
Brief introduction of planting techniques and key points of cultivation and management of evening primrose

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, Evening primrose is an erect biennial coarse herb of the genus Evening Primrose in the willow family, also known as late primrose, evening primrose, mountain sesame, wild sesame, etc., native to North America and rapidly spread to the temperate and subtropical regions of the world after its early introduction to Europe. It has been cultivated in Northeast, North China, East China and Southwest China and has long been reduced to escape.

Evening primrose is an erect biennial coarse herb of the genus Evening Primrose in the willow family, also known as evening primrose, evening primrose, mountain sesame, wild sesame, etc., native to North America, and rapidly spread to the temperate and subtropical regions of the world after its early introduction into Europe. It has been cultivated in Northeast, North, East and Southwest China and has long been reduced to escape. Let's take a look at the planting techniques of Evening Primrose.

Planting environment of evening primrose

Evening primrose is adaptable, acid-resistant and drought-resistant, and its requirements for soil are not strict. Generally, it can grow on neutral, slightly alkaline or slightly acidic soil, well-drained and loose soil. In places where the soil is too wet, the root is easy to get sick. There are annual plants in the north and biennial plants in the south of the Huaihe River. Changsheng open barren slope roadside, drought-resistant and barren, black soil, sandy soil, loess, young woodland, light saline-alkali land, wasteland, river beaches, slopes are suitable for planting.

Seed propagation of evening primrose

Evening primrose can be sown in spring and autumn, and the autumn sowing period is from the middle of October to before freezing. If winter snow is heavy, autumn sowing is better than spring sowing, winter snow is easy to cause lack of seedlings and broken strips. Spring sowing can be carried out before sowing wheat and when the soil thaws 2cm to 3cm. Due to the small amount of sowing, 60 kg diammonium per hectare is used as filler, and if it is not enough, a certain amount of dry sawdust or fried wheat and rape can be added to sow seeds with a depth of 1 cm to 2 cm and be suppressed in time after sowing. The amount of seeds per hectare is 6 kg, and the seedling protection is 40 ~ 500000 plants per hectare. The density of sowing should not be too small, otherwise there will be branches and the maturity period will be inconsistent.

Cutting technique of evening primrose

1. Cuttage: the branches used for cutting Evening Primrose are called cuttings, which are usually combined with heart-picking work to take the sturdy, disease-free top tips as cuttings. The optimum temperature for rooting of cuttings was 18-25 ℃. It was difficult and slow for cuttings with rooting below 18 ℃. Cuttings with cuttings higher than 25 ℃ were susceptible to bacterial infection and rot, and the higher the temperature, the greater the proportion of rotting.

2. Temperature management: when there is a low temperature after cutting, the main measure of heat preservation is to wrap the flowerpots or containers used for cutting with film. When the temperature is too high after cutting, the main measure to reduce the temperature is to shade the cuttings, to cover 50-80% of the sun, and to spray the cuttings 3-5 times a day, with more times of spraying when the temperature is higher in sunny days and lower in rainy days. The number of spraying is less or no spraying.

3. Humidity management: the relative humidity of the air must be kept at 75-85% after cutting. You can increase the humidity by spraying the cuttings 1-3 times a day, the higher the temperature in sunny days, the more times you spray, and the lower the temperature in cloudy and rainy days, the less or no spraying. But with excessive spraying, cuttings are easy to be infected by bacteria and rot, because many kinds of bacteria exist in the water.

4. Light management: cutting propagation is inseparable from sunlight, but the stronger the light is, the higher the temperature in the cuttings is, the stronger the transpiration of cuttings is, and the more water is consumed, which is not conducive to the survival of cuttings. Therefore, after cutting, the sun must be shaded by 50% to 80%. After the root system grows, the shading net is gradually removed. On a sunny day, the sunscreen is removed at 4:00 every afternoon, and the next day before 9:00, the sunscreen is covered.

Planting technique of evening primrose

1. Land selection and land preparation: evening primrose is strong, cold-tolerant, drought-tolerant, barren-tolerant, light-loving and waterlogging-resistant. Bean stubble and melon stubble with fertile soil and good drainage should be selected for continuous cropping, but Evening primrose can not be planted in plots with herbicide residues such as chlorsulfuron, dou sulfuron, Pushter and Guangmianling.

2. Upper basin substrate: vegetable garden soil + slag = 3 + 1, garden soil + medium coarse river sand + sawdust (slag) = 4 + 1 + 2, peat + perlite + ceramsite = 2 + 2 + 1, or peat + slag + ceramsite = 2 + 2 + 1, or peat + slag + ceramsite = 2 + 2 + 1, or sawdust + vermiculite + medium coarse river sand = 2 + 2 + 1.

