
How to raise potted plum blossoms? Culture methods and matters needing attention of Plum Blossom Bonsai

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Plum blossom is a deciduous tree of the genus Prunus in Rosaceae, sometimes referring to its fruit (plum) or flower (plum blossom). It is native to southern China and has been cultivated for more than 3,000 years. There are many varieties for ornamental and fruit trees, and there are many types not only for open field cultivation, but also for potted flowers and plum stumps.

Plum blossom is a deciduous tree of the genus Prunus in Rosaceae, sometimes referring to its fruit (plum) or flower (plum blossom). It is native to southern China and has been cultivated for more than 3,000 years. There are many varieties of ornamental or fruit trees. There are many types not only cultivated in the open field, but also potted flowers and plum stakes. Let's take a look at how potted plum blossoms are raised.

The growth habit of plum blossom

Plum blossom like warm climate, cold tolerance is not strong, in addition to apricot plum varieties can withstand-25 ℃ low temperature, generally tolerant to-10 ℃ low temperature, more resistant to drought, not resistant to waterlogging, long life, up to a thousand years. Flowering is particularly sensitive to climate change, preferring high air humidity, but avoiding torrential rain. It is resistant to high temperature and can grow under the condition of 40 ℃, and the growth and development is the best in the area with annual average temperature of 16-23 ℃. It is very sensitive to temperature. It blossoms when the average temperature reaches-5: 7 ℃ in early spring. If it is at a low temperature, the flowering period is delayed. If it is at a low temperature, the flowering period can be prolonged. Growth period should be placed in a sunny, well-ventilated place, if in a shady environment, lack of light, then the growth is thin, flowering is rare. Do not enter the house too early in winter, it is appropriate to enter the house in late November, so that the differentiation of flower buds go through the vernalization stage. It should be placed in the sunny place indoors in winter and the temperature should be kept at about 5 ℃.

The potting method of plum blossom

After 2-3 years of planting and pruning in the nursery, plum blossoms can be made into plum blossom potted plants or bonsai for people to appreciate. The cultivation of potted soil is generally made of rotten leaf soil and three parts of vegetable garden soil mixed with a small amount of sandy soil. this kind of soil is soft and nutritious, has good ventilation and drainage performance, will not harden and crack when dry, and will not be closely agglomerated when wet. The upper basin is generally after the Beginning of Spring thawed, it is better to use a tile basin when planting, lay a layer of broken basin sheet at the bottom of the basin to facilitate drainage and avoid nutrient loss, and increase the space area, which is conducive to ventilation and ventilation. Cut off the overlong main root and a small amount of lateral root, leave more beard root, first pour a small amount of soil, and then put the plum pile into the pot, shake the flowerpot after adding the soil to make the loose soil sink and tighten the root, pour enough water, and put it in the sun.

Fertilization method of plum blossom

Plum blossom tolerance barren, do not need a lot of nutrients, generally do not need to fertilize too much, too many branches and leaves grow, it is not easy to form flower buds, but must not be too little nutrients and poor growth. Potted plum blossoms often grow poorly due to lack of potted soil and loss of nutrients. In addition to applying basic fertilizer and phosphorus and potassium fertilizer in the culture soil, they should also apply rotten human urine and cake water and fertilizer in the growing season. When fertilizing, the new root should reach more than 3 cm from the root of plum blossom (that is, 15-20 days after potting) and follow the principle of from less to more, from light to thick, step by step, so as to avoid being too thick too early and injuring the root to death. Fertilization once a week during the growing period, when the new shoots have grown and begin to buckle water, the application of nitrogen fertilizer should be controlled to avoid flourishing branches, and at the same time, phosphorus and potassium fertilizer or quick-acting phosphorus and potassium fertilizer should be sprayed on the leaves every week to promote the formation of flower buds. After the physiological differentiation of flower buds is completed (before and after the Beginning of Autumn), fertilizer and water are applied 2-3 times a month. Around the Spring Festival, when flower buds are enlarged, fertilizers are applied one or two times, mainly with quick-acting fertilizer (human fecal urine or urea) to promote flowering.

Watering method of plum blossom

1. Plum blossoms are most afraid of flooding, but they should not be too dry. The roots of plums should not be in the wet soil with poor drainage for a long time, otherwise they are easy to rot to death. Plum blossom is a broad-leaved tree species, which needs more water in the growing season in summer. if lack of water will weaken photosynthesis and reduce the accumulation of nutrients, it will affect the normal growth and flowering of plum piles. The number of watering times and dosage should be determined according to the high bottom of the temperature, the humidity and the drainage of the basin soil, and the basin soil should be kept moist during the growing season. When the branches grow to 15-20 cm, before flower bud differentiation, we should grasp the principle of "no dry, no watering, watering thoroughly". When the new shoots wilt and droop, they should be watered again, "buckle water", control the growth of new shoots, carry out nutrition accumulation, and promote the differentiation of flower buds.

