
When autumn comes, six kinds of flowers will grow into dense potted plants with white roots in a week and 30 days.

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, After the Beginning of Autumn, it also means the arrival of autumn. The weather is cool and the temperature is suitable in autumn. Unlike the hot and scorching sun in summer. It is very suitable for plant growth. So for many flower lovers who like to grow flowers, it is also to expand their own potted plant team.

After the Beginning of Autumn, it also means the arrival of autumn. The weather is cool and the temperature is suitable in autumn. Unlike the hot and scorching sun in summer. It is very suitable for plant growth. So for many flower lovers who love to grow flowers, it is also a good time to expand their potted plant team. We all know that there are three main ways of plant reproduction: sowing, dividing plants, and cutting. Today, I would like to share with you six kinds of flowers suitable for cutting in autumn, which are very easy to survive. So today's theme is:

Autumn is coming, "cuttage" six kinds of flowers must live, a week to show white roots, 30 days to grow into a dense potted plant

The first kind of tiger skin orchid

Tiger Pilan is a common family flower. Keep it indoors. Not only can you watch the leaves and flowers, the green and tough leaves of tiger skin orchid can effectively absorb formaldehyde, benzene and other harmful substances, which is one of the main forces to purify the air indoors. Therefore, it is absolutely right to raise more pots of tiger skin orchids indoors. When cutting tiger skin orchid in autumn, choose the robust leaf, cut it into small segments about ten centimeters long with scissors, distinguish the upper and lower ends of morphology clearly, then soak the lower end in 0.2% carbendazim aqueous solution for 10 minutes, take it out and dry it, and insert it obliquely in sterilized sandy soil. Put the potted plants in a cool, ventilated place. Basically, in about ten days, you can see Tiger Pilan sprouting new buds and digging up one, it has already grown a lot of white roots.

The second longevity flower

Longevity flowers are raised indoors, implying the health and longevity of the family, and longevity flowers are typical flowering machines, which bloom from winter to the end of summer before entering a short dormancy. The propagation of longevity flowers includes ramet propagation and cuttage propagation. When choosing cuttage propagation, it is most suitable in autumn to take strong longevity flower branches and trim them into seedlings of 5 to 10 centimeters. Cut off the bottom leaves, leaving only two pairs of leaves at the top, which can reduce the nutrient consumption of the plant itself. Soaking the cut plants in 0.2% indole ethyl butyric acid solution for 20 seconds can effectively promote plant rooting. Put the soaked branches obliquely in the pot and put them in a cool place indoors, you can see that there are new buds of longevity flowers in a week, which means that the cuttings are successful.

The third kind of crab claw orchid

Crab claw orchid is a typical Lunar New year flower. It blossoms every year from winter to summer, and the florescence is also very long. There are two main ways of propagation of crab claw orchid, cutting and grafting. Generally, the choice of cutting is the simplest. Choose strong green crab claw orchid leaves, cut it into small segments of 5 to 8 centimeters, put them in carbendazim aqueous solution, after sterilization, obliquely insert them in sandy soil and put them in a ventilated and cool place. New leaves can be seen to grow in about 15 days. After the plant grows healthily, you can split the plant according to your own needs.

The fourth kind of green apple

As long as you buy a pot of green pineapple at home, you can reproduce ten pots in a week, that is, cut the branches of green pineapple into small pieces. the most efficient way is to find every bud point of green pineapple, trim it into small pieces according to each bud point, trim off the excess leaves and branches, put it in carbendazim aqueous solution, and bury the bud point in the soil in a cool and ventilated place. New leaves of green pineapple can be seen in a week. This way of reproduction is so efficient that it is possible to change from one pot to ten pots. Basically, there are dense green potted plants in a month.

The fifth species of jasmine

The jasmine plant is fresh and elegant, and the plant is in bloom. The flower is more, with a faint fragrance. It's very elegant to keep it indoors. You can choose strong jasmine flowers and branches in autumn. It's been trimmed. Leave 1 to 2 pairs of leaves at the top. I'll trim my note. Often in 0.2% indole butyric acid aqueous solution. Soak for ten seconds. After coming out to dry, cut the paper in the sterilized sandy soil. Put it in a cool, ventilated place outside. This will soon take root and sprout. Intensive cuttings can be selected when checking. Then at least after survival. It can be replanted by ramet.

The sixth kind of triangular plum

Many friends like triangular plum very much, because it is good-looking and easy to raise. Triangular plum basically blossoms every spring and summer. The flowering triangular plum is very beautiful, and the whole plant is full of flowers, which is very spectacular. Autumn is the most suitable for cutting triangular plum, choose unflowered triangular plum branches, like jasmine branches, simple pruning. Soak the paper cuttings in 0.2% indole butyric acid aqueous solution, and then cut the triangular plum in sterilized sand. Of course, you can also choose to take root by hydroponic culture, put the triangular plum branches on the foam board and put them in water. In this way, the roots of the branches are always soaked in water. In about 10 days, you can see the white roots of the triangulated plum branches, so you can plant them in the pot. Yes.

When cutting flowers in autumn, you should pay attention to putting the cuttings in a cool and ventilated place. Control watering to ensure that the soil is moist, but also to avoid sunlight, otherwise the survival rate will be reduced. The six flowers shared above are the most suitable for autumn cuttings and can survive in 1 to 2 weeks.

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I am a stone gardener. I will share a little knowledge of growing flowers every day. Remember to follow me.