
Four young people have cancer and regret: these bad habits must be changed.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Recently, in a video program, when four young people talked about their experiences after cancer, they said, "it's more dangerous than a ticking time bomb."I count my days every day."I really don't want to die." Don't think that cancer is leaving the year.

Recently, in a video program, four young people

When they talked about their post-cancer experience, they said:

"more dangerous than a ticking time bomb."

"I count the days every day."

"I really don't want to die."

Don't think that cancer is far away from young people.

These living examples are alarm bells.


I stay up late countless times.

Post-90s actress Xu Ting died of lymphoma in Beijing 304 Hospital on September 7, 2016. Speaking of her experience, she said:

Before the illness

After the illness

I don't seem to have lived for myself in the past 26 years. My parents gave birth to seven children, and I am the third. I have earned money to pay tuition fees since I went to college. I started drifting north to live in the basement with 300 yuan before I finished college. I have worked hard for five years to make money for my younger brother to pay tuition fees, pay rent, pay debts for my parents, and buy a house.

Countless late night filming, tired waist protruding still winter soak in ice water filming, the pressure is out of breath, five years filming dozens of movies earned all the money to the family, I am never willing to spend … It was a bit of a relief when I learned that I had cancer. I feel like I'm going to be relieved...


I have been used to staying up late for more than ten years.

Yu Juan, a returnee doctor and an outstanding young teacher at Fudan University, died of breast cancer in the early morning of April 19, 2011 at the age of 32. During her illness, Yu Juan talked about her experience and said:

My habit for more than a decade is to stay up late. In fact, staying up late at my age is not a big deal. Everyone I know goes to bed late, but I'd say it's really bad to stay up late.

Looking back on the past ten years, since I lost the lights-out tube in my dorm when I was an undergraduate (in fact, I used to stay up late at that time), I basically haven't slept before 12:00. Study, TOEFL, postgraduate entrance examination are grand reasons, at the same time, chat, midnight snacks, singing, fierce when staying up all night, usually go to bed early basically around 1: 00 in the morning.

And then I got cancer. In my liver, several indicators were found to be high when cancer was detected, but I didn't have any liver disease before. I was very strange and anxious to figure out why there was something wrong with my liver function. I couldn't continue the chemotherapy because of my poor liver function.


I like to eat fatty meat.

In October 2014, netizen @ ThinkInWC confirmed direct liver metastasis of rectal cancer (stage IV) at 303 Hospital. His daughter is just one and a half years old. He wrote a long Weibo post, "Why am I the one with cancer?" He reflected on his previous way of life. He said:

"I like to eat meat with lots of fat and fat, such as pork belly, buckle meat and so on. For a period of time before the illness, I often ate junk food such as baked chicken wings with salt, Chicken Feet with Pickled Peppers, instant noodles and so on. And more than a year before I got sick, I often had constipation. I felt stressed and angry, so I drank some herbal tea on the market to relieve it. I never thought it was a disease, so I didn't think about going to the hospital. I sometimes sit in front of the computer all day and seldom get up and move. "


I'm always anxious.

After suffering from cancer, a 27-year-old man wrote an article entitled "reflection after suffering from Cancer" on his official Wechat account, which attracted everyone's attention. Speaking of his experience, he said:

"I am a person who is very critical of myself. I often put a lot of pressure on myself. I am always so anxious that I can't sleep all night. Because of my poor sleep, I won't get up for breakfast or get rid of it. After graduating from college, I worked in Guangzhou, and the pressure of life in first-tier cities was also great, so I basically made do with takeout. I finally have some time in the evening, and I don't want to end this short happy time easily. I don't have time to eat well, I don't have time to exercise, I don't have time to rest, and I don't want to spend this time. "

Please cherish your health when you are alive.

Except for life and death, it is all a small matter!


Go to bed early if you feel tired.

Don't think it doesn't matter when you feel tired, it's your body calling the police! It takes only four steps from fatigue to cancer:

Canceration induced by internal variation of important organs in mild fatigue and deep fatigue

The reason is that chronic fatigue, which is difficult to recover for a long time, will destroy the body's immunity and make the cancer cells hidden in the body grow rapidly, especially digestive organ tumors are closely related to chronic fatigue and constipation. Therefore, to prevent cancer, fatigue must be eliminated before it reaches the third step, especially for people over the age of 40.

