
Key points of planting techniques and cultivation Management of Cedar

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Cedar is an evergreen tree of the genus cedar in the pine family, also known as cedar, pagoda pine, cypress, etc., one of the world-famous garden ornamental tree species. It is favored for its beautiful posture, majestic momentum and tall and straight trunk. It has strong dust prevention, noise reduction and germicidal ability, and has been widely used in landscaping.

Cedar is an evergreen tree of the family cedar, also known as cedar, pagoda pine, cypress, etc., one of the world-famous garden ornamental tree species, which is favored for its beautiful tree posture, majestic momentum and tall and straight trunk. With strong dust prevention, noise reduction and germicidal ability, it has been widely used in landscaping. Let's take a look at the cedar planting technology.

Cedar growing environment

Cedar grows vigorously on acid soil with mild and cool climate, deep soil layer and good drainage, which requires mild and cool climate and deep and well-drained soil in the upper layer, like plenty of sunshine, but also quietly resistant to shade, acid soil and micro-alkali, 1300 to 3300 meters above sea level. Northern warm temperate deciduous broad-leaved forest, southern warm deciduous broad-leaved forest, middle subtropical evergreen, deciduous broad-leaved forest and evergreen broad-leaved mixed forest. The warm temperate zone with annual precipitation of 600 to 1000 milliliters to the subtropical climate grows best in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River in China.

Propagation technique of Cedar

1. Sowing: the sowing of cedar can be carried out in the middle and last ten days of March, and the sowing amount is 75kg / ha. It can also be sowed early to increase the disease resistance of seedlings. The sandy loam with good drainage and ventilation was selected as the seedbed. Before sowing, soak the seeds in cold water for 1-2 days, dry them and begin to germinate after 3-5 days, which lasts about 1 month, and the germination rate is up to 90%. In the seedling stage, we should pay attention to shading, and prevent and cure the disease and the harm of ground tiger. One-year-old seedlings can reach 30cm to 40cm high and can be transplanted the following spring.

2. Cutting: cutting propagation of cedar can be carried out in both spring and summer. It should be before March 20 in spring and late July in summer. In spring, one-year-old stout branches of young mother trees were cut and treated with rooting powder or 500 mg / L naphthylacetic acid, which could promote rooting. Then insert it into the well-breathable sandy soil, fully water it, and build a double-layer shade shed for shade. In summer, it is appropriate to select the semi-woody branches of the same year as cuttings.

3. Transplant: the propagation seedlings of cedar can be transplanted after staying in bed for 1 or 2 years. The transplant leaves should be carried out from February to March, and the plant should carry a ball and set up a supporting rod. The row spacing of the first transplant is about 50 cm, and the row spacing of the second transplant should be expanded to 1-2 meters. 2-3 times of topdressing should be applied during the growing period. It is easy to be harmed by diseases and insect pests at seedling stage, especially sudden disease and ground tiger. Other pests include grub, big bag moth, pine poison moth, pine tip borer, red wax scale, termites and so on, which should be controlled in time.

Planting technique of cedar

1. Selection basin: purple sand pottery basin or glazed pottery basin should be used for cedar. Large bonsai can use a deep round basin, can also use a variety of stone basins, but must be fixed with wire. Medium-sized bonsai is appropriate to use crabapple-shaped, manger-shaped basin, small seedlings can be planted in the jungle type can be used bauxite or marble and other chisel shallow basin.

2. Using soil: cedar can use slightly acidic sandy loam with loose soil and good drainage. Pots are often used to mix mature pastoral soil or rotten leaf soil with sand.

3. Planting: it is suitable for cedar from March to April in spring and after autumn. Cedar seedlings dug from the ground must take shelter in the soil to facilitate survival. And thinning the withered roots, stretching the fibrous roots, covering them with fine soil, gently shaking the bowl and compacting them with bamboo sticks to make the potted soil and roots firm. The planting position of the trunk should be skewed to one side.

