
Culture methods and points for attention of potted plant Cymbidium monophyllum (picture)

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, One-leaf orchid is an excellent shade-loving foliage plant for indoor greening and decoration, also known as spider egg, Ruo leaf, bamboo leaf plate, Kowloon plate, etc., is a perennial evergreen persistent root herb of the genus Liliaceae, which is native to various provinces and regions of southern China. It is now cultivated all over China and is widely used.

One-leaf orchid is an excellent shade-loving foliage plant for indoor greening decoration, also known as spider holding egg, Ruo leaf, bamboo leaf plate, Kowloon plate and so on. It is a perennial evergreen persistent herb of the family Liliaceae, which is native to various provinces and regions in southern China. Now it is cultivated all over China and is widely used. Let's take a look at the breeding methods and points for attention of one-leaf orchid.

Growth habits of Cymbidium mongolica

One-leaf orchid is mainly distributed in the provinces and regions of southern China, Hainan Island, Taiwan Island and so on, the rhizome is nearly cylindrical, with nodes and scales, leaves solitary, sexual preference for warm and humid, semi-shady environment, more cold-resistant, extremely shady. The suitable temperature for growth is 10: 25 ℃, while the range of growth temperature is 7: 30 ℃, and the overwintering temperature is 0: 3 ℃.

Cultivated varieties of one-leaf orchid

1. Variegated leaf orchid: spotted leaf orchid alias golden spider holding egg, spotted leaf spider holding egg, star spot spider holding egg, is a cultivated variety of one leaf orchid, with milky white or light yellow spots on the green leaf.

2. Golden leaf orchid: Golden leaf orchid alias golden spider holding egg, white spider holding egg, is a cultivated variety of one-leaf orchid, and there are light yellow vertical lines on the green leaves.

Ramet Propagation of Cymbidium chinense

1. Ramet time: the ramet propagation of Cymbidium can be carried out in combination with changing pots before the new buds germinate, usually after the soil is thawed in early spring (February and March).

2. Split method: take the mother plant out of the flowerpot, shake off the excess potted soil, separate the root system as much as possible, and cut it into two or more plants with a sharp knife. Each plant should have a considerable root system, and its leaves should be pruned properly to make each clump with 3 to 5 leaves, in order to survive.

Culture method of one-leaf orchid

1. Load the basin: soak the divided plants in 1500 times chlorothalonil for five minutes, then take out the cold and dry, and then serve. You can also irrigate the root with chlorothalonil immediately after potting.

2. Management: root irrigation or watering once after ramet potting, because the root system is greatly damaged and the ability of water absorption is very weak, it takes about 3-4 weeks to recover new roots, so it is necessary to control watering within 3-4 weeks after ramet to avoid rotting roots, but the transpiration of its leaves is not affected. In order to maintain the water balance of leaves, it is necessary to spray the leaves once or three times a day. Don't fertilize it these days. After ramet, we should also pay attention to the excessive sunlight, it is best to keep it in the shade shed.

3. Upper basin: first put a thick matrix of 2cm thick as a filter layer at the bottom of the basin, and then put in the plant. The substrate for the upper basin can choose one of the following. Peat: perlite: ceramsite = 2:2:1 or peat: vermiculite = 1:1 or peat: slag: ceramsite = 2:2:1 or sawdust: vermiculite: medium coarse river sand = 2:2:1 or vegetable garden soil: slag = 3:1 or garden soil: medium coarse river sand: sawdust = 4:1:2 or paddy soil, pond mud, rotten leaf soil, etc. After putting on the basin, pour water once and keep it in a shaded environment.

Maintenance technology of one-leaf orchid

1. Soil: Magnolia lanceolata is not strict on soil and resistant to barren, but it is better to use loose and fertile slightly acidic sandy loam. When potted, rotten leaf soil, peat soil and garden soil can be mixed in the same amount as substrate.

2. Moisture: the orchid should be fully watered in the growing season, keep the basin soil moist, and often spray water to the leaves to facilitate sprouting and growing new leaves, and the amount of water can be reduced appropriately after the end of autumn.

3. Lighting: one-leaf orchid can be cultivated in bright indoor all the year round, but it can not be placed in direct sunlight, either indoors or outdoors. Short exposure to the sun may also cause leaf burns and reduce ornamental value.

Summary: the breeding method of one-leaf orchid is introduced to you first. In fact, one-leaf orchid is very suitable for home and office layout, it can be watched alone, it can also be arranged with other flowering plants, and it is also a leaf material for modern flower arrangement. interested friends can then take a look at the breeding points for attention!

