purple ears covered with sparse tender leaves, very beautiful, generally used in garden scaffolding, purple flowers in spring, unique interest, suitable for planting in lakeside, poolside, rockery, Shifang and other places, with a unique style, bonsai is also often used

Wisteria flower for our country since ancient times that is cultivated as garden scaffolding plants, first leaves bloom, purple ears full of hanging with sparse tender leaves, very beautiful, generally used in garden scaffolding, spring purple flowers bloom, do not have fun, suitable for planting in the lake, pool, rockery, stone square and other places, with unique style, bonsai is also commonly used, let's take a look at the cultivation method of wisteria flower!

Growth Habits of Wisteria Flower

Wisteria is a warm-zone and temperate plant. It has strong adaptability to climate and soil, cold resistance, water resistance, humidity resistance and barren soil, light resistance and shade resistance. The soil layer is deep, the drainage is good, and the place where the sun is sheltered from the wind is most suitable for cultivation. Taproot is deep, lateral root is shallow, intolerant transplant. It grows faster and has a long life. Entanglement ability is strong, to other plants have strangulation effect. In Guangdong, it can adapt to the temperature of all seasons. It should be placed at a low temperature of about 0℃ during winter, and the pot soil should be kept slightly wet to make the plant fully dormant.

The propagation method of wisteria flower

1, cuttage: generally use hardwood cuttings, in late March before the bud of branches select 1~2 years of thick branches, cut into about 15 cm long cuttings, inserted into the prepared seedbed, cuttage depth for the length of 2/3 cuttings. Spraying water after planting, strengthening maintenance, keeping the seedbed moist, the survival rate is very high, the plant height of that year can reach 20~50 cm, and it can be taken out of the nursery after two years.

2. Sowing: Wisteria flower sowing and reproduction are carried out in March, seeds are harvested in November, pod skins are removed, dried and bagged for storage. Soak seeds in hot water before sowing. When the temperature of boiling water drops to about 30℃, remove seeds and wash them in cold water for a while, then store them for a day and night before sowing. Or store seeds with wet sand and soak them in water for 1 to 2 days before sowing.

Cultivation method of wisteria flower

1, soil: Wisteria tolerance barren, but fertile soil is more conducive to growth, soil pH adaptability is also strong, should choose deep soil layer, fertile soil and good drainage high dry place.

2, light: Wisteria nature like sunlight, slightly shade resistance, in order to make good fertility, generally set up scaffolding for breeding, but there are also shorter species can be used as potted plants or bonsai production.

3. Temperature: Wisteria has strong adaptability, can withstand summer heat and cold, and is cultivated from south to north in China, so it can adapt to the needs of Wisteria growth all year round in Guangdong.

4, watering: Wisteria flower taproot is very deep, so there is a strong drought tolerance, but like wet soil, but can not let the roots soak in water, otherwise there will be rotten roots.

5. Fertilization: Wisteria flower can basically meet the needs by applying compound fertilizer 2~3 times a year. Nitrogen fertilizer and calcium superphosphate can be applied before germination. Topdressing 2~3 times during growth can be done with decomposed human excrement.

6, pruning: Wisteria flower pruning time should be in the dormant period, pruning can be done by thinning and artificial traction to make branches evenly distributed, but also according to its jumping habits for reasonable pruning.

The cultivation method of Wisteria flower Wisteria flower value introduction

Wisteria flower is a beautiful appearance, decorative effect of good plants. And if you want to cultivate wisteria flower well, you need to spend a lot of effort. In this regard, the next content to tell you about the cultivation method of wisteria flower.

Wisteria, also known as rattan, red vine, is an excellent flowering rattan plant, generally used in garden scaffolding, purple flowers bloom in spring, do not have interest, suitable for planting in lakeside, pool, rockery, stone square and other places, with unique style, bonsai is also commonly used. Wisteria flowers will bear fruit shaped like pods, hanging between branches, do not have fun. Sometimes they bloom again in late summer and early fall. Flowers and pods contrast with green leaves.

