
Culture methods and matters needing attention of flower plant geranium

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Geranium is a perennial herb of the genus Pelargoniaceae, native to southern Africa, widely cultivated all over the world, with strong adaptability, bright flowers, long flowering period, suitable for indoor display, flower bed layout, etc., is a good flower for decorating windowsill in the West, especially common in continental Europe, such as Germany, Austria and other countries.

Geranium is a perennial herb of the family Pelargoniaceae, native to southern Africa, widely cultivated all over the world, with strong adaptability, bright flowers, long flowering period, suitable for indoor display, flower bed layout, etc., in the West is a very good decoration windowsill flowers, in continental Europe, such as Germany and Austria and other countries, particularly common, let's take a look at the cultivation methods of geraniums!

Propagation methods of geraniums

1. Sowing and reproduction: it can be carried out in spring and autumn, and indoor pot sowing in spring is better. The optimum temperature for germination is 20-25 ℃. The geranium seed is not large, and the soil cover should not be deep after sowing, and it will germinate in about 2-5 days. It will sow in autumn and blossom in the summer of the following year. After sowing and propagation, excellent intermediate varieties can be selected and bred.

2. Cutting propagation: except that the plant is semi-dormant from June to July, it is better in spring and autumn, and the cuttings are easy to blacken and rot in summer. The cuttings are 10 cm long, and the top part is the best, with vigorous growth and fast rooting. After cutting the cuttings, let the cut dry for several days, form a thin film, and then insert it into the sand bed or the mixed matrix of expanded perlite and peat, be careful not to hurt the bark of the cuttings, otherwise the wound will rot easily. After insertion, put it in a semi-shaded place and keep it at room temperature for 13-18 ℃. It will take root after 14-21 days. When the root length is 3-4 cm, it can be potted.

3. Tissue culture: geranium can also be propagated by tissue culture. Using MS medium as the basic medium, 0.001% indole acetic acid and kinetin were added to promote callus and adventitious buds, and 0.01% indole acetic acid was used to promote rooting. The method of tissue culture provides a new way for the breeding of improved varieties and superposition of new varieties of geranium.

Culture methods of geraniums

1. Temperature control: the most suitable temperature for geranium is 10-20 ℃, that is, spring and autumn is the most suitable, too cold in winter and too hot in summer. So in summer, you must prevent the sun from being exposed to the sun and put it in a cool place. In winter, the indoor temperature should not be lower than 0 ℃, otherwise it will be frostbitten. If there is no warm equipment, turning on a 200 °big light bulb in a small room also has a certain anti-freezing effect.

2. Moisture control: geraniums are taboo to be overwatered. If the roots of geraniums are found to fester, it may be due to overwatering and muggy weather. The frequency of watering is controlled to be watered once every three or two days, with a large amount of water each time to ensure that it is thoroughly watered.

3. Soil selection: geranium is suitable to survive in sandy soil, and the soil bought in the flower market mixed with some sandy soil is more beneficial to the growth of geranium.

4, weather influence: the windy weather will blow the geranium, and the heavy rain will make the root system of the geranium soaked by Rain Water, causing the root to absorb anoxia and fester.

6. Fertilization control: applying too much fertilizer at one time will cause dehydration of geraniums. If you apply too much fertilizer, such as applying too much nitrogen fertilizer, the plant will grow too fast and will not blossom. Too much fertilization and logistical watering can relieve symptoms.

7, lighting conditions: sufficient sunlight helps the geranium blossom, but the temperature is too high should not be direct sunlight, in the spring and autumn season more sunshine, in the summer, pay attention to the temperature, the temperature is too high should avoid making the geranium receive light.

Matters needing attention of geranium

January: put in a sunny place to prevent victimization. Watering when the weather is fine, it should be carried out at noon, do not use snow water, cold water.

February: apply thin liquid fertilizer every 2 weeks, appropriately increase the amount of water, and pay attention to ventilation in good days.

March: cutting propagation can be carried out in combination with pruning. Cuttings should be cut from mother plants with frequent flowering, pure varieties and good growth. Each ear is 4-6 cm long and has 2-3 nodes. The last leaf is cut off and placed in a cool place for one day, and then cut after the cut is dry. Select sandy land with high dryness and smooth drainage, rake deeply and make a seedbed, then mix 60% yellow mud with 40% bran ash and spread it on the seedling bed for cutting.