3. Seedling pots: when installing the basin, the seedlings first put a coarse-grained matrix or ceramsite 2cm thick into the bottom of the basin as a filter layer, sprinkle a layer of fully rotten organic fertilizer as base fertilizer with a thickness of about 1cm to 2cm, then cover it with a substrate, which is about 1cm thick, and then put it into the plant to separate the fertilizer from the root system, avoid burning roots, pour water once after the basin, and keep it in a shady environment for a week.

4. Transplanting seedlings: when transplanting, the seedlings first dig the planting hole, sprinkle a layer of organic fertilizer at the bottom of the planting hole as the base fertilizer (base fertilizer), the thickness is about 46.6 cm, and then cover with a layer of soil and put it into the seedlings to separate the fertilizer from the root system and avoid burning roots. After putting it into the seedling, backfill the soil, cover the root system, and trample the soil with your feet and water it once.

5. Field management: the seedlings are very similar to weed seedlings before the second pair of true leaves are extended, and it is easy to be confused, so it can not be ploughed and weeded, but can only be carried out after the second pair of true leaves are unfolded. When the seedlings grow to 5-6 leaves, Gramineae weeds can be used for a long time to kill the weeds. During the growth period, two ploughing hoes and two intertillage should be carried out, the shovel must be finished before flowering, and the first ploughing hoe and intertillage should be carried out when the seedlings cover the ridges. Two artificial weeds were pulled out in late July and early August, so that there were no weeds exceeding the plant height of evening primrose in the field.

6. Harvest and processing: the evening primrose is an infinite inflorescence, and the fruit ripens one after another. Generally, the best harvest time is when the bottom pods turn yellow and are about to crack, the specific time is in the middle and late September, if it is late, the precocious fruit will dry and crack, and the seeds will scatter by themselves. Can be cut and dried by manual or sun-cutting machine, after drying for 5 to 7 days, pick up or manually remove (beat) with a combine harvester, the seeds after harvest are graded and sorted with a grain cleaner to remove impurities, and stored or sold in a bag when the moisture content drops below 11% after drying.

Key points of cultivation of Evening Primrose

The growth rate of beautiful evening primrose (details) is relatively fast, and it can also inhibit the growth of weeds, so it is not difficult to plant beautiful evening primrose artificially. As the appearance of the beautiful evening primrose is very beautiful, it is now loved by more and more flower friends, so how can we raise the beautiful evening primrose well?

evening primrose

Evening Primrose has strong adaptability, loose requirements for soil, cold tolerance, drought tolerance, barren tolerance, like light, avoid stagnant water, vine flowering needs a certain low temperature stimulation.

Beautiful evening primrose courtyard is cultivated in a ventilated and bright place, loose, fertile, well-drained sandy soil, the best performance, can also be potted on the balcony to watch, in the moonlight of the quiet night, bursts of fragrance is refreshing. The self-sowing ability of Evening Primrose is strong. After once planting, its self-sowing seedlings can grow every year and blossom continuously.

Beautiful evening primrose is not strict with water and fertilizer. Organic manure and humus are generally applied before planting, and topdressing is usually not needed during the growth period. More sensitive to nitrogen fertilizer, easy to grow branches and leaves, water and fertilizer is too sufficient or neglected management for a long time, easy to grow lodging and reduce the number of flowers; generally, topdressing liquid fertilizer before flowering can improve the effect of flowering and make the seeds full.

Appropriate watering in summer, usually no watering in years with abundant rainfall, and proper watering for 1 or 2 times in dry years. Watering anti-freezing water before winter can improve the ability of drought resistance, cold resistance and overwintering, and pouring green water in early spring can promote early germination. In the later stage of cultivation, we should pay attention to the control of water and fertilizer in order to control the growth and maintain a good landscape effect.

This paper expounds the biological characteristics of evening primrose, an economic plant, and introduces its cultivation techniques, including land selection and soil preparation, sowing, field management, suitable harvest and so on, in order to provide technical reference for the further popularization and planting of evening primrose. Keywords evening primrose; biological characteristics; cultivation techniques in the map classification number S567.239document identification code B article number 1007-5739 (2008) 13-0061-01 evening primrose, mountain sesame, etc., is a perennial herb of evening primrose of willow family, with long and pointed leaves and yellow flowers. The Evening Steppe is produced in America, and it also has wild distribution in the northeast of China. It is a long-day crop, resistant to drought, barren and saline-alkali. It is a special cash crop integrating medicinal materials, oilseeds, dyes, feed and textiles.

