
Planting and cultivation management methods of common flowers and plants in summer

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, Herbaceous flowers are the more popular varieties of flowers, because these flowers are generally small plants, large and beautiful flowers. But in general, grass flowers are not easy to raise, and some people even dare not raise them when they hear that they are grass flowers, or they think it takes a lot of effort to raise them.

Herbaceous flowers are the more popular varieties of flowers, because these flowers are generally small plants, large and beautiful flowers. But in general, grass flowers are not very easy to raise, and some people even dare not raise them when they hear that they are grass flowers. they either feel that it takes a lot of effort to raise them, or they think it is not worth buying them for only a few days and then dying. Especially in summer, when the water evaporates greatly and the weather is hot, it is easy to dry and die in the sun if you don't pay attention to the grass flowers. How to maintain and manage grass flowers in summer is a problem that perplexes many flower friends. The following is for some common grass flowers to express some of their own opinions.

Scutellaria barbata (sunflower)

Like warm, sunny and dry to maintain a certain amount of light and humidity, sandy soil with good drainage is the most suitable for growing period without frequent watering, see dry watering

Hundred-day grass

Like warm, not cold-resistant, afraid of heat, like loose, fertile soil should be slightly covered with soil, and placed in a place away from light, to be transplanted immediately after the growth of true leaves. Pick the heart and trim it in time. Water thoroughly once after planting, and see dry watering later. Afraid of waterlogging environment.

Short red snake chrysanthemum (peacock chrysanthemum)

Like plenty of sunshine, strong cold tolerance, drought tolerance, barren tolerance. Easy to cultivate, like cool climate. Put it in a well-ventilated place where half-yin and half-yang are well ventilated, and pay attention to watering not too much after sowing, so as not to wash the seeds up. High temperatures in summer should be watered in time sooner or later.

Peacock grass

Like sunshine, but planting in half-shade can also blossom and sow in four seasons, and the suitable temperature for germination is 22-24 ℃. Direct sunlight should be avoided in high-temperature season, and shade and cooling should be needed around noon. Keep moist during germination; seedling growth should prevent excessive humidity and dry watering


Sex like warm climate, like ventilation and cool environment to choose sandy soil, after transplanting to pour enough fixed root water to prevent lodging. If you dry with less water, see dry watering.

Thousand days red

Sex like sunshine, hot and dry climate, suitable for loose and fertile soil seedling stage, should not be direct sunlight. It can grow in a sunny environment 2-3 weeks after potting. In order to promote branching, pruning should be done many times at the seedling stage. Once in the morning and evening, not too much, not watered at noon. Less watering in cloudy and rainy days, more watering when the temperature is high and evaporation is large, and watering thoroughly. But we should pay attention to prevent stagnant water in the basin.

A string of red

Like warm and sunny environment. Not cold-resistant, semi-overcast, avoid frost, snow and high temperature, afraid of stagnant water and alkaline soil basin to apply sufficient base fertilizer, into the growth period to start topdressing, twice a month, can make the flowers bloom and prolong the flowering period. The cultivation site should be sunny, if the light is not enough, the plant is easy to grow. The early stage of growth should not be watered more than once every two days, so as to avoid yellowing and shedding of leaves. When entering the peak growth period, the amount of water can be increased appropriately.


I like a warm and sunny environment. Not resistant to frost, afraid of rain and waterlogging requires plenty of sunshine during the growing season. Loose and fertile sandy loam is suitable for the soil. In summer cultivation, thin fertilizer should be applied frequently in the early stage of seedling growth, and the fertilizer should be high in nitrogen and potassium and low in phosphorus. Watering always follows the principle of no dry, no watering, and no watering.

Ground skin

Loam which is sunny, drought-resistant, heat-resistant, barren, saline-alkali resistant, cold-intolerant, shade-tolerant, fertile, loose and humus-rich is conducive to the vigorous growth of the soil every 7 to 10 days.

