
Matters needing attention in family culture of fire crane flowers

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Family breeding fire crane flower matters needing attention fire crane flower: is a perennial evergreen herb. Also known as Anzu flower, red crane taro, candle flower and so on. The plant has a height of 30cm and a beautiful flower posture. Sexual preference for warm, humid and semi-overcast environment, avoid bright light, not cold-resistant. Give sunshine in the morning and evening in summer

Matters needing attention in family culture of fire crane flowers

Crane flower: a perennial evergreen herb. Also known as Anzu flower, red crane taro, candle flower and so on. The plant has a height of 30cm and a beautiful flower posture. Sexual preference for warm, humid and semi-overcast environment, avoid bright light, not cold-resistant. Summer morning and evening to give sunshine, around noon to pay attention to shade, often spray water to the leaves, watering should pay attention to the dry and wet phase. It is better to use rotten leaf soil or peat soil, moss fresh plus a small amount of garden soil, charcoal and calcium superphosphate.

How to raise fire crane flower _ matters needing attention in fire crane flower culture

Crane flowers are native to the tropical rain forests of South America. Its characteristic is that it likes warmth and fear of cold, dampness and drought, and likes shade and avoid the sun. Far away from the rainforest, what problems should we pay attention to if we want to raise fire crane flowers?

Fire crane flower culture and matters needing attention

How to raise flaming crane flowers

1. Soil

The basin soil can be mixed with peat soil and pine needle soil, or pine needle soil can be used directly, and a small amount of rotten horseshoe or long-term sheet fertilizer can be added. It is best to use cold boiled water (which contains less calcium) or Rain Water to irrigate. The basin bottom hole should be padded with tiles to ensure smooth drainage. From March to August, apply thin fertilizer every other week to two weeks.

2. Temperature

The family raises the fire crane flower, should guarantee the temperature as far as possible. The suitable growth temperature is between 20-30 ℃, and dormancy begins after late autumn, but the room temperature should not be lower than 15 ℃. Also avoid high temperature, poor growth under the condition of high temperature.

3. Lighting

Fire crane flowers must have sufficient scattered light for normal growth, and family culture should generally pay attention to: avoid direct light on leaves and flowers in summer, and move to the vicinity of the window in autumn and winter to increase light. It is also necessary to rotate the plant regularly to ensure that it receives uniform light and promote the perfection of its crown shape.

4. Humidity

Fire crane flowers like high air humidity, and about 70% of air humidity is needed for normal growth, which is generally difficult to achieve in ordinary family farming. You can wet the leaves several times a day with clean wet towels, or spray water around the plant regularly to increase air humidity. Can often spray water on the plant and the ground around it. Avoid sprinkling water on the flowers after flowering.

Life Tips:

Children should not touch and eat.

The crane flower is poisonous. after its juice is eaten by mistake, it will make people feel burning in the mouth, swelling and blistering, hoarseness and tension in the throat and difficulty swallowing. In case of poisoning, you can use a cool liquid, pain pills, or find some licorice and flaxseed food to swallow, which can relieve the pain.

With regard to how to raise crane flowers, you must have a clear idea after reading this article.

It has an auspicious meaning to decorate life with fiery flamingos in our home life. I hope we can all live a prosperous life.

How to raise Anthurium andraeanum? methods and points for attention in family culture of Anthurium andraeanum

Anthurium andraeanum is loved by many flower friends because of its bright color and unique flowers. Its fiery red Buddha flame flower placed at home can indeed attract the attention of many people, but its breeding methods are not well understood by many people, how to make it grow well? Let's take a look.

How to raise Anthurium andraeanum

1. The selection and purchase of Anthurium andraeanum

To choose bright colors, well-developed roots, only choose and buy good quality Anthurium andraeanum can facilitate our later breeding, so buy Anthurium andraeanum in the formal flower and bird market.

2. Soil for planting

It is necessary to choose fertile soil, which can be mixed with peat soil, leaf bran and perlite at the ratio of 3 ∶ 2 ∶ 1. Can also infiltrate some sand, peat soil, etc., when changing the basin, first put a layer of mixed soil on the bottom of the basin, and then take out the flower seedlings from the old pot, put them directly in the flowerpot and add the mixed soil.

3. Watering

The less salt in the water, the better. It is best to use tap water or natural Rain Water. Anthurium likes a cool environment to maintain a certain amount of humidity at the same time, otherwise it is easy to cause root rot.

4. Lighting

To control the light, when the light is too strong, it may cause Anthurium andraeanum leaves to change color, burn or scorch. Therefore, it is necessary to give sufficient scattered light, and it is best to rotate the plant regularly to ensure that the plant receives light evenly.

