
6000 steps a day to get rid of three chronic diseases, but the key is to walk like this.

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, "it is better to sweat together than to eat together" is becoming more and more popular. Walking, the most affordable way of keeping fit, has become a symbol of a healthy life. Walking, a simple thing that can be done with open legs, is recognized by the World Health Organization as "the world."

"it is better to sweat together than to eat together" is becoming more and more popular. Walking, the most affordable way of keeping fit, has become a symbol of a healthy life.

"Walking", a simple thing that can be done with open legs, is recognized by the World Health Organization as "the best exercise in the world". Studies have shown that walking can provide many benefits for bones, muscles and joints.

However, the more you walk, the better.

Walking too much also hurts the body.

Mr. Liu in Hangzhou wants to lose weight by walking violently, taking more than 15000 steps every day. Unexpectedly, less than a week, suffering from knee joint synovitis!

A 25-year-old man walks ten thousand steps a day and 30,000 steps on weekends. A month later, I felt sore waist and could not stand up straight. I went to the hospital for examination and found that I was suffering from lumbar muscle strain.

A 42-year-old woman heard that a large number of walks can "flatten" the bone spur. She walked 30,000 steps a day. Half a month later, her knees were not only red and swollen, but she could not even walk. Finally, she went to the hospital in a wheelchair.

How to walk, good for your health?


Which way?

It is best to walk in parks, stadiums and other quiet and clean places away from the road. The ideal road should be grass, land, plastic sites, and avoid walking on cement, asphalt and other hard ground.

Of course, in real life, it is more difficult to achieve this, but do not take the asphalt road where there is a dirt road, and do not take the asphalt road where there is a playground and sports ground.

You must choose a good pair of shoes when you walk. You don't have to have a famous brand. Just be comfortable. Because the impact on the soles of the feet when walking is 1.2-1.5 times of the whole body weight.


How much does it take?

What really helps to improve your health is the 6000 steps you take at once.

Every day, a person takes a few steps to go to the toilet, up and down the stairs, and in the office, which may add up to thousands of steps.

But the best way to walk is not "piecemeal", stop and go. The best health walk is one breath synthesis, walking for 30-40 minutes.

It is recommended that the elderly take 100 steps per minute and 3000 steps per 30 minutes. Young and middle-aged people can walk faster.


How do I get there?

Warm up before leaving, stretch after leaving, and we "follow our feelings" in the middle!

When walking for 30 minutes, you will have moderate palpitations and shortness of breath, and sweat slightly at a moderate temperature. This is best. Don't let yourself get too tired. When walking vigorously, the upper limbs should also swing, on the one hand, it can increase the amount of aerobic exercise, better reflect the effect of aerobic exercise, and second, it is conducive to the exercise of upper limbs and chest muscles.

Small steps are appropriate for vigorous walking, each step is 10 centimeters more forward than usual, and step by step at the beginning. Some people walk very fast on the first day, overload, will hurt the knee and calf, resulting in pain.

6000 steps to get rid of the three chronic diseases

One or 6000 steps can reduce blood pressure: make blood vessels move.

Hypertension caused by cerebral hemorrhage and sudden death, myocardial infarction is very scary. For hypertension, in addition to regular medication, regular fitness walking is the best way to treat hypertension.

When taking part in walking, patients with high blood pressure should pay attention to:

1. When walking, you should hit the ground on the soles of your feet, keep your chest out, and walk at a medium speed.

two。 When walking, the upper body should be straight, otherwise it will oppress the chest and affect the heart function.

3. Abide by the principle of gradual and orderly progress. When you walk, your blood pressure will rise slightly. Be sure to walk slowly at the beginning, at a speed of about 40% to 50% of that when you walk at full speed. It takes 30 to 45 minutes to walk a distance of 2 to 3 kilometers. The intensity of walking is based on the appearance of sweat.

Two or 6000 steps can reduce fat: make the blood clean.

"Walking" is one of the important means to maintain the health of blood lipid metabolism in the human body, which is more effective than taking medicine! 6000 steps a day has a great impact on reducing blood lipids, which can increase the activity of lipoprotein lipase and accelerate the operation, decomposition and excretion of lipids.