Rehmannia glutinosa

Chrysanthemum likes light, fertilizer, heat-resistant and sunny environment and provides fertile, loose, humus-containing soil to make the plant strong. Flowering and watering always follow the principle of not drying, watering and watering thoroughly.

Impatiens (henna)

Like sunshine, afraid of humidity, heat-resistant and cold-resistant, barren-resistant and suitable for growing in loose, fertile and slightly acidic soil. Shade should be carried out in summer to prevent excessive temperature and hot sun exposure. The suitable growth temperature is 16-26 ℃, and the ambient temperature at flowering stage should be controlled above 10 ℃. To enter the greenhouse in winter, to prevent the cold growing season should be watered once a day, hot summer should be watered twice a day, rainy days pay attention to drainage, in short, do not make the basin soil dry or stagnant

Corydalis (blue pig ear)

Light-loving, semi-shade-resistant, high-temperature, high-humidity and cold-resistant loam suitable for wet and well-drained loam. The suitable temperature for growth is 18 ℃-21 ℃, no less than 5 ℃ in winter and no more than 28 ℃ in summer. Sensitive to light, when the light is insufficient, the plant will grow weakly and blossom less, but avoid direct sunlight and keep the soil moist in summer, and the evaporation in the high temperature season should be large. Water should be watered once in the morning and once in the evening to prevent plant wilting.

Management methods of Flower cultivation in Summer

Summer is hot, rainy and sunny, which is the peak season for the growth of some flowers, and some flowers are in the dormant period. In order to make flowers go through this stage smoothly, the management should be strengthened in the aspects of watering, shading, prevention and control of diseases and insect pests.

General maintenance measures watering: high temperature and strong sunshine in summer, which greatly speeds up the water transpiration of potted flowers, which is easy to cause drought. So it is very important for potted flowers to be watered reasonably in summer.

The temperature of basin soil is higher at noon in summer, and the root system absorbs water faster. If cold water is poured at this time, the temperature of the basin soil will drop suddenly, affect the normal function of the root system, it will be difficult for the root system to absorb water, destroy the balance of water metabolism of the plant, and cause the plant to wilt and affect the growth. Therefore, watering potted flowers in summer should be carried out in the morning or evening. The basin soil is generally not watered when it is not dry, but should be watered thoroughly when it is dry, and must not be watered to half of the basin soil. If the water is often impermeable, it will cause poor permeability of the basin soil, which will directly affect the normal physiological activities of the root system, and in serious cases, it will lead to rotting root. In summer, the basin soil is often cracked because it is too dry, so the watering can not be finished at once, otherwise the water will leak straight from the soil seam to the bottom of the basin, while most of the basin soil is still very dry, and the next day the plant is still seriously short of water, causing wilting. Therefore, it is generally necessary to wait for a moment after the first watering, so that the basin soil will swell and the soil cracks will be closed and watered again.

When the potted flowers wilt, first move the wilted plants to a cool place away from the wind, spray a small amount of water to the leaves and basin soil, and then pour water thoroughly after the plants have recovered.

Fertilization: in the high temperature season, in addition to jasmine, rose and other exuberant flowers, it is generally not suitable to apply fertilizer, especially the rhododendron entering the semi-dormant period and cyclamen, freesia and other bulbous flowers.

Shade: for some semi-overcast and negative flowers, avoid high temperature and direct sunlight in summer. Shading measures should be taken and water should be sprayed to cool down. Even drought-tolerant plants such as cacti are at risk of being burned when the temperature exceeds 38 ℃. There are often many torrential rains in summer, and after the basin soil is flooded, nutrients are easy to lose, so the basin should be tilted and dripped out of Rain Water after the rain.

Pest control: muggy summer is the season with high incidence of diseases and insect pests. It is necessary to remove diseased branches and withered leaves in time, supplemented by drug control.

