
Culture methods and matters needing attention of indoor potted orchids

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Cymbidium, also known as weeping potted grass, hanging orchid, Diaolan, Cymbidium, etc., is a perennial evergreen herb of the family Liliaceae, with a flowering period of May and a fruiting period of August. it is native to southern Africa and is widely cultivated all over the world. it has high ornamental value, the plant can purify the air, and the whole plant can be used as medicine.

Hanging orchid, also known as hanging pot grass, hanging orchid, fishing orchid, orchid, Cymbidium, etc., is a perennial evergreen herb of the family Liliaceae, flowering in May and fruiting in August, originating in southern Africa and widely cultivated all over the world. It has a high ornamental value, and the plant can purify the air. The whole plant can be used as medicine. Let's take a look at the breeding methods and matters needing attention.

Growth habits of Cymbidium

Cymbidium prefers warm, humid, semi-overcast environment, strong adaptability, drought tolerance, not very cold resistance, no choice of soil, and grows better in well-drained, loose and fertile sandy soil. Light requirements are not strict, generally suitable for growth in medium light conditions, but also resistant to weak light. The suitable temperature for growth is 1525 ℃, and the overwintering temperature is 5 ℃. When the temperature is 20-24 ℃, the growth is the fastest, and it is easy to produce stolons. When the growth stops at more than 30 ℃, the leaves often turn yellow and dry. The plant can grow normally and blossom at room temperature of more than 12 ℃ in winter. If the temperature is too low, the growth is slow or dormant. If the temperature is less than 5 ℃, cold injury is easy to occur.

Propagation methods of Cymbidium

1. Cutting method: Cymbidium cuttings can be carried out at any time from spring to autumn. Cut the clustered stems and leaves on the stolon of Cymbidium (in fact, it is a new plant larva, with leaves on the top and air roots at the bottom), plant it directly into a flowerpot and keep it in the shade. Be careful not to bury it too deep when cutting, otherwise it is easy to break your heart. When potted orchids are planted, the number of cuttings depends on the size of the pot. Generally, small pots can cut 2 to 3 trees, medium pots to about 3, and large pots to 5 to 6.

2. split method: when the plant is divided, the plant can be lifted out of the basin, the old soil and rotten root can be removed, and the old root can be cut open, so that there are three stems on the split plant, and then transplanted and cultured respectively. The clustered stems and leaves on the stolon of Cymbidium can also be cut (in fact, it is a new plant larva, with leaves on the top and air roots on the bottom), and can be planted directly in the flowerpot.

3. Sowing method: the seed propagation of Cymbidium can be carried out in March every year. Because its seed grain is not big, after sowing the seed, the covering soil above should not be thick, generally 0.5 cm. Under the condition of 15 ℃, the seeds can germinate in about 2 weeks, and then transplant and culture after the seedlings take shape. When the varieties with leaf art were propagated by seeds, the offspring were degenerated into all-green varieties.

The Culture method of Cymbidium

1. Soil selection: the cultivation of Cymbidium is suitable for easy and fertile sandy loam, which requires that the soil contains humus and strong permeability. Potted plants can use rotten leaf soil or peat soil, garden soil and river sand mixed with a small amount of base fertilizer as the substrate. After changing the basin, we should pay attention to the re-preparation of new soil.

2. suitable lighting: hanging orchid likes semi-shady environment, and hanging orchid is very sensitive to light. if the summer and autumn sun is direct, the leaves will wither and yellow, or even the whole plant will die, so it should be kept in a cool and ventilated place, and pay attention to maintain environmental humidity. at most, you can only see some oblique light sooner or later. In winter, because the sun is not strong, we can let the orchid accept some direct sunlight properly.

3. Culture temperature: Cymbidium prefers warm and humid climate and is not resistant to severe cold and heat. The optimum growth temperature of Cymbidium is 1525 degrees Celsius, and the room temperature in winter should not be lower than 5 ℃. Avoid strong light in high temperature season, need to keep shade sparse, low temperature and cool time should see more sunlight, in order to keep the leaf color bright. In Guangdong Province, China, the temperatures in spring, summer and autumn are all suitable for the growth of Cymbidium, but attention should be paid to cold prevention and heat preservation when the winter temperature is lower than 5-7 degrees Celsius.

