
Potting methods and breeding precautions of lamp cage flowers (picture)

Published: 2024-09-21 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/21, Lantern flower is also called bell flower, inverted bell flower, hanging bell begonia, etc. It is a perennial herbaceous flower belonging to the genus inverted bell of the family Salicaceae. There are many kinds of flowers. The main colors are red, purple and white. Although it is beautiful, it cannot withstand the scorching sun in summer. Therefore, attention should be paid to the maintenance in the breeding process.

Lantern flowers are also known as bell flowers, inverted golden bells, hanging bell begonias, etc., which belong to perennial herbaceous flowers of Saliuriaceae. There are many kinds of flowers and colors, including red, purple and white. Although they are delicate and beautiful, they cannot withstand the scorching of the summer sun, so we need to pay attention to maintenance in the process of breeding. Let's take a look at the breeding methods and matters needing attention of lantern flowers.

Growth habits of Lantern Flowers

Lantern flower is a horticultural hybrid cultivated according to the materials of Central America. It likes cool and humid climate. The suitable temperature for growth is 10-25 ℃. It requires plenty of sunshine in winter and semi-overcast environment in summer. When the summer temperature exceeds 38 ℃, the metabolism is slow and the growth is stagnant. The phenomenon of fallen leaves and rotten roots often occurs at this time. If no effective measures are taken, the whole plant will die.

Propagation methods of Lantern Flower

1. Cuttage propagation: the branches of the same year are often used for tender wood cutting in late spring and early autumn, or the old branches are cut with the branches of last year in early spring. Is used for cutting nutrition soil or river sand, peat soil and other materials, use medium and coarse river sand, but before use to rinse with water several times, sea sand and saline-alkali areas of river sand should not be used, because it is not suitable for the growth of flowers and plants.

2. Striping propagation: select strong branches and peel off the bark from about 15cm to 30cm below the top. The width of the peeled wound is about one centimeter, and the depth is limited to just peeling off the skin. Cut a piece of film 10 cm 20 cm long and 5 cm 8 cm wide, put some wet garden soil on it, and wrap it around like a wound. The upper and lower ends of the film are tightly tied and bulged in the middle. Take root in about four to six weeks. After taking root, cut off the root system along the edge of the branch to form a new plant.

Transplanting methods of Lantern Flowers

1. When small seedlings are installed in a pot or large plants that have been raised for several years are transferred to the basin, a coarse-grained matrix 2cm thick is first placed at the bottom of the basin as a filter layer, which is sprinkled with a fully mature organic fertilizer as a base fertilizer, with a thickness of about 1cm and 2cm, and then covered with a thin layer of matrix, which is about 1cm thick, and then put into the plant to separate the fertilizer from the root system and avoid root burning.

2. The substrate for potting can be one of the following, vegetable garden soil: slag = 3:1 or garden soil: medium coarse river sand: sawdust (slag) = 4:1:2 or one of paddy soil, pond mud, rotten leaf soil. Pour water once after putting on the basin and keep it in a shaded environment for a week. When transplanting the seedlings, first dig the planting hole, sprinkle a layer of organic fertilizer at the bottom of the planting hole as the base fertilizer (base fertilizer), the thickness is about 46.6 cm, and then cover a layer of soil and put it into the seedlings to separate the fertilizer from the roots and avoid burning roots.

Culture methods of Lantern Flowers

1. Soil: Lantern flowers like loose sandy loam with good drainage.

2. Moisture: Lantern flowers are watered once in 2-3 days in winter and rainy season, once a day in autumn and sunny days, and in semi-dormant summer to prevent defoliation and rotting roots.

3, sunshine: Lantern flowers like the sunny environment, the lack of sunshine is easy to grow, resulting in a reduction in flowering.

4. Fertilizer: sufficient organic fertilizer was applied before lantern flower planting, nitrogen fertilizer was controlled in the early growth stage, overgrowth was prevented, and phosphorus and potassium fertilizer was applied at flowering stage.

5. Temperature: the suitable temperature for the growth of lantern flowers is 15-25 degrees. If the temperature exceeds 30 degrees in summer, it will enter a semi-dormant state, and not less than 5 degrees in winter.

Points for attention of Lantern Flowers

1. Fertilizer application: sufficient organic fertilizer was applied before lantern flower planting, nitrogen fertilizer was controlled in the early growth stage, overgrowth was prevented, and phosphorus and potassium fertilizer was applied at flowering stage.