4. Processing: the processing shape of cedar bonsai is mainly climbing, combined with pruning as a supplement. It is appropriate to climb in winter and spring, and brown silk is mostly used for climbing. Cedar trunk stands, side branches spread, so most of the side branches are bent into S shape, the trunk is generally not bent, naturally upward into a big tree, the posture is very simple and beautiful. Can also take the same year born seedlings 5-7, high and low scattered, co-planted into a jungle type, branches and leaves whirling, do not have charm.

5. Tree shape: the cedar tree is tall and straight, and the side branches are flat and stretched. Bonsai production must make use of its natural form, the tree shape to straight dry type, double dry type, oblique dry type, jungle type is better. Branches and leaves through tie-cut, can be made into layers or clouds, maintenance for many years, can become a rigid and soft storage, elegant bonsai.

Pay attention to planting cedar

1. Cedar is a shallow-rooted plant, and the soil pit should not be dug too deep when planting. Deep planting violates the normal growth law of cedar, and the root system grows best and has the highest activity only near the surface of the soil.

2. The yellowing of cedar leaves after transplanting is generally due to iron deficiency, and foliar fertilization is generally adopted. In areas where pine leaves are yellowed and iron deficiency is serious, iron fertilizer must be applied combined with soil. The commonly used iron fertilizers are ferrous sulfate, ammonium ferrous sulfate, ammonium ferrous sulfate and synthetic complex iron such as iron citrate, EDTA-Fe and EDDHA-Fe. In most cases, the effect of soil application is not obvious. Iron fertilizer can be mixed with organic fertilizer, using strip application or hole application.

3. The cedar is afraid of water and drought. Even if it encounters stagnant water once, it will cause lifelong damage to the cedar. From then on, the growth rate decreases greatly, and the color becomes yellow. in serious cases, the pine needle will fall off a small amount, and the cedar will even die soon. Nursery planting must dig more deep ditches in the fields to ensure that the fields are not flooded or stagnant in the rainy season. When planting cedar in the project, the cedar must be planted at a higher place relative to the road surface and the surface of the green island, and no water should be accumulated around it.

4. In early spring, the aboveground temperature is high, the underground temperature is low, the aboveground begins to grow, and the underground part delays the absorption of water and nutrients from the soil due to the influence of temperature, resulting in a lack of nutrition. Plants transfer and regulate the internal environment through their own signals. Decompose the chlorophyll in the leaves to supply nutrients to the growth center, that is, the nutrients for plant growth come from leaves rather than roots. The leaves lose chlorophyll and retain lutein and tear carotene, so they are yellow. If the external environment is not improved, the phenomenon of strip may occur.

Cultivation techniques of Cedar

I. Cedar habits

Cedar is native to India, Afghanistan and the western Himalayas. It is distributed at an altitude of 1200m above sea level and is the most suitable for 1800m. Cedar has a long life, its origin can reach 600-700 years, the tree is more than 70 meters high, and its breast diameter is 3 Murray 4 meters, with straight stem shape, strong material, less warping, fragrance, long-lasting and majestic and verdant tree posture. It is one of the world-famous three precious ornamental tree species and valuable timber species together with Sequoia chinensis and Japanese golden pine.

Cedar can adapt to a wide range of climate, from the subtropics to the south of the cold zone, and grows better in the areas with annual rainfall of 1000 mm and in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River. Cedar has strong cold resistance, the absolute lowest temperature in Nanjing reached-15.9 degrees Celsius in 1995, there was no frost injury, but it had poor adaptation to hot and humid climate and often had poor growth. Cedar is a positive tree species, which can withstand certain shade in the young stage, while the big tree requires sufficient light, otherwise it will grow poorly or wilt. Cedar likes deep, fertile and well-drained soil, and can also adapt to barren and stony land, but it is afraid of water, low-lying stagnant water or places where the groundwater table is too high and impervious, poor growth or even death. Cedar is weak in resistance to wind and poor in resistance to smoke, and is sensitive to harmful gases of sulfur dioxide. in the unfolding period of young leaves, such as high air humidity, young leaves are easily harmed by sulfur dioxide, and the young leaves wither quickly and even the whole plant dies when killed. The culture methods of cedar mainly include sowing method, cutting method, pressing method, grafting method and so on. The cutting method and sowing method are mainly used. The seedling of cedar cultured by sowing method has the advantages of symmetrical branches, strong germination, good tree shape and strong resistance to adverse environment, and is a mother tree for cutting culture.