4. Watering: Diaolan likes water, because its fleshy root has developed water storage tissue and strong drought resistance, but it needs more water during the peak growth period from March to September, so it should be watered and sprayed frequently to increase humidity and keep the basin soil completely moist. During the dormant period in winter, the basin soil can be watered after it is dry at a depth of about one centimeter. It should be noted that if the soil is too dry, it will cause the leaves to fade temporarily, although the primary color will be restored after rewatering, but the leaf tip may turn brown permanently. Spray water on branches and leaves around noon and in the evening

5. Fertilization management: Cymbidium is a more fertilizer-tolerant plant. If there is not enough fertilizer and water, it is easy for the scorched head to grow old, the leaves turn yellow and lose ornamental value. For Cymbidium which has begun to grow plantlets, nitrogen topdressing can be applied once every half a month. If the orchid grows well, it can be done without fertilization.

6. Change soil and basin: Cymbidium culture usually changes the basin once every 2 to 3 years, but in order to achieve luxuriant stems and leaves, the soil and basin can be changed in March every year.

7. Reasonable pruning: in the aspect of pruning, the yellow leaves should be cut off at any time at ordinary times, and the basin can be turned once every March to cut off the old root, rotten root and excess fibrous root. The old leaves of Cymbidium can be cut off in the first and middle of May, which will promote the germination of more new leaves and small Cymbidium.

8. Hydroponic hanging orchids: hydroponic culture can also be used for hydroponic culture. when hydroponic culture is to be carried out, potted orchids can be poured out of the basin, wash the soil with water, cut off old leaves and roots, put them in hydroponic utensils, and then pour clean water. Be careful not to have too much water, just to the root and stem. In order to grow vigorously, you can drop a few drops of nutrient solution into the water. Wide-mouth glass bottles, glasses and other containers can be used for utensils. The water in the container can be changed every few days, or some water can be added.

Culture method of hydroponic Cymbidium

1. Select the container: generally, the vase should be selected according to the size of the hydroponic suspension orchid, which can be fixed or not.

2. Seedling selection: you can choose to walk the new seedlings on the stem, preferably with aerial roots, or you can wash off the soil and carry out hydroponic culture.

3. Hydroponic culture method: do not add too much water when hydroponic culture, and the root system can be no more than 1 beat, 3 cycles, 1 blade, 2 roots.

4. Maintenance and management: the pure water is changed every 2-3 days. If the pure water is changed from soil culture to hydroponics, part of the root system will rot at the initial stage, which needs to be cut off and sterilized. When the new water root is 3 to 5 centimeters long, it is necessary to add nutrient solution to the water, the amount does not need to be large. The maintenance environment had better have scattered light, not too shaded or exposed to the sun, and those with dry leaf tips should be pruned in time.

The Culture function of Cymbidium

1, beautify the room: the hanging orchid is one of the most traditional living room hanging plants, the leaves are slender and soft, and small plants are drawn from the leaf axils, hanging down from the edge of the pot, stretching and drooping, like flowers, evergreen all the year round, small white flowers blooming in summer, and stamens yellow. It is one of the best varieties of green plants used to beautify the room.

2. Fresh air: the fresh air effect of the orchid is very remarkable. It can carry out photosynthesis in weak light, absorb more than 80% of the harmful gases in the room, and has a strong ability to absorb formaldehyde. If you keep 2 pots of hanging orchids in a room, you can absorb all the poisonous gases in the air. in a room of 8 to 10 square meters, a pot of hanging orchids is equivalent to an air purifier, which can kill 80% of the harmful substances in the room within 24 hours, absorb 86% formaldehyde, absorb carbon monoxide and nitrogen peroxide emitted by stoves, electrical appliances and plastic products, and decompose benzene. Absorb nicotine and other relatively stable harmful substances in cigarette smoke, so the orchid is also known as "green purifier".