1. It is recommended that patients with hyperlipidemia should maintain a moderate amount of exercise every day, that is, they should walk 3 to 5 kilometers a day, which is about 6000 steps. Persist every day, less than half a year, your blood lipids will be greatly improved.

two。 It is recommended to drink more water at ordinary times, especially if you get up in the morning and drink 300 milliliters of boiled water on an empty stomach, which can dilute blood viscosity and clean gastrointestinal tract.

Thirty or 6000 steps can reduce blood sugar: consume a lot of glucose

Many people with diabetes dare not do any exercise once they get sick. In fact, walking is also the best way to lower blood sugar, which can not only reduce blood sugar, but also reduce the dose of medicine taken by patients. Many diabetics use "walking" to control their diabetes very well.

It has been proved that regular exercise of fitness walking has the following benefits for people with diabetes:

Fitness walking can help you lose weight.

Obesity is one of the important factors contributing to the occurrence and development of diabetes. After weight loss, many tissue cells in the body become more sensitive to insulin, so that the need for insulin is reduced and the disease can be controlled.

Fitness walking can burn a lot of glucose in the blood, strengthen the regulation of glucose metabolism and improve the utilization rate of glucose, thus reducing blood sugar and urine sugar.

Fitness can also effectively prevent the occurrence of diabetic foot.

When carrying out fitness walking exercise, it can not only reduce blood sugar, but also effectively maintain the blood flow of the lower limbs, which plays a great role in protecting the feet.

Fitness walking can strengthen the physique.

Improve metabolism and cardiopulmonary function to reduce cardiovascular complications.

If you want to control your blood sugar while working out, be sure to keep these five points in mind:

1. Increase the stride of each step. When walking, you should straighten your back and waist, raise your head as far as possible, put ten toes in the direction of walking, use your toes in each step, and let the muscles of the whole body participate as much as possible, with the feeling of bouncing people up. The swing of the arm should be increased, and try to straighten out the front and back arms.

two。 Take every step with your strength. Often adhere to walking, can prevent the occurrence of a variety of diabetic complications.

3. Walk at a fixed time every day. The best time for diabetics to exercise is from 3pm to 9pm.

4. The daily pace should be fixed. Keep the stride frequency as consistent as possible, and you can whisper "one, two, one" and walk rhythmically.

5. persevere, but the amount of exercise should not be too large, nor should it be too tired.

Common misunderstandings of walking that everyone can make.

1. Walk immediately after dinner

Many people go for a walk immediately after dinner, which is an undesirable habit. Taking a walk immediately after eating will add a lot of tension to the stomach out of thin air, but it is easy to cause physical injury.

The correct time for walking should be half an hour after meals, jogging as far as one hour after meals, and two hours after meals if you want to play ball and other strenuous exercise.

2. Pursue speed blindly

Many people think that the faster the speed and intensity of walking, the better the exercise effect. In fact, walking too fast, it is easy to cause physical injury. The common ones are pain and injury of knee joint, ankle joint, hip joint and waist.

Walking speed should be matched according to one's own physical quality, and it is best to slow down properly.

3. Get up early and go fast

Many people have the habit of getting up early to walk for exercise, which is a good habit, but if you start walking violently without breakfast or water, it is easy to cause blood sugar to be too low. When getting up early, human blood is thicker, especially in patients with cardio-cerebrovascular disease, the exercise risk is greater.

In the morning, the body organs just wake up, this time is more suitable for walking or other soothing exercise.

4. Walking too much

With the popularity of Wechat, many people compete secretly on the number of Wechat steps. In order to occupy the top of the sports rankings, some people walk as many as tens of thousands of steps a day.

In fact, walking exercise should be enough, do not blindly pursue the number of steps. Exercise needs to match your actual situation, especially for those who are fat or have chronic diseases.

Do you exercise every day?

How many times a week can you exercise?

If you don't have exercise habits,

Let's start by walking.