2. Transplanting of cedar bud seedlings

Cedar side skills flat, crown like a pagoda, majestic posture, evergreen, is one of the elegant ornamental tree species. Young trees are generally used to transplant pine. In order to expand the provenance and meet the needs of the market, a new technique of seedling translation-bud seedling transplanting is introduced here.

1. Building hotbed

Choose a sandy loam building hotbed with high dryness and sunny topography, with a width of 1 meter and a length depending on the number of seeds. The hotbed is 30mm above the ground and 40cm above the ground, slightly higher in the middle of the bed, surrounded by bricks or mud piles and covered with pure fine sand. The hotbed is covered with agricultural plastic film with bamboo bow.

2. Seed treatment

There are many empty seeds of cedar seeds, so it is necessary to select seeds, remove the empty seeds, soak the seeds in cold water for 2 days, and then soak them in 0.5% potassium permanganate solution for half an hour to 1 hour.

3. Suitable for sowing

The sowing date of hotbed sowing is slightly earlier than that of direct seeding field. The seeds are usually sown from late February to early March. Sow the hotbed thoroughly with water before sowing, and then sow the seeds evenly on the sand. Be sure to put the big end of the seeds upward and cover 1.5 Murray 2cm thick sand after sowing. Sow one or two seeds per square meter. The hotbed is always moist, and the temperature is controlled within 30 °C. when the weather turns warm and the temperature is too high, the plastic film should be opened in time and sprayed with water to keep warm.

4. Seedling transplanting

The seeds were unearthed from late March to late April. The cotyledons of the seedlings are all unfolded in the middle and last ten days of April, when the height of the seedlings is 4murmur7cm, the length of the main root is 4mur8cm, and the lateral roots have not yet emerged or have just begun to grow, so such shoots should be transferred to the field or container in time. When transplanting, gently dig the buds out of the sand bed and put them in a seedling container filled with clear water in advance. Move into the field, use a sword-shaped bamboo stick 2 cm wide, insert it into the soil, open a hole that is slightly deeper than the root of the bud seedling, and immediately put the root of the bud seedling into the middle. If transplanting with a container, you can use a plastic bag with a height of 25 cm and a diameter of 7 mi 10 cm, which is filled with nutritious soil and arranged neatly on a seedbed 1 meter wide. Transplanting bud seedlings, it is necessary to master that the soil should not be too dry and too warm, and the bud seedlings should be small rather than large. Generally, 15 days after transplanting, the seedlings grow new roots one after another. The row spacing of the plants transplanted in the field was 30 × 30 cm.

5. Seedling stage management

Seedling management should grasp the following key points: (1) A 1-meter-high shade shed should be built on the transplanting bed. The cover was covered early and uncovered late on a sunny day, and was dismantled in the middle and late August. (2) the soil moisture of the seedling bed should not be too much, do not accumulate water, and should be drained in time in the rainy season. (3) to prevent the harm of underground pests such as grubs and ground tigers and blight. (4) the seedbed is often loosened and weeded.

Third, sowing and raising seedlings of cedar

Cedar has always been raised by cuttage, and the survival rate is low. In the past two years, some units have used cedar seeds to sow and raise seedlings, and have gained some experience, with emphasis on the following points:

1. Cedar seedlings in the nursery are afraid of drought and waterlogging, so the nursery should be built in sandy soil with convenient drainage and irrigation, slightly sour soil and deep and fertile soil layer. Do not raise seedlings in vegetable fields and old gardens that have been in place for many years.

