
Pictures and variety names of insectivorous plants-- cherry leaf pansy

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Origin distribution: American cherry leaf pansy is the most easy to grow pest-catching pansy variety, which has low requirements for light and temperature, and can spend the summer and winter smoothly in all places.

English name: Cherry leaf pansy

Latin scientific name: Pinguicula primuliflora

Families and genera: Cerambycidae, pansy

Distribution of origin: United States

Cherry leaf pansy is the most easily planted pansy variety, which has low requirements for light and temperature. It can spend the summer and winter smoothly everywhere, and has a strong reproductive ability. It will grow new plants at the tip of the leaves, which is very suitable for beginners!

The cherry leaf pansy is super easy to breed, and it is also one of the best ways to raise it. The method of reproduction is to get close to the root to break the leaves like Chinese cabbage, to break off the leaves one by one, or to cut them off directly with scissors near the root. Then put it in a moist pure water moss, sulk, place in astigmatism, and sprout about a few weeks later.

How does cherry leaf pansy reproduce?

Pansy varieties are widely distributed, planting requirements are also different, generally like bright light, can not be exposed to the sun, afraid of heat, most need to use alkaline matrix. Today let's take a look at how pansy breeds.

Peel the whole leaf from the mother plant, insert it obliquely or horizontally on a clean substrate, maintain high humidity and bright light, and bud can grow in about 2 months.

Some varieties of pansy will grow new buds on the rhizome, leaf margin, stolon and so on. When they are big enough, they will be separated from the mother plant and cultivated separately.

Some varieties dominated by temperate populations grow some bulbs, commonly known as winter buds, at the base of rosette leaves under the stimulation of low temperature in winter. When the bulb will fall off when it is ripe, it can be taken out and gently pressed down into the clean surface of the matrix at the bottom, and new buds will grow when the temperature warms up in spring.

Generally speaking, pansy needs cross-pollination in order to bear seeds. You can choose flowers that bloom for about two days, stick pollen with toothpicks and apply them to the stigma of another flower. If pollination is successful, the capsule will mature and crack in 1-2 months and scatter tiny seeds. When sowing, it can be sprinkled directly on the surface of the clean substrate to maintain high humidity and bright light and germinate for about a month. The seeds of some temperate populations need to be refrigerated for a winter to germinate, and can also be refrigerated in the refrigerator to achieve the same effect.

I hope reading this article will be helpful to you in the future. If you want to know more, please continue to follow the succulent flower bed.

Insectivorous plant insectivorous pansy how to correctly maintain insectivorous plant insectivorous pansy varieties are widely distributed, planting requirements are also different, generally like bright light, can not be exposed to the sun, afraid of heat, most need to use alkaline matrix. Matrix: due to the different growth environment of Corydalis, their requirements for the substrate are the same, and the formula of the substrate should take into account the habits of the varieties and the materials available locally. Most of the populations represented by Mexican pansy grow in limestone mountain areas, which need to be mixed with alkaline or neutral matrix. they can also be mixed with a small amount of organic matrix. for example, 2 parts of perlite, 2 parts of vermiculite, 1 part of gypsum, 1 part of sand, 1 part of coconut bran or peat can be mixed. Other populations can use acidic matrix formula, such as 1 part of peat and 1 part of perlite. Moisture: using water sources with low mineral concentration, most dry varieties in the growing season (such as most Mexican pansy) can keep the substrate slightly humid, but can not accumulate water, while a few wet varieties (such as cherry leaf pansy (Pinguicula primuliflora)) can keep the substrate high humidity. Suitable for water supply at the bottom of the basin pad, plants should not often spray water, so as not to dilute the mucus on the leaves. Varieties with dormant habits need to reduce or stop watering during the winter dormancy period to keep the basin soil in a dry state. Humidity: the air humidity of pansy should be kept above 50%. The general planting environment can be satisfied and there is no need for special humidification. Temperature: tropical and subtropical populations are represented by varieties of Mexico and the southern United States, the suitable temperature for growth is generally 20-30 degrees, winter can be maintained at 2-10 degrees, most of them can survive at 2-35 degrees, and some varieties can withstand a low temperature of 0 degrees or a high temperature of 38 degrees. Varieties in high mountain areas such as Mexico like to have a large temperature difference between day and night. Temperate populations are represented by European varieties, the suitable temperature for growth is 10-20 degrees, most of them can survive at 0-25 degrees, and some varieties can withstand a low temperature of-3 degrees or a high temperature of 30 degrees. Lighting: pansy likes bright light and can withstand semi-shade. It is suitable for planting in places with bright scattered light such as windowsill, and can also accept soft sunlight, but avoid strong light exposure. Nutrients: in the growing season, you can use general compound fertilizer and other diluted 5000 times to spray foliar, 1-2 times a month. Fertilization would rather be applied with thin fertilizer frequently, not too high concentration, so as to avoid serious consequences of fat injury or even death. Do not apply fertilizer at will without experience. It is not appropriate to feed food to provide nutrients, so as not to affect the ornamental. Diseases: high temperature in summer is easy to rot stems, good ventilation, cooling, large temperature difference between day and night all help to reduce the occurrence of diseases. Once it is found that the stem has partially rotted, it is generally difficult to treat, uninfected leaves can be cut off for leaf insertion, so that it can be continued. Pansy can also be attacked by snails, sometimes eating a large leaf overnight, and small plants may even leave only roots. You can use covers, water plates, etc., to isolate the plants, and then invade them when the "murderer" comes out at night. The above is the introduction of Zuihua net to the insectivorous plant pansy. I hope you can get something!