
Matters needing attention in family breeding of Chinese rose

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Matters needing attention of domestic breeding rose: rose has strong adaptability to the environment and likes warmth. It is most suitable to grow when the average temperature is 22 Murray 25 degrees. Rose is not strict on soil, but it grows vigorously in fertile, loose and slightly acidic soil. There must be plenty of sunshine during the growing period, otherwise the plant is thin and the leaves are yellowed.

Matters needing attention of family breeding rose

Rose: rose is very adaptable to the environment and likes warmth. It is most suitable for growth when the average temperature is 22 degrees. Rose is not strict with soil, but it grows vigorously in fertile, loose and slightly acidic soil. During the growing period, there must be plenty of sunshine, otherwise the plants are thin and weak, the leaves are yellowed and the flowers are not in the right color. Rose must be pruned, the pruning period is generally carried out before and after flowering in spring and autumn, cutting off diseased and weak branches, and growing branches, introverted branches and withered branches and residual flowers. Hot soil is easy to dry in summer and must be watered at the right time to keep the soil moist, especially in the bud and flowering period, and stagnant water should be eliminated in time in the rainy season. It is best to put it in the cellar to hibernate in winter, and prune it around the middle of March next year.

Culture methods and matters needing attention of Chinese rose the difference between rose and rose is explained in detail

Rose, also known as "monthly red", is the city flower of Beijing and other cities. So what are the breeding methods and matters needing attention of rose flowers? What's the difference between rose and rose? The following is the editor of wed114 Marriage Network to bring you relevant information.

Culture methods and matters needing attention of Chinese rose the difference between rose and rose is explained in detail

With regard to rose flowers, it is necessary to make a distinction. As we all know, roses, roses and roses are all plants of the genus Rosa, there are species differences between them, there are no differences in families and genera. In China, it is customary to call the varieties with large diameter and solitary flowers roses or roses, and those with small flowers as roses. But in English they are all called rose. Therefore, we should also be able to guess that the language of rose flowers is not much different from that of roses.

Rose plant archives

Chinese name: rose

Scientific name: Rosa chinensis

Aliases: Yueyuehong (Jiangsu and Zhejiang), Yuehua, Catharanthus roseus (Changchun, Jilin), Gengshen Rose

Family: Rosaceae of Rosaceae

Genus: Rosa

Distribution of origin: it originated in Guizhou, Hubei, Sichuan and other places in central China, and is now all over the world.

Morphological features: flowers are large, fragrant, similar to many rose plants in shape, odd-pinnate compound leaves, leaflets 3-5, summer flowering, several flowers symbiotic, even solitary, crimson to light red, even white; sepals margin slightly pinnately divided.

Culture methods and matters needing attention of Chinese rose the difference between rose and rose is explained in detail

Rose flower language symbol

Pink rose flowers: first love, elegance, nobility, thanks.

Red rose flowers: pure love, passionate love, chastity, courage.

White rose flower language: respect, loftiness, purity.

Orange rose flowers: full of youthful flavor and beauty.

Green and white rose flowers: innocence, frugality or innocence.

Black rose flower language: personality and creativity.

Blue-purple rose flower language: precious, cherish.

Legend of the rose: a long time ago, there was a family with a high surname at the foot of Shennong Mountain, and there was a daughter named Yulan, eighteen years old, gentle and quiet. Many princes and grandchildren came to ask for relatives, but Magnolia did not agree. Because she has an old mother, coughing, hemoptysis, multi-drug use, completely ineffective. As a result, Magnolia turned her back on her parents and asked for a doctor: "to cure my mother's illness, the little girl made a promise with her body." A young man named Zhongyuan unveiled the list of contributors. The magnolia mother was cured after taking her medicine. Magnolia lived up to the agreement and tied the knot with Zhongyuan as the best of Qin and Jin dynasties. Wedding night, Magnolia asked what God is so effective, Zhong Yuan replied: "Rose, cough medicine." This is an ancestral secret recipe: rock sugar and rose stew, is Qingke Zhixue Shen decoction, specializing in the treatment of gynecological diseases. "

Culture methods and matters needing attention of Chinese rose the difference between rose and rose is explained in detail

Culture methods and matters needing attention of rose flowers:

Florescence control

Rose, also known as "month red", blossoms continuously from May to November. However, it is still very important to control the florescence of rose during the Olympic Games, especially potted rose and cut rose. In order to successfully complete the temporary arrangement of flowers and the supply of cut flowers in various venues and stadiums during the Olympic Games.

In the actual work, according to the specific analysis of the specific situation, according to the geographical location, under the condition of ensuring continuous flowering, let it blossom more and blossom well from August 8 to 24. The following methods are for reference: around June 20, all the residual flowers and some of the blooming branches of the ground rose were pruned at the proportion of 50% to the round bud position of the mature part in the middle of the flower branch, and the flowering viewing period was about August 1-15; all the residual flowers and all blooming branches were pruned according to the above method around June 30, and the flowering viewing period was about August 10-25. Trim the residual flowers at any time after June 30 to make them bloom naturally. Potted rose and cut rose calculate the flowering date and conduct comprehensive branch pruning about 45 days before flowering.