Matters needing attention in culturing Cymbidium mongolica

1. One-leaf orchid should be fully watered in the growing season, keep the basin soil moist, and often spray water to the leaves, so as to sprout and grow new leaves, and the amount of water can be reduced appropriately after the end of autumn.

2. In addition to controlling temperature and moisture, one-leaf orchid culture should pay special attention to whether it is sick or not, and cut off and burn the diseased leaves in time to reduce the source of infection.

3. Before the onset of the rainy season, spraying 50% Baig or Baogong wettable powder 1000 times, 25% carbon tetralin wettable powder. Once every 10 days, prevention and control 3 times 4 times.

4. Cymbidium is a shade-tolerant plant, the light should not be too strong, otherwise it will cause leaf yellowing or disease. Too much irrigation, especially in winter, can lead to root rot and leaf yellowing.

5. The maintenance of Euphorbia angustifolia in the greenhouse can increase the night temperature of the greenhouse, increase the ventilation time during the day, and reduce the humidity and fog duration in the greenhouse, so as to achieve the purpose of disease control.

6. In the peak growth period of spring and summer, one-leaf orchid is applied once or twice a month to ensure that the leaves are beautiful and bright, and can be cultivated in bright indoor all the year round, but no matter indoors or outdoors, they can not be placed in direct sunlight.

Prevention and control of diseases and insect pests of Cymbidium

1. Anthrax

[symptoms] the disease spots on the leaves of a leaf orchid often occur on the leaf edge or leaf surface. The lesion is nearly round, grayish white to grayish brown, the outer edge is yellowish brown or reddish brown, and there are small black dots arranged in a wheel in the later stage. In addition to leaves, petioles and stems are also infected, resulting in long streak spots. The pathogen overwinters in the soil or on diseased leaf tissue. Spread by airflow or water to carry out primary infection and re-infection. There are 2-3 peaks in the south and only one in the north. Continuous rainfall, heavy rainfall, serious disease.

[prevention and treatment] ① found diseased leaves and cut off and burned them in time to reduce the source of infection. Before the onset of the ② rainy season, spray 50% Shi Baig or Baogong wettable powder 1000 times liquid, 25% carbon tetralin wettable powder liquid. Once every 10 days, prevention and control 3 times 4 times. Spraying 0.5% potassium dihydrogen phosphate or 300 times of double-effect micro-fertilizer when necessary by ③ is beneficial to enhance disease resistance.

2. Grey mold

[symptoms] often occur at the edge of the leaf. Waterlogged disease spots began to appear from the leaf edge, and the disease spots expanded rapidly when the humidity was high, resulting in irregular withering of the leaf margin, and generally no gray mildew layer was seen. But after continuous overcast and rain, the humidity is high, the duration is long, and sparse gray mold can grow. The disease is easy to spread under the condition of high humidity and temperature of about 20 ℃.

[prevention and treatment] ① was carefully maintained and planted in a semi-shady environment with moist and good drainage. If sporadic diseased plants are found in ②, 65% metformin wettable powder 1000 times or 50% Sukeling wettable powder 1500 times, 50% Prohydantoin wettable powder and 50% Nongliling wettable powder 1000 times can be sprayed. The leaf orchid maintained by ③ in the greenhouse can increase the night temperature of the greenhouse, increase the ventilation time during the day, and reduce the humidity and fog duration in the greenhouse, so as to achieve the purpose of disease control.

3. Leaf spot

[symptoms] Leaf spot is also known as black spot, brown spot and so on. First of all, black spots appear in the middle of the leaves, and then the leaves turn yellow and fall off. The causes are mostly caused by muggy, unventilated and humid environment.

[prevention and control] pay attention to improving the environmental conditions, the damaged leaves can be removed and burned at the beginning of the disease. 1% Bordeaux solution can be sprayed for control, once every 7 days, a total of 5 times during the whole growth period, or 1000 times of 50% carbendazim.

What if the leaves of an orchid turn yellow?

1. the light is too strong

[reason] one-leaf orchid bogey is in direct sunlight, and short-term sunlight exposure may also cause leaf burns and yellowing, reducing ornamental value.

[methods] one-leaf orchid can be cultivated in bright indoor all the year round, but it can not be placed in direct sunlight either indoors or outdoors.

2. Too little light

[reason] one-leaf orchid is extremely shady and can be watched for months even in a dark room, but too dark for a long time is not conducive to the germination and growth of new leaves. If the light is too little in a dark place for a long time, the leaves will turn yellow.

[methods] if it is placed in a dark room, it is best to move it to a place with bright light for a period of time to facilitate growth and viewing, especially during the period from the germination of new leaves to the growth and maturity of new leaves.

