
What conditions are needed for the cultivation of honeysuckle in detail?

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Honeysuckle is planted in a large area in the field as a traditional Chinese medicine, and it has a very wide range of uses, and it also plays a very important role in garden forestry. It can be used as three-dimensional greening plants such as hedges, flower corridors and flower racks in scenic spots. The most important thing is that honeysuckle can be made into potted plants for people to watch.

Honeysuckle is planted in a large area in the field as a traditional Chinese medicine, and it has a very wide range of uses, and it also plays a very important role in garden forestry. It can be used as a three-dimensional greening plant such as hedges, flower corridors and flower racks in scenic spots. The most important thing is that honeysuckle can be made into potted plants for people to watch. Let's take a look at the conditions needed for honeysuckle planting.

Soil condition

Honeysuckle is not strict on soil, and can grow and blossom on sand-stone mountain coarse bony soil, limestone cinnamon soil and general saline-alkali soil.

Water condition

Honeysuckle has a strong ability to resist drought. On the coarse-bony soil with a moisture content of about 10%, general tree species have wilted, while honeysuckle still grows and blossoms normally. When the soil moisture condition is suitable, the plant grows vigorously, the crown width is large, and the yield is high. When the soil moisture is too large, the leaves are easy to yellowing and falling off.

Temperature condition

Honeysuckle has a wide range of adaptation to temperature. It can safely survive the winter at minus 30 degrees in winter, sprout and spread leaves when the temperature is above 5 degrees in spring, and the fastest shoot growth is at 20-30 degrees in summer.

Light condition

Honeysuckle likes light, and when the light is sufficient, the plant is strong, the flower quantity is large, and the yield is high. If the light is insufficient, the shoot is slender, the leaf is small, and the yield is low. Therefore, honeysuckle should be planted on hillsides or Weirs with plenty of light, not in forests, valleys or shady slopes.

Conclusion: the environmental conditions of honeysuckle planting are introduced here by the editor, but why does the honeysuckle planting project make many investors lose all their money and lose all their money? In fact, the development of honeysuckle cultivation also needs to have some other conditions, let's take a look!

Suitable geographical and climatic conditions

Honeysuckle in Henan, Hebei, Shandong and other central regions, can produce four crops a year, and the quality is good. The southern region can produce five crops a year. With good management, the yield per mu can reach more than 100 kg after five years. If planted in cold areas in the north, although it can grow, it can only produce one or two crops a year, and the yield is very low. Therefore, it is necessary to invest cautiously in cold areas.

The planting land is rich in labor force.

The buds of honeysuckle are thick and small, and they are as hard as ants to move when they are picked. Eight to ten people are needed to pick the buds per mu in the first ten days of the peak harvest period. If there is a shortage of manpower, the buds that should be picked on that day will open the next day. First of all, we should consider the number of local labor, grow as many people as we can, just like cooking, according to the head of rice, do not develop blindly.

Local wages should not be too high.

At present, honeysuckle is picked entirely by hand. According to the survey of Honeysuckle House, slow hands can pick three or five jin a day, and fast hands are about 20 jin a day. You can calculate for yourself how much a worker can earn a day according to the local wage. Although there is a dense population in some places, if the wages are too high, the picking cost of honeysuckle will still be affected, and the benefits of flower farmers will be greatly discounted or at a loss. Therefore, places where wages are too high do not have the conditions to grow honeysuckle.

Equipment of screening and grading tools

The picking of honeysuckle is already time-consuming and time-consuming, and it is difficult to find people, and if the picking quality is too strict, no one will pick it for you. If the quality requirements are not strict, green, white, flowers and leaves, it is difficult to sell at a good price. The cost of manual picking is high, and the efficiency of the traditional screening machine is low.

Must have drying equipment

If the honeysuckle is well managed, it can produce 50,60kg of flowers per mu in the first ten days of the first crop. Drying is adopted in many places, not only the price is low, but also because of the weather, the quality is not guaranteed at all. The dryer is expensive and expensive, so many growers are prohibitive and difficult to bear. Therefore, it is recommended to build a baking room as the best policy, the small investment cost is low, drying out a jin of dry cost of no more than one yuan of coal money.

