
Throwing cloves of garlic in the basin, the big white root is crying out, and the little flying insects are all gone!

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, As a Huahua from Shandong, the love of garlic is like a surging river. Garlic can not only be eaten raw, but also used as a seasoning for cooking. But did you know that a little garlic is still an artifact of growing flowers? Today, Huahua will tell you about the wonderful use of garlic in flower cultivation.

The cuttings are dipped in garlic water, and the root of Daibai is blooming!

Many friends like cuttings, but they always fail because the cuttings rot. If you soak in garlic water before cutting, the survival rate will be improved a lot.

1. Prepare some fresh garlic and onions and mix them at 1:4 to make a mud.

2. Pour the mashed garlic and onion into the container, mix it with water 10 times, shake it evenly, and make rooting water.

3. Put the cutting branches in garlic rooting water, take them out after about 30 minutes, and then cut them after drying.

4. Garlic contains a lot of phytofungicides, which can effectively prevent the rotting of cutting branches and promote the rooting of cutting branches.

Drink some mashed garlic for the flowers, and the new buds will keep popping up!

Recently, many flower friends have asked Huahua why there are no new buds in the flowers at home. You might as well give the flowers some mashed garlic to keep the new buds sprouting out!

1. Pick a full garlic that does not wilt, peel it off, and mash it in a garlic container, preferably mashed into mud.

2. Mix the mashed garlic with water 3 times, stir evenly, filter the residue, and then irrigate the flowers in the growing period.

After a week, you will find that many new buds have grown on the branches of the flowers.

4. After flower pruning, apply some garlic water on the incision, which can not only prevent wound infection, but also stimulate the growth of flower buds.

Spray some garlic water on the flowers, and all the aphids will die!

After a few rains, there are more annoying bugs! In order to avoid bugs, you might as well try Huahua's garlic insecticide!

1. Prepare 1 head of fresh garlic, peel off the skin and mash it into mashed garlic.

2. Add 1 tablespoon of soapy water or 1 tablespoon of chili powder to the mashed garlic, then add 60 times of water, mix and stir well.

3. Filter out the garlic residue in the solution, pour it into a spray can, and spray the positive and negative sides of the leaves with insect pests.

4. Spray once a day and use it 3-5 times in a row, and you will find that the bugs are basically gone.

The branches are dipped in garlic water and the flowers bloom for a month!

Flower friends who grow flowers such as rose and Platycodon grandiflorum at home like to cut a few branches and insert them into the water to watch after the flowers bloom. If you dip the branches in garlic water before planting, the flowers will last for a long time!

1. Smash the garlic and put it in a pot and bring to the boil.

2. After boiling, filter out the garlic dregs in the water, leaving only clear water.

3. Soak the bottom of the flower branches in garlic water for not too long, about half a minute.

4. After soaking in garlic water, you can throw an aspirin in the bottle so that the fresh flowers will last longer!