3. Improve fengshui: the decoration of hanging orchid also has certain significance in the layout of fengshui at home, according to the layout of fengshui at home, in order to add positive energy field, enhance the fortune and wealth of the family, and is beneficial to the well-being of the suction tract, lungs and spleen of the family.

4. Medicinal value: the root and whole herb of Cymbidium can be used as medicine, which can resolve phlegm and relieve cough, dissipate blood stasis and detumescence, clear heat and detoxification. The main phlegm-heat cough, fall injury, fracture, carbuncle swelling, hemorrhoids, burns. It can be used for children with high fever, lung heat and cough, hematemesis, swelling and pain.

Prevention and control of diseases and insect pests of Cymbidium

1. Scale insects: according to the occurrence of shell insects, spray during the peak period of nymphs. Therefore, most nymphs do not hatch soon, the body surface has not yet secreted wax, the shell has not been formed, and it is still easy to kill with drugs. Spray once every 7-10 days, 2-3 times in a row. Spray with 1000 times of omethoate, 1500 times of malathion, 1000 times of imidophos, 1000 times of 50% dichlorvos, or 3000 times of 2.5% deltamethrin.

2. Whitefly: irrigate the roots with 500 × 800 times of carbendazim wettable powder once a week for 2 or 3 times.

3. Aphids: aphids in spring are one of them, which should be erased in time and can be killed by spraying 1500 times omethoate.

4. Mites: the second is mites in summer and autumn, which needs to be killed with 1000 times triclofenac. Pay attention to ventilation and increase leaf humidity, can reduce the infection of mites.

5. Root rot: root rot can be irrigated by 2 grams per square meter with wet powder, or 1500 to 3000 times before or at the initial stage of the disease, with 200 milliliters per plant. When the disease is serious, the diseased plants should be removed and root irrigation should be carried out at the same time.

Matters needing attention of hanging orchid

The main results are as follows: 1. Fertilizing too much exceeds the requirement of the plant. At the beginning, the leaves were shiny and uneven, the roots rotted and the leaves were yellow. Should stop fertilizing, irrigate more water, or turn the pot to clean the root and replace the new soil.

2. without turning the basin and changing the soil for a long time, all kinds of nutrient elements in the basin soil have been exhausted, the three elements of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium have not been replenished in time, the plant is lack of nutrients, and the leaves are yellow and thin. Fertile loam and fertile water should be replaced in time.

3. Although the orchid is a semi-negative flower, at least four hours of astigmatism should be seen every day, otherwise the chlorophyll will decrease and the leaves will turn yellow.

4. the air permeability and water permeability of the basin soil are poor, the water accumulation of the basin soil is not dry for a long time, and it is difficult for the root system to absorb, which leads to the yellowing of the leaves. The soil should be loosened and moisture should be controlled in time.

5. if it is watertight for a long time, the root loses water, and the lower old leaves turn yellow. It should be watered thoroughly to keep the basin soil warm and moist.

How to cultivate Cymbidium the Culture methods and points for attention of Cymbidium

Cymbidium is a kind of indoor foliage plant that is very easy to raise, and it is also a common plant in our life, so do you know how to breed it? Today, let's share the breeding methods and points for attention of Cymbidium.

I. introduction of hanging orchids

Hanging orchid, commonly known as weeping grass, originated in Africa, is now cultivated all over the world, and Europeans call it spider grass or airplane grass. The most important feature of Cymbidium is that the mature plants will grow new stems from time to time, and the new stems will grow into small plants. it likes the warm, humid and semi-shady growth environment, and is suitable for long-term indoor cultivation. The flowers and colors of hanging orchids are mainly white, with several flowers in a cluster, which looks clear and pleasant and has high ornamental value.