2. the bud of plum blossom is precocious, and it can germinate 2 or 3 times in the whole process of vegetative growth. if the secondary shoot is not properly controlled and the secondary shoot germinates and grows, the flower bud is not easy to form, and the flower bud is not easy to form in the coming year, but it loses too much water. After watering, the leaf still can not return to normal, the leaf tip withered and yellow, shedding, but also image the differentiation of flower bud. If the leaves are found to be seriously withered, the whole plum blossom can be immersed in water and taken out after 40 minutes, which is expected to return to normal. After the physiological differentiation of flower buds is completed from late July to August, normal watering should be resumed. Low temperature in winter, should be less watering and should keep the air moist, so as not to dry buds, and even buds.

Disease and insect control of plum blossom

1. There are many diseases and insect pests in plum blossoms, but they are not destructive. The main pests are aphids, longicorn beetles, diamondback moths, plum caterpillars, boat caterpillars, apricot scale and so on. Longicorn beetles are the main stem borer, which is very harmful. They can catch and kill adults from June to July, or soak cotton into wormhole poison with 200 × 300 times of dichlorvos. Aphids can be sprayed with 800-1000 times dichlorvos or useful waste tobacco every 10 days from the first ten days of April, which is often effective.

2. Anthracnose and powdery mildew are the main diseases of plum blossoms. Brown spots appear on the leaf surface at first, then widen, slightly round, concentric ring lines appear inside, and gray spots are formed, so that the leaves fall off. It can be controlled by spraying carbendazim 500 × 600 times liquid or topiramate 600 times solution every 10 days from May, and 5 ℃ stone sulfur mixture can be sprayed on plum trees in early spring.

Pruning techniques of plum blossoms

1. Plum blossom trees have strong sprouting power and are easy to sprout too many branches. if they are allowed to grow, they often lead to tree shape disorder, which not only affects ventilation and light, but also is not conducive to blossom and luxuriant blossoms, and is easy to breed diseases and insect pests, and because plum blossoms are mostly on the new branches of the same year, no matter they are planted or potted, pile landscapes or bonsai should be pruned properly, not only to make plum blossoms grow healthily and beautifully, but also to achieve the goal of strong branches and flowers every year.

2. The young plum tree can be cut at 60-80 cm from the ground, leaving 3-5 buds, allowing it to grow outward naturally, pruning and wiping buds step by step to form a "natural happy" crown, this shape is suitable for the natural branching habits of plum trees, which is not only ventilated and transparent, but also makes full use of space, so the crown forms quickly, grows exuberantly, and expands the flowering area. Pruning young plum blossom trees should be based on the principle of strong branches and less pruning, so that they can grow evenly, leave lateral buds or outer buds, and make the branches grow horizontally. The forming tree should follow the principle of "strong branches and weak branches" in order to promote the formation of flower branches. In addition, the withered, dead, disease, insect, overdense and overgrown branches must be cut off from the branches.

3. At the turn of spring and summer, the buds that are too dense should be properly removed to save nutrients and facilitate ventilation and light transmission. For flowering plum trees, they should be pruned after flowering. Flower branches with branches below 30 cm and bouquets of branches between 11 cm and 25 cm are densely flowered, which should promote the growth of such flower branches. Potted plum blossom leaves 2-3 buds re-cut, or grafted buds sprout to 10 cm when the heart, to promote multiple lateral branches, so that the plant shape is low and fast. For the formed plum pile, in addition to the re-cutting of 2-3 buds, the number and length of branches, as well as the direction of the cut should be considered.

The modeling method of plum blossom

1. Qu Gan style: qu Gan type bonsai of plum blossom "straight without appearance, regular without scenery", the trunk should not be straight. To bend the trunk into an irregular bend, it is required to bend naturally, and it is appropriate to bend from 1 to 3. The trunk of the young tree is small and easy to tie, use a string to cover the foundation and slowly bend the trunk. When the bend is needed, tie the rope in the right place, tie it into a dead knot, and fix it. The curvature should be gradually reduced from the bottom to the top, or with lead wire of suitable thickness, fixed at the root and wound around the trunk. Then you can take the bend according to the desired bend. For a thicker trunk, it is not easy to bend. A sharp blade can be used to cross-cut two or three places on the inside of the trunk, reaching 1-3 to 1-2 of the xylem, wrap the wound with plastic sheeting, and then bend the trunk. And should often check, lest embedded in the tree, Jingxiang growth.