April: continue cutting propagation. Sowing and propagation, because the seed is not large, the soil cover should not be too deep, the heat preservation after sowing is 20: 25 ℃, and it can germinate about 2 weeks after sowing. After the cuttings took root, the cuttings should be put into the pot in time, and the culture soil should be mixed with humus soil, rice bran ash and garden soil, and some compound fertilizer such as bone powder, phosphorus and potassium should be added. The flowering period is from April to June, and thin liquid fertilizer can be applied once a week. It can be moved to outdoor culture in the next ten days. When the seedling is 12-15 cm high, it is coring, which promotes the formation of lateral branches.

May: cut off the residual flowers in time after shedding the flowers, and it should be 3-4 cm away from the first leaf at the lower end of the pedicel, so as to reduce nutrient consumption and promote the growth of new flowers. Do a good job in fertilization, watering and pest control. When the seeds mature 40-50 days after flowering, they should be harvested in time and dried for storage.

June: with the end of the flowering period, short pruning should be carried out to make the plant short, strong, perfect and beautiful, without watering or fertilization for a week after cutting, so as to make the cut dry and shrink and avoid water dampness and rot. In the last ten days, when the plant enters a semi-dormant state, it should be cultured in the shade and cool, controlled watering and stopped fertilizing.

July: every day is watered mainly in the early morning, supplemented in the evening, and watered when dry. Drain water in time after rain and avoid stagnant water in the basin.

August: feasible cutting propagation in autumn. The geranium grows rapidly and needs to be turned over, replaced with new soil and re-cut every year, leaving the base about 10 cm. Also appropriate to trim some longer fibrous roots, the upper excess sprouts, but also appropriate peeling.

September: continue cutting. Grow rapidly, apply thin liquid fertilizer about 10 days, do not splash on the leaves.

October: begin to blossom until June of the following year. Pay attention to keep it away from the wind and the sun to prevent the attack of cold air. Move into the greenhouse in the last ten days and pay attention to ventilation.

November: ensure sufficient sunshine, control watering, fertilize in time, strengthen ventilation, and prevent the occurrence of diseases and insect pests.

December: room temperature should not be lower than 5 ℃, no drying, no watering, timely removal of residual flowers and dead leaves.

Culture methods and matters needing attention of geraniums

Pelargonium, alias Shilahong, Zhonghong, sunflower, is a genus of flowering plants, including about 230 species of perennial fleshy, subshrubs or shrubs. Geraniums are native to southern Africa and are widely cultivated all over the world.

The geranium belongs to the family Euphorbiaceae, which belongs to perennial evergreen herbs or woody flowers. Native to southern Africa, it is widely cultivated all over the world. Pelargonium has a long flowering period, strong adaptability to the environment, plant size suitable for family potted plants, easy to reproduce, very popular, is one of the common potted flowers in families, and is also a common flower in flower beds in warm areas in winter. The small flowers of geranium are reunited, and the large inflorescences are shaped like hydrangeas with bright colors. Can be used for interior decoration, can also be arranged in spring flower beds and venues, the following is a detailed introduction to how to raise geraniums:

1. Soil selection of Pelargonium Culture

The pelargonium pot culture soil can be mixed with 4 humus soil, 3 garden soil (or peat soil), 2 river sand (or perlite) and 1 organic fertilizer, or mixed with fine sand soil, humus soil, perlite and organic fertilizer. Potted geraniums need to be turned in autumn.

two。 Fertilization methods for culture of geranium

During the growth period, liquid fertilizer is applied every 10-15 days, while in spring and autumn, liquid fertilizer is applied every 7-10 days; nitrogen fertilizer is the main fertilizer before budding, and phosphorus and potassium fertilizer is the main fertilizer after budding, and the concentration is 0.1%-0.2%. If the room temperature is relatively high in winter and does not stop growing, it should also be fertilized. Fertilization should be stopped when the plant is semi-dormant during the period of high temperature in summer. Because its stems and leaves are pilose, rinse with clean water immediately after fertilization.

