
Family flower cultivation skills: how to kill pests of flowers and plants without pesticides?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Flower friends at home will have several pots of flowers, there will inevitably be some common aphids and so on! Here we mainly summarize some tricks of killing insects! Pests can be killed without pesticides. ⑴ aphids: use 5g detergent, 1.2kg water, spray after full stirring, spray once every 3 days, 2-3 times in succession

Flower friends home will have a few pots of flowers, flowers will inevitably attract some common aphids what! Here is a summary of the main points of insecticidal tricks! Pests can be killed without pesticides.

(1) Aphids: 5 grams of washing powder, 1.2 kilograms of water, fully stirred and sprayed, sprayed once every 3 days, 2-3 times in succession, the insecticidal rate can reach 100%.

Snail: Pour beer into a shallow dish, put it on the ground and basin soil, snail smell its fragrance, it will climb into the dish and drown itself.

(3) Ants: After smashing garlic petals, dig 3-4 holes in the flowerpot and bury them in the pot soil. After 2-3 days, ants, earthworms and nematodes in the pot soil will disappear.

(4) Red spider: After burning with mosquito coil containing pyrethrum, put it in the orchid basin, and then seal it with plastic cover, smoke for 1 hour, which can kill red spider egg mass and adult. (5) Scale insects: 500 grams of mature neem fruit, soaked in 1 kg of water for more than 1 month, take juice for later use. In late spring and early summer with 1:1000 times solution prevention; if found small scale insects, namely with 1:500 times solution to kill, 5 days once, three times in succession, can kill small scale insects.

There are several other ways to deal with pests:

1) Tobacco. Nicotine and nicotine in cigarettes can control aphids, red spiders, bugs, ants and other pests, production: ①40 grams of soil tobacco leaves or tobacco stems, add 1 kg of water, soak for 24 hours, filter and then add the same amount of water to dilute, add 2-3 grams of washing powder to dissolve (if the concentration of tobacco can be higher; add washing powder is conducive to adhesion, but also has insecticidal effect).② If there is no weighing apparatus, you can soak several paper-free cigarette butts in about 30 times water, and after the water turns brown, add a little washing powder to dissolve.

filtering the medicinal liquid and using. Front and back of spray blade. When the pest is serious, the damaged part of the flower is immersed in tobacco water for 1-3 hours, and the plant material is soaked at the same time, which can effectively kill the pests on the leaves and in the soil. The rest of the smoke can be poured into the ant nest or sprinkled around the basin to kill ants. Buried unsoaked cigarette butts can prevent small flying insects.

Note: ① contains nicotine, should not add vinegar, otherwise it will weaken the insecticidal strength. If you add washing powder, wash it with water the next day after spraying (or immediately after soaking). If it is mainly used for the control of scale insects, it is best to add washing powder, or use washing powder alone.

2. Garlic. Can control aphids, red spiders, scale insects, nematodes and other pests, but also control powdery mildew. Production: Take a few petals of purple garlic produced in the north, peel it and mash it, dilute it with 10-20 times water, and filter out the residue after 24 hours. Spraying the leaves with the prepared juice; pouring the residue and residual juice into the basin can control nematodes and scale insects.

Note: Garlic juice has a certain viscosity, in order to prevent dust accumulation, you can wash the leaves after a few days.

3. Leek. Can control aphids, red spiders and other pests, aphids more effective. Production and use: 500 grams of leek mashed, added 1.25 kg of water, soaked for one day and night after filtering, take supernatant every other day for 3 consecutive spraying.

4. Onions. Can control aphids, red spiders and other pests, aphids more effective. Production and use: 20g onion scales immersed in 1kg water, soaked for 24 hours can be used, 1 week continuous spraying 2-3 times. In order to fully precipitate the active ingredients, it can be chopped or mashed and soaked. It needs to be filtered before use.

