
Matters needing attention in family culture of ball orchids

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Family breeding ball orchid note ball orchid: also known as cherry blossom kudzu or Burmese fragrance, the flowers are globular, light and elegant in color; in the evening, the room is full of fragrance. Sexual preference for high temperature, high humidity environment, but also often need to spray water on the leaf surface. Like the sun can also withstand semi-overcast, but not cold

Matters needing attention in family culture of ball orchids

Ball orchid: also known as cherry blossom kudzu or Burmese fragrance, the flowers are globular, light and elegant in color; in the evening, the room is full of fragrance. Sexual preference for high temperature, high humidity environment, but also often need to spray water on the leaf surface. Like the sun can also withstand semi-overcast, but not cold-resistant, the peak growth season every two months to apply a combination of nitrogen and phosphorus dilute liquid fertilizer. The overwintering temperature should be above 12 degrees, and the lowest should not be less than 8 degrees. Like rotten leaf soil or peat soil mixed with river sand or perlite plus a small amount of bone powder as base fertilizer. Humus soil and moss can also be used as base fertilizer. For buds and flowering plants, do not move flowerpots at will, otherwise it will easily cause buds to fall; flowers should be allowed to wither naturally after fade, and flower stems cannot be cut off, because most of the flower buds in the coming year will sprout in the same place, if cut will affect the number of flowers in the following year.

How to raise ball orchid culture methods and matters needing attention

Qi laziness is a perennial vine herb with trailing stems and air roots at internodes, which can attach to other things to grow; leaves opposite, thick fleshy, leaves all green. Flowers axillary or terminal, globose umbels, florets star-shaped clusters, elegant and fragrant. It is one of the plants that many flower friends like to cultivate very much. How to raise orchids? for flower friends, the theoretical breeding method is worthy of reference, but what is more worthy of flower friends' reference is the actual maintenance experience of experienced flower friends. Let's take a look at it.

Introduction of ball orchid

Ball orchid, English name Stemorleafof Waxplant, also known as Tijia cup, golden snowball, cow tongue yellow, stone plum, golden silk leaf, hydrangea leaf, big stone fairy peach, rock climbing board, straw shoe board, jade plum, jade butterfly plum, wall plum, ancient plum, hydrangea dragon, thick leaf vine, Dadou vine, snow plum, pneumonia grass and so on. A flower and foliage plant native to southern China and Oceania. At present, there are many different horticultural varieties, such as white variegated leaves, red variegated leaves, curled leaves, needle-shaped leaves or long rhomboid leaves and so on.

Ball orchid is a perennial vine herb, the stem is vine, internodes have air root, can attach to other things to grow; leaves opposite, thick fleshy, leaf color all green. Flowers axillary or terminal, globose umbels, florets star-shaped clusters, elegant and fragrant.

How to raise ball orchid

1. Soil: humic loam is the best soil for ball orchid cultivation, and good drainage is needed.

2. Watering: ball orchid is a succulent plant, the leaves contain more water, watering should be dry and wet in the growing season. Too much watering can easily rot the roots, but adequate watering should be done in summer. Because it likes to be moist, it should be paid attention to often spray water to the leaf surface to increase air humidity.

3. Sunshine: ball orchids should be placed on the south windowsill or near the indoor south window in the spring and autumn season, that is, they can keep the leaves green and bright and bloom well. But the summer should be moved to the shade to prevent direct light, otherwise the leaf color is easy to turn yellow. If you put it in the lack of light for a long time, the color of the leaves will become lighter, and the flowers will be less and less colorful.

4. Temperature: Magnolia is not cold-resistant, the suitable temperature for growth is 15 ℃-25 ℃, and the room temperature should be kept above 10 ℃ in winter. If it is lower than 5 ℃, it is vulnerable to cold injury, causing defoliation and even death of the whole plant.

5. Fertilization: the fertilizer of ball orchid is mainly organic fertilizer or compound fertilizer, and the thin cake fertilizer with the combination of nitrogen and phosphorus is applied 1-2 times a month in the peak growing season. The rest of the time because of slow growth, to stop fertilization, so as not to waste fertilizer or cause fertilizer damage.

6. Pruning: young plants of Cymbidium should pick their hearts early to promote the germination of new branches, and set up scaffolds in time to make them grow upward. After the flower fades, it should be allowed to wither naturally, and the flower stem should not be cut off, because most of the flower buds in the second year will sprout in the same place. If you do not understand this habit, it will affect the number of flowers in the coming year.

7, insect pests: ball orchid common anthracnose, bad spot disease, leaf spot disease harm, can use 50% carbendazim wettable powder 600 times liquid or 70% mancozeb wettable powder 400-6w liquid spray control. There are also shell insects and powder breakage hazards, 40% omethoate emulsion 800-100 () times or 80% dichlorvos emulsion IOC can be used. Double liquid spray.