3. Watering method of geranium culture

Watering properly would rather be dry than wet. Spring and autumn growth season should meet sufficient moisture, so that the basin soil often keep moist, but not stagnant water; in low temperature cloudy days, generally do not water, do not fertilize; less watering in summer. The high temperature season in the north is in the rainy season, during which the root system of the plant is relatively weak, so too much Rain Water irrigation should be avoided; days of overcast and rain will cause root rot, which should be placed in a place to avoid shade, dryness and ventilation. It can be watered according to the indoor temperature in winter, less watering at low room temperature and more watering at high room temperature. Pelargonium has a strong ability to withstand drought and will not die without watering for a few days, but the old leaves will turn yellow and fall off.

Watering should be dry and wet, and if the basin soil is too wet, it is easy to rot the roots, and if the basin soil is too dry, it is easy to cause the leaves to be withered and yellow, and it is semi-dormant from June to July, so watering should be strictly controlled. In summer, we often spray water to cool down, keep the basin soil moist, and pay attention to ventilation and light transmission. Control watering in winter.

4. Temperature requirements for geranium culture

Geraniums like warmth, avoid high temperature, and fear cold. The suitable temperature for the growth of geranium is 1525 ℃, and the indoor temperature should be kept at 10 ℃ in winter. Less than 3 ℃ is susceptible to chilling injury, but some varieties can tolerate the low temperature of 0 ℃. In summer, when the temperature exceeds 35 ℃, it enters a semi-dormant state.

5. Light requirements of geranium culture

It grows strongly under direct sunlight, the leaves are dark green, the internodes are short, and the plant shape is beautiful. But when the summer light is too strong, shade should be 30% to 50%. When raising families, they should be placed in places with direct sunlight in autumn, winter and spring, and can be moved indoors to enjoy them when they are in bloom, but they should still be placed in a place with light after flowering. Like sufficient sunshine, lack of light, do not blossom; flowering should avoid direct strong light, otherwise, petals scorched, easy to wither.

Turn the basin once a week to make the leaf surface receive light evenly. Keep the plant shape symmetrical. Keep it in the shade in summer to avoid the hot sun. The room temperature in winter is not less than 5 ℃, and the light is fully visible.

6. Control of diseases and insect pests in geranium culture

The main diseases of geranium are mosaic disease, wrinkle skin disease, chlorosis, gray mold, root rot and bacterial wilt, etc., and the main pests are white mosquitoes, caterpillars, small feather moths, etc.: it is of great significance to control mosaic disease and kill aphids. At the same time, other parasitic plants nearby should be removed: the control of small feather moth can be sprayed with 1000 times of trichlorfon.

7. Matters needing attention in geranium culture

The main results are as follows: (1) in order to control the plant height and achieve the purpose of large and colorful flowers, except for the selection of dwarf geranium varieties, the application of growth regulators is very important. On the same day, the geraniums are planted in 12 cm or 15 cm pots for 2 weeks, and the leaves can be sprayed with 0.15% dwarf or longer, once a week, twice continuously, with light for 14 hours and 18 hours a day, which can effectively control the height of geraniums and provide high quality commercial potted flowers.

(2) it is more resistant to dryness, afraid of moisture, too much water is easy to cause plant death, if high temperature and high humidity, the root is easy to rot. Soil with good drainage, loose and rich in organic matter is required. The flowering period is long, and the full flowering period is from April to June. If the higher temperature is given in winter and properly managed, it can continue to bloom from September in autumn to June of the following year.

8. Propagation methods of geranium culture

Pelargonium is often propagated by sowing and cutting, as well as by tissue culture.

The main results are as follows: (1) sowing and propagation: the single seed of geranium is easy to bear seeds and can be sowed after harvest. If you want to sow seeds when the weather is cool, dry the seeds and store them in a paper bag. Under the condition of 20 ℃, it can germinate in about 7 ~ 10 days. After sub-seedling transplanting, when the seedling grows to 5-7 cm, it is planted in a 10-cm flowerpot and can blossom in the following spring.

Because the plant characters and flowering quality of sowing seedlings are poor, the sowing method is usually not used to propagate.