Orchid shading orchid is a semi-negative flower, summer should be appropriate shade, avoid strong light. It is best to use a sunshade net to cover the shade, and put the orchid near the water surface or in a place with fresh air and good ventilation.

Fertilization should follow the principle of applying thin fertilizer frequently. It depends on the variety of orchids, the weather, the temperature and the growth of the plants. In general, Chunlan applies nitrogen and potash fertilizer in summer, sword orchid applies phosphorus and potash fertilizer, and cold orchid does not apply any fertilizer. In addition, weak plants should not be fertilized on cloudy days or when the temperature is too high.

Although the watering orchid is fleshy root, but in the summer with strong light and high temperature, the demand for water is relatively increased, so we must ensure that there is enough water. In addition to normal watering, foliar spraying can be carried out at noon to increase humidity.

Spraying orchids are prone to anthracnose in plum rain and high temperature seasons. in addition to improving ventilation and light transmission conditions, the disease should be prevented and controlled in time. Bordeaux solution or methyl topiramate is sprayed every 10 days to control leaf anthracnose; 40% omethoate and triclofenac are sprayed every semimonthly to kill shell insects and mites.

It is windy and rainy in summer, especially the rainstorm, which will not only break the orchid leaves, but also splash the soil with bacteria on the orchid heart or orchid leaves, leading to the occurrence of brown spot in orchid plants. Therefore, in case of heavy rain, it is necessary to cover the rain properly.

Pruning orchid leaves that have been damaged by pests should be cut off in time so as not to infect other orchid plants. At the same time, orchids blooming in summer should also be cut off residual flowers and withered leaves so as not to consume too much nutrients.

The suitable temperature for the growth and flowering of four-season begonia is about 23 ℃. It prefers semi-overcast, cool and well-ventilated environment in summer, avoiding high temperature, waterlogging and strong light. When maintaining in summer, follow its "temper".

Shading and ventilation should adjust the lighting time to create an environment suitable for its growth. It should be shaded. Indoor cultivated plants should be placed in a place with scattered light and good ventilation, and the windows should be opened at night for ventilation.

Moderately watered crabapple likes a humid environment, but it is suitable for basin soil to be slightly moist in hot summer. Watering should not be fixed several times a day or once a few days, but should pay attention to observe the dry and wet condition of the basin soil at any time. It can be watered when the basin soil turns white, and the amount of water should not be too much. Watering time is better around 9:00 in the morning, as far as possible not dry, watering thoroughly, but can not wait until completely dry before watering.

The summer fertilization of the four seasons begonia should be treated differently according to the new and old plants. For the new plants propagated in the autumn of the previous year, some mature thin cake fertilizer and water can be applied after each stubble, and the suitable fertilizer-water ratio is 1:5, once a week, twice a week, and can blossom again after 2 weeks. For perennial old plants or weak plants, when the temperature is above 25 ℃, fertilizer should be stopped and fertilized after the summer to usher in the second peak flowering season.

Cooling and humidifying sprinkles water around the plant and the ground many times a day to reduce the temperature and increase the air humidity. If there are conditions, you can set up a sand bed in a corner of the balcony or a corner of the courtyard, put the plant on the sand surface, and wet the sand while watering the plant, which can play a better role in cooling and humidifying.

Disease prevention and pest control under the condition of high temperature and high humidity, four seasons begonia is very prone to bacterial spot disease. At first, dark brown spots appeared on the leaf surface, and gradually spread to a dark brown rib. Bordeaux liquid can be sprayed to prevent the disease before the disease, and pay attention to improve the cultivation conditions and management methods. In the early stage of the disease, the diseased leaves were removed and burned in time to prevent re-spread. Summer is the high incidence period of aphids and red spiders, so it is necessary to control them with pollution-free pesticides in time.

The gentleman orchid reduces the amount of fertilizer and fertilizes too much so that the root can not be absorbed. As a result, the fertilizer fermentation produces high temperature and burns the root of the magnolia.