Fertilizer and water management in the above various conditions of pruning, it is necessary to combine plant growth and carry out scientific fertilizer and water management. When the plant is pruned, 0.2% urea is used to spray fertilizer on the leaves every 5 or 6 days when the new generation of buds are not germinated, which can promote the germination of new buds; if the plant grows fast, the new branches grow rapidly, and when it is beyond the planned range, controlling water supply can delay the growth. In the process of water control, after the branches and leaves wilted, spraying water in time, it was critical to recover within 1 hour. Water is the carrier of various enzymes in plants. Water supply is insufficient, enzyme activity decreases, metabolism slows down, and plant growth slows down. If the budding of the new branch is later than planned, the bud grows rapidly when 0.2% potassium dihydrogen phosphate is sprayed on the leaf every 5 or 6 days. Rose flowering period to consume a lot of water and body nutrition, water supply should be adequate.

Culture methods and matters needing attention of Chinese rose the difference between rose and rose is explained in detail

Flowering condition

The sunshine must be long. Where the rose is planted, it should be ventilated and get sunshine for more than half a day. This is the first condition that it can blossom like flowers. If it is placed in a half-cloudy and half-sunny place or in a shady place with insufficient light, it can only bloom in spring and autumn at most in a year. Therefore, for families whose living conditions can not meet the requirements of light, it is best not to plant Chinese roses but to plant more shady flowers.

It should be trimmed frequently. Although the sunshine conditions are good, but without pruning for a long time, the rose can not grow well. The way to trim is. After December each year, the rose leaves should be pruned once. The branches left behind are about 15 cm high. The pruning site is about 1 cm above the outstretched leaf buds, and the side branches, diseased branches and concentric branches are removed at the same time. After May, every time the flower is finished, the 2-beat 3 or 1-stroke 2 of the branch that has bloomed will be trimmed, so that there will be more opportunities for flower bud regeneration. If you want the flowers to open big, you can also pick part of the buds when there are many buds, which can not only concentrate the nutrition, but also prolong the florescence and open in batches.

The number of fertilizers should be more and timely. General new species or transplant potted rose, with humus and loose loess can be cultivated, it is best mixed with a small amount of broad bean shell, bean cake or chicken pigeon dung, so that the rose can constantly absorb nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and other nutrients from the soil. If the old potted rose needs to change pots, you can also apply base fertilizer according to the law; if you do not change pots, you can remove 2-3 cm of soil and fill in some fresh fish belly intestines or chicken pigeon dung and bean cake crumbs as base fertilizer. This is best done when the rose is dormant from January to February. In this way, the fertilizer will gradually ferment into liquid fertilizer, with Rain Water or irrigated water seeping into the root to achieve better results. It is the peak growing season of rose after May. Topdressing should be applied once every 10 days. The rotten and fermented fish juice and vegetable leaf juice can be mixed with 3 parts of fertilizer and 7 parts of water, and the fertilization will be stopped in November. If you can do it in accordance with the above requirements, you can see the flowers of the rose every month. Rose has a natural aversion to heat, it grows best when the temperature is 20-25 ℃, and it is difficult to grow when it is more than 30 degrees. If you have a good grasp of fertilization, you can overcome its weakness of being afraid of high temperatures in summer.

Change the basin. Rose does not need to be changed or turned every year. If a small basin is changed into a large basin, it can be carried out all the year round.

Culture methods and matters needing attention of Chinese rose the difference between rose and rose is explained in detail

The difference between rose and rose

Rose stem is tall and long, thorns are mostly straight thorns, flowers are small, flower color is single, florescence is short. But the flower branch is tall and straight, the flower color is rich, the fragrance, the rose leaflet also is 5-9, but under the leaf wrinkles, the leaf back is white has the small thorn, the whole leaf is also thicker and the leaf vein is sunken. Rose stem is low, spiny, each node roughly has 3 or 4 hooks; the flowers are large, colorful, tasteless or tasteless, the leaflets are generally 3-5, the leaves are flat and smooth.

Chinese rose is one of the top ten famous flowers in China, and it is also honored as the queen of flowers. Chinese rose is not only beautiful in appearance. And the four seasons bloom. The flowers are mainly red, occasionally white, and generally have ornamental and medicinal value. in recent years, many garden arts and family potted plants like to plant this flower to beautify their homes and gardens, and it is also praised as a city flower by many provincial capitals. It can be seen that this flower has a high status in people's minds. Today, the editor mainly shares with you how to raise the latest Chinese rose. It can be adopted by friends who like to plant Chinese rose!