2. When ploughing, the meticulous soil preparation nursery should apply sufficient cake fertilizer or mature fence fertilizer as basic fertilizer, and if good fields are used to raise seedlings, 100 jin of calcium magnesium phosphate fertilizer should be added per mu; before the last ploughing and rake, 2-3 jin of dimethazone or 20-30 jin of ferrous sulfate per mu should be applied for soil disinfection, and then make a seedbed with deep ditch and high bed, and the bed should be fine and built into the shape of tortoise back. The built bed surface is then covered with a layer of disease-free, fertile, loose and screened mountain soil 3-5 cm thick.

3. Carefully sowed seeds before sowing, soaking seeds in cold water for 96 hours has the best effect; you can also soak seeds in 45-50C warm water for 24 hours, disinfect them with 0.1% potassium permanganate for 30 minutes after soaking, and then rinse and dry the seeds with clean water. Do not sow seeds with wet. Sowing time is generally carried out before "the Spring Equinox", sooner rather than later, strip sowing is better, row spacing is 10-15 cm, plant spacing 4-5 cm; seeds should be planted on the sowing ditch, sowing amount 15-20 jin per mu, and covered with yellow soil or charred mud ash 0.5-1 cm thick after sowing.

4. Seedling bed mulching after sowing is the key measure for successful seedling cultivation of cedar. Not only should the soil be covered after sowing. Moreover, put on a thin layer of wolfskin straw or straw, sprinkle water on it with a kettle to keep the bed moist, and remove the grass when the seedling is more than 70%. In order to prevent the newly unearthed seedlings from being lost by rain, a low-layer film shed should be set up immediately after grass mulching, and the temperature in the shed should be well controlled. When the temperature in the shed is kept at 15-20C, ventilation should be carried out. When the outside temperature is above 15C on a sunny day, the film can be opened during the day and covered at night. When the seedlings grow true leaves, remove the low shed, and then build an elevated shade shed.

Cultivation and Management techniques of "Cedar"

I. Cedar habits

Cedar originated in India, Afghanistan, western Himalayas, distributed in 1200-3000 meters above sea level, the most suitable for 1800 meters. Cedar has a long life, the origin can reach 600-700 years, the tree is more than 70 meters high, the DBH is 3-4 meters, the stem shape is straight, the material is firm, less warping, fragrant and durable, and the tree posture is majestic and verdant. It is one of the world-famous three precious ornamental tree species and valuable timber species with Nanyang fir and Japanese golden pine. Cedar can adapt to a wide range of climate, from the subtropics to the south of the cold zone, and grows better in the areas with annual rainfall of 1000 mm and in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River. Cedar has strong cold resistance. In 1995, the absolute lowest temperature in Nanjing reached-15.9 degrees Celsius, and there was no freezing injury, but it was poorly adapted to hot and humid climate and often grew poorly. Cedar is a positive tree species, which can withstand certain shade in the young stage, while the big tree requires sufficient light, otherwise it will grow poorly or wither. Cedar likes deep, fertile and well-drained soil, and can also adapt to barren and stony land, but it is afraid of water, low-lying stagnant water or places where the groundwater table is too high and impervious, poor growth or even death. Cedar is weak in resistance to wind and poor in resistance to smoke, and is sensitive to harmful gases of sulfur dioxide. in the unfolding period of young leaves, such as high air humidity, young leaves are easily harmed by sulfur dioxide, and the young leaves wither quickly and even the whole plant dies when killed. The culture methods of cedar mainly include sowing method, cutting method, pressing method, grafting method and so on. The cutting method and sowing method are mainly used. The seedling of cedar cultured by sowing method has the advantages of symmetrical branches, strong germination, good tree shape and strong resistance to adverse environment, and is a mother tree for cutting culture.