3. Overwatering

[reason] overwatering is also one of the reasons why the leaves of Cymbidium are yellowing. Cymbidium likes water and has a certain tolerance, even if it is dry for several days, it will not die, but if too much watering will affect the root system absorption and cause the leaves to yellowing.

[methods] the watering of Cymbidium should be dry and wet, not too much, but not too little, and sufficient water is needed during the growth period.

4. Excessive fertilization

[reason] Cymbidium does not have a great demand for fertilizer, so it is best to apply light fertilizer each time. If too much fertilizer is applied, it will burn roots and destroy the growth of Cymbidium, and the leaves will turn yellow due to fertilizer damage.

[methods] dilute liquid fertilizer can be applied 1-2 times a month to promote the germination and robust growth of new leaves, to ensure that the leaves are beautiful and bright, and not to apply too much fertilizer.

5. Pest infection

[reason] Red spiders are very easy to appear in orchids maintained indoors, and insect pests are also the reason for the yellowing of leaves.

[methods] the two sides of leaves should be checked frequently, and triclofenac and nisolan should be sprayed in time.

How to grow a potted orchid? Culture methods and matters needing attention of Cymbidium chinense

One-leaf orchid is a perennial evergreen herb of the genus Liliaceae, with straight and straight leaves, bright green, strong growth and strong adaptability, so it is an excellent shade-absorbing and foliage plant for indoor greening, which is very suitable for pot planting indoors. So, how to grow a potted orchid? Now the culture methods and matters needing attention of Cymbidium are introduced as follows.

Picture: one-leaf orchid

I. the culture method of one-leaf orchid

1. Pot: soak the divided plants in 1500 times chlorothalonil solution for five minutes, then take out and dry, and then serve. You can also irrigate the root with chlorothalonil immediately after potting.

two。 Management: root irrigation or watering once after ramet potting, because the root system is greatly damaged and the water absorption capacity is very weak, it takes about 3-4 weeks to recover the new root germination, so it is necessary to control watering within 3-4 weeks after ramet to avoid rotting roots, but the transpiration of its leaves is not affected. In order to maintain the water balance of the leaves, it is necessary to spray the leaves 1-3 times a day. Don't fertilize it these days. After ramet, we should also pay attention to the excessive sunlight, it is best to keep it in the shade shed.

3. Upper basin: first put a thick 2-3 cm thick matrix as a filter layer at the bottom of the basin, and then put in the plant. The substrate for the upper basin can choose one of the following. Peat: perlite: ceramsite = 2:2:1 or peat: vermiculite = 1:1 or peat: slag: ceramsite = 2:2:1 or sawdust: vermiculite: medium coarse river sand = 2:2:1 or vegetable garden soil: slag = 3:1 or garden soil: medium coarse river sand: sawdust = 4:1:2 or paddy soil, pond mud, rotten leaf soil, etc. After putting on the basin, pour water once and keep it in a shaded environment.

4. Soil: one-leaf orchid is not strict with the soil and is resistant to barren, but it is better to use loose and fertile slightly acidic sandy loam. When potted, rotten leaf soil, peat soil and garden soil can be mixed in the same amount as substrate.

5. Moisture: the orchid should be fully watered during the growing season, keep the basin soil moist, and often spray water to the leaves to facilitate sprouting and growing new leaves, and the amount of water can be reduced appropriately after the end of autumn.

6. Lighting: one-leaf orchid can be cultivated in bright indoor all the year round, but it can not be placed in direct sunlight, either indoors or outdoors. Short exposure to the sun may also cause leaf burns and reduce ornamental value.

Picture: one-leaf orchid

2. matters needing attention in the culture of Cymbidium mongolica

1. One-leaf orchid should be fully watered in the growing season, keep the basin soil moist, and often spray water to the leaves, so as to sprout and grow new leaves, and the amount of water can be reduced appropriately after the end of autumn.

two。 In addition to controlling temperature and moisture, one-leaf orchid culture should also pay special attention to whether it is sick, cut off and burn the diseased leaves in time, and reduce the source of infection.

3. Before the onset of the rainy season, one-leaf orchid is sprayed with 50% 100 grams or 1000 times of Baogong wettable powder and 25% carbon tetralin wettable powder. Once every 10 days, prevention and treatment for 3-4 times.

4. Cymbidium is a shade-tolerant plant, the light should not be too strong, otherwise it will cause leaf yellowing or disease. Too much irrigation, especially in winter, can lead to root rot and leaf yellowing.

5. The maintenance of Euphorbia angustifolia in the greenhouse can increase the night temperature of the greenhouse, increase the ventilation time during the day, and reduce the humidity and fog duration in the greenhouse, so as to achieve the purpose of disease control.