2. Rational watering: Lantern flowers are watered once every 2-3 days in winter and rainy season, once every day in autumn and sunny days, and moisture should be controlled when they are semi-dormant in summer to prevent the occurrence of defoliation and rotting roots.

3. Reasonable pruning: Lantern flowers will prune all the weak branches, withered and yellow branches, and all the remaining branches will be cut short, and the length left will be determined by ornamental quality, requiring coordination of the whole plant.

4. Pot soil replacement: Lantern flowers grow fast and require sufficient nutrients, so the basin soil should be rich in humic sandy loam. It is also necessary to add 20% of fully rotten animal manure. To enter the peak growing season, we should also apply liquid fertilizer, turning over the basin and changing the soil in spring in each of the first three years to replenish nutrients.

Summer Management of Lantern Flowers

1, summer shade: enter the summer, if the temperature exceeds 30 ℃, to avoid the strong sun exposure, during the day can be moved to the balcony below the balcony in a cool and ventilated place, and then moved to the balcony after sunset (preferably placed in the shade shed or tree shade). Move the plant from the south balcony to the north balcony in advance to avoid the sun. Put the pot plant in a larger bamboo basket or cardboard box, surrounded by soft pot soil to prevent the flowerpot from being directly baked by the sun.

2. heating and cooling: put half or the whole brick into the container, inject clear water into the container (the water is higher than the brick surface), and then put the pot plant on the brick to cool down for a long time. Place the pot plant downstairs in a place of ventilation and shelter, dig a small pit in the ground, bury the plant in the soil, and wait until autumn to put the plant indoors. Once the pot plant is heated by the hot sun, it must not be watered on the leaves and in the flowerpot before the heat is dissipated, so as to prevent uneven heat and cold, resulting in accidental damage. During the period of heat prevention and cooling, due to the reduction of light, watering should be controlled, do not be too frequent, and always keep the basin soil moist.

3. Prevent rain: summer is a rainy season. Before it rains, put the potted plants in a place of shelter. If it is too late to move the flowerpot in case of thunderstorm, the stagnant water in the pot should be poured out in time. If the basin is still too wet at this time, you can use burnt charcoal to sprinkle on the surface of the basin soil to evaporate part of the excess water. If the water in the basin soil does not evaporate for a long time, and the basin soil is too wet, it is also easy to lead to fallen leaves and rotten roots, resulting in the death of the whole plant.

The pruning method of Lantern Flower

1. Flowering pruning: hanging the golden bell upside down in the northern natural environment, the full flowering period is from April to July. The last pick of the heart should be stopped in late March in spring. It blossoms in the middle and late April. Because the top of the branch continues to bloom and elongate, when the flower branch grows to a certain length, it should hit the top, and the new branch can continue to blossom. The branchlets and leaves from the center of the plant can be knocked off at any time during flowering to avoid nutrient consumption and facilitate ventilation and light transmission.

2. Pruning after anthesis: in July, when the temperature reached more than 30 ℃, the plant entered a semi-dormant state. When the leaves are weak, heavy pruning should be carried out to reduce nutrient consumption, which is conducive to safe summer. All the long branches are short, leaving only the backbone branches, and pick some of the old leaves and place them in a cool place for the summer. Pick the buds if they are born during the summer. New branches will be issued in September in autumn, and the plant shape will be more compact and beautiful.

Disease Control of Lantern Flower

1. Grey mold

[symptoms] Botrytis cinerea occurs in rainy weather or excessive application of nitrogen fertilizer or lack of light. It mainly harms stems, leaves and flowers, resulting in water-like spots on the affected parts. If it is not prevented in time, the hyphae will gradually expand and be covered with gray hairs, and in serious cases, the plants will die.

[methods] at the initial stage of the disease, 65% zinc or 50% carbendazim and other new agents with 500 times solution were sprayed every 7 to 10 days for 3 times in a row. Pay attention to ventilation and light to make the plant grow well and improve the disease resistance of the plant. After the disease, the diseased branches and leaves should be cut off and treated in time to reduce the source of the disease.

2. Powdery mildew

[symptoms] powdery mildew mainly harms stems, leaves and buds. After being infected, there is a layer of white powder on the surface, which shrinks the leaves and makes the flowers smaller.

