
Culture methods and matters needing attention of Hevea brasiliensis, a foliage plant grown in potted plants

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Rubber tree is a famous potted foliage plant, also known as rubber tree, Brazilian rubber, etc., which is a large tree of the genus Ficus of Moraceae. It has high ornamental value and is very suitable for indoor beautification. Small and medium-sized plants are often used to beautify the living room and study. Medium and large plants are suitable to be arranged on both sides of the foyer of large buildings and in the center of the lobby.

Rubber tree is a famous potted foliage plant, also known as rubber tree, Brazilian rubber and so on. It is a large tree of the genus Ficus of Moraceae. It has high ornamental value and is very suitable for indoor beautification. Small and medium-sized plants are often used to beautify the living room and study. Medium and large plants are suitable to be arranged on both sides of the foyer of large buildings and in the center of the lobby. Let's take a look at the breeding methods and matters needing attention of rubber trees.

Growth habits of rubber trees

Rubber tree is native to Brazil and is widely cultivated in tropical Asia. It is cultivated in Taiwan, southern Fujian, Guangdong, Guangxi, Hainan and southern Yunnan, especially in Hainan and Yunnan. Sex like high temperature, humid, sunny environment, suitable growth temperature 20: 25 ℃, avoid direct sunlight. It is also shady but not cold-resistant, and the safe overwintering temperature is 5 ℃. Resistant to air dryness. Avoid clayey soil, not resistant to barren and drought, like loose, fertile and well-drained slightly acidic soil.

Propagation methods of rubber trees

1. Cutting method: the cutting time is in late spring and early summer, which can be combined with pruning. Cuttings often choose one-year-old semi-lignified middle branches, and the wound should be sealed in time with cement or plant ash. The length of cuttings is to keep 3 buds as the standard, cut off the lower leaf, close the upper two leaves, and tie them with a thin plastic rope. The cuttings are then cut on a bed with plain sand or frog stone as the substrate. Keep the plug-in bed with high humidity after insertion, but do not accumulate water, the suitable temperature is 18-25 ℃, often sprinkle water to the ground to improve air humidity, and do a good job of shading and ventilation, it can take root in about 2-3 weeks.

2. Striping method: select 2-year-old branches with appropriate size, good development and abundant tissue, and make a light circular peeling of about 1 cm in width in the predetermined part of the soil, and apply 30~50ppm 's naphthalene acetic acid solution, then wrap the ring cutting part with wet soil or moss mixture or vermiculite that absorbs enough water, wrap it with plastic film on the outside, tie it tightly at the lower end, and leave holes at the upper end to facilitate ventilation and irrigation. Pay attention to maintenance, pressing in June and rooting from July to August. After taking root, the potted plant can be cut off.

Culture methods of rubber trees

1. Temperature: the rubber tree has the best temperature of 20-25 degrees, even if it is above 30 degrees, it can grow well, but in winter, if the temperature is too low, the rubber tree will produce a large number of fallen leaves and its cold tolerance is very poor. Northern China needs to spend the winter in a greenhouse.

2. Lighting: it is really good to say that sunlight is the food of plants, and sunshine is also a treasure in the cultivation of rubber trees. giving it enough sunlight can make it thrive and give it proper shade from May to September.

3. Fertilization: the existence of fertilizer is like calcium supplement, which can enhance its "health". Fertilization is also one of the key points in the cultivation methods of rubber trees, which can reduce the occurrence of markings and make the leaves bright. Just use nitrogen fertilizer. Stop fertilizing in winter.

4. Pruning: when it's time to prune the rubber tree, cut off the branches inside the crown, inward branches and thin branches to maintain its internal ventilation, good light transmission and overall shape. Usually, in the cultivation method of rubber tree, the basin must be turned once every 2 years, and materials such as rotten leaf soil are added to reconfigure it. It likes loam soil with loose and good drainage.

5. Soil: rubber trees like fertile, loose and slightly acidic soil, and basin soil should be prepared with 4 parts of rotten leaf soil, grass ash soil plus about one part of river sand and a small amount of base fertilizer.