(2) Cuttage propagation: all the plants can be cut except that the plants are semi-dormant from June to August. But spring and autumn are the best. Cuttings are best taken from the mother plants with consistent flowering, frequent flowering, pure varieties and no diseases and insect pests. The top of the shoot and the tender stem below can be used as cuttings, but the top part is the best, with vigorous growth and fast rooting. After cutting the cuttings, soak them in 100mg / kg indolebutyric acid for 5min for 10 seconds, then dry them for half a day, let them wilt before cutting them in a sand bed or perlite mixed with peat at 1:1, cover them with a small arch shed and shade when the sun is strong. Keep the temperature 15-20 ℃, take root 3 weeks after 2-Mel, and transplant when the root length is 3-4 cm.

(3) tissue culture: in MS medium, 10mg / kg indolebutyric acid and kinetin were added to promote callus and adventitious buds, and 100mg / kg indolebutyric acid or indole acetic acid was used to promote rooting. Tissue culture propagation is mainly used for improved variety breeding and new variety breeding.

When should the geraniums change the basin?

Geraniums are easy to cultivate and have a long flowering period. Flowers are divided into separate and re-run, with red, white, pink, purple and other colors, beautiful leaves, large inflorescences shaped like hydrangea, bright colors, a good variety for balcony flowers.

Because of the fast growth and many flowers, the pot needs to be changed once a year. The early spring is in the flowering season, and after flowering in June, it is in the hot and humid season which is not suitable for growth and is in a semi-dormant state. The suitable time for basin change is from late August to early September. Pruning should be carried out before changing the basin, and remove dense branches, slender branches, disease and insect branches and long branches. There are 3 to 5 main branches with uniform distribution, and then the main branches and lateral branches are cut short, and only 3 lateral buds are left in each side branch, so that the distribution of the whole branch is uniform and compact, and the plant shape is plump and sturdy.

Bone meal was used as base fertilizer and watered 2 days after planting. Move to the sunny place indoors in November and move to the balcony at the end of April to avoid the scorching sun. During the period of growth and flowering, dilute liquid fertilizer should be applied once a week, and fertilizer should be stopped and watered less from July to August. Watering should also be controlled on weekdays, and only when the basin soil is white can it be watered.

How to prevent the rotting roots of geraniums

Geranium, also known as stone red, Ren La Hong, Hydrangea, Hydrangea, is a subshrub or perennial herb of the family Niuer Seedling. The whole body is covered with fine hairs and has a special smell.

Native to southern Africa, it is now widely cultivated all over the world. Like cold and cool climate, suitable temperature 10: 25 ℃, can withstand 0 ℃ low temperature, enter semi-dormancy state in summer high temperature period; like sufficient light, when lack of light, do not blossom. Flowering should avoid direct strong light, otherwise the flower is scorched, easy to wither; resistant to dryness, avoid moisture, too much water has the risk of death; like loose soil with good drainage. The full flowering period is from April to June, and the florescence is long. If higher temperature is given in winter and properly managed, it can blossom continuously from October in autumn to June of the following year.

Spring and autumn are the period of exuberant growth of geranium, so you can pour more water appropriately. When the summer temperature is high, the geranium is semi-dormant, so watering should be strictly controlled. To basin soil is not too can, at the same time, it is appropriate to water in the morning and evening, when the soil temperature is high at noon, do not water, otherwise it is very easy to cause root rot. Rainy days should be protected from the rain, in the "plum rain" season, must not let the basin soil for a long time too wet.

In order to prevent the rotting of geranium roots, sandy loam rich in humus and good drainage and air permeability should be selected in addition to watering. The clay structure produces poor drainage and air permeability and can not be used to plant geraniums.

When transplanting geraniums, the shovel should not be too close to the roots so as not to damage the roots. The roots should be kept intact as much as possible. if the roots are hurt, they are most likely to mildew and rot after watering.

In order to keep the roots of geraniums from rotting, it is necessary to control diseases and insect pests in time. Nematode is a common pest of geranium. When the temperature is 2530 ℃ and the humidity is about 40%, it is the most suitable time for nematode to invade the root of geranium. When the damage is serious, the root system will fall off one by one, or even rot completely.

How to cultivate large-flowered geranium?

Large flower geranium likes warm, moist and sufficient sunshine, afraid of stagnant water and frost, not only resistant to drought, but also resistant to waterlogging, but grows well in slightly acidic and fertile soil. If the temperature is kept at 18-25 ℃ and given enough light, the large-flowered geranium can blossom all the year round. If the light or fertilizer is insufficient, the branches will grow, and the flowers will blossom little or not. The family planting will be semi-dormant from June to August due to high temperature in summer. Northern families should plant on the sunny indoor balcony in winter, keep 15-20 ℃, leave the room after the weather is stable in April, and keep watering the leaves during the growing period.