6. In the peak growth period of spring and summer, one-leaf orchid is applied liquid fertilizer 1-2 times a month to ensure that the leaves are beautiful and bright, and can be cultivated in bright indoor all the year round, but no matter indoors or outdoors, they can not be placed in direct sunlight.

[conclusion] Elaeagnus angustifolia has a certain absorption effect on indoor formaldehyde, carbon dioxide, hydrogen fluoride and other harmful substances, and the effect of fresh air is more obvious. The above introduces the breeding methods and matters needing attention of Euphorbia angustifolia. Do you understand it?

Sharing the culture methods and points for attention of one-leaf orchid to teach you how to grow one-leaf orchid

One-leaf orchid is one of the plants that many people like now, so what are the breeding methods and points for attention of one-leaf orchid? The following wed114 marriage network will bring you detailed information and teach you how to raise a leaf orchid.

Sharing the culture methods and points for attention of one-leaf orchid to teach you how to grow one-leaf orchid

One-leaf orchid like warm, humid, semi-shady environment, more cold-resistant, extremely shade-resistant. The suitable temperature for growth is 10: 25 ℃, and the overwintering temperature is 0: 5 ℃. Magnolia lanceolata is not strict on soil and resistant to barren, but it is better to use loose and fertile slightly acidic sandy loam. When potted, rotten leaf soil, peat soil and garden soil can be used as substrate.

The culture method of one-leaf orchid:

Mode of reproduction: the method of plant division is used, which can be carried out in March in spring. Dig the big clump of plants out of the soil, gently shake off the soil, and cut it with a sharp knife according to the trend of the rhizome. Each clump of rhizome should have 8 buds and 9 buds. The split one-leaf orchid plant can be planted after half a day of air-drying in the shade.

Production cycle: it takes about 6 months from the planting of the new plant to the harvest of the finished product. In the future, the finished products can be harvested one after another, and the old plants should be renewed after 3 years or so, when the clumps of orchids can be replanted.

Sharing the culture methods and points for attention of one-leaf orchid to teach you how to grow one-leaf orchid

Cultivation location: it should be planted in greenhouse in the north of our country and open to heaven and earth in the south. The cultivation site should receive direct sunlight for not less than 2 hours a day.

Matrix: Sandy loam rich in humus should be selected.

Planting: the planting density is 912 plants per square meter, and the seedlings are planted at equal intervals.

Watering: one-leaf orchid likes to moist the soil, but should be careful not to make the soil waterlogged, otherwise the rhizome of one-leaf orchid is easy to rot.

Sharing the culture methods and points for attention of one-leaf orchid to teach you how to grow one-leaf orchid

Fertilization: before planting, rotten leaves can be used as base fertilizer, the dosage is 2 kg per square meter, and the base fertilizer should be turned evenly into the soil. In the vigorous growth stage of spring, summer and autumn, the plant should be topdressing with thin fertilizer and water once a week, and fertilizer should be stopped in winter.

Illumination: the orchid grows well in the bright place where there is no direct sunlight, and the shading net can be used for its shading. in the period of high temperature in summer and autumn, do not make the plant accept direct sunlight, otherwise unfading yellow patches will appear on its leaves, which slows down its growth rate and decreases its ornamental value.

Ventilation: keep the environment properly ventilated when the growth is exuberant. Because the orchid grows slowly in winter, this operation can be avoided at that time.

Temperature: one leaf orchid likes to be warm, avoid severe cold. The ambient temperature should be kept between 15 and 25 ℃, and the overwintering temperature should not be lower than 5 ℃.

Sharing the culture methods and points for attention of one-leaf orchid to teach you how to grow one-leaf orchid

Notes on Cymbidium chinense:

1. The orchid should be fully watered during the growing season, keep the basin soil moist, and often spray water to the leaves to facilitate sprouting and growing new leaves, and the amount of water can be reduced appropriately after the end of autumn.

2. Liquid fertilizer was applied once or twice a month during the peak growth period in spring and summer to ensure that the leaves were beautiful and bright. It can be cultivated in bright indoor areas all the year round, but it can not be placed in direct sunlight, either indoors or outdoors; short-term sunlight exposure may also cause leaf burns and reduce ornamental value.

The orchid is tall and straight in shape, bright and green in color, graceful, elegant and graceful; at the same time, it is strong, adaptable and extremely shady, so it is an excellent shade-loving foliage plant for indoor greening and decoration. It is suitable for home and office layout. Can be watched alone; can also be arranged with other flowering plants to set off the freshness and beauty of other flowers. In addition, one-leaf orchid is an excellent leaf material for modern flower arrangement.