6. Watering: when it is hot in summer, the rubber tree grows faster and should be fertile and watery, but to avoid stagnant water in the basin. Gradually reduce watering after entering autumn, promote plant growth and enrichment, which is conducive to its overwintering.

Matters needing attention in the culture of rubber trees

1. The suitable temperature for rubber tree growth is 25: 30 ℃. If the leaf is lower than 3 ℃ in winter, the leaves will turn yellow and fall off, so it should be placed in the sunny place indoors in winter and keep the room temperature above 10 ℃. When more than 35 ℃ in summer, the plant should be moved to a cool and ventilated place for maintenance, and timely water spray to cool down.

2. Rubber tree is a plant of Moraceae, and the whole plant contains milk. Therefore, immediately after each pruning, the incision should be blocked with cement or coated with charcoal powder, so as not to drain too much juice and cause water loss and death.

3. The rubber tree needs to change the direction of the basin regularly in the seedling stage, in order to prevent the plant from growing on one side, resulting in small and correct plant shape and beautiful appearance.

4. After the general rubber tree seedlings, due to the larger and larger roots, resulting in soil consolidation, hindering soil ventilation, resulting in rubber trees yellowing, serious may die. It is appropriate to change the basin before the new buds grow in spring every year. Loosen the soil every 15 to 20 days until it returns to normal growth.

The culture value of rubber tree

1. Ornamental value: the leaves of rubber tree are bright and evergreen. It is a large shade-tolerant foliage plant. Whether the rubber tree potted plant is placed in the hall corridor in the ordinary family, or decorated in the lobby of the hotel, it is a very good decorative material, and the growth ability is exuberant, do not need how to care.

2. Purify the air: rubber trees can exuberant photosynthesis and transpiration in sunny places, regulating air humidity and oxygen content. And rubber tree has a unique dust purification function, but also can absorb formaldehyde in volatile organic compounds, carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, hydrogen fluoride and other harmful gases, so that indoor turbid air can be purified.

3. Fengshui function: rubber tree living at home is related to the harmony of the family, the cultivation of interpersonal context, and so on. The placement of the rubber tree will affect the luck and prospects of the family. Putting the rubber tree in the appropriate position indoors can promote prosperity and dissolve the indoor yin and dampness.

What if the rubber tree loses its leaves?

1. Lack of light: lack of light is one of the reasons why rubber trees lose their leaves. Rubber trees are sun-loving and shade-tolerant plants. If you put the rubber tree in a dark place for a long time, it is easy for the rubber tree to lose its leaves without sunlight. Put the rubber tree in a sunny place to keep a good light, and it is best to get all-weather sunlight in winter.

2. Too low temperature: too low temperature is also the reason for the loss of leaves of rubber trees. Rubber trees like places with high temperature, high humidity and plenty of sunshine, and the suitable growth temperature is 20-25 ℃. Especially in winter, rubber trees begin to lose their leaves when the temperature is below 10 ℃. At this time, you need to move the rubber trees indoors or other hotter places to raise them, but be careful to have sunlight.

3. Improper watering: rubber trees will lose their leaves if they are watered too frequently or without watering for a long time. Rubber trees must be often watered during their growth, especially in the hot summer season, because of their large evaporation, they need to be watered not only from their roots, but also from their leaves. However, the potted soil for planting rubber trees is too wet and easy to rot, so it must be watered when the potted soil is dry.

4, pest attack: rubber trees sometimes have pest problems, leaves with red spiders, branches and leaves with shell insects will appear rubber tree leaf falling phenomenon. The occurrence of leaf loss in rubber trees should be checked to see if it is a pest problem and dealt with in a timely manner.

Pruning methods of rubber trees

1. Pruning season: the pruning of rubber trees should pay attention to "winter pruning, summer control side". That is, heavy pruning of strong trees and light pruning of weak trees in winter, with emphasis on pruning upright and strong competitive branches from the base. In summer, the pruning of rubber trees should be carried out to re-control the strong branches, control the strong and retain the weak, adjust the balance of the tree situation, and master the principles of strong side strike, heavy pruning of strong branches, light pruning of weak branches and more twigs, so as to achieve the pruning purpose of highlighting the trunk and promoting the growth of trees.

