
There are many changes in the art of flower arrangement. do you really understand its connotation? What is flower arrangement mud?

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, For the art of flower arrangement, perhaps most people may think that this is a high-end vocabulary, but it has nothing to do with most of us, because the people related to art are probably those who are more stylish and full of brains.

For the art of flower arrangement, perhaps most people may think that this is a high-end vocabulary, but it has nothing to do with most of us, because people related to art are probably artists who are more stylish and full of artistic cells. they are proficient in aesthetics and rhythm and have a unique understanding of the shaping of works of art.

And we ordinary people seem to have nothing to do with the creation of these works of art, and it seems that we can only go to the art museum to enjoy it. But the art of flower arrangement is not the kind of lofty spring snow, on the contrary, it is a kind of art that is more close to the people. in fact, people who are not particularly poor in the aesthetic ability of SLR can make a beautiful flower arrangement art.

1. What is the most important thing in the art of flower arrangement? The most important thing in the art of flower arrangement is the collocation between flowers and leaves. Although a flower plant, green leaves only play a foil role, the most dazzling and most eye-catching are those colorful flowers, but the flowers do not have the foil of green leaves, in fact, it looks very monotonous, so why red flowers with green leaves, why not exclude green leaves is this truth.

Although the flowers are beautiful, they can only be accompanied by green leaves to make the overall flower arrangement look richer in hue. Although it will not leave all the green leaves of the whole flower, it is no problem to leave a few leaves after pruning. Some people even pursue a kind of incomplete artistic effect, specially select some leaves that are already slightly withered and yellow, or trim the leaves into some irregular shapes, which is a very unique aesthetic feeling, which may not be appreciated by some people. but if you taste it carefully, you will still feel something. Since it comes to the collocation of flowers and leaves, then the collocation of flowers and flowers is even more important, because the collocation of flowers and flowers pays more attention to the harmony and complementarity of the color system.

Sometimes, you can use the same color system, such as red, orange, red and rose, which are all red colors, which are warm colors, similar to the sunflowers painted by Van Gogh. And sometimes if you want to innovate, you can also use complementary colors if you don't want to be so rigid, such as the collision of cold and warm colors, and the blue witch with gentle sunflowers is also a kind of beauty.

two。 What is flower arrangement paste? When it comes to flower arrangement mud, there is actually a lot of knowledge. Flower arrangement mud is not a kind of mud, but it has the function of mud, that is to say, it can provide a temporary living place for plants. Flower arrangement mud is generally green, of course, not the kind of pure green in nature, its color is dark, with a little turquoise. Flower arrangement mud will become softer after watering, because it is difficult to shape in a vase, so some professionals will choose to put flowers on the flower arrangement mud first.

3. Flower arrangement mud can not be watered too much? The flower arrangement mud is equivalent to the soil with good permeability, but it does not have as many nutrients in the soil, but its water permeability is very good, so if you water too much at one time, it is possible that the water in the flower arrangement mud will leak to the ground. A piece of flower arrangement mud is about the size of two bricks, and it is more than enough to water it every two days.