[methods] pay attention to ventilation and light, increase the application of phosphorus and potassium fertilizer to improve plant disease resistance. After the onset of the disease, spray 70% Tuobu body liquid or 2500 times liquid strychnine or other appropriate agents in time, spray every 10 days, spray 2 times 3 times continuously.

How to raise lantern flowers, breeding methods and matters needing attention of lantern flowers

Lantern flowers give people a beautiful and festive feeling, its flowers, such as hanging color lanterns, can be used for potted viewing, lantern flowers are mainly used in guest rooms, flower racks, desk embellishment, with water vase, not only can be watched, but also can take root and reproduce. Many people do not know how to raise lantern flowers, the following is to introduce the breeding methods and points for attention of lantern flowers.

Culture methods of Lantern Flowers

Lantern flowers produce few seeds and often rely on cuttings for propagation. Lantern flower is mainly propagated by cuttage, which is cut in January, February and October. The optimum cutting temperature is 15 ℃ 20 min, and rooting takes about 20 days. Cutting 5-8cm, the growing tip is used as cuttings. When the temperature is 20 ℃, the shoots will take root two weeks after cutting, and pot in time after rooting, otherwise the roots are easy to rot. Permanent cuttage propagation can be used all year round, and it can take root faster in spring and autumn. Cuttings with top twigs are the best, with a length of 7muri 8cm, inserted in a sand bed, kept moist, rooting about 10 days after insertion, and can be put on the pot in September.

1. Temperature requirements of lantern flowers: warm and humid, sunny and well-ventilated in winter, and high dry, cool and semi-overcast conditions in summer. Avoid extreme heat, muggy heat and rain in the sun. The suitable temperature for the growth of lantern flower is 10 murmur25 ℃. The temperature in winter is not lower than 5 ℃. The growth was very slow when the summer temperature reached 30 ℃, and withered and died in large numbers at 35 ℃.

2. Watering and fertilization of lantern flowers: watering lantern flowers in spring and autumn should grasp the principle of seeing dry and wet, in order to keep the basin soil moist. The basin soil should be dry in midsummer, and the relative air humidity can reach more than 60% by spraying water. It should be moist in winter to promote the growth of new shoots. In spring and autumn, dilute liquid fertilizer was applied once every 10 to 15 days, and once a week during the bud period. The new plants cultivated in the first year and the spring of the same year are still fertilized normally in summer to continue to bloom, while the old perennial plants stop fertilizing because they are in the dormant period.

3, the key points of the maintenance of lantern flowers: first, put the lantern flower plants in shade, ventilation, cool and shelter; spray water to the leaves many times a day, sprinkle water on the ground, reduce the temperature and increase air humidity. The second is to control the water and stop the fertilizer for the perennial old plants to get through the dormant period smoothly. The plant should enter the room before Frosts Descent and leave the room after Qingming Festival, and the room temperature should be kept above 5 ℃. In case of cold spell and wind and snow weather, when freezing outside, it is best to move back indoors.

4. The lantern flower grows fast and requires sufficient nutrients, so the basin soil should be rich in humic sandy loam. And add 20% to 30% fully rotten animal manure. To enter the peak growing season, we should also apply liquid fertilizer, turning over the basin and changing the soil in spring in each of the first three years to replenish nutrients. After planting, it can blossom in the second year if it is well managed. Because the branches and leaves are luxuriant, it is necessary to hit the top in time, maintain the appropriate plant height and plant type, and the branches should be dense and dense due to flowering.

Matters needing attention in breeding Lantern Flowers

The main results are as follows: 1. When the summer temperature exceeds 38 ℃, the metabolism is slow, and the growth of lantern flowers is stagnant. The phenomenon of fallen leaves and rotten roots often occurs. If effective measures are not taken, the whole plant will die.

2. The lowest temperature of greenhouse in winter should be kept at 10 ℃. At the low temperature of 5 ℃, it is easy to be damaged by freezing. The room temperature for growth is 10-25 ℃, which requires high air humidity.

The above is the lantern flower culture methods and matters needing attention of the relevant content, I hope to be helpful to you. You are welcome to continue to follow and learn more about flower conservation.

The Culture method of Lantern Flower Picture of Lantern Flower

Culture methods of Lantern Flowers

Basic information of Lantern Flowers

Scientific name: Abutilon striatum alias: Golden bell flower, wind bell flower, striped abutilon, net flower, lantern flower, Chinese lantern flower, petal bell flower, wind bell flower, red vein abutilon.