Ten poisonous plants in the world, the beautiful killer hidden around you.

Just like in the movies, beauty is often used as the undercover of the enemy, confusing the enemy's mind, and people are usually very weak against beautiful things. Because beautiful things are always pleasing to the eye, around us we also have a great interest in the beautiful plants around us, but some of these plants that we think are beautiful but poisonous are unknown to us. It may be similar to the plants we know or ignored because it is too common. First, Hook Kiss Kiss is also known as heartbroken grass. I believe that this name has been heard in many martial arts novels. Hook Kiss belongs to the genus Loganidae. Hook Kiss is very similar to Honeysuckle, which is common to us. Some people often confuse these two kinds, but in fact, there is a big gap between them. Hook Kiss is poisonous all over the body, and people will have abdominal pain after eating it. If the pain is not stopped in time, it will die. The common interpretation method is stomach lavage, charcoal ash and so on.

2. Buttercup

Ranunculus angustifolia, belonging to the genus Ranunculaceae, is a very common plant mainly distributed in the fields and roadsides. Buttercup contains strong irritating ingredients, which will cause blisters if it is in direct contact with the skin, and will cause poisoning if it is taken carelessly, but it won't kill you.

Third, nux vomica

Nux vomica alias Niuyin, belongs to the genus Strychnos, mainly distributed in early India, Vietnam and Yunnan, China and other places. Nux vomica contains a strong alkaline toxin, its poison can stimulate the performance of the central nervous system, taking too much can cause muscle convulsions and even death.

4. Aconitum

Aconitum, alias Wudu Root, belongs to the genus Aconitum of Ranunculaceae. For those who believe that they have seen the "female appearance", this kind of plant is distributed in most parts of our country. Taking regret leads to systemic nervous activity disorder and heartbeat disorder, which can lead to respiratory center paralysis or severe arrhythmia. Poinsettia

Alias Lao Laijiao, belongs to Euphorbiaceae Euphorbiaceae, originated in Mexico, poinsettia is poisonous all over the body, too much contact will lead to skin redness, swelling and fever, eating will lead to intestinal reactions, resulting in poisoning.

6. Oleander, alias red for half a year, belongs to the genus oleander, produced in Iran, India and other places, do not transplant into courtyard ornamental plants, its roots and leaves are poisonous, after poisoning, there are symptoms such as loss of appetite, nausea and diarrhea, serious will lead to palpitation, atrioventricular block, nervous system symptoms such as salivation, dizziness, and then there may be lethargy, convulsions and death. 7. Mandala

Datura, also known as Datura, belongs to the genus Datura of Solanaceae, which is mainly distributed in tropical and subtropical areas. after poisoning, symptoms such as rapid pulse and convulsions will occur, resulting in coma, breathing, loop failure and death. 8. Wolf poison

Stellera chamaejasme, which belongs to the genus Stellera chamaejasme, is mainly distributed in northwest China. After poisoning, it will appear symptoms of abdominal pain and diarrhea, and will also lead to miscarriage of pregnant women.

9. Rehmannia glutinosa, alias Jinzhonghua, belongs to Scrophulariaceae. It is native to Europe and has the effect of improving blood circulation and diuresis, but attention must be paid to the dose, because its dose is very close between treatment and poisoning. Ten, see blood seal throat see blood seal throat alias arrow poison wood, belong to Moraceae see blood seal throat genus, mainly distributed in tropical monsoon forest and rain forest area, milk is highly toxic. Accidentally entering the eye can lead to blindness and blood can lead to heart paralysis.

The beautiful plants around us may be our favorite, especially many ornamental plants in modern parks are actually poisonous, so it is best not to touch more. I hope my introduction can ask you to keep a safe distance when you encounter these plants in the future, so as to bring you safe beauty. [more information] | marigold planting | Happiness tree conservation method | Flower picture and name | function of green radish flower | how to raise gardenia | | Culture method of cactus | potted flower picture | Jiuli fragrant bonsai | cultivation method of crab claw orchid | June snow bonsai |