In terms of daily management, a suitable growth environment should be created according to the habits of the geranium. Although it has strong adaptability, it still needs meticulous management to make it blossom all the year round, especially to pay attention to not less than 4 hours of light a day. First of all, always pay attention to ventilation, ensure humidity, and do a good job of cold prevention in winter. Secondly, the large-flowered geranium grows very fast, and the branches have strong phototaxis. The flowerpot should be turned every 3-5 days to prevent the crown from deviating, and pay attention to the supplement of compound fertilizer at the same time.

Third, the flower stem of the large-flowered geranium is born at the top growth point of the stem, so only more pruning can make the plant shape plump and symmetrical, and the flowers are numerous to prevent overgrowth. It should be noted that it is necessary to prevent its death from soft rot under the conditions of continuous high temperature, high humidity and poor ventilation and frost injury when the temperature is below 2: 3 ℃. The leaves of large-flowered geranium can secrete antibiotics and have strong ability to resist diseases and insect pests.

How can geraniums be planted in summer and winter?

Pelargonium leaves are beautiful and beautiful, especially its leaves are like a shield, which makes people feel strange, but the smell of its leaves is not good for some people. Geraniums are characterized by many flowers and long florescence.

Geranium has two more prominent problems, one is that summer flowers or leaves are easy to fall off, which is because it encounters heat and enters a semi-dormant state, so it is necessary to control watering at this time, but not to fertilize it, move it to a cool place, spray water around it, and create a cool environment. Drainage should be carried out in time after heavy rain to prevent stagnant water from causing rotten roots and make its leaves fall and yellow.

Another point is to keep the temperature around 12 ℃ during the winter and put it in a sunny place to spend the winter. When the plant grows to 15 cm, it is necessary to pick the heart, make it multiple lateral branches, more flowering, and the plant shape is beautiful.

Control methods of Leaf spot of Pelargonium

[symptoms] at the beginning of the disease, chlorotic spots appeared on the susceptible leaves, and then the lesions gradually expanded to form large round spots. The disease spot is dark brown and has concentric rings. In the later stage of the disease, a black-green mold layer appeared on the disease spot, which was the conidia of the pathogen. [occurrence regularity] pathogens overwintered with mycelium in diseased remains or diseased tissues. Conidia are produced when the environmental conditions are suitable. Conidia are infected by wind and rain. During the growing season, conidia can repeatedly infect plants. The pathogen can invade directly from stomata, lenticels or epidermis, form primary infection, appear disease spot after 2-3 days incubation, produce conidia in 3-4 days, and repeatedly infect through airflow and Rain Water.

On the same day, when the geranium entered the blooming period, the basal leaves began to age and the bacteria accumulated on the plant. at this time, the disease began to occur and spread when the relative humidity of continuous rain was more than 70%. Therefore, sooner or later the rainy season comes, the number of rainy days, the size and distribution of rainfall, all affect the outbreak and epidemic of the disease.

[prevention and control methods] ① reduced the source of infection. Diseased leaves were cut off in time, together with concentrated destruction of diseased leaves; ② chemical control. At the initial stage of the disease, spray 1 Vera 200 Bordeaux solution, or 50% bacillus special wettable powder, or 65% Dyson zinc wettable powder 600 times 800 times, once every 10 to 15 days, 2 times for 3 times.

Tips for Cuttage Propagation of Geranium

Geraniums are propagated mainly by cutting. The cuttings from April to May can blossom in autumn, and from September to October, they will blossom in winter and spring. The stem is fresh, succulent and hollow, and it is easy to rot after cutting. the thicker the stem is, the higher the decay rate is. Therefore, the following problems should be paid attention to when cutting propagation:

(1) cutting time.

The cuttage propagation of Pelargonium is usually from April to May in spring or mid-late September in autumn, when the temperature is suitable. The cuttings are easy to rot because of high temperature and humidity in summer, and slow rooting when the temperature is low in winter.

(2) cutting and treatment of cuttings.

