
Be kind enough to save the abandoned animals? In fact, you may have hurt them.

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, Wildlife rescue is not a simple matter, this article may not solve all your questions, if you want to know more about wildlife rescue knowledge & story, welcome to sign up for this Friday's online lecture, calendar invitation.

Wildlife rescue is not a simple thing. This article may not solve all your questions. If you want to know more about wildlife rescue knowledge & stories, welcome to sign up for this Friday's online lecture. Calendar Niang invited wildlife conservation worker @ Wildlife Youth Chen Laoxi to talk about wildlife conservation. At that time, you can also ask him your questions.

The dividing line of the text

We often see the news on the Internet that we have found a little leopard cat, badger, little masked palm civet and so on, which have been taken home and asked how to feed them. But the question is, how can their mother's well-fed baby be carried home by humans?

What should I do when I meet a small beast?

In fact, most people are kind-hearted, saying that no one cares about seeing the cubs there, afraid of being cold and hungry or afraid of rain, but in fact, this is too much to worry about. Wild animals would have become extinct without the ability to reproduce normally, so rest assured that your concerns are likely to be superfluous:

Parents know that in order to ensure that their children grow up smoothly, they should be fed several times a day; they also have to go out to look for food, and perhaps bring back some food for their children; their nests can protect the children from the wind and rain, and are comfortable enough to ensure the healthy growth of their children.

In an environment like this, two leopard cubs are found, which is their nest. Just don't move.

In addition, some of the words of "savior" may have problems in themselves, such as some kind of animal cub found in the middle of the road and not yet open its eyes, how can such a cub be too small to climb out of the nest to run into the middle of the road? There are also animal cubs found in the cracks in the rocks or in the thick grass. While we envy this good eye luck, we need to remind us that these places are their favorite places to make nests, so don't make a fuss.

Like Leopard Cat and masked palm civet, although they both have a strong ability to climb trees, they both choose to nest in hidden places on the ground. Badgers choose to breed in caves, so I suspect that badgers that are too small were dug out of the cave at first.

It is hard to believe that such a small pig badger was picked up.

If cubs are found outside the nest that can walk normally, they are likely to go out with their parent animals, or the nest is nearby. Please do not disturb at this time, the disturbance may cause their mother and son to be separated, or you may be attacked by pro-beasts who do not know where to come from.

What you can do at this time is not to get close, but to observe quietly from afar. Of course, it's even better to avoid it without looking at it. If they have accidentally disturbed the animals, they should evacuate immediately, and the mother and son will try to find each other again, which is much better than people still in the way.

The pig badger of this size may have been "saved" when it first came out of the hole.

If you encounter an animal's nest, the right thing to do is to leave as soon as possible, do not disturb is the best protection, staying there too much may be found by the animals and affect their normal family life.

If you find that the position of the cub is really strange, you are really worried about the right thing to do (but in fact, I do not recommend that most people do so. Because I think it's very likely to be messing up either for myself or for animals or for both sides) is to take a look at the cub's physical condition. If you are in good spirits and full body, you can rest assured to leave, and you can come back tomorrow. What are you going to see the next day? If you find that there is a pro-beast, don't say, feel free to leave; if the pro-beast is still not there, but the cubs are still in good spirits and full-bodied, which proves that they are fed by their mother, they can also feel at ease to leave.

A leopard cat rescued to Guangzhou Zoo. Don't say you want to raise it, it's illegal to raise it. Photo: Gao Linfeng

It needs to be emphasized that during all the viewing process, do not touch the animals, do not touch the nest, wild animals are very sensitive to smell, if people come into contact with the cubs, do not rule out the possibility that the parent animals come back to kill the cubs or give up feeding. Therefore, you must not do it. In fact, people standing on the edge of the nest have left a lot of information to the animals, and the parent animals are likely to transfer the cubs. By the time you go again, the building will be empty. In fact, it means that you have already made trouble.

If you take the cub home...

What happens when the cub is brought home by humans?

It's possible to die because the individual doesn't know how to take care of it.

It is possible that he died after being sent to the rescue department because he did not know how to take care of him.

It is possible to meet someone who will take care of their growth, and then this person will take a weekend off, the colleagues on duty do not know how to take care of them, and the cubs die.

It's possible that he died of diarrhea after drinking milk.

It is possible that because I forgot to keep warm and catch a cold, after all, no one can warm them with their arms every day like their mother.


In short, in the case of human breeding, these wild animals have a variety of ways to die; even if they grow up, they may still be too close to people to be released, making nature lose these wild animals forever.

Because of the loveliness of the leopard cat who was picked up home, fortunately, he was later rescued by the forest police with the help of the volunteers of the Cat League.

What happens if they are eventually released into the wild?

It is possible that they starve to death in the wild because they are not taught by their parents to find food and other survival skills in captivity.

It is possible that, because he has not learned how to avoid predators or come into contact with his own kind, he will be attacked by predators in the wild, or will not be accepted by his companions, and eventually die.


I will not list ten thousand ways for them to die. In short, when they are carried home, they are almost dead. Even if you survive, the chances of returning to the wild are very low.

If they were a litter of well-fed babies who just happened to be seen, the decision to take them home would have been a bolt from the blue.

This is definitely not alarmist talk. National treasure pandas have invested huge manpower and material resources in captive breeding, but pandas that grew up in captivity are still hobbling until they are released into the wild today. the loss of parenting and the growth in captivity makes it extremely difficult for wild animals to return to the wild.

Leopard cats rescued in Taiwan. Taiwan has a much higher level of wildlife rescue than the mainland, and even though various efforts have been made, they have not been successful in trying to save wild leopard cats.

So, what can we do?

The cubs picked up are usually small carnivorous animals such as badgers, racoon dogs, masked palm civet, leopard cats and weasels, as well as hedgehogs. The reason may be that the areas where these animals live are often close to those of human activities, and that human houses or farmland are likely to provide them with warmth and food sources (such as rats or insects, etc.).

The leopard cat in Beijing, it lives right around us.

With the increase in people's awareness of protecting wildlife, many people will want to help the cubs. Since it has been said before that it is wrong to take the cub home, what is the right thing to do?

Of course, it is not enough to leave protection to animal protection organizations, institutions and scientific research institutions. Protection should be something that everyone can do. If you want to help the wild animals near your home, you can be their spokesman and tell more people about them, or you can try to improve their habitat--

For example, activities to prevent poaching take place here; for example, to teach nearby people about the protection of wild animals and the harm of eating wild animals; for example, to reduce the use of pesticides that may have an impact on wild animals; for example, try to restore the ecological environment in shallow mountain areas by scientific methods; and so on.

When people in every place begin to protect the ecological environment of their place, it is the greatest help to those wild animals and to ourselves.


Saving animals is something that takes time, energy and financial investment. There is no such thing as saving animals with low input and high output. So, what if you meet an animal cub?

Never mind. Let's go.

This article may not solve all your questions

Come and listen to the online salon at 19:30 this Friday.

Solve your questions about saving wild animals.

Calendar Niang invited the author of this article.

Wildlife conservationist @ wild youth Chen Laoxi

Solve questions and share stories for everyone

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It's this Friday. Don't miss it!

Your questions can also be raised with Chen Laoxi at the scene.