Second, the types of hanging orchids

There are many kinds of hanging orchids, the common ones are hanging orchids, purple orchids, flower orchids, gold leaf orchids, silver-edged hanging orchids and so on. Among them, the stem of the orchid is indistinguishable from the leaf, the leaf is drooping, the leaf is dark green, it blossoms in June and July every year, and the flowers are yellowish and white; the purple orchid is also called Cymbidium, the main vein of the leaf is purple, the branch is nodular, each node leaves, the leaf is thick and glossy, all drooping, blooming from June to October every year, and the flower color is pink. Flower hanging orchid stem into a vine, branches and leaves drooping, the leaf is like a peach-shaped, the edge of the leaf has a golden pattern, and through the center of the vein, the back of the leaf is purple and gives off light; Phnom Penh has yellow lines around the leaves on the green leaves, which look especially good-looking; on the green leaves of the silver-edged Cymbidium, it is more bright and distinctive. In addition, there are golden orchids, silver orchids, broad-leaf orchids, middle spot orchids and so on.

Third, the culture method of Cymbidium.

In fact, hanging orchid culture does not take too much thought, and the main thing in daily maintenance is to water it regularly to prevent it from being accidentally hurt, but the difficulty lies in persisting in paying attention to it and not forgetting to ignore it for a long time. Here the Tuba rabbit editor mainly from the hanging orchid breeding process, the need to pay attention or there may be problems in 9 aspects for everyone to decompose the hanging orchid breeding method.

1. Suitable lighting: the hanging orchid likes the semi-shady environment, and the hanging orchid is very sensitive to the light. if the summer and autumn sunlight is direct, the leaves will wither and yellow, or even the whole plant will die, so it should be kept in a cool and ventilated place, and pay attention to maintaining the humidity of the environment. At most, you can only see some oblique light sooner or later. In winter, because the sun is not strong, we can let the orchid accept some direct sunlight properly.

2. Culture temperature: Cymbidium prefers warm and humid climate and is not resistant to severe cold and heat. The optimum growth temperature of Cymbidium is 15 ℃ 25 degrees Celsius, and the room temperature in winter should not be lower than 5 degrees Celsius. Avoid strong light in high temperature season, need to keep shade sparse, low temperature and cool time should see more sunlight, in order to keep the leaf color bright. In China's Guangdong Province, the temperatures in spring, summer and autumn are all suitable for the growth of Cymbidium, but attention should be paid to cold prevention and heat preservation when the winter temperature is lower than 5 mi 7 degrees Celsius.

3. Watering: Diaolan likes water, because its fleshy root has developed water storage tissue and strong drought resistance, but it needs more water during the peak growth period from March to September, so it should be watered and sprayed frequently to increase humidity and keep the basin soil completely moist. During the dormant period in winter, the basin soil can be watered after it is dry at a depth of about one centimeter. It should be noted that if the soil is too dry, it will cause the leaves to fade temporarily, although the primary color will be restored after rewatering, but the leaf tip may turn brown permanently. Spray water on branches and leaves around noon and in the evening

4. Fertilization: Cymbidium is a more fertilizer-tolerant plant. If there is not enough fertilizer and water, it is easy for the scorched head to grow old, the leaves turn yellow and lose ornamental value. For Cymbidium which has begun to grow plantlets, nitrogen topdressing can be applied every half a month. If the orchid grows well, it can be done without fertilization.

5. Soil: the cultivation of Cymbidium is suitable for easy and fertile sandy loam, which requires that the soil contains humus and strong permeability. Potted plants can use rotten leaf soil or peat soil, garden soil and river sand mixed with a small amount of base fertilizer as the substrate. After changing the basin, we should pay attention to the re-preparation of new soil.

6. Change the soil and change the basin: generally change the basin in 2-3 years, but in the specific maintenance, in order to achieve luxuriant stems and leaves, change the soil and change the basin once a year in March every year.

7. Pest control: it is not easy to cause diseases and insect pests in Cymbidium culture. The occurrence of the disease is generally caused by stagnant water in the basin soil and poor ventilation, so it should be prevented and treated in time.

8. Pruning: in the aspect of pruning, the yellow leaves should be cut off at any time at ordinary times, and the basin can be turned once every March to cut off the old root, rotten root and excess fibrous root. The old leaves of Cymbidium can be cut off in the first and middle of May, which will promote the germination of more new leaves and small Cymbidium.