5. Sharp pepper (dried red pepper). Can control aphids, red spiders, whiteflies, bugs and other pests.

Production and use: ① fully dry the pointed pepper, grind it into fine powder, add 50 grams of chili flour into 1 kilogram of water, boil for 10 minutes, cool and filter.② Take proper amount of dried chili, add 20 times water and boil for 20 minutes, cool and filter.③ Boil 250g dried chili seeds in 2.5kg water for 30 minutes, cool and filter. Spray wet leaves and powder, coarse powder can be sprinkled on the basin surface in small quantities; spray leaves and spray basin soil.

6. Plant ash. It can control aphids. Preparation and use: 1 part plant ash soaked in 5 parts water for 24 hours, filtered and sprayed. Use the above methods to prevent, generally once a month. It is best to alternate.

Many friends like to raise flowers, but sometimes because they don't raise them, they make flowers "premature." According to my personal experience, the author provides some flower cultivation techniques for reference. The specific time for changing pots and changing soil is from February to May, before the flowers sprout or come out of the room. Early spring flowering should be in flower 1 week to 2 weeks after the pot change soil, other flowers and trees can be in dormancy or early April before the new shoots have not germinated, evergreen flowers in the shoot before the most likely to survive, try to choose cloudy days to change pots or pots. Most potted flowers had better use rich humus, good drainage, strong permeability of sandy loam, direct use of ready-made culture soil purchased from the flower market can also be, but as far as possible and the original soil close. Usually every time for a pot, the new pot should be larger than the original pot, but not easy to use large pots to raise flowers. If using old basin, want to wash net, and insolate or use boiled water to sterilize, egg. When changing pots, try to keep the soil ball intact when taking the flowers out of the original pot. After getting out of the pot, half of the old soil should be removed, the roots should be trimmed, and the above-ground parts should be trimmed accordingly to reduce the evaporation of leaves. In addition, this period is very suitable for the propagation of flowers, can be combined with pot change. After the flowers and trees are planted, pour water once, and then put them in a cool place to avoid the wind. After half a month, gradually restore the light, during which do not fertilize. Family flower cultivation skills II, flowers out of the room in early spring, the temperature varies, do not rush to move the flowers that like high temperature to the outside. Generally speaking, deciduous flowers and trees have strong cold resistance and should be removed outdoors at a minimum outdoor temperature of 0℃ or more. Cold-resistant flowers and trees, such as jasmine, osmanthus, Michelia, etc., should be removed outdoors at a minimum outdoor temperature of about 3℃. The time to leave the room is before and after the grain rain, and you can't leave the room before Qingming. Subtropical flowers such as orchids, variegated wood, poinsettia, etc. should be later out of the room. Flowers out of the room to exercise in advance, starting two or three hours a day in the sun, gradually extended later. 7 days to 10 days before leaving the room, you can choose to move outdoors in the morning of sunny days and move back before the sun goes down in the afternoon. The number of times is from less to more, and the time is from short to long. At the same time, spray flowers and trees once a day at noon to replenish moisture. Family flower cultivation skills three, flower fertilization flower fertilization to master the principle of "thin fertilizer". For a few fertile flowers, you can use the method of foliar dressing liquid fertilizer; for northern flowers that like acidic soil, you can pour some black alum (ferrous sulfate) water. The best way to apply fertilizer is to alternate chemical and organic fertilizers. For example, rapeseed cake or sesame oil residue solid fertilizer after fermentation is mixed with pot soil as base fertilizer, fully decomposed cake fertilizer water, chicken and duck manure and other liquid fertilizer are applied once in the evening of sunny day after flower germination, and half a month later, in the morning or dusk, liquid chemical fertilizer and trace elements with concentration of 1/1000 are sprayed on leaves. After another half month, apply solid fertilizer. And so on and so forth. After the flowers have pests, you can first use earth to kill insects, if the local method does not work, then use pesticides. For powdery mildew, the diseased leaves can be removed early in the disease onset. To deal with bituminous coal disease, the standard practice is to spray sulfur mixture, the author tried to spray a dilute solution of household sulfur soap, the effect is also good. With garlic mash add water spray, you can control the leaf spot disease of flowers. With a cigarette, two dried chilli or an electric mosquito coil, soaked into half a cup of water, spray, can kill aphids. A small bottle cap of sewing machine oil or high-grade engine oil, or even waste oil filtered from a range hood, plus a cup of very dilute detergent solution, placed in a bottle, shaken violently into emulsion, sprayed on leaves and branches, scale insects and red spiders can quickly disappear. In the future, spray water on the leaves of flowers, and these pests will not come again. To deal with longicorn, beetle, caterpillar and other pests, hands-on capture is the most environmentally friendly method, or the whole pot of flowers with mosquito incense fumigation for an hour, it is also easy to kill. Easy to learn family flower pest control methods, how to control pests family flowers?