2. Oblique dry type: oblique dried plum blossom bonsai is chic and unrestrained, unique in charm, very popular with people, and easy to cultivate. When potting, it can be cultivated by tilting the trunk to one side. Horizontal dry type and cliff type small bonsai, elegant and beautiful, graceful, elegant and unrestrained, the four shooting roots will be cut off the small side, the thicker roots on the other side will be planted in the pot, the trunk lying horizontal, close to the potted surface will be horizontal dry type. The front part of the trunk is lower than the basin, that is, the cliff type. Lugen can show that "Shiya Youfang, intertwined roots" and a variety of forms, the plum pile after the basin, the plant type is low, and the lateral roots are many and strong, in the autumn of that year or the next spring, even the soil ball is plucked out, after the cultivation soil in the basin, put it in the basin, after many times of irrigating, it will form a Megan shaped like an eagle's claw.

3. Wood-attached type: Wood-attached plum blossom bonsai is fast and easy to shape. Choose the old dead stump or dead plum stump, open the mess along the branch behind it, and fix it with the branches of the same year or two. After several years of cultivation, due to the rapid growth and expansion of the young trees, tumors appear around the trough, as if integrated with the ancient stakes.

4. Plum pile style: plum pile type plum blossom bonsai have different styles in different parts of our country. For example, Yangzhou cut the plum trunk in half, revealing the vigorous old stem, which is called crackling plum. Shandong and Henan bend the two and three directions of the main branches to the left and right and tie them into a screen style. Anhui and Sichuan will bend the trunk left and right, shaped like a wandering dragon, known as Longyou Mei.

How to raise potted wax plum blossom, how to cultivate potted wax plum blossom and matters needing attention

Lamei flower, as a kind of flower with high ornamental value, can not only be planted in gardens and courtyards, because the flowers are golden and refreshing, so it is also a very good choice for potted culture at home. There are many flower friends who like to plant bonsai who must have a lot of doubts about how to raise potted preserved plum, so let's take a look at the cultivation methods and precautions of potted wax plum blossom together with the editor.

Culture methods and matters needing attention of potted Prunus mume

How to raise potted plum blossoms? Potted Lamei mainly mastered four measures: shearing, fertilizer, water and insects. Only by mastering the things that should be paid attention to in these four stages, potted preserved plums will certainly expel beautiful flowers.

1. Pruning in due time

After the new branch grows to 2 to 3 pairs of leaves, it is necessary to pick the heart to promote the germination of short and strong flower branches and make the plant shape symmetrical and graceful. Pruning is mostly carried out from March to June and stops after July. If it is not pruned during the suitable period, many branches will be drawn out and nutrients will be consumed, resulting in little differentiation of flower buds and affecting flowering.

2. Timely fertilization

I believe we all have a preliminary understanding of how to raise potted plum blossoms. Lamei flower is a fertilizer-loving flower, timely fertilization can promote flower bud differentiation and blossom more. For potted Chimonanthus praecox, because the potted soil is limited, the soil should be high in humus, loose and aerated sandy soil. Leaf spreading fertilizer was applied twice in spring and compound fertilizer was applied every 10 days from the end of June to the end of June. The summer day is the period of flower bud differentiation.

It is also the prosperous period of new root growth, and then apply phosphorus and potassium fertilizer for 1 or 2 times, at this time, fertilization should be thin and sparse, otherwise it is easy to burn roots. Apply one-time dry fertilizer after cool autumn, apply 40 to 60 grams of rotten dry cake powder in each pot to better enrich the growth of flower buds, and apply organic liquid fertilizer once or twice before and after winter to provide nutrients for flowering. The fertilizer application of wax regret is mainly phosphorus and potassium, and less nitrogen fertilizer is applied, and the general ratio of phosphorus, potassium and nitrogen is 2V / L / 0.5. In this way, the flowers of wax plum are big, many and fragrant.

3. Appropriate watering

About how to raise potted plum blossoms, we need to know some characteristics of plum blossoms. Prunus mume blossom is resistant to drought and waterlogging, such as too high moisture, too moist soil, poor plant growth, affecting flower bud differentiation. Therefore, potted plum blossom should keep the soil dry, usually do not water, watering is thoroughly, but "dog days" high temperature season should be more watering, so that flower buds develop normally. Before flowering or flowering, you should pay special attention to appropriate watering. If you water too much, it is easy to drop buds and flowers, but if you have too little water, you will not bloom neatly.