Sharing the conservation experience of flower friends-- the culture methods and matters needing attention of ball orchid

Maintenance experience of Huayou A:

1. I think most ball orchids like relatively high temperature, high humidity and semi-overcast environment, and the cultivation media like loose and breathable ones. (many ball orchids' primary environment is attached to stone walls or trees, a bit like orchids, so their favorite environment and medium are also similar to orchids, which can be planted with materials with better water retention, saving the trouble of watering or spraying frequently).

two。 Another is that the ball orchid is quiet and does not like to move, one of which shows that it takes a long time for the basin to grow after each change (so the ball orchid bought had better be planted properly for once, don't change it), and the other is that you like to stay in the same position. If you move it frequently, the bud may disappear, so it is best to plan a place with scattered light and ventilation to give it in the first place.

3. Fertilizers are generally planted with self-cultivated media, without putting base fertilizer, and apply liquid fertilizer after taking the basin, such as Biwang and so on. There are also people who put organic fertilizer on the bottom of the basin.

4. Relatively speaking, the plants grow best in the semi-shady environment.

5. Cultivation medium: the cultivation medium is not good to generalize, there are useful sawdust, snake sawdust, coconut shell, coconut shredded, peat, buy all kinds of nutritious soil, etc., in short, it requires good drainage and air permeability, generally peat soil + perlite + small particles of ceramsite or blue stone. I feel that most ball orchids are very suitable.

Huayou B's ball orchid maintenance experience:

First, the cultivation environment: the south balcony is completely closed, the floor-to-ceiling glass window is completely closed, the lower part is completely closed, and the upper part can be ventilated by windows.

2. Room temperature: the average indoor room temperature in winter is 26 ℃, and the highest temperature in summer is 37-38 ℃.

Third, the overall environment: the balcony has sufficient light, and more than 100 pots of potted plants are placed, including potted vegetables.

Fourth, flowerpot selection: the tall pot is more practical, the texture of the traditional mud basin is the best, but the image is slightly inferior; secondly, the purple sand basin is also good, the cost is slightly expensive, and the appearance is beautiful; the plastic basin is not satisfactory and easy to use.

Fifth, basin soil: garden soil (peat): vermiculite: perlite = 5:4:1 or 4:4:2, the difference is not significant. Standard: breathable and non-leaking. Large ceramsite about 3 4cm thick should be laid on the bottom of the basin before planting. (the reason is that the roots of wild orchids are attached to trees or rocks during the growth process.)

Sixth, the choice of flowerpot size: the principle is that it is better to be small than big. Many flowers, including orchids, do not grow, if there are no other problems, it is due to the large choice of flowerpots. Flowers in the growth process, first long roots, let the roots full of flowerpots and then grow stems and leaves, flowerpots are too large, will lead to stem and leaf growth is too slow or not long. General cuttings within 20cm, the use of pot mouth diameter of 10-12cm flowerpot is enough.

Water: the principle is that it is better to be dry than wet. Ball orchid likes high temperature and high humidity environment. Because the wild orchid clings to the tree, high temperature and high humidity can easily make its stem grow aerial root and increase the way to absorb nutrients. There is also a fact that we should know that the orchid belongs to the family Asclepiadaceae and is extremely drought-tolerant. In potted plants, if we use substrates, whether bark or orchid stone, watering and spraying are all in order to create an environment suitable for orchids; if we cultivate plants with soil as I do, watering once a week is enough, even for two weeks; if the potted plants are large, it is okay not to water for one month in the growing season; and not watering them for two or three months in winter does not affect their growth. Because wild bulbous orchids grow on trees or rocks, stems and petioles are very easy to grow aerial roots, if we potted want the whole plant to be more beautiful, do not spray water, so that its stem growth is extremely smooth and beautiful; if you do not care or want to cuttings easy to survive, you can spray water to make its stems grow air and root, and shorten the cutting time.

Fertilizer: I never fertilize, grow well and have luxuriant flowers and leaves. The fertilizers we always have at home are: compound fertilizer, liquid fertilizer, alum fertilizer, horseshoe slice (horseshoe), organic fertilizer, potassium dihydrogen phosphate and so on. The reason for not applying fertilizer is that the original ball orchid doesn't need much fertilizer. I just change the basin soil once a year in March or April. Usually occasionally pour some fermented rice panning water. If you want to apply fertilizer, I suggest using hoof horn slices, the method is: insert 3-4 hoof horn pieces along the edge of each basin, the insertion depth is half of the hoof horn piece, and half of it is exposed to the soil, so that the nutrients of the hoof horn pieces will be integrated into the soil at any time when watering. Wait for the lower ones to dissolve, then insert the upper pieces completely and continue to use. This is in line with the basic principle of fertilization: thin fertilizer and diligent application. And it has no peculiar smell and is not easy to produce worms.

Location: inside the balcony, diffuse light

Reproduction: green bulb orchid is very easy to reproduce and can survive all the year round.

1. Hydroponic rooting and soil cultivation

2. Cut off a section of stem with leaves (if it is an old stem and have aerial roots) and cut it directly in plain sand, vermiculite or other less fertile and breathable substrates.