2. Pruning height: the pruning cut of the rubber tree should be smooth and the wall crack should be strictly prevented. The suitable height of stubble is 1 cm to 2 cm. Too high and too low will affect wound healing and tree growth. The suitable pruning season for rubber trees is early spring or late autumn and winter. It is suitable for early spring before the sap flows. If the tree is pruned when it sprouts, the water transpiration is fast, the water is lost, and a lot of nutrients are consumed, which is not conducive to the growth of the tree. If the rubber tree is pruned in summer, be careful not to prune on cloudy and rainy days, so as not to soak the wound and become infected with diseases.

3. Pruning techniques: in the shaping and pruning of rubber trees, it is sometimes necessary to highlight the growth of the trunk or main branches, remove the branches that are too dense or affect the shaping of the branches, and the common methods of pruning the main branches are wiping buds and thinning branches. To erase the budding buds, to achieve the purpose of inhibiting the growth of lateral branches, the principle is to eliminate the growth of lateral branches in the budding state, so that nutrients are concentrated to supply the growth of main branches. That is, the branches are cut off from the base of the branches with shears, which are often used to remove overdense branches, and thinning is a remedial measure for wiping buds, that is, because the buds are not wiped in time, lateral branches have been formed, and some redundant lateral branches are removed in order to strengthen the growth or modeling of the trunk.

4. Pruning and maintenance: after pruning, in order to prevent excessive loss of cut milk and affect survival, the wound should be smeared with plant ash in time. The treated cuttings are cut in the bed with river sand or vermiculite as the matrix, keep the bed with high humidity after cutting, and often sprinkle water to the ground (but not stagnant water) to improve the air humidity. Under the condition of 18-25 ℃ and semi-overcast, it can take root after about 2-3 weeks.

Four Seasons Management of Rubber Tree

1. Spring management: change the basin when the temperature is about 15 ℃ in spring every year, and trim it properly before changing the basin. Spring should be arranged in places with light, keep the basin soil moist, and often spray water around it to increase air humidity. Young plants can begin to apply fertilizer after seeing the emergence of new leaves. When the temperature is high at the end of spring, move it to the indoor layout and cultivation under half-light or scattered light.

2. Summer management: rubber trees are resistant to high temperature and hot sun, but when the light is too strong, the leaf color is easy to lose luster, which is not conducive to ornamental. The rubber tree cloth can be placed in a brightly lit place indoors. The room with weak light is not good for its growth. Because the rubber tree has many and large leaves and large water consumption, it should be watered in time to keep the basin soil moist, and spray more to its leaves and all around to meet its requirements for air humidity.

3. Autumn management: in autumn, the potted plants should be moved to the lighted windowsill or balcony to keep the basin soil moist. When the temperature is high at noon, spray water and spray on the surrounding and leaves to increase air humidity. In order to enhance its cold resistance in autumn, it can exercise in outdoor low temperature for a period of time, but it can not be hit by frost. People should move indoor with light in time before frosting.

4. Winter management: rubber tree is not cold-resistant and can withstand low temperature of 0 ℃ for a short time. But the indoor temperature should be kept at about 5 ℃, when the growth of rubber tree is stagnant, sufficient light should be ensured to make the basin soil moist and dry, and the basin soil is too wet and easy to rot roots. When the temperature is high at noon, spray water and spray on its surrounding and leaves for several times. When the indoor temperature is kept above 15 ℃, the rubber tree can grow normally. For management, see spring.

The function of rubber trees the culture methods and matters needing attention of rubber trees

Speaking of rubber tree, you may not be very familiar with it. It is a green ornamental plant native to tropical Southeast Asia. It is a famous potted foliage plant. Do you know the function of rubber tree and the breeding methods and precautions of rubber tree? Next, let's solve this problem one by one.

