
Topdressing methods and matters needing attention in planting flowers and plants

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, The two sides of topdressing: topdressing is the same as changing pots, it also needs to pay attention to conditions, not only depends on the season, but also depends on the performance of plant growth, both should be taken into account, when needed, it can play a role in promoting growth, flowering and fruiting; on the contrary, blind topdressing, regardless of conditions, is easy to be counterproductive.

The two sides of topdressing: topdressing