3. Select the old leaves with petioles and cut them directly in the substrate mentioned in 2.

4. Seed reproduction, never tried.

11. Frequently asked questions and solutions:

1, the plant grows slowly: a, the flowerpot is too large: it shows that the plant is stagnant or grows slowly; b, the water permeability of the basin soil is poor: the basin soil is too wet and not easy to dry, the leaves are not glossy, and the color becomes lighter gradually; c, the basin soil leaks air: it all flows out (except the bark blue stone matrix) at the moment of watering, and the soil leaks air.

2. New leaves and buds curl and do not stretch: lack of water, lack of soil fertility or lack of light, or diseases and insect pests.

3. Leaf yellowing: poor water permeability of basin soil leads to over-wetness of basin soil for a long time; hypertrophy; over-drying of basin soil; diseases and insect pests. The common thing is that the basin soil is too wet. Overdrying usually leads to dry leaves, rarely yellow leaves.

4. Growing well and not blooming: a, there is no temperature difference in the storage environment, usually, the temperature difference can promote flower bud differentiation; b, the content of nitrogen fertilizer in soil is too high, resulting in overgrowth of plants and lack of potash fertilizer; c, top dominance. Treatment methods: a, the best place to change the temperature difference between day and night; b, adjust the soil, change the soil or add some fertilizers with high potassium content; c, hit the top in time to eliminate the top advantage. I am not willing to hit the top, so as mentioned earlier, I use the moderate injury method: after the plant has grown, cut off 1-2 branches to restrain the growth trend, usually the next year can be flowering. Cuttings of cut branches are not wasted.

A reminder: green bulb orchid is extremely easy to raise, not so delicate and not so hypocritical, do not pay too much attention, excessive fertilization and watering, basin soil is permeable and breathable, it will grow well.

5. Disease and pest control

Sometimes the harm of leaf spot and powdery mildew occurs. At the initial stage of the disease, 1000 times of carbendazim wettable powder or 70% mancozeb wettable powder are sprayed. Insect pests are harmful to shell insects and can be sprayed with 1500 times of 25% thiazinone wettable powder.

Is the ball orchid easy to raise? the culture methods and matters needing attention of ball orchid

Orchid is a widely cultivated indoor foliage and flowering plant with bright colors and peculiar patterns, which is of great appreciation value. Is it easy to grow? The following is to tell you about the ball orchid breeding methods and matters needing attention.

The culture method of ball orchid:

1. Soil: humic loam is the best soil for ball orchid cultivation, and good drainage is needed.

2. Watering: ball orchid is a succulent plant, the leaves contain more water, watering should be dry and wet in the growing season. Too much watering can easily rot the roots, but adequate watering should be done in summer. Because it likes to be moist, it should be paid attention to often spray water to the leaf surface to increase air humidity.

3. Sunshine: ball orchids should be placed on the south windowsill or near the indoor south window in the spring and autumn season, that is, they can keep the leaves green and bright and bloom well. But the summer should be moved to the shade to prevent direct light, otherwise the leaf color is easy to turn yellow. If you put it in the lack of light for a long time, the color of the leaves will become lighter, and the flowers will be less and less colorful.

4. Temperature: Magnolia is not cold-resistant, the suitable temperature for growth is 15 ℃-25 ℃, and the room temperature should be kept above 10 ℃ in winter. If it is lower than 5 ℃, it is vulnerable to cold injury, causing defoliation and even death of the whole plant.

5. Fertilization: the fertilizer of ball orchid is mainly organic fertilizer or compound fertilizer, and the thin cake fertilizer with the combination of nitrogen and phosphorus is applied 1-2 times a month in the peak growing season. The rest of the time because of slow growth, to stop fertilization, so as not to waste fertilizer or cause fertilizer damage.

6. Pruning: young plants of Cymbidium should pick their hearts early to promote the germination of new branches, and set up scaffolds in time to make them grow upward. After the flower fades, it should be allowed to wither naturally, and the flower stem should not be cut off, because most of the flower buds in the second year will sprout in the same place. If you do not understand this habit, it will affect the number of flowers in the coming year.

7, insect pests: ball orchid common anthracnose, bad spot disease, leaf spot disease harm, can use 50% carbendazim wettable powder 600 times liquid or 70% mancozeb wettable powder 400-6w liquid spray control. There are also shell insects and powder breakage hazards, 40% omethoate emulsion 800-100 () times or 80% dichlorvos emulsion IOC can be used. Double liquid spray.

Points for attention in ball orchid culture:

1. The soil should be loose and breathable, otherwise there will be rotting roots.

2. Watering should be appropriate while maintaining proper humidity in the air.

3. When planting for the first time, it is necessary to prepare a suitable base fertilizer. If the base fertilizer is not enough, there will be a state of reverse growth.

4. Fertilization can be reduced in autumn and winter.

5. The ball orchid can not accept direct sunlight, so make a good sunscreen, but it likes to accept astigmatism very much and has 4-5 hours of light every day.