2. Transplanting of cedar bud seedlings

Cedar side skills flat, crown like a pagoda, majestic posture, evergreen, is one of the elegant ornamental tree species. Cedar is generally transplanted with young trees. In order to expand the provenance and meet the needs of the market, a new technology of seedling transplanting-bud seedling transplanting is introduced here. 1, the building hotbed chooses the sandy loam building hotbed with high dry and sunny topography, the bed is 1 meter wide and the length depends on the number of seeds, the hotbed is 30-40 cm above the ground, slightly higher in the middle of the bed, and can be surrounded by bricks or mud piles covered with pure fine sand. The hotbed is covered with agricultural plastic film with bamboo bow. 2. Seed treatment of cedar seeds has more empty seeds, so it is necessary to select seeds, remove the empty seeds, soak the seeds in cold water for 1-2 days before sowing, and then soak them in 0.3-0.5% potassium permanganate solution for half an hour to 1 hour. 3. The sowing date of sowing hotbed is slightly earlier than that of direct seeding field. The seeds are usually sown from late February to early March. Sow the hotbed thoroughly with water before sowing, and then sow the seeds evenly on the sand. Be sure to put the big end of the seeds up and cover the back with sand 1.5-2 cm thick. Sow one or two seeds per square meter. The hotbed is always moist, and the temperature is controlled within 30 ℃. When the weather turns warm and the temperature is too high, the plastic film should be opened in time and water should be sprayed to keep warm. 4. The transplanting seeds of bud seedlings were unearthed from late March to late April. The cotyledons of the seedlings are all unfolded in the middle and late April, when the height of the seedlings is 4-7 cm, the length of the main root is 4-8 cm, and the lateral roots have not yet emerged or just begun to grow, so the seedlings should be moved to the field or container in time. When transplanting, gently dig the buds out of the sand bed and put them in a seedling container filled with clear water in advance. Move into the field, use a sword-shaped bamboo stick 2 cm wide, insert it into the soil, open a hole that is slightly deeper than the root of the bud seedling, and then put the root of the bud seedling into it. If transplanting with a container, you can use a plastic bag with a height of 20-25 cm and a diameter of 7-10 cm, which is filled with nutritious soil and arranged neatly on the seedbed 1 meter wide. Transplanting bud seedlings, it is necessary to master that the soil should not be too dry and too wet, and the buds and seedlings should be small rather than large. Generally, 10-15 days after transplanting, seedlings grow new roots one after another. The row spacing of the plants transplanted in the field was 30 × 30 cm. 5. Seedling management the following key points should be mastered in seedling management: (1) A shade shed with a height of 1 meter should be built on the transplanting bed. The cover was covered early and uncovered late on a sunny day, and was dismantled in the middle and late August. (2) the soil moisture of the seedling bed should not be too much, do not accumulate water, and should be drained in time in the rainy season. (3) to prevent the harm of underground pests such as grubs and ground tigers and blight. (4) the seedbed is often loosened and weeded.

Third, sowing and raising seedlings of cedar

Cedar has always been raised by cuttage, and the survival rate is low. In the past two years, some units have used cedar seeds to sow and raise seedlings, and some experiences have been gained. The key points are as follows: 1. Cedar seedlings in the nursery are afraid of drought and waterlogging. Therefore, the nursery should be built in sandy soil with convenient drainage and irrigation, slightly acidic soil and deep and fertile soil layer. Do not raise seedlings in vegetable fields and old gardens that have been in place for many years. 2. When ploughing, the meticulous soil preparation nursery should apply sufficient cake fertilizer or mature fence fertilizer as basic fertilizer, and if good fields are used to raise seedlings, 100 jin of calcium magnesium phosphate fertilizer should be added per mu; before the last ploughing and rake, 2-3 jin of dimethazone or 20-30 jin of ferrous sulfate per mu should be applied for soil disinfection, and then make a seedbed with deep ditch and high bed, and the bed should be fine and built into the shape of tortoise back. The built bed surface is then covered with a layer of disease-free, fertile, loose and screened mountain soil 3-5 cm thick.