Families and genera: Malvaceae, hemp.

Evergreen shrub, the tree posture is more scattered, 1-3 meters high. Leaves alternate, palmately 3-lobed, broadly ovate, petiole long. It will blossom from June to November and can blossom all the year round when the temperature is suitable. The flower is solitary between the axils of the main branch and the middle and upper part of the branch, the pedicel is slender and pendulous, the calyx is green, cup-shaped; 5 petals are not open, the petal tip is curved, semi-spreading, orange-yellow, with orange-red or red veins, the stamen column is orange-red, protruding beyond the Corolla.

The lantern flowers and branches are soft, the flowering period is as long as half a year, and the flowers are colorful, and the hanging flowers are swaying in the wind, like jingling wind bells and round lanterns hanging high among the branches with an auspicious and warm atmosphere. South China is often planted in gardens, while more potted plants are used in the north.

[Lantern flower propagation] cuttings, striping.

The main results are as follows: (1) Cuttage can be carried out in spring, rainy season and autumn, and it is better to cut in rainy season. Spring and autumn cuttings selected annual sturdy branches as cuttings, plum rainy season cut sturdy semi-mature branches as cuttings, cuttings about 15 cm long, after cutting to keep moist and shaded, after 20-30 days can take root and survive. If the cuttings survive in late June, the flowers can be seen in the same year.

(2) pressing: using the high-voltage method, from May to June.

[key points of Lantern Flower cultivation]

⑴ temperature: like warmth, the most suitable temperature for growth is 15-28 °C. The cold tolerance is stronger than that of Fusang, and it can endure the low temperature of 3 °C for a short time. Fallen leaves will occur when the temperature is low, but leaves can still sprout after the spring is warm. The overwintering temperature should be kept above 5 °C. If the room temperature can be maintained at 18 ~ 30 °C in winter, it can blossom continuously.

(2) Light: like plenty of sunlight, although it can withstand semi-shade and grow in slightly shady places, it is better for plants to grow and blossom in full sunlight and must be placed in a sunny place.

(3) watering: like the moist soil environment, not resistant to drought. During the growth period, it should be fully watered to keep the basin soil moist and not dry. After entering the flowering stage in June, more water is required, and the amount of water should be increased to meet the needs of plant growth and flowering. But also avoid water collapse, watering should not be too wet, plum rain season to pour out the stagnant water in the basin in time after the rain. It is necessary to control watering in winter, especially after low temperature defoliation, we should pay more attention to reduce watering so as not to let the basin soil get too wet.

(4) fertilization: like fertilizer, nitrogen fertilizer is applied once every half month after the plant begins to grow in spring to promote the growth and sturdiness of branches and leaves. The plant is about to enter the vigorous period of growth and flowering in late May, so it is necessary to replenish nutrients in time and apply nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium fertilizer once a month to promote multiple lateral branches and flowers, and keep the flower vigor. It is necessary to avoid the simple topdressing of nitrogen fertilizer, otherwise the branches and leaves will grow vigorously, but the number of flowers will be less; only when the plant is obviously short of fertilizer and the leaves become thin and yellow, nitrogen fertilizer should be applied properly. In September, phosphorus and potassium fertilizer was applied twice and nitrogen fertilizer was stopped. Stop fertilizing in winter.

(5) pruning: young trees should strengthen topping to promote branching. After coming out of the shed in spring, the plants should be pruned. In addition to cutting off the thin and weak branches and over-dense branches, the annual branches left should be cut short to dwarf the plants, promote branches and bloom more. The plants whose growth potential becomes worse due to aging should increase the pruning intensity, otherwise the plant growth is weak, the bud is easy to fall, and the flowering is rare.

(6) turn the basin: turn the basin once a year in spring, like fertile, moist, well-drained sandy loam, the matrix can be prepared with rotten leaf soil, peat soil, garden soil, perlite or coarse sand and other materials.

(7) pest control: there are diseases and insect pests such as leaf spot, anthracnose, red spiders, aphids, shell insects and so on.

[common problems in Lantern Flower cultivation]

The common causes of common problems are that the leaves fall in winter are usually caused by low temperature, but the branches and leaves are blooming, but the flowers are few, and the ① light is poor; the ② basin soil is too thousand or too wet; ⑤ is lack of fertilizer; and ④ has too little pruning when turning the basin.