Cultivated wisteria flowers will bear fruit shaped like pods, hanging between branches, do not have fun. Sometimes they bloom again in late summer and early fall. Flowers and pods contrast with green leaves. Under normal circumstances, potted wisteria should be cut off in time to avoid nutrient consumption. Wisteria is a deciduous vine. During its dormant period, it can be trimmed to adjust the branch layout to maintain a graceful posture. Wisteria has a long life span and extensive management. As long as sufficient sunshine is ensured and water and fertilizer are appropriate, flowers and leaves can be kept flourishing every year.

Cultivation method of wisteria flower

Wisteria planting should choose deep soil, fertile soil and good drainage of high dry place, excessive moisture easy to rot roots. Planting time is generally after autumn leaves to spring germination. Wisteria root thick and long, less lateral roots, not resistant to transplantation, so in transplanting, plants to take soil balls, or not with soil balls, branches of heavy shear, planting holes organic fertilizer as base fertilizer. Water thoroughly after planting. For larger plants, strong and durable scaffolding should be set up before planting, and thick branches should be tied to the frame after planting to make them climb along the frame. The daily management of Wisteria sinensis is simple, and water and fertilizer management can be carried out appropriately according to the water and fertilizer conditions of the soil.

Wisteria can be used cuttage, layering, sowing, grafting, tillering and other methods of propagation. In order to keep the tree shape beautiful, potted wisteria should control the fertilizer and water of the plant, do not make it grow too big, strengthen pruning and topping. Every year, when the new shoots are about 15 cm long, they should be removed once, and they can be cut again after flowering. The pruning of wisteria is an important work in management. The pruning time should be in dormant period. The branches can be evenly distributed by thinning and artificial traction. In order to promote flowering and leafy, reasonable pruning should be carried out according to its jumping habit. Because Wisteria has strong ability to branch, flower buds are born in the basal leaf axils of annual branches, and the top of growing branches is easy to dry up. Therefore, the new branches of that year should be retracted, 1/3-1/2 cut off, and the thin branches and dead branches should be cut off at the base.

After finishing the cultivation method of Wisteria flower, I will talk about the value of its flowers.

Ornamental value: wisteria flower is a long-lived tree species, folk very fond of planting, adult plants stem winding flexion, flowering many, clusters of inflorescences hanging between green leaves and vines, slender pods swaying in the wind, since ancient times Chinese literati love to take it as the theme of poetry painting. In the courtyard with its climbing scaffolding, made flower gallery, or with its climbing dead wood, there is dead wood every life meaning. Can also be made into a beautiful cliff-style bonsai posture, placed on the top of a few high shelves, bookcases, flowers full of trees, old piles inclined horizontally, do not have charm.

Environmental value: Wisteria flower has strong resistance to harmful gases such as sulfur dioxide and hydrogen oxide, and has adsorption ability for dust in the air. It has been widely used in greening, especially in three-dimensional greening. It can not only achieve greening and beautification effects, but also play a role in increasing oxygen, cooling, reducing dust and reducing noise.

Medicinal value: wisteria flower to stem bark, flowers and seeds used as medicine. Wisteria flower can extract aromatic oil, and can detoxify, stop vomiting diarrhea. Wisteria seeds have a small poison, containing cyanide, can treat bone pain, but also to prevent wine rot deterioration. Wisteria bark can kill insects, pain, can cure wind pain, pinworm disease and so on.