Recently, some flower friends asked Xiaobian how to do when family flowers encounter pests. The fastest and most effective way is of course to use chemical pesticides, but long-term use of chemical pesticides to control flower pests is easy to pollute the environment. Self-made "pollution-free pesticides" control flower pests, the effect is good, and pollution-free, non-phytotoxicity.

Garlic juice. Take 0.5 kg of purple skin garlic, soak it in water for a while, mash it to get juice, dilute it with water for 10 times, spray it immediately, it can control aphids, red spiders and scale insects; pour garlic juice into basin soil, it can control nematodes and earthworms. Tobacco water. 50g of tobacco leaves or 100g of tobacco stems and cigarette butts are taken, 1.5kg of water is added, boiled for half a small amount, or soaked for a day and night, repeatedly rubbed by hands, filtered by gauze, and sprayed with 0.1%-0.2% neutral washing powder, so that aphids, red spiders, leafhoppers, thrips, leaf rollers and other leaf-eating pests can be prevented and controlled. Chili water. Take 50 grams of dry red pepper, add 1 kg of water and boil for 10-20 minutes. After filtering, spray the clear liquid to prevent aphids, red spiders, whiteflies, etc. Pepper water. Take pepper (or pepper) 50 grams, add about 1 kg of water, boil for 30-40 minutes, filter and spray the plant to kill aphids. Pulsatilla boil water. Take 500 grams of pulsatilla bulb, add 5 kilograms of water to boil for half an hour, filter and spray flowers, can kill aphids. Peach leaves boil water. Take 0.5 kg peach leaves, add about 3 kg water, boil for 30 minutes, filter and spray, can control aphids, geometrid and soft pests; cut peach leaves, dry, grind into powder and apply into soil, can control mole cricket, white grubs and other underground pests.

Common household pest control methods

Mix half a teaspoon of detergent with 4 liters of water and spray the back of the leaves once every 5 days until the white flies are completely eliminated.

2, put the flowerpot into the basin, so that the water level is slightly higher than the surface of the basin soil, put half an hour to 1 hour, can make the maggots in the soil suffocate and die.

3. Add 20 times water to pepper or chopped oleander leaves, boil for 20 minutes, irrigate flowers or filter residue spray after cooling, and have good pest control effect. Note that oleander leaves boiled liquid to be used up at one time, in case of human and animal poisoning.

4. Cut the soap left over from washing clothes into small pieces, add water and stir into alkaline soap solution, and inject a small amount of spray into the flowerpot, which can effectively kill black flies.

5. Pour flour and whole milk powder into a container according to 8:1, mix well with 4.5 times water, filter with gauze, spray the filtrate on flower branches and leaves, and kill most ticks and their eggs.

6. Ignite a mosquito coil in the flowerpot, cover the potted flower with a plastic bag, open a small mouth, fumigate for 1 hour, which can effectively kill butterfly moth larvae and adults. Spray with neutral detergent solution of 1:1000, killing rate of whitefly is very high. Spraying with 1:600 essential balm can kill more than 95% of pests.

Through the detailed introduction of this article, I hope everyone can gain something! Thank you for your support and attention to Flesh Garden!