9. Hydroponic hanging orchids: hydroponic culture can also be used for hydroponic culture. when hydroponic culture is to be carried out, potted orchids can be poured out of the basin, wash the soil with water, cut off old leaves and roots, put them in hydroponic utensils, and then pour clean water. Be careful not to have too much water, just to the root and stem. In order to grow vigorously, you can drop a few drops of nutrient solution into the water. Wide-mouth glass bottles, glasses and other containers can be used for utensils. The water in the container can be changed every few days, or some water can be added.

IV. matters needing attention in the culture of Cymbidium

The main results are as follows: 1. Cymbidium is a kind of fertilizer-tolerant plant with yellowing leaves due to lack of nutrients and easy to scorch head senescence.

2. Semi-overcast is better in spring and autumn, light should be seen in the morning and evening in summer, shade at noon, avoid sun exposure, sunshine is more common in winter, basin soil is moist during the growing period, and water can not be accumulated.

3. Change the basin once a year in spring (mid-late March).

4. Avoid direct sunlight in summer. Always keep the basin soil moist. Irrigate liquid fertilizer every 15-20 days.

After mid-October, hang the flowerpot indoors close to the sunny surface and easy to watch. In winter, the basin soil should be watered after it is dry at a depth of about 1 cm.

6. when the climate is dry in summer and autumn, measures such as spraying water should be taken to increase the air humidity around the plant.

7. The basin soil should be kept dry in winter. Too wet basin soil will induce Botrytis cinerea and rotten leaves.

8. Indoor lighting should not be too dark, otherwise the leaf color will become light or yellowish green.

9. Watering should avoid pouring into the plant heart, otherwise it is easy to cause tender leaves to rot.

10. Fertilizing too much exceeds the requirement of the plant. At the beginning, the leaves are shiny and uneven, after the roots rot, the leaves will be yellow. Should stop fertilizing, irrigate more water, or turn the pot to clean the root and replace the new soil.

11. if the basin has not been turned over for a long time, all kinds of nutrients in the basin soil have been exhausted, the three elements of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium have not been replenished in time, the plant is lack of nutrients, and the leaves are yellow and thin. Fertile loam and fertile water should be replaced in time.

What if the leaves of Cymbidium turn yellow

The yellowing of the leaves during the growth of Cymbidium is caused by a variety of reasons. The yellow leaves of Cymbidium should take corresponding measures to improve it.

The main results are as follows: 1. Fertilizing too much exceeds the requirement of the plant. At the beginning, the leaves were shiny and uneven, the roots rotted and the leaves were yellow. Should stop fertilizing, irrigate more water, or turn the pot to clean the root and replace the new soil.

2. The basin has not been turned over for a long time. The various nutrient elements in the basin soil have been exhausted, the three elements of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium have not been replenished in time, the plant is lack of nutrients, and the leaves are yellow and thin. Fertile loam and fertile water should be replaced in time.

3. Although the orchid is a semi-negative flower, at least four hours of astigmatism should be seen every day, otherwise the chlorophyll will decrease and the leaves will turn yellow.

4. Poor air permeability and water permeability of basin soil. The long-term accumulation of water in the basin soil makes it difficult for the root system to breathe, which leads to the yellowing of the leaves. The soil should be loosened and moisture should be controlled in time.

5. Do not water thoroughly for a long time. The roots of Cymbidium lose water, and the lower old leaves turn yellow. It should be watered thoroughly to keep the basin soil warm and moist.

VI. The function of Cymbidium

Hanging orchid has a very strong function of absorbing toxic gases, if the general room raised 1-2 pots of orchids, the poisonous gas in the air can be absorbed. According to scientific analysis, the orchid can absorb 95% of carbon monoxide and 85% of formaldehyde in the air. Therefore, the hanging orchid is not only an excellent hanging leaf plant in the room, but also a good indoor air purification flower, so it has the laudatory name of "green purifier".

What are the culture methods and matters needing attention of peony orchid?