The culture method of wisteria flower, wisteria flower language complete

Wisteria flower also known as rattan, red vine, yellow ring. For legumes, wisteria deciduous climbing winding large vines. It is a spring-flowering host house, with a purple butterfly corolla, purple or deep purple flowers, very beautiful. And wisteria flower life is long, management is more extensive, is very good breeding. Below, let's take a look at the cultivation method of Wisteria flower to start the flower language of Wisteria flower. Wisteria flower introduction Wisteria flower for deciduous climbing entanglement of large vines, belonging to the leguminous wisteria attributes. Its dry skin is dark gray, undivided, flowering in spring, purple butterfly corolla, purple or dark purple flowers, very beautiful. Wisteria is a warm-zone and temperate plant with strong adaptability to its growing environment. The flower of wisteria flower can be eaten, often purple flowers or water blanched cold salad, or wrapped fried, making "purple radish cake","purple radish cake". Wisteria flower growth habits Wisteria flower is warm zone and temperate plants, it is very strong adaptability to climate and soil. Relatively cold, moisture resistant and barren soil. They prefer light and shade. When planting, it is best to cultivate in a place with deep soil layer, good drainage and sunny wind. Wisteria flower taproot is deeper, lateral root shallow, not tolerant of displacement. But it grows faster and has a long life. Wisteria orchid applicability strong, heat-resistant, cold-resistant, year-round temperature can adapt to Wisteria. In winter, at a low temperature of about 0 ° C, as long as the basin soil is slightly wet, it can safely winter. Wisteria cultivation method soil: Because the main root of Wisteria flower is very long, so when planting it, it needs deep soil, Wisteria tolerance is poor, but it grows better in fertile soil. Wisteria has strong adaptability to soil pH value. Generally choose deep soil layer, fertile soil and good drainage of high dry place, excessive moisture easy to rot roots. Propagation methods: For the propagation of Wisteria flower, it can be propagated by cutting, layering, sowing, grafting, tillering and other methods. Generally, when potted, in order to maintain its beautiful tree shape, you can control the fertilizer and water of the plant, do not make it grow too large, and strengthen its pruning and pinching. Generally, when the new month is 15 cm every year, it is necessary to pick the heart once and trim it once after flowering. Watering: Because the main root of Wisteria is very deep, it is more resistant to drought, but also likes wet soil, so when watering, be sure to pay attention. Can't let its roots soak in water, that easily leads to rotten roots. Fertilization: In the first Wisteria flower is fertilized, generally 2-3 times a year compound fertilizer can basically meet the needs. In its germination money can be applied once nitrogen fertilizer, calcium superphosphate, etc. Then apply 2-3 times in the growth period, and use decomposed human excrement. Pruning: When pruning wisteria flowers, it should be carried out during its dormant period. Pruning can be carried out by densifying and artificial traction to make the branches evenly distributed. In order to better promote its flowers and leaves, it can be pruned according to its growth habits. Because the growth speed of wisteria flowers is relatively fast, flower buds are born in the basal leaf axils of annual branches, and the top of growing branches is easy to dry up, so the new branches of that year should be retracted, cut off 1/3-1/2, and thin branches and dead branches should be cut off at the base. Wisteria flower is not only a plant with ornamental value, it has strong resistance to harmful gases such as sulfur dioxide and hydrogen oxide, and has adsorption ability for dust in the air. It can not only play a role in beautification, but also can play a role in oxygenation, cooling, dust reduction and noise reduction. The flower language of wisteria flower is: born for love, died for love. Intoxicating love, attached missing. The happiest moment for you! Addicted love. Summary: The above is the introduction of the cultivation method of Wisteria flower and Wisteria flower language brought to you by Xiaobian. After reading the introduction of Xiaobian, I believe everyone has a certain understanding. Wisteria flowers can be used not only to beautify the environment, but also to evolve the air. And it has analgesic and insecticidal effects. Wisteria flower pods, seeds and stem bark are toxic, if eaten by mistake pods and seeds will occur vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea and dehydration phenomenon. Children ingesting two seeds can cause severe poisoning. When planting, pay attention. Related recommendations Curtain fabric Carpet mat Green radish how to raise The cultivation method of aloe vera Yellow chrysanthemum effect and function The efficacy of jasmine tea The cultivation method of jasper