
Rectify the withered branch in the name of culture

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Nowadays, there is a popular form of artistic expression in the bonsai world, which is common in pines and cypresses: only part of the trunk is wrapped in bark, the thin waterline maintains the growth of the plant, and the crown is half withered and half glorious.

Nowadays, there is a very popular form of artistic expression in the bonsai world, which is common in pines and cypresses: only part of the trunk is wrapped in bark, the thin waterline maintains the growth of the plant, and the crown is half withered and half glorious. The whole work shows the growth state of plants in adversity, highlighting the tenacity and tenacity of life. After this description, many readers may have been able to call out its title. Some people call it Shenzhi, Shili dry bonsai, while the author calls it withered branches, dry bonsai.

A few years ago, some people in the bonsai industry in Japan put this kind of semi-withered and semi-glorious bonsai on display or sold as a commodity in our country. Taiwan also has some of this kind of bonsai entering the mainland of the motherland and has been welcomed. After dozens of tools they invented, such as chopping, chiseling, peeling, and so on, the dead part was treated with "aging". As a result, the withered part of the plant sets off the fresh part full of vitality. the gray and white of the withered part makes the green branches and tender leaves look more vibrant, and the whole bonsai works give people a strong visual impact in the contrast between old age and vitality.

This kind of bonsai is beautiful, but what is even more amazing is their advanced technology. Our bonsai people love to learn, so they brought this technology here. In a few years, our bonsai people used this technology to make bonsai shows one after another, and they were also skillful and performed well. With the "bring" of this skill, the name of Shenzhi and Shili Gan is becoming more and more popular, and almost everyone has forgotten its original name.

In fact, the title of withered branch and dry is not the author's invention. This form of expression has already appeared in the bonsai works in ancient China. At that time, our ancestors called it withered branch and withered. This name is closely related to the profound culture embodied in bonsai. So why do more and more people call it Shenzhi and Shuli Gan? The author believes that the emergence of this situation is that we are impetuous and not calm in the process of learning, made the problem of following others, and did not think deeply about its title. The appellation of Shenzhi and Shili Gan also has its special cultural background. This noun originated in Japan embodies a kind of spirit of the Japanese nation and is closely related to the history and fate of the Japanese nation. There is also a profound cultural connotation behind it.

Bonsai workers should have a choice of learning content in the process of learning. In recent years, our bonsai industry has developed rapidly, and bonsai workers are constantly innovating in technology and artistic expression. They are studying hard and drawing lessons from them, showing unprecedented absorptive capacity and reflecting "borrowlism" incisively and vividly. There is no problem with learning. We need to learn good techniques to improve the artistic expression of our bonsai works. However, when we bring it, there are some useful things that others have but we do not have, we can get them, and we should take them; if others have and we also have, we should not take them, just carry forward our own; this is also an inheritance of tradition; even if other people "buy one get one free" for things that are useless to us, we cannot take them.

Therefore, the author thinks that the kind of semi-withered and semi-glorious bonsai should still be called withered branches and dry bonsai, and when our bonsai workers bring it in the future, they should first precipitate their impetuous mood and go through their own "pockets." see if you already have it, and think carefully about whether what you bring is useful to you.

Reproduced from Bonsai China

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