Evening primrose has been used for more than a thousand years, and Indians in America have used it to overcome many diseases (such as pain relief, asthma, etc.). In the 17th century, evening primrose was known as the "imperial panacea" and was widely used by European aristocrats. Evening primrose roots, stems and leaves, flowers and seeds can be used. Root is a traditional Chinese medicine, which has the effects of heat-clearing and detoxification, strengthening muscles and bones, dispelling wind and dampness, fresh root can be edible or brewing wine, stem bark fiber can be used as raw material for rope or rayon, flowers can extract pigment or aromatic oil, leaves can make high-quality evening primrose tea. Seed oil, namely evening primrose oil (EPO), is rich in γ-linolenic acid, which is rare in vegetable oil, and has the effects of reducing blood lipid, weight loss, anti-inflammation and so on. As an important oil plant and aromatic plant, as well as an ornamental flower plant, evening primrose is widely cultivated and used in cosmetics and health products industry at home and abroad. Evening primrose has a high performance-to-price ratio, and planting evening primrose can bring rich returns. It is an efficient planting industry. Evening primrose is widely distributed and varied, and there are more than 2000 varieties in the world. Evening primrose has the characteristics of cold resistance, disease resistance, drought resistance, saline-alkali tolerance and barren tolerance. Planting evening primrose plays an important role in greening and beautifying barren hills, preventing soil erosion, preventing wind and fixing sand, and improving ecological environment. Once planted, it can be harvested continuously for 6 years. The management of planting evening primrose is simple, and its income is higher than that of conventional crops. Through interplanting with trees, the income can also be increased. Through the introduction and cultivation of evening primrose in Yili area, the suitable planting techniques are found out, which are summarized as follows for further popularization and application. 1. Biological characteristics of evening primrose annual, plant height 60~100cm, plant type erect, less branched, base woody, sparsely soft hairs. Leaves opposite, lower leaves striate-lanceolate, cauline leaves sessile, lanceolate, with irregular sparse teeth, long 10cm. Infinite inflorescence, flowers solitary in leaf axils, petals 4, heart-shaped, flowering from June to September, fragrant, blooming from evening to night. Capsule 4-angled, seeds finely decimal, brown. Evening primrose is a sandy loam with strong adaptability, lax requirements for soil, barren resistance, drought resistance, resistance to dense planting, basically no diseases and insect pests, easy cultivation, simple management, sufficient sunshine and good drainage. Evening Primrose in fertile soil has strong plants, many branches and high seed yield. 2. Cultivation technique 2.1 Evening primrose grows well in loose, fertile and well-drained sandy soil. Deep ploughing fine rake, the topsoil should be fine, flat and clean. 2.2 sowing evening primrose seeds is relatively small, there are about 40 ~ 500000 seeds per 1kg. According to 80% of the field emergence rate, sowing 6kg/hm2 seeds can emerge 195 ~ 2.25 million plants / hm2. For the purpose of producing evening primrose root, the seeds can be sown with 7.5 ~ 10.5 kg / hm ~ 2, and for the purpose of seed collection, sowing about 6kg/hm2. The suitable seedling retention rate is 60 ~ 90 000 plants / hm2 in fertile fields and 9 ~ 180000 plants / hm2 in barren fields. The evening primrose must be sowed not only at the right time and in the right amount, but also shallowly. Only when the soil moisture is deficient, the evening primrose must be sown slightly deeply. Generally, the sowing depth is about 2cm, and the seedlings can emerge 10-15 days after sowing. Large area artificial cultivation can be carried out in two ways: open field direct seeding and seedling transplanting. Autumn sowing is completed before soil freezing, and it is better from mid-October to early November. Mix fine sand well and sow seeds in trenches. When sowing in spring, 1 seed and 3 parts of fine sand were mixed with low temperature sand for about 1 month, and the seeds were sowed in the first and middle of April to keep the seedbed moist. 2.3 Field management: when the seedlings grow 5-6 true leaves, the management of loosening the soil and weeding is carried out. The seedlings of evening primrose are not tolerant to drought, and there are often lack of seedlings and broken ridges, so the production should be divided into two times. After emergence, it was transplanted once and was colonized in the first and middle of June. After planting slow seedlings, when the local upper stem grew to about 10cm height, 7 leaves were left on the main stem, topped and heart-picked, which promoted its branches and plants to dwarf and blossom more. Do not top the bolting plants after the end of June, lest the growth period is not enough and the yield will be reduced. Evening primrose does not need to be fertilized when it first sprouts, otherwise it is easy to burn seedlings. When there are about 6 true leaves, a thin compound fertilizer can be applied once. Urea and superphosphate were applied at seedling stage, and phosphate fertilizer and calcium superphosphate were applied properly at bud stage and flowering stage. 2.4 harvest 2.4.1 flowers in the right time. The blooming period begins in late July, and the buds that are about to open should be picked in time, dried in the shade or dried by dehydration. 2.4.2 seed harvesting. In the middle and last ten days of September, the plant has a capsule of more than 2 stroke 3, which changes from green to yellow and is harvested before dehiscence. Cut the stem with a sickle, bind it into small bundles, dry it and then thresh it. 2.4.3 take root. After the ground withered in the middle and late October, dig the roots, get rid of the dead leaves, dry and sell. Reference [1] Chen Jinlan, Meng Fansheng. 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