The cuttings should be cut from the mother plant with the same flowering sex, frequent flowering, pure variety and free of diseases and insect pests, the top of the shoot and the tender stem below should be 7 cm to 10 cm long. Cuttings should not be cut immediately after cutting, but should be hung for at least one day and night, and then cut after the cut is dry. The coring can also be carried out on the mother plant that is ready to take cuttings in advance, and after the new lateral branches are extracted, they can be cut from the base of the new lateral branches close to the mother plant, so that the cuttings have small incisions, solid but not hollow inside, easy to produce callus, take root faster, rarely rot, and have a high survival rate.

(3) cutting and post-cutting management.

The cutting substrate can choose clean river sand, vermiculite and perlite. The depth of the cuttings is about 1x3 of the length of the cuttings, and the large leaves on the cuttings are cut off, leaving only two leaflets on the cuttings to reduce water evaporation. After inserting, pour enough water, first put in a cool place to avoid direct sunlight, the substrate temperature is maintained at 15 ℃, about 1 month can take root. After taking root, it should be planted in the pot in time.

Propagation methods of geraniums

The main results are as follows: (1) sowing and reproduction can be sowed in spring and autumn, and indoor pot sowing in spring is better. The optimum temperature for germination is 20-25 ℃. The geranium seed is not large, the soil cover should not be deep after sowing, and it will germinate after about 14-21 days. It will sow in autumn and blossom in the summer of the following year. After sowing and propagation, excellent intermediate varieties can be selected and bred.

(2) Cuttage propagation can be carried out except that the plant is in a semi-dormant state from June to July. It is better to use spring and autumn. High temperature in summer, cuttings are easy to blacken and rot. Cuttings long 10cm, the top part is the best, vigorous growth, fast rooting. After cutting the cuttings, let the cut dry for several days, form a thin film, and then insert it into the sand bed or the mixed matrix of expanded perlite and peat, be careful not to hurt the bark of the cuttings, otherwise the wound will rot easily. After cutting, the cuttings were placed in semi-shade, kept at 13: 18 ℃ at room temperature, and rooting at 14: 21 days after cutting. when the roots were 3~4cm long, they could be potted. Soaking the base of cuttings with 0.01% indolebutyric acid for 2s can improve the survival rate and rooting rate of cuttings. Generally, the cuttings blossom after 6 months of cultivation, that is, cutting in January, flowering in June, cutting in October and flowering in February to March of the following year.

(3) tissue culture of geranium can also be propagated by tissue culture. Using MS medium as the basic medium, 0.001% indole acetic acid and kinetin were added to promote callus and adventitious buds, and 0.01% indole acetic acid was used to promote rooting.

What are the culture methods and matters needing attention of geranium?

Geranium, its palms have a long handle, the leaf margin is serrated, the leaf surface has a deep ring pattern, the Corolla is five-petaled, the inflorescence is umbrella-shaped, and the appearance is beautiful, so it is often cultivated in gardens and household potted plants, which not only beautifies the living environment, but also effectively purifies the air. What are the breeding methods and matters needing attention in life? let's take a look at it with the editor!

The culture method of geranium: water

Geranium originated in southern Africa, is a plant that does not like much water, so do not overwater the geranium in the breeding process, if too much watering will lead to the root rot of the geranium, if it grows in this watery environment for a long time, it will affect its growth and lead to death, so it only takes two or three days to water it once, but each time it should be enough.

Culture method of geranium: fertilization

Proper fertilization is also a key point of breeding geranium. if you fertilize too much, it will lead to dehydration of the geranium and affect its normal growth, but if you do not fertilize it for a long time, it will also cause its lack of nutritions. the amount of fertilizer applied to geranium is directly related to its soil quality, flower size and flowerpot size, so it is best to ask the store to know the amount and frequency of fertilizer it needs.

Culture method of geranium: temperature

Geraniums like a warm, humid and sunny environment, and the most suitable temperature for growth is between 10 and 20 degrees, that is, the temperature in spring and autumn, so measures should be taken to protect it in winter and summer. it is necessary to put it in an environment where the temperature is not lower than zero in order to avoid frostbite, and in hot summer, move it to a cool place to avoid exposure in the hot sun.

Conclusion: the above are some of the breeding methods of geraniums introduced by Xiaobian. Geranium is a good breeding plant, as long as you understand its growth habits, take care of it a little in daily life, it will produce beautiful and brilliant flowers.

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