To control the light around June every year, the sunny side should be adjusted once to ensure that the leaves grow regularly. In the height of summer, let the gentleman orchid see the morning light for 2 hours every day.

Ventilation cooling summer should pay special attention to the gentleman orchid on the pool or basin.

Although the amount of water properly watered in summer is more than in other seasons, we should still adhere to the principle of "no dry, no watering, watering thoroughly". Be careful not to let the water flow into the heart of the leaves when watering, otherwise the leaves will rot easily.

The reason for the death of rose potted rose in summer is that the pot soil is not well matched, the pot is not changed in spring, and the nutrients of the original pot soil are depleted. In this way, the rose can not withstand the high temperature and die. The rose is almost semi-dormant in the summer high temperature season, and some growers see that the rose does not blossom or bloom less, thinking that it is due to lack of fertility, so they apply more fertilizer and apply thick fertilizer, coupled with the high temperature in summer to accelerate fertilizer fermentation. the rose will burn out the roots.

After turning the basin and changing the soil, put it in a cool place for about a week and then carry out normal culture. Remove the consolidated soil and replace it with loose cultivated soil.

Control fertilization once every 15 to 20 days, and then increase the amount of fertilizer in late summer. For the rose that has withered and died, wash the roots and change the soil immediately, cut off some branches and put them in a cool place for maintenance.

In addition, more water should be sprayed on the rose leaves in summer, watering should be carried out in the morning and evening, branches should not be strongly pruned, but also pay attention to the prevention of insect pests, and strengthen lighting and ventilation.

Cuckoos cool down to create a ventilated and cool environment for flowers. It should be put in a cool and ventilated place indoors and outdoors to breathe fresh air.

Moisturizing one is to spray water to the leaves 4 to 5 times a day. At the same time, during the day, a basin of water is placed under the flowerpot and placed on a wooden strip to place the flowerpot on top of the pot, so that the water can evaporate at high temperature to create the air humidity needed for cuckoo flowering.

The petal growth of transparent rhododendron is often inversely proportional to light, especially for flowers blooming in high temperature season, the petals will shrink at the slightest strong light. As far as plant growth is concerned, it is necessary to see the sun. In order to solve this problem, keep the flowers transparent on the balcony from 5:30 to 7:30 every morning to meet the needs of plant growth.

Replenish nutrients when rhododendron blossoms, you can not only replenish nutrients, but also replenish nutrients, especially in high temperature season. Spray a small amount of potassium dihydrogen phosphate solution to the leaves once a week. In addition, using watermelon juice to spray leaves and irrigate roots, the effect is good.

Management methods of Flower cultivation in Summer

China Garden Network, July 15 news: summer is hot, rainy and sunny, which is the peak season for the growth of some flowers, while some flowers are dormant. In order to make flowers go through this stage smoothly, the management should be strengthened in the aspects of watering, shading, prevention and control of diseases and insect pests.

General maintenance measures watering: high temperature and strong sunshine in summer, which greatly speeds up the water transpiration of potted flowers, which is easy to cause drought. So it is very important for potted flowers to be watered reasonably in summer.

The temperature of basin soil is higher at noon in summer, and the root system absorbs water faster. If cold water is poured at this time, the temperature of the basin soil will drop suddenly, affect the normal function of the root system, it will be difficult for the root system to absorb water, destroy the balance of water metabolism of the plant, and cause the plant to wilt and affect the growth. Therefore, watering potted flowers in summer should be carried out in the morning or evening. The basin soil is generally not watered when it is not dry, but should be watered thoroughly when it is dry, and must not be watered to half of the basin soil. If the water is often impermeable, it will cause poor permeability of the basin soil, which will directly affect the normal physiological activities of the root system, and in serious cases, it will lead to rotting root. In summer, the basin soil is often cracked because it is too dry, so the watering can not be finished at once, otherwise the water will leak straight from the soil seam to the bottom of the basin, while most of the basin soil is still very dry, and the next day the plant is still seriously short of water, causing wilting. Therefore, it is generally necessary to wait for a moment after the first watering, so that the basin soil will swell and the soil cracks will be closed and watered again.