Generally speaking, there are four seasons in a year, and the editor shares the planting method of rose with you seasonally. How to raise Chinese rose in spring-after the flowers fade in winter, we can cut off the upper part of the branches connected to the residual flowers in time, so as not to make them seed and consume nutrients, retain the full branches in the middle and lower parts, and promote the early new branches to bloom again. Some varieties of trees that are too strong can draw branches without forming buds, and their shoots can often stretch for more than 1 meter without buds. At this time, we can retract and prune according to the flowering height of the first batch of flowers to adjust the tree potential, restrain the over-strong tree potential that extends upward, and promote the sprouting of new shoots at the base. If base fertilizer has been applied in January and February, no fertilizer can be applied in early spring, and appropriate amount of chemical fertilizer should be sprinkled around the root to promote budding. When spreading leaves in early spring, a large number of new roots will grow, a small amount of fertilizer should be applied, and no thick fertilizer should be applied, so as not to affect the growth of new roots. During the flowering period, the plant should be topdressing every 10 days to make the plant blossom and blossom.

How to raise rose in summer-[1] shade and ventilation. The soil of potted rose is limited, and it is easy to dry out in hot weather, so it is necessary to give shade and cool the rose. [2] apply more fertilizer. Rose blossoms many times, need to provide adequate nutrients and water, in order to ensure exuberant growth. In summer, its evaporation and consumption are large and grow rapidly. Thin fertilizer should be applied every 10 days during flowering to make the plant blossom luxuriantly and break the dormancy state of rose in summer.

[3] spray more water. Rose is semi-dormant when it is more than 33 ℃, and it is most favorable for growth when the average temperature is 20-25 ℃. Therefore, in addition to proper shading, more water should be sprayed in summer, preferably in the morning and afternoon to create a humid environment and promote the growth of flowers and leaves. [4] thinning and pruning. After flowering, the rose should be cut under the third compound leaf under the flower to promote strong new branches and bud and blossom as soon as possible. Weak short branch first cut, high cut: strong branch after cutting, short cut, in order to promote weak and suppress strong, promote its blossom neatly. The pruning length of long branches should not exceed 1/2 to avoid slow germination of axillary buds. [5] loosening the soil and weeding. Combined with the removal of basin weeds, fine wire rakes can be used to gently break the surface of the soil around the flowerpot to enhance the loose ventilation performance of the basin soil and promote the normal growth of the root system. [6] Control of diseases and insect pests. Often use 15% quicklime water or carbendazim, potassium permanganate aqueous solution to spray sterilization.

How to raise rose in autumn-when the temperature decreases gradually in autumn, the amount of water should be reduced in order to make the tissue of rose grow more fully. At this stage, it is another peak of rose flowering. If you want to make the flowers bloom well and brightly, you should replenish the fertilizer in time. It can be treated with liquid fertilizer rich in phosphorus and potassium once a week. It is necessary to ensure that the rose receives more than 4 hours of direct glance every day, so that it can grow into luxuriant leaves.

How to raise rose in winter-what is the focus of rose winter management? Winter is the most important management period for both ground and potted roses. Whether the maintenance is in place is directly related to the normal growth and flowering in the coming year. [1] Fine pruning: at the end of autumn and the beginning of winter, when the ambient temperature drops below 5 ℃, first cut off dead branches, disease and insect branches, cross branches, overlapping branches, etc., and then depending on the growth of the plant. It is pruned by three different methods: strong, medium and weak. Strong pruning should be used for weak plants that are not strong enough; moderate pruning should be given to plants with normal growth; small and medium-sized plants with normal growth and development should be given weak pruning to prevent excessive consumption of nutrients.

[2] burying fertilizer: planting plants on the ground, after pruning, ring grooves can be dug outside the roots of the plants. depending on the size of the plant, 250 to 300 grams of withered cake are applied to each plant to meet its growth and flowering needs in the coming year. [3] pay attention to cold prevention: as the winter is relatively cold, the rose cultivated in the open field should not be pruned intensively in winter to prevent air-dried injury strips. It can be pruned again before sprouting in the following spring, and pay attention to the plants placed indoors. The temperature in the greenhouse should not be higher than 4 ℃ to 5 ℃, so that it can get full dormancy.

[4] strong branch cuttings: for some rose varieties that are easy to take root, such as' Yuehong', 'Fenghua', 'miniature' rose, etc., the stout annual branches can be cut into spikes with a length of 10 cm to 12 cm, and the lower incision is 0.2 cm below the node. Yellow soil is used as a cutting bed, and the depth of cuttings is 4x5, leaving only one bud at the end outside the soil, and an arch shed is set up after watering through. When the weather is too cold, cover the grass curtain around the mask plastic film to keep the seedbed from freezing, and the incision under it can heal and take root in the coming spring. I hope the editor's sharing will be helpful to you in raising rose flowers.

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