Remember! 23:00 is the limit for staying up late!

Deng Liying, chief physician of the Neurology Department of the second affiliated Hospital, said that you must get ready for bed around 22: 00:00 at night, and you'd better fall asleep before midnight (before 23:00), because the sleep efficiency of this period is far higher than that of other periods of time.

The zodiac is from 23:00 to 1: 00 in the morning, when the liver meridian is in season. If you do not sleep, of course, it will hurt the liver, because the liver stores blood, the main strategy, is also an important organ for detoxification and detoxification, at this time you do not let it sleep, the result is only one, injured, the liver channel is impassable, detoxification is not complete, and so on. Because of this, some jobs that require night shifts are generally limited to twice a week.


I'm tired of talking to people around me.

If you are under pressure, you don't want to talk about it, and you "report the good news but not the bad news" to your family. In fact, this is an opportunity for cancer!

After analyzing the psychological and health status of 1300 medical college graduates, American scholars found that people who are melancholy and do not show their feelings are more likely to suffer from cancers of the digestive system and lymphatic system than people with cheerful personalities. Such as gastric cancer, pancreatic cancer, rectal cancer, colon cancer, lymphoid cancer, etc., the risk of cancer is 15 times higher!

Remember! Don't keep it to yourself!

Learn to let yourself off some psychological burden, some small things are rarely confused, do not care too much, let your mood open-minded, relax, will keep the disease away from you.


Go home for dinner more often.

Fast-paced life makes many people go home to cook less and less. Feeling hungry, light takeout orders have become a habit of most young people.

Du Fangteng, chief physician of the Department of Gastroenterology of the second affiliated Hospital, said that in order to pursue taste, many takeouts increase the use of salt, monosodium glutamate, various condiments and sauces. In the long run, it will lead to weight gain, elevated blood lipids, and so on. It not only improves the risk indicators of digestive tract diseases, cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, but also easily leads to diseases such as hypertension, and at the same time increases the burden on the kidneys.

Remember! Go home for dinner, healthy and happy!

Eating at home is not as high in salt and oil as eating out, which helps to control weight and prevent a variety of chronic diseases. Moreover, it is also a kind of happiness for families to sit together for dinner and chat.


Never smoke.

90% of lung cancer is related to smoking, it can be said that smoking is the culprit of lung cancer. You smoke well, but not in your lungs, because smoking gives cancer cells a chance to stay in the lungs. Assuming that the average person's risk of lung cancer is 1, heavy smokers are 17 times more likely to develop cancer than ordinary non-smokers.

Remember! Don't smoke!

Smokers try to give up smoking. The hidden dangers of secondhand and third-hand smoke can not be ignored. The residual tobacco smell such as sofas and cabinets at home will continue to "pollute" the lungs.


Less socializing, less drinking.

As the saying goes, there can be no table without wine, and when people get together and socialize, they can't do without wine. As the saying goes, "feelings are deep and boring, feelings are licked shallowly", as if only by drinking enough and enjoying enough can we express the meaning of hospitality.

Alcohol can cause cancer and is associated with at least seven cancers: oropharyngeal cancer, throat cancer, esophageal cancer, liver cancer, colon cancer, rectal cancer and breast cancer, according to an article published in the British monthly scientific journal Addiction. In addition, alcohol can cause skin, prostate and pancreatic cancer. Moreover, the greater the amount of alcohol consumed, the greater the risk of cancer.

Remember! Don't drink if you can!

The Dietary guidelines for Chinese residents (2016) recommend that men drink no more than 25 grams of alcohol a day and no more than 15 grams for women, otherwise they drink too much alcohol. What is the concept of 25 grams of alcohol? About the conversion, remember:

Spirit: no more than 1 tael at a time

Beer: no more than one bottle at a time

Red wine: limited to one red wine glass at a time

Attach signs of several common cancers

If you don't feel well

Just check it out:

Remind me again:

Cherish your body and always pay attention to your own health.

Don't wait for it to happen.

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