
How do geraniums propagate by cutting? Cutting methods and points for attention of Pelargonium

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Pelargonium is native to southern Africa and is widely cultivated all over the world. It has a long flowering period and luxuriant flowers. It is suitable for indoor display. It is one of the most common and excellent varieties in balcony flower cultivation and courtyard planting. Cutting propagation is a common propagation method of geranium.

Pelargonium is native to southern Africa and is widely cultivated all over the world. It has a long flowering period and showy flowers. It is suitable for indoor display. It is one of the most common and excellent varieties in balcony and courtyard cultivation. Cutting propagation is a common propagation method of geranium. Let's take a look at the cutting method of geranium.

Cutting time of pelargonium

The best cutting time of geranium is autumn. In principle, cutting can be carried out in all seasons except summer, but autumn is the best. Because after the vigorous growth in spring and early summer, the geranium plant type is full again, and after semi-dormancy trimming in cool summer, the vitality blooms again as the weather turns cool, and the branches are the strongest at this time.

Cutting preparation of Pelargonium

Pelargonium cutting is different from ordinary cutting operation, it needs a cutting preparation process, select a strong branch growing in that year, find a branch less than 10 cm, and gently carve out a ring groove with scissors two centimeters below the branch, not cut, pay attention to the importance, avoid cutting, and do not scratch too deeply, otherwise touching and blowing will also lead to breaking, allowing the branches to continue to grow on the mother. Two to three weeks.

Cutting propagation of Pelargonium

1. Cutting container: it is the same as the ordinary cutting operation here, except that the transparent disposable plastic water cup is selected as the cutting container, because the transparent cup body is easy to observe the rooting of cutting branches. Before loading the soil, poke three small holes with bamboo sticks at the bottom of the cup to facilitate drainage and ventilation. Put the moist culture soil into a transparent plastic water cup, compaction, cuttage containers and media are ready.

2. Cutting method: cut the previously selected cutting branches from the depicted ring groove with scissors. After two to three weeks, the wound has been completely dry, but the branches are still full of vitality. Instead of drying in the shade, insert the branches directly into the soil and make sure there are one or two branches under the soil. After the cuttage is finished, it can take root around the semi-shade. During this period, the soil should be watered when the soil is completely dry, but to avoid being too wet.

The steps and methods of cutting propagation of geranium, its cutting skills and matters needing attention

Speaking of geraniums, I believe everyone is no stranger, geraniums are a common ornamental flowers, often used in courtyards, offices, guest rooms decoration. So, do you know how to reproduce geraniums? How is the cuttage propagation of geranium carried out? Today, the editor will give you a detailed introduction.

The cutting time of pelargonium should be from April to May or August to September, and the specific cutting time should be determined according to the local suitable temperature (18-20 ℃). If the cultivated soil is loose and drained, it is best to choose a mixture of sand, perlite, rotten leaf soil, or medium-coarse river sand, mature soil or expanded perlite, all of which should be sterilized by hot sun exposure.

Geranium cuttage can be combined with spring and autumn pruning, selecting an annual healthy shoot without diseases and insect pests as cuttings, about 8 cm long, cut into horseshoe shape with a knife at 0.2 cm below the node, dry the wound first and then insert it, otherwise it is easy to rot, and the incision can also be dipped in a little rooting powder to promote rooting.

Cut off the lower leaves of the cuttings, retain 1-2 top leaves, if the leaves are large, you can also cut off 1 big 3 or 1 2 to reduce water evaporation; when cutting, first insert a small hole in the basin soil with fine bamboo, then insert the ear, press tightly with your fingers, so that it is closely connected with the soil; place it in a cool place after cutting, avoid bright light, water once, do not accumulate water, and keep moist.

Under the condition of suitable temperature, it can take root in about half a month; when the seedling grows to 15 cm, carry out coring treatment to promote lateral branches. at the same time, we should pay attention to irrigating thin nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium compound liquid fertilizer, or rotten thin cake fertilizer and other organic fertilizer to make the plant strong and strong. It can blossom in the winter of the same year or the spring of the next year.

That's all I know about geraniums today. I hope it will be helpful for flower friends to read this article. If you want to know more about geraniums, please continue to follow the succulent flower beds and we will provide you with more related knowledge!

Introduction to the method of cutting propagation of geranium


Geranium is a particularly tenacious flowering plant, which can survive erect and erect in a very unstable climate. At present, it is one of the most common potted flowers in balconies and courtyards. When flower friends are pruning geranium branches and leaves, they can use the excellent branches to do cutting propagation. In order to improve the cutting survival rate and avoid cutting failure, the following article is an introduction about geranium cutting propagation.

1. The best cutting time of geranium

Autumn. In principle, cuttings can be carried out in all seasons except summer, but autumn is the best. Because after the vigorous growth in spring and early summer, the geranium plant type is full again, and after semi-dormancy trimming in cool summer, the vitality blooms again as the weather turns cool, and the branches are the strongest at this time.

Second, select the container

Choose different containers in different seasons, must not be too big, summer with 50 points is more suitable for spring and autumn with 72 points, winter with 128 points. The most important point is that you must disinfect. The best disinfection method is very simple. After rinsing the container with clean water, put it in the sun for three days, and avoid being caught in the rain. Flower friends can also choose other containers to soak with disinfectant at home.

Third, cutting substrate

There are many kinds of cutting substrates, the editor suggests that we use imported peat, in order to save the cost of domestic mud can also be used, first put the peat soil into the container compaction, remember to press the air out of the soil! In this way, the roots coming out in small days will be very strong and the survival rate will be very high, followed by the disinfection of the matrix, which is generally treated with carbendazim meltwater and methyl topiramate in summer.


Fourth, select stout branches

From the stem tip down every 4 to 6 leaves, or measure the length of about 7 cm to 10 cm, until the general post-anthesis plant routine re-cutting height, pre-designed into several cuttings. Then, 0.5 cm below the stem node, carefully cut or peel off the cortex with scissors, ranging from 0.2 cm to 0.4 cm wide, so that the branches can still stand upright as usual. If such a branch is not separated from the plant, it can form 2 to 4 living cuttings to be cut. After that, according to the routine management for 2 to 3 weeks, the annular wound was naturally dried and healed, then the cuttings were cut off, and then the cuttings were placed in a cool and ventilated place to dry for several hours. when the cuttings section dried conjunctiva, the cuttings were inserted into the basin where the culture soil was prepared beforehand.

The annular cutting and peeling layer in vitro directly reduced the wound area of the cutting section on the one hand, and the most important thing on the other hand was to block the flow of photosynthates in the leaves, resulting in nutrient accumulation at the base of the cuttings, which played an important role in avoiding wound infection and promoting the formation of healthy calli, and then rooting quickly.

5. Cutting management

Pay attention to the humidity of the substrate, see dry and wet (the surface of the matrix is dry and the sky is not wilting) do not always wet, would rather dry a little. Once a week with fungicides, watering in the morning is better, the light problem is more important, 3 days after the summer cuttage in the semi-cool place, and then as for long-term placement in the sun, as long as pay attention to the substrate dry and wet. Summer needs to be placed in the semi-shade, sooner or later to see some sunshine, about 15 to 20 days will take root.

Editor tips: in the selection of cutting branches, do not choose infected branches, dysplastic branches, etc., specifically according to the season to select cutting branches, as long as the method can be successful for both old and young branches.