4. Pest control

How to raise potted plum blossoms? If you want to raise potted plum blossoms, pest control is the key, we must maintain ventilation and transparent light. Plum blossom disease mainly comes from anthracnose and spot blight, which usually occurs in late April or early May and is controlled by exchange spraying with 50% carbendazim or 70% topiramate. Aphids do more harm every year, so 500 times the solution of washing powder is used to spray and kill. But plum blossom is sensitive to pesticides such as dimethoate and dichlorvos, so don't use it.

Maintenance of potted Prunus mume during flowering period

1. First calculate the date of promoting flowering. About 20 days before the Spring Festival, the potted plum blossoms should be moved into the greenhouse and should be maintained in a sunny place, and the indoor temperature should be controlled at 10 to 15 degrees. At the same time, spray water on and around the flower branches every day to keep the branches moist. Should be moderate in watering, if too much watering, not conducive to the growth of plum blossoms, easy to cause rotten roots and buds, such as insufficient watering, will make the buds dry.

2. Secondly, we should grasp the temperature and flowering time. In the week before the Spring Festival, if the buds are still small, move the flowerpot to a medium temperature of 15 to 25 degrees to manage. If you blossom ahead of time before the Spring Festival, the temperature around the potted flowers will be reduced by about 10 degrees, and there will be little sunlight to control moisture. Also, moderate fertilization should be applied. In order to make plum blossoms bright and fragrant, appropriate fertilization should be applied. Thin organic liquid fertilizer is usually applied every 7 to 10 days, while potassium dihydrogen phosphate and plant oxytocin are sprayed on the buds every 7 days.

3. Plum promotes flowering, which is treated by the following methods: potted preserved plum with strong branches in early June is treated with chicken dung for about 10 days, and the bud is as big as rapeseed. When chicken manure was applied again in late June, the buds gradually increased. By mid-July, the leaves fell off one after another and began to spray water four times a day. A shade was built in mid-July and opened at 5 p.m.

After low temperature treatment in late August, the temperature gradually decreased from 12 ℃ to 4 ℃, and then increased from 4 ℃ to 12 ℃. After 16 days of low temperature treatment, the buds developed into round and bluish yellow. It was taken out from the freezer in mid-September. 1 pot is placed between 28 and 30 ℃. Spray water once every hour in sunny day and once every 2 hours at night; another basin is placed under the curtain and sprayed 4 times during the day. In the middle of September, the buds of the two plum plants were fat, round and yellow. it contains buds at the end of September and blossoms successively in early October. Pay attention to fertilization and irrigation.

More knowledge about the wax plum blossom for flower friends' reference:

How to raise Prunus mume blossom, culture methods and matters needing attention

How to raise the plum blossom? Lamei flower is not only a kind of flowers and trees with high ornamental value, but also contains a variety of fragrances, which is one of the flowers for making high-grade scented tea. Since ancient times, many scholars have written many poems of praise for Lamei. The flower pattern of the plum blossom is also very beautiful, with a florescence of up to 4 months. Next, let's take a look at how to raise plum blossoms together with the editor of Huayu Network.

The growth habit of Prunus mume

If we want to know how to raise the plum blossom, we must first know the growth habits of the plum blossom. Only by understanding its growth preferences can we raise a plum blossom well. Lamei like the sun, can withstand shade, cold, drought, avoid waterlogging. Wax plum blossoms proudly open in frost and snow cold weather, yellow flowers like wax, fragrant, is the main ornamental flowers and trees in winter. The growth potential of the tree is strong, the branches are exuberant, and the rhizome is easy to sprout. Resistant to pruning and easy to shape.

How to raise the plum blossom? Lamei is afraid of strong winds and is more hardy because it is in full bloom in the cold winter. It can survive the winter safely when not less than-15 ℃, and can be cultivated in the south of Beijing. The flowering stage is low at-10 ℃, and the flowers are damaged by freezing. Lamei blossoms do not have a high demand for soil. They like sandy soil with deep, fertile, loose and well-drained soil. Flowering first and then leaves, flowering from November to March of the following year, and maturing from July to August.

Culture methods and points for attention of Prunus mume blossom

I believe we have an understanding of the growth habits of Prunus mume blossoms. In fact, after knowing the growth preferences of Prunus mume blossoms, it is not difficult for us to know how to raise them, but we should also protect them according to the growth environment of Prunus mume flowers. Prunus mume blossom can be planted in two ways, one is ground planting, the other is potted plant. Usually potted plants are cultivated indoors for ornamental purposes. Next, let's take a look at the matters that should be paid attention to in the process of wax plum blossom culture.