1. Introduction of rubber trees

Rubber tree (Latin name: Hevea brasiliensis (Willd. Ex A. Juss.) Muell. Arg.), alias: rubber tree, Brazilian rubber, big tree of banyan genus of Euphorbiaceae [1]. The trunk of the rubber tree is obvious, less branched and has air roots. Simple leaves alternate, leaves long oval, thick leathery, bright green, lateral veins many and parallel, young leaves red, petiole stout; rubber tree is a famous potted foliage plant with high ornamental value. It is very suitable for indoor beautification. Small and medium-sized plants are often used to beautify the living room and study; medium and large plants are suitable to be arranged on both sides of the foyer of large buildings and in the center of the lobby, which is magnificent and can reflect the tropical scenery.

Second, the culture method of rubber tree

1. Temperature

The first trick in the cultivation of rubber trees is the temperature. Rubber trees have the best temperature of 20-25 degrees. They can grow well even if they are above 30 degrees, but they will produce a lot of fallen leaves if the temperature is too low in winter. The cold resistance is very poor.

2. Sunshine

It is said that the sun is the food of plants is really good, in the rubber tree culture method, the sun is also a treasure, give it enough sunshine to let it thrive. Proper shading from May to September.

3. Fertilization

The existence of fertilizer, like calcium supplement, can enhance its "health". Fertilization is also one of the key points in rubber tree breeding methods, which can reduce the occurrence of markings and make the leaves bright. Just use nitrogen fertilizer, and remember to stop applying fertilizer in winter.

4. Pruning and turning the basin

The arrival of spring when it is time for pruning, the rubber tree cuts off the branches inside the crown, inward branches and thin branches to maintain its internal ventilation, good light transmission and overall shape. Usually, in the cultivation method of rubber tree, the basin must be turned once every 2 years, and materials such as rotten leaf soil are added to reconfigure it. It likes loam soil with loose and good drainage.

5. Cutting method

When plants need to reproduce, they usually use cuttings to propagate, and summer is the best. Choose the branches of the rubber tree every other year, which are about 20cm in length, take root within a month after cutting, and can be put on the pot in 50 days.

The breeding method of this rubber tree has a very high survival rate and grows very fast; wait until the cuttings are intercepted in late spring and early summer, seal the wound with cement, cut off a leaf below, close the upper two pieces with plastic rope and do a good job of shading and ventilation.

Matters needing attention in the culture of rubber trees

1. The suitable temperature for rubber tree growth is 25: 30 ℃. If the leaf is lower than 3 ℃ in winter, the leaves will turn yellow and fall off, so it should be placed in the sunny place indoors in winter and keep the room temperature above 10 ℃. When more than 35 ℃ in summer, the plant should be moved to a cool and ventilated place for maintenance, and timely water spray to cool down.

2. Rubber tree is a plant of Moraceae, and the whole plant contains milk. Therefore, immediately after each pruning, the incision should be blocked with cement or coated with charcoal powder, so as not to drain too much juice and cause water loss and death.

3. The rubber tree needs to change the direction of the basin regularly in the seedling stage, in order to prevent the plant from growing on one side, resulting in small and correct plant shape and beautiful appearance.

Fourth, the function of rubber tree

1. Ornamental and decorative functions

Rubber tree leaves are bright, evergreen, is a large shade-tolerant foliage plant. Whether the rubber tree potted plant is placed in the hall corridor in the ordinary family, or decorated in the lobby of the hotel, it is a very good decorative material, and the growth ability is exuberant, do not need how to care. In the south of our country, it is common to plant rubber trees in front of the buildings of the community, in the center of flower beds and on both sides of the road.

2. Purify the air.

Rubber trees can exuberant photosynthesis and transpiration in sunny places, regulating air humidity and oxygen content. And rubber tree has a unique dust purification function, but also can absorb formaldehyde in volatile organic compounds, carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, hydrogen fluoride and other harmful gases, so that indoor turbid air can be purified. The effect of vacuuming and purifying the air of the rubber tree is very significant, so the rubber tree is very suitable to be placed in the home or in front of the courtyard.