Peony hanging orchid, formerly known as Xinye Sunzhong Flower, is a perennial evergreen herb of the family Amygdaceae. Because its branches are soft, elongated and semi-creeping, the branches fall, which looks a lot like Cymbidium. All people call it Peony Cymbidium. Peony hanging orchid is a kind of plant of begonia, which can be used for potted ornament. it is very good to put it on the windowsill or the embellishment on the case table. Today, let's learn about the breeding methods and matters needing attention of peony hanging orchid together with the editor. Peony Cymbidium is a perennial evergreen herb, its stem is oblique, spread, 30-60 cm long, branched, slightly fleshy, glabrous, with small granular protuberance. The leaves are opposite and the leaves are cordate-ovate and flat. The flowers of the peony orchid are single terminal or axillary, and the petals are mostly reddish purple and spoon-shaped. Its florescence is from July to August every year. Peony hanging orchid branches about 20 cm long, fleshy thick, for green color, branches are angular, elongated semi-Portuguese creeping shape. The peony orchid blossoms at the top of the branch. after flowering, the branches fork out, which is rose red. The center of the flower is light yellow, a bit like chrysanthemum, the petals are narrow and shiny, and bloom gradually from spring to autumn. How to raise peony orchids like the sun, it is suitable for plants growing in a dry and ventilated environment. Avoid high temperature and humidity, and like to grow in sandy soil with good drainage. It is not resistant to cold, and the suitable temperature for its growth is 15-25 ℃. The demand of peony hanging orchid for fertilizer and water is not very high, generally in March-September, it is its growing period, and the water demand during this period is relatively large. After September, the peony orchid has entered a period of slow growth, which is generally necessary to reduce the amount of water it is watered and move it indoors for the winter. Generally speaking, cuttage propagation is used for the propagation of peony orchid, which is carried out in the spring and autumn season and is very easy to survive. When cutting and propagating, take a mature branch, hang it for a while, then insert it into the prepared basin soil, put it in a cool and ventilated place, keep the soil slightly moist, and wait a week or so to see its branches stand upright, which means that its new branches are beginning to take root. Temperature and light peony hanging orchid in addition to the need for shade at noon in summer, the rest of the time can be given sufficient light, especially in winter, to ensure the temperature at the same time, but also placed in the sunrise place to receive sunlight. Watering and fertilization because the wood layer and fiber layer of peony orchid are thin, its transport of water and nutrients is relatively slow, so in the process of culture, thick fertilizer can not be used when fertilizing, and thin fertilizer must be applied frequently. In winter, it is appropriate to dry, do not flood. The peak growing season of Peony Cymbidium is from March to September every year, during this time, it needs a lot of water, especially when it is hot in summer, it should be watered more, but its basin soil should not be allowed to accumulate water. Turning the soil and pruning when the peony orchid enters the winter, it will stop growing and enter the dormancy period. at this time, the disease and insect branches, overlapping branches, and growing branches, thin and weak branches, aging branches, inward growing branches and growing branches can be cut off in time, and the life of the peony orchid can be prolonged by thinning, truncation and tillering. In winter, it also needs to dig the soil layer, so that the surface soil and deep soil exchange, several times in a row to turn the sun to make the soil loose and breathable. Peony hanging orchid note 1, if the peony hanging orchid is placed in the place of insufficient light for a long time, it is easy to cause its leaf color to become light, lack of vitality, and even the leaves fall, losing the ornamental value. 2. In the process of breeding, too much watering will lead to rotting roots, and death will occur in serious cases. 3. Peony Cymbidium does not have a high demand for fertilizer and water. In its peak growing season, it is OK to apply thin fertilizer every half a month. If it is fertilized too much, it will lead to its slow growth. Conclusion: the above is the introduction of how to raise peony orchids, breeding methods and matters needing attention. After reading the introduction of Xiaobian, I believe everyone has a better understanding of it. In fact, peony hanging orchid for potted ornamental, can be used for windowsill or case several embellishment, sometimes many people will confuse it with Tianqi. Because they are similar in appearance. Peony hanging orchid is a kind of plant of begonia. Tianqi should be a kind of plant similar to Sedum.