
The white shirt is easy to wear but not easy to wash. I'll teach you 5 tricks to keep the white clothes brand new.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, As the temperature dropped, the weather became cool, and many white-collar workers changed from white short-sleeved shirts to white long-sleeved shirts. A white shirt is indeed a very useful item to wear. A good shirt can make you feel different styles.

As the temperature dropped, the weather became cool, and many white-collar workers changed from white short-sleeved shirts to white long-sleeved shirts. White shirt is indeed a very easy to wear, a good shirt can give you a different style of feeling, let you have a different charm.

Don't think about it. Huahua is not a hundred ways to wear a white shirt today. Although the white shirt is very easy to wear, but white is also the least resistant to dirty color, any little stain, put on the white shirt, will be magnified 100 times, so the white shirt cleaning method is particularly important.

Today, Huahua will teach you a few tips, so that everyone's white clothes will not panic even if they are dirty.

Method 1: 84 disinfectant

This is the most simple and direct way, 84 disinfectant has a strong bleaching function, if your clothes are resistant, you can use this trick to give it a try. But 84 disinfectant is too corrosive, so when you use it, you should be careful not to use the whole piece of clothing, only part of it, and remember to wear gloves to protect it when you use it. Otherwise, it's easy to corrode your hands.

Method 2: ink

It is inevitable that white clothes will turn yellow after wearing them for a long time. At this time, we can skillfully use ink, the use of ink can also prevent white clothes from yellowing. Put clean cold water into the basin, drop a few drops of pure blue ink inside, stir well, put into the rinsed white shirt, lift and pull several times to dry, simple and effective.

Method 3: lemon juice

Lemon has a strong acidity and has a certain bleaching function, so we can add some lemon juice when cleaning white silk fabric to make it cleaner than usual. White socks always have the name of not being clean. At this time, you can add some lemon to the hot water, soak the white socks in it for more than ten minutes, then wash them to make them cleaner.

Method 4: Amoy rice water

We all know that fermented rice water can be used to water flowers and make them look better, but do you know that they can also be used to wash clothes? On weekdays, we can use rice washing water to wash white clothes, this method can make the white shirt will not turn yellow easily.

Method 5: hydrogen peroxide

The root cause that makes white clothes yellow most easily is: sweating. We often sweat, a sweat will make the white clothes become more and more yellow, at this time it is best not to wash with hot water, it is best to use cold water to wash. You can add a little hydrogen peroxide to the water for a bubble, the whitening effect will be better.

Although white clothes look good, it is the hard truth to keep them from yellowing. These methods that Huahua teaches you are all very simple. You can usually buy them in drugstores and kitchens, so it is easy to operate. Are these methods all get?