3. Fengshui action

The rubber tree is also better on fengshui. Home fengshui is related to the harmony of the family and the cultivation of interpersonal venation. The correct placement of the rubber tree will affect the luck and prospects of the family. Putting the rubber tree in the appropriate position indoors can promote auspicious prosperity and dissolve indoor Yin and evil spirits.

More information on the culture methods and precautions of rubber trees beautiful potted plants to take home

The leaves of rubber trees are beautiful and shiny, and they have the function of purifying air, so they are very delightful potted plants in household life. Let's learn about the breeding methods and points for attention of rubber trees. It is better to take action to take this beautiful and easy-to-raise rubber tree home!

Rubber tree

Brief introduction of rubber tree

Rubber tree, alias: rubber tree, Brazilian rubber, big tree of banyan genus of Euphorbiaceae. The trunk of the rubber tree is obvious, less branched and has air roots. Simple leaves alternate, leaves long oval, thick leathery, bright green, lateral veins many and parallel, young leaves red, petiole stout; rubber tree is a famous potted foliage plant with high ornamental value. It is very suitable for indoor beautification. Small and medium-sized plants are often used to beautify the living room and study; medium and large plants are suitable to be arranged on both sides of the foyer of large buildings and in the center of the lobby, which is magnificent and can reflect the tropical scenery.

Rubber tree

Culture methods of rubber trees

1. Temperature

The first trick in the cultivation of rubber trees is the temperature. Rubber trees have the best temperature of 20-25 degrees. They can grow well even if they are above 30 degrees, but they will produce a lot of fallen leaves if the temperature is too low in winter. The cold resistance is very poor.

2. Lighting

It is said that the sun is the food of plants is really good, in the rubber tree culture method, the sun is also a treasure, give it enough sunshine to let it thrive. Proper shading from May to September.

3. Fertilization

The existence of fertilizer, like calcium supplement, can enhance its "health". Fertilization is also one of the key points in rubber tree breeding methods, which can reduce the occurrence of markings and make the leaves bright. Just use nitrogen fertilizer, and remember to stop applying fertilizer in winter.

Rubber tree

4. Pruning and turning the basin

The arrival of spring when it is time for pruning, the rubber tree cuts off the branches inside the crown, inward branches and thin branches to maintain its internal ventilation, good light transmission and overall shape. Usually, in the cultivation method of rubber tree, the basin must be turned once every 2 years, and materials such as rotten leaf soil are added to reconfigure it. It likes loam soil with loose and good drainage.

5. Soil

Like fertile, loose, slightly acidic soil. The basin soil should be prepared with 4 parts of rotten leaf soil, grass ash soil plus about one part of river sand and a small amount of base fertilizer.

6. Watering

High temperature in summer, rubber trees grow faster, should be fat and water, but to avoid stagnant water in the basin. Gradually reduce watering after entering autumn, promote plant growth and enrichment, which is conducive to its overwintering.

Rubber tree

Matters needing attention in the culture of rubber trees

The main results are as follows: (1) the suitable temperature for the growth of rubber tree is 25: 30 ℃. If the leaf is lower than 3 ℃ in winter, the leaves will turn yellow and fall off, so it should be placed in the sunny place indoors in winter and keep the room temperature above 10 ℃. When more than 35 ℃ in summer, the plant should be moved to a cool and ventilated place for maintenance, and timely water spray to cool down.

(2) the rubber tree is a plant of Moraceae, and the whole plant contains milk. Therefore, immediately after each pruning, the incision should be blocked with cement or coated with charcoal powder, so as not to drain too much juice and cause water loss and death.

(3) the rubber tree needs to change the direction of the basin regularly in the seedling stage, in order to avoid the plant growing biased to one side, resulting in small and correct plant shape and beautiful appearance.

(4) after the general rubber tree seedlings, due to the larger and larger roots, resulting in soil consolidation, hindering soil ventilation, resulting in rubber trees yellowing, serious possible death. It is appropriate to change the basin before the new buds grow in spring every year. Loosen the soil every 15-20 days until it returns to normal growth.