Ground planting

The planting of dried plum should be in the leeward and sunny place, and the transplanting time is mostly in winter and spring, and the root of the seedling must carry a mass of soil. Before planting, apply enough manure, barnyard manure or rotten bean cake as base fertilizer in the planting hole. After applying the base fertilizer, cover the fertilizer with a thin layer of soil, and then put the seedlings to fill the soil. After planting, it should be watered and pruned properly.

Potted plant

When potted Lamei is cultivated, the sandy loam which is loose and fertile and rich in humus should be selected. After putting on the basin, pour water in time, put it under the shade shed and slow the seedling for about a month, and then keep it in the courtyard or on the balcony where there is plenty of sunshine for maintenance.

Fertilizer application

The management of dried plum can be more extensive. In general, liquid fertilizer is applied every 20 days from June to September every year (bone meal and cake fertilizer can be used to soak in water and apply after full maturity), which can ensure the good development of branches, leaves and flower buds. Potted wax plum, usually should often be fertilized, in order to promote its formation of a large number of buds, otherwise flowering is rare. Generally, mature cake fertilizer and water are applied every 7 days between May and June every year, and the ratio of fertilizer to water can be matched by 3:10.

The flower bud formation period of Prunus mume is from July to August, and fertilization can be done every 15-20 days, and the concentration of fertilizer and water should be dilute, and the ratio of fertilizer and water should be 1:5. This is conducive to flower bud differentiation. The fertilizer must be fully rotten, or the roots will rot. Apply dry cake fertilizer again after autumn to meet the nutrient needs of flowering. After the beginning of winter, it is necessary to make the pot soil dry and no longer apply fertilizer, otherwise the florescence will be shortened.


The ground-planted Lamei was watered once before the early winter, fertilized once after the flowers faded, and watered once, usually not watered, but only properly watered when the weather was too dry. Potted wax plum watering should grasp the principle of dry re-watering, not more watering, pot soil should not be too wet; but also should not be too dry, too dry will lead to irregular blossoms.

Temperature, light

Potted preserved plum was moved indoors in December. If the room temperature is high, it can blossom before New Year's Day, but if the room temperature is low, the florescence can be delayed until around the Spring Festival. After flowering, it should be moved to a shady place to prevent premature drawing of new shoots and leaves, affecting flower bud differentiation and disadvantageous to flowering in the coming year.

Pest control

(1) disease. In the process of conventional cultivation, high temperature and humidity in summer are prone to bacterial diseases such as brown spot and leaf spot. The control can be sprayed with 500 times carbendazim solution. In addition, it is necessary to strengthen daily management and do a good job of prevention.

(2)Worm talk. Mites, leaf-eaters and stem-eating insects were found to attack Chinese plum. Control methods: comprehensive control methods can be used for borers. The resistance of larvae hatched in early July is poor. 90% trichlorfon 1000 times solution can be injected into the borer hole of trunk to poison larvae. For Chinese plum with low density of insect population, plug the insect holes with poison sticks. In September, the adults were killed by light at the peak of emergence.

When to cut the flowers?

Calycanthus praecox has strong branching power and has a proverb of "Calycanthus praecox does not lack branches". By pruning at the right time, it can sprout more strong flowering branches and make it bloom more. Generally, it is appropriate to prune in time before flowering leaves, cut off dead branches, over-dense branches, cross branches, diseased branches, and leave 2 pairs to 3 pairs of buds at the base of annual branches, and cut off upper branches to promote germination and branching.

1. After the new branches grow to 2 pairs to 3 pairs of leaves, they should be picked to promote the germination of short and strong flowers, so that the plant shape is symmetrical and beautiful. Trim after flowering, remove diseased branches, long branches, bore branches, weak branches, etc., mainly to increase ventilation and light transmission, but also can be cut again.

2. In summer, a pruning based on short and long branches is mainly carried out, mainly to control vegetative growth and change the transition from vegetative growth to reproductive growth, which is conducive to flowering and flowering. Stop pruning after July. If pruning is not appropriate, many long branches will be drawn out, consuming nutrients, resulting in less flower bud differentiation and affecting flowering.

3. Carry out a light shearing in winter, mainly to cut off pests, cross branches, etc., mainly to shape. If you do stump bonsai, you can prune it in early spring (March-April) to make the trunk thicker and the crown thinner. The specific method is to cut off the thicker branches close to the trunk. When re-hair branchlets depending on its shape to stay a few, the rest in the growth period gradually stick to the root cut off, so that a few years down the plum pile will show Cangsang Qi. Growth period can be small pruning.

For more information about the flowers, please refer to: