
Soilless cultivation methods and Culture precautions of Bowl Lotus (Picture)

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Bowl lotus, also known as white lotus, hibiscus, lotus, etc., is a perennial aquatic herbaceous flower of the family Nelumbo nucifera. It is not only colorful, fragrant, Ling Bo Cui cover, but also has strong adaptability. It has been a precious aquatic flower in palace garden and private garden since ancient times.

Bowl lotus, also known as white lotus, hibiscus, lotus, etc., is a perennial aquatic herb of the family Nymphaeaceae. It is not only colorful, fragrant and overflowing, but also has strong adaptability. Since ancient times, it has been a precious aquatic flower in the palace garden and private garden. It is becoming more and more popular in today's modern landscape architecture. Let's take a look at the soilless cultivation methods of lotus.

Cultivation advantages

Soilless cultivation of lotus can avoid soil-borne diseases and insect pests, topdressing inorganic fertilizer, tasteless and odorless, no mosquitoes and flies, clean and hygienic. Moreover, the lotus cultivated in soilless culture has the advantages of thick green leaves, many and large flowers, bright color and long flowering period, and has the advantages of easy operation and easy to grasp, so it is most popular among family flower lovers.

Sowing time

The lotus seed of bowl lotus has no dormancy period. As long as the water temperature can be kept above 16 ℃, it can be sown in four seasons. Under suitable temperature and light, it takes 50-60 days from sowing to flowering in spring and 60-80 days in autumn.

Seed treatment

The shell of the lotus seed is hard and dense, and it must be artificially broken before soaking the seed. There is a small protruding tip on one end of the lotus seed and a small concave spot on the other. Wear out the small concave end and wear out a layer of skin on the rough cement floor, be careful not to hurt the kernel inside, and don't shell it. The purpose of skin grinding is to let water seep in through this gap, so that the seed absorbs water and expands.

Soaking seeds to accelerate germination

Soak the seeds with broken shells in warm water of about 20-40 degrees. When the water temperature is lower than 20 degrees, the seed germination and growth is too slow, and when the family soaks a small amount of seeds, it can be put into a thermos to keep warm. The speed of germination is also related to the temperature. under the condition of 30 degrees, generally soaking seeds to accelerate germination for 3-5 days, the germ protrudes from the breach. During this period, change the water every 1-2 days. In general, as long as the seed coat can absorb water and expand, it can sprout.

Container selection

The soilless cultivation of bowl lotus can choose a round goldfish glass tank, which is wrapped with black cloth or black paper and then wrapped with a layer of white paper to prevent all kinds of algae in the solution from reproducing in the sun and to prevent the underground rhizome of bowl lotus from turning green and affecting flowering. opaque glaze pots, porcelain pots, purple sand pots can also be used.

Sowing method

The key to sowing seeds for soilless cultivation of lotus is to fix the seeds with a suitable substrate so that they will not float in the water (such as fine sand around the seeds, softness does not hurt the roots, and pebbles elsewhere). The cultivation substrate is sterile water, slag, sand (clean coarse sand or Yuhua stone), etc.

Timely fertilization

Inorganic fertilizer is mixed into a suitable aqueous solution, and the nutrient solution containing elements such as nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, magnesium and zinc is applied once a week. Phytonutrients prepared by Beijing Botanical Garden of the Chinese Academy of Sciences can also be used to prepare compound fertilizer tablets commonly used in potted flowers. Can also use ternary compound fertilizer, once every semimonthly, 3-5 tablets each time.

Reasonable pruning

When the leaves of the bowl lotus grow too much and too dense, you can properly remove some of the leaves to facilitate the plant to absorb air and help the flowers. When using the same container for multiple culture, when it is found that the leaves compete for strong sunlight, they should be cultured in separate pots in time.

Culture methods and matters needing attention of bowl lotus

The planting technology of bowl lotus is different from that of other flowers. now let's take a look at the planting technology and matters needing attention. See how the bowl lotus grows.

Conditions for the growth of a bowl of lotus

1. Soil

Fertile river pond mud is the most ideal for cultivation. If it is difficult to obtain river pond mud, immortal soil can also be used (black fairy soil is the best).

2. Sunshine

Be sure to give the lotus plenty of sunshine. Flower growers should not only pay attention to the bowl lotus indoor decoration environment and appreciation, keep it indoors for a long time so that it can not see the sun, forget that it is a plant that loves plenty of sunshine, only when the pot soil is warm, can it grow rapidly.

3. Water quantity

The amount of water varies from stage to stage. When the bowl lotus is first planted, there should not be much water, which will lower the temperature, not conducive to the rooting and development of seedlings, and affect its respiration and ventilation, and even cause rotten roots. When the leaves of the plant grow up, the bowl needs to be filled with clear water gradually in order to meet the needs of photosynthesis when the leaves float on the water surface. Otherwise, the leaf edge will be scorched and yellowed.

Key points of planting two bowls of lotus

1. Sowing time: Lotus seeds have no dormancy period. As long as the water temperature is kept above 16 ℃, the seeds can be sown in four seasons. Under the conditions of suitable temperature and light, it takes 50-60 days from sowing to flowering in spring and 60-80 days in autumn.

2. Seed treatment: after breaking the shell of the seed, the pericarp of lotus seed has a strong and thick special structure. after the seed is fully ripe and dried, the water and air are not easy to penetrate, the respiration is very slow, and it is forced to dormancy. So lotus seeds can be buried in the soil for hundreds or even thousands of years without germination or decay, which is the reason for the longevity of lotus seeds. In order to make the lotus seeds absorb water and oxygen after sowing, break the forced dormancy and enter into germination and growth, the seeds must be treated with shell breaking before germination.

Lotus is an anatropous ovule, and the germ is born at the top of the seed. When breaking the shell, the base end of the seed should be broken, that is, the end where the seed is placed on the receptacle, that is, the sunken end of the lotus seed. It can be broken with scissors or pliers. Generally speaking, before sowing, as long as the pericarp (that is, the hard shell of the lotus seed) is worn, the brown seed coat is seen; when the shell is clamped, there is only a 2mm crack at the base, do not clip it too deep, so as to avoid damaging the embryo. After one day of seed soaking, when the embryo expands and the pericarp becomes soft, the peel can be peeled off by hand along the broken shell to expose the embryo to facilitate the elongation of the germ. It must be noted that the broken shell should not be too large. If the hard shell of the lotus seed is removed, the germ will lose its protection and rot easily.

3. Soaking seeds to promote germination: the summer water temperature of 20 ℃-30 ℃ is very suitable for lotus seed germination, depending on how much water is filled in bowls or pots to soak the seeds. Put it indoors and change the water twice a day. It can sprout within a week. After sprouting, put it in the sunny place to strengthen the light and can not lack of water. Fine roots and 2-3 young lotus leaves grow after 2 weeks. When the leaves are in the shape of money, the roots can be divided.

4. Transplanting sprouts: choose ceramic pots or plastic flowerpots with no bottom hole of caliber 18cm~30cm and add half of them in the pot.

Pot field garden soil or river pond mud without chemical pollution should be soaked with water two weeks in advance and do not apply fertilizer. When transplanting, press the fine roots of the small lotus seedlings into the mud, one in each pot, and add appropriate amount of water after transplanting, so that the small lotus leaves are not submerged by water.

5. Autumn and winter management: after transplanting for 2-3 weeks, when the leaves turn yellow, a small amount of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium ternary compound fertilizer can be applied and dilute fertilizer is applied frequently. The lotus likes warmth and light, but is not tolerant of darkness. When the external temperature is lower than 16 ℃, the growth is slow and should be moved to the sunlight greenhouse.

I hope my introduction can help you. If you want to know more about lotus bowls, please follow the hot agricultural materials information.

Planting methods and matters needing attention of bowl lotus

First, how to plant bowl lotus

The planting method of bowl lotus is different from that of ordinary flowers, because the seeds of bowl lotus are relatively hard, so they need to be treated with broken shells. The peel of lotus seeds has a strong and thick special structure. After the seeds are fully mature and dry, water and air are not easy to penetrate, respiration is very slow, and they are forced to dormancy.

Lotus is an anatropous ovule, and the germ is born at the top of the seed. When breaking the shell, the base end of the seed should be broken, that is, the end where the seed is placed on the receptacle, that is, the sunken end of the lotus seed. It can be broken with scissors or pliers. Generally, as long as the pericarp is worn out before sowing, you can see the brown seed coat; when you clamp the shell, you only need to make a 2-3 mm crack at the base, do not clip it too deep, so as not to damage the embryo. After one day of seed soaking, when the embryo expands and the pericarp becomes soft, the peel can be peeled off by hand along the broken shell to expose the embryo to facilitate the elongation of the germ. It must be noted that the broken shell should not be too large. If the hard shell of the lotus seed is removed, the germ will lose its protection and rot easily.

Second, the planting method of bowl lotus

1. Sowing time: Lotus seeds have no dormancy period. As long as the water temperature is kept above 16 ℃, the seeds can be sown in four seasons. Under the conditions of suitable temperature and light, it takes 60-80 days from sowing to flowering in spring. The best sowing time: from March to early May.

2. Seed treatment: the shell of the lotus seed is hard and dense, and the lotus seed must be artificially broken before soaking. There is a small protruding tip on one end of the lotus seed and a small concave spot on the other. Grind the small concave end on the rough cement floor or make a small cut with tiger pliers. Be careful not to pinch the embryo or remove the shell.

3. Soaking seeds to promote germination: the summer water temperature of 20 ℃ ~ 30 ℃ is very suitable for lotus seed germination, depending on how much water is filled in bowls or pots to soak the seeds. Put it indoors and change the water twice a day. It can sprout within a week. After sprouting, put it in the sunny place to strengthen the light and can not lack of water. Fine roots and 2-3 young lotus leaves grow after 2 weeks. When the leaves are like money, the roots can be planted separately.

4. Seedling transplanting: choose 18cm~30cm pottery pot without bottom hole or plastic flowerpot, add half a pot of pastoral soil or river and pond mud without chemical pollution, soak in water two weeks in advance, do not apply fertilizer. When transplanting, press the fine roots of the small lotus seedlings into the mud, one in each pot, and add appropriate amount of water after transplanting, so that the small lotus leaves are not submerged by water.

5. Management: after transplanting for 2-3 weeks, if the leaves turn yellow, a small amount of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium ternary compound fertilizer can be applied and dilute fertilizer should be applied frequently. The lotus likes warmth and light, but is not tolerant of darkness. When the external temperature is lower than 16 ℃, the growth is slow and should be moved to the sunlight greenhouse.

Matters needing attention in planting lotus bowls

1, bowl lotus delicate, summer noon should avoid the hot sun, move to a shady place, and indoor flower appreciation, display time should not be too long, not more than 3 days at a time.

2. Bowl lotus is most avoided to be maintained in the shade, let alone be cultivated indoors like indoor foliage plants. Lack of light, lotus leaves grow less green, can not give birth to buds. To cultivate bowl lotus in the courtyard, the flowerpot must be placed on the outer edge of the sunny or southward balcony. Flowering season, need to be put indoors to watch, you can take early in and late out, or late in and early out, should still maintain a certain amount of light every day. Bowl lotus needs more light, but also avoid sunny weather after rain.

The above is the introduction of the planting method of bowl lotus. I hope it will be helpful for everyone to cultivate bowl lotus. Bowl lotus blossoms in midsummer to take you to experience some poetic feeling.