When the potted flowers wilt, first move the wilted plants to a cool place away from the wind, spray a small amount of water to the leaves and basin soil, and then pour water thoroughly after the plants have recovered.

Fertilization: in the high temperature season, in addition to jasmine, rose and other exuberant flowers, it is generally not suitable to apply fertilizer, especially the rhododendron entering the semi-dormant period and cyclamen, freesia and other bulbous flowers.

Shade: for some semi-overcast and negative flowers, avoid high temperature and direct sunlight in summer. Shading measures should be taken and water should be sprayed to cool down. Even drought-tolerant plants such as cacti are at risk of being burned when the temperature exceeds 38 ℃. There are often many torrential rains in summer, and after the basin soil is flooded, nutrients are easy to lose, so the basin should be tilted and dripped out of Rain Water after the rain.

Pest control: muggy summer is the season with high incidence of diseases and insect pests. It is necessary to remove diseased branches and withered leaves in time, supplemented by drug control.

Orchid shading orchid is a semi-negative flower, summer should be appropriate shade, avoid strong light. It is best to use a sunshade net to cover the shade, and put the orchid near the water surface or in a place with fresh air and good ventilation.

Fertilization should follow the principle of applying thin fertilizer frequently. It depends on the variety of orchids, the weather, the temperature and the growth of the plants. In general, Chunlan applies nitrogen and potash fertilizer in summer, sword orchid applies phosphorus and potash fertilizer, and cold orchid does not apply any fertilizer. In addition, weak plants should not be fertilized on cloudy days or when the temperature is too high.

Although the watering orchid is fleshy root, but in the summer with strong light and high temperature, the demand for water is relatively increased, so we must ensure that there is enough water. In addition to normal watering, foliar spraying can be carried out at noon to increase humidity.

Spraying orchids are prone to anthracnose in plum rain and high temperature seasons. in addition to improving ventilation and light transmission conditions, the disease should be prevented and controlled in time. Bordeaux solution or methyl topiramate is sprayed every 10 days to control leaf anthracnose; 40% omethoate and triclofenac are sprayed every semimonthly to kill shell insects and mites.

It is windy and rainy in summer, especially the rainstorm, which will not only break the orchid leaves, but also splash the soil with bacteria on the orchid heart or orchid leaves, leading to the occurrence of brown spot in orchid plants. Therefore, in case of heavy rain, it is necessary to cover the rain properly.

Pruning orchid leaves that have been damaged by pests should be cut off in time so as not to infect other orchid plants. At the same time, orchids blooming in summer should also be cut off residual flowers and withered leaves so as not to consume too much nutrients.

The suitable temperature for the growth and flowering of four-season begonia is about 23 ℃. It prefers semi-overcast, cool and well-ventilated environment in summer, avoiding high temperature, waterlogging and strong light. When maintaining in summer, follow its "temper".

Shading and ventilation should adjust the lighting time to create an environment suitable for its growth. It should be shaded. Indoor cultivated plants should be placed in a place with scattered light and good ventilation, and the windows should be opened at night for ventilation.

Moderately watered crabapple likes a humid environment, but it is suitable for basin soil to be slightly moist in hot summer. Watering should not be fixed several times a day or once a few days, but should pay attention to observe the dry and wet condition of the basin soil at any time. It can be watered when the basin soil turns white, and the amount of water should not be too much. Watering time is better around 9:00 in the morning, as far as possible not dry, watering thoroughly, but can not wait until completely dry before watering.