Family culture methods and matters needing attention of Anthurium andraeanum

I. Family farming methods

1. Soil selection

When the family breeds, you can buy the prepared cultivation soil directly in the horticultural shop. When we get home, add a small amount of ceramsite or dried bark to the nutritious soil we bought. Ceramsite: dry bark = 2:1. However, the soil planted with Anthurium andraeanum should have good permeability and good drainage. And disinfect the soil.

2. Temperature requirement

The most suitable growth temperature of Anthurium andraeanum is 14-35 ℃. When the winter temperature is lower than 10 ℃, Anthurium andraeanum is prone to frostbite and increase in time. When the summer temperature is higher than 35 ℃, sprinkle water around Anthurium andraeanum to cool down.

3. How to fatten up

Anthurium likes fertilizer, and the demand for magnesium fertilizer is higher. When applying fertilizer, adhere to the principle of "applying thin fertilizer frequently". It is better to have less than more, but it will burn seedlings directly.

4. Watering cycle

The watering of Anthurium andraeanum needs to be carried out according to the dryness of the basin soil. We have to do it every three days in spring and autumn. Once every two days in summer, and pay attention to it in summer, spray the leaves with a sprayer at noon to increase humidity. In winter, water can be watered once every 5-7 days. Pay attention to the alternation of dry and wet during watering to avoid watering under the condition of serious water shortage and affect the growth and development of Anthurium andraeanum.

5. pay attention to the control of humidity

High temperature and humidity is the favorite environment of Anthurium andraeanum. Humidity is related to temperature. If the room temperature is higher than 28 ℃, we need to increase the indoor humidity manually. Humidifier or sprinkler can be used to humidify. When the temperature is lower than 20 ℃, the indoor environment humidity can be maintained without watering.

6. prevention and control of diseases and insect pests

The most common pest in Anthurium andraeanum is red spider. But Anthurium andraeanum is very sensitive to pesticides, if you can only use pesticides, it is best to choose a low concentration.

7. How to trim

In order to avoid excessive consumption of Anthurium andraeanum, we should cut off the withered branches and residual branches in time during the growth of Anthurium andraeanum, while the cutting technique of Anthurium andraeanum has the theory of "three tunes and two cuts", that is, adjusting the direction, adjusting the plant, cutting the buds, cutting the buds, and cutting the presbyopia.

II. Points for attention

1. Humidity, proper posture and beauty

Anthurium andraeanum in breeding should pay attention to moisturizing, and really control the humidity needed during the growing period of Anthurium andraeanum in our own hands, so that we can have enough confidence to make Anthurium andraeanum grow healthily.

2. It is difficult to blossom if there is not enough sunshine

Anthurium likes the sun, it is difficult to blossom if there is not enough sunlight during the growing period, but Anthurium is not suitable for direct sunlight and will burn leaves.

3. It is difficult to feed when the temperature is uncomfortable.

Anthurium andraeanum culture should pay attention to temperature control, the highest temperature is not more than 35 ℃, the lowest temperature is not less than 14 ℃, and freezing injury will occur at any time when it is lower than 10 ℃, so 18 ℃-28 ℃ is the best. The temperature is high in summer, pay attention to ventilation and sprinkling water, and cultivate in greenhouse in winter.

Is Anthurium anthurium toxic?

Anthurium andraeanum is a plant of the genus Anthurium in Araceae. In fact, plants in Araceae are slightly toxic, and so is Anthurium.

In fact, the toxicity of Anthurium andraeanum is not very strong, its juice is partly toxic, mainly from flowers and roots as well as leaves. In general, when pruning Anthurium andraeanum or touching the juice of Anthurium andraeanum for other reasons, or accidentally eating Anthurium andraeanum, it will be poisoned. You can find some licorice, pain pills or flaxseed to relieve the poisoning symptoms.

Brief introduction of Anthurium andraeanum

Also known as: candle, Anzu flower, fire crane flower, red crane taro, red goose paw.

Habits: Anthurium andraeanum is suitable to grow in a warm, humid and well-drained environment, afraid of drought and strong light exposure. The most suitable temperature for growth is 26-32 ℃, and the optimum temperature at night is 21-32 ℃. Need proper sunlight, but avoid direct sunlight. It is suitable to grow in an environment with an air humidity of 70% and 80%.

Flower language: great ambition, enthusiasm and blood.

As mentioned above, the cultivation method of Anthurium andraeanum is not very difficult, and friends who like it can choose to plant a pot at home. However, Anthurium andraeanum is sensitive to salt, so it is best to choose natural Rain Water or tap water when breeding.