Rubber tree

Four Seasons Management of Rubber Tree

(1) Spring management

Change the basin when the temperature is about 15 ℃ in spring every year, and trim it properly before changing it.

The rubber tree is strong by nature and easy to manage. Spring should be arranged in places with light, keep the basin soil moist, and often spray water around it to increase air humidity. Young plants can begin to apply fertilizer after seeing the emergence of new leaves. When the temperature is high at the end of spring, move it to the indoor layout and cultivation under half-light or scattered light.

(2) Summer management

Rubber trees are resistant to high temperature and hot sun, but when the light is too strong, the leaf color is easy to lose luster, which is not conducive to ornamental. The rubber tree cloth can be placed in a brightly lit place indoors. The room with weak light is not good for its growth.

Because the rubber tree has many and large leaves and large water consumption, it should be watered in time to keep the basin soil moist, and spray more to its leaves and all around to meet its requirements for air humidity.

Rubber tree

(3) Autumn management

In autumn, potted plants should be moved to a lighted windowsill or balcony to keep the potted soil moist. When the temperature is high at noon, spray water and spray around the leaves to increase air humidity.

In order to enhance its cold resistance in autumn, it can exercise in outdoor low temperature for a period of time, but it can not be hit by frost. People should move indoor with light in time before frosting.

(4) Winter management

The rubber tree is not cold-resistant and can withstand a low temperature of 0 ℃ for a short time. But the indoor temperature should be kept at about 5 ℃, when the growth of rubber tree is stagnant, sufficient light should be ensured to make the basin soil moist and dry, and the basin soil is too wet and easy to rot roots. When the temperature is high at noon, spray water and spray on its surrounding and leaves for several times.

When the indoor temperature is kept above 15 ℃, the rubber tree can grow normally. For management, see spring.

Rubber tree propagation

The way rubber trees reproduce:

Multiply by cuttage. The cutting time is suitable for spring and autumn. If the cuttings are not properly watered in summer, the cuttings are perishable. When cutting, cut off the one-and-a-half-lignified branches, cut off the young part of the apex, and select the section as the cuttings with the highest survival rate. The cuttings are 2-3 nodes long, keep the upper leaf, cut off half of the leaves, or roll up the leaves with string to facilitate cutting and reduce water transpiration. When cutting, the upper and lower incisions of cuttings are sealed with cement to prevent excessive juice from flowing out and affect survival, and then the cuttings are inserted into plain sand. Under the condition of air temperature above 20 C, about 40-50 days after cutting can take root.

In addition to the above-mentioned propagation with cuttings, it can also be propagated by single bud cutting, high branch pressing or water cutting.

Rubber tree

The role of rubber trees

1: ornamental and decorative

Rubber tree leaves are bright, evergreen, is a large shade-tolerant foliage plant. Whether the rubber tree potted plant is placed in the hall corridor in the ordinary family, or decorated in the lobby of the hotel, it is a very good decorative material, and the growth ability is exuberant, do not need how to care.

2: purify the air

Rubber trees can exuberant photosynthesis and transpiration in sunny places, regulating air humidity and oxygen content. And rubber tree has a unique dust purification function, but also can absorb formaldehyde in volatile organic compounds, carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, hydrogen fluoride and other harmful gases, so that indoor turbid air can be purified. The effect of vacuuming and purifying the air of the rubber tree is very significant, so the rubber tree is very suitable to be placed in the home or in front of the courtyard.

3: fengshui action

Rubber tree living in fengshui at home is related to family harmony, the cultivation of interpersonal context, and so on. The placement of the rubber tree will affect the luck and prospects of the family. Putting the rubber tree in the appropriate position indoors can promote prosperity and dissolve the indoor yin and dampness.

Rubber trees not only have ornamental and decorative functions, but also can purify the air, turn evil spirits into evil spirits on fengshui, promote family harmony, and promote auspicious prosperity. Hurry to understand the breeding methods and matters needing attention of rubber trees, and bring this delightful potted foliage plant home.