The summer fertilization of the four seasons begonia should be treated differently according to the new and old plants. For the new plants propagated in the autumn of the previous year, some mature thin cake fertilizer and water can be applied after each stubble, and the suitable fertilizer-water ratio is 1:5, once a week, twice a week, and can blossom again after 2 weeks. For perennial old plants or weak plants, when the temperature is above 25 ℃, fertilizer should be stopped and fertilized after the summer to usher in the second peak flowering season.

Cooling and humidifying sprinkles water around the plant and the ground many times a day to reduce the temperature and increase the air humidity. If there are conditions, you can set up a sand bed in a corner of the balcony or a corner of the courtyard, put the plant on the sand surface, and wet the sand while watering the plant, which can play a better role in cooling and humidifying.

Disease prevention and pest control under the condition of high temperature and high humidity, four seasons begonia is very prone to bacterial spot disease. At first, dark brown spots appeared on the leaf surface, and gradually spread to a dark brown rib. Bordeaux liquid can be sprayed to prevent the disease before the disease, and pay attention to improve the cultivation conditions and management methods. In the early stage of the disease, the diseased leaves were removed and burned in time to prevent re-spread. Summer is the high incidence period of aphids and red spiders, so it is necessary to control them with pollution-free pesticides in time.

The gentleman orchid reduces the amount of fertilizer and fertilizes too much so that the root can not be absorbed. As a result, the fertilizer fermentation produces high temperature and burns the root of the magnolia.

To control the light around June every year, the sunny side should be adjusted once to ensure that the leaves grow regularly. In the height of summer, let the gentleman orchid see the morning light for 2 hours every day.

Ventilation cooling summer should pay special attention to the gentleman orchid on the pool or basin.

Although the amount of water properly watered in summer is more than in other seasons, we should still adhere to the principle of "no dry, no watering, watering thoroughly". Be careful not to let the water flow into the heart of the leaves when watering, otherwise the leaves will rot easily.

The reason for the death of rose potted rose in summer is that the pot soil is not well matched, the pot is not changed in spring, and the nutrients of the original pot soil are depleted. In this way, the rose can not withstand the high temperature and die. The rose is almost semi-dormant in the summer high temperature season, and some growers see that the rose does not blossom or bloom less, thinking that it is due to lack of fertility, so they apply more fertilizer and apply thick fertilizer, coupled with the high temperature in summer to accelerate fertilizer fermentation. the rose will burn out the roots.

After turning the basin and changing the soil, put it in a cool place for about a week and then carry out normal culture. Remove the consolidated soil and replace it with loose cultivated soil.

Control fertilization once every 15 to 20 days, and then increase the amount of fertilizer in late summer. For the rose that has withered and died, wash the roots and change the soil immediately, cut off some branches and put them in a cool place for maintenance.

In addition, more water should be sprayed on the rose leaves in summer, watering should be carried out in the morning and evening, branches should not be strongly pruned, but also pay attention to the prevention of insect pests, and strengthen lighting and ventilation.

Cuckoos cool down to create a ventilated and cool environment for flowers. It should be put in a cool and ventilated place indoors and outdoors to breathe fresh air.

Moisturizing one is to spray water to the leaves 4 to 5 times a day. At the same time, during the day, a basin of water is placed under the flowerpot and placed on a wooden strip to place the flowerpot on top of the pot, so that the water can evaporate at high temperature to create the air humidity needed for cuckoo flowering.

The petal growth of transparent rhododendron is often inversely proportional to light, especially for flowers blooming in high temperature season, the petals will shrink at the slightest strong light. As far as plant growth is concerned, it is necessary to see the sun. In order to solve this problem, keep the flowers transparent on the balcony from 5:30 to 7:30 every morning to meet the needs of plant growth.

Replenish nutrients when rhododendron blossoms, you can not only replenish nutrients, but also replenish nutrients, especially in high temperature season. Spray a small amount of potassium dihydrogen phosphate solution to the leaves once a week. In addition, using watermelon juice to spray leaves and irrigate roots, the effect is good.