
Grow flowers first, the root system is too strong, and trouble will come. don't ignore it.

Published: 2024-09-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/06, It is believed that many flower lovers are aware of the principle of growing flowers and growing roots first. If we say that the potted flowers have yellow leaves and fallen flowers, a considerable part of the reason is that the root system is rotten. If the root system of the plant grows luxuriantly, then the flower will grow very much.

It is believed that many flower lovers are aware of the principle of growing flowers and growing roots first. If we say that the potted flowers have yellow leaves and fallen flowers, a considerable part of the reason is that the root system is rotten. If the roots of plants grow luxuriantly, will flowers grow well? In fact, not necessarily! Because if the root system of potted flowers grows too luxuriantly, it will also affect its healthy growth. Because the flowerpot is so big, the nutrient soil is only so little, and there are more roots, the pot soil is easily absorbed. If you don't change the pot for a long time, it is estimated that there is no soil in the pot! Flowers without soil, no matter how they are raised, will not be raised well.

Let's take a look at the following picture of my hanging orchid.

Yes, this is the hanging orchid that has not changed the pot or soil for several months. To be honest, I am not surprised at all, because I already know that the root system of the hanging orchid is very exuberant, but there are so many flowers and plants in the daily care that I forgot to change the pot when I was busy. So, do you know how I dug it up? You may not believe it, but I made a big cut in the flowerpot with scissors before I took it out. It can be seen that the leaves of Cymbidium are not so oil-green, have no luster at all, and turn a little yellow. if you don't change the basin, you will be in big trouble!

Not only the hanging orchid, the gentleman orchid does not change the basin for a long time, the root system is also a trouble

Just seeing the picture of the gentleman orchid above, I feel that I can't go on. After all, this root is too prosperous. It seems that the pot has not been changed for at least a year, and there is no soil left in the flowerpot. If it goes on like this, within two months, the leaves will be yellow, not to mention flowering. Even if they bloom, they will be sandwiched with arrows. Cymbidium is a typical fleshy root flower with a strong root system. As long as it has a little nutrient and suitable soil environment, it will grow very fast. So if flower friends raise magnolia, you must remember to change pots often. Usually change at least once a year, I suggest that flower friends can change the pot soil every 6 months. After all, over time, the nutrient soil will become barren.

Change the pots for flowers and plants, what are the details that need to be paid attention to?

The first is the time to change the basin and change the soil. In general, spring and autumn every year is a good time to change pots, when the weather and temperature are appropriate, and the survival rate of changing pots is high. And most flowers are now cut and propagated in spring and autumn, which is also suitable for the climate. Second, when changing pots, check the root system. If the root system is too lush, it is recommended to use scissors to subtract part of the old root or the rotten root inside. Then soak in carbendazim and potassium permanganate solution for 10 minutes, dry and then transplant into a new flowerpot. Third, after changing the basin, do not immediately water, at least wait for 5-6 hours before watering, or simply water again the next day, conducive to survival.

The above are the problems that need to be paid attention to in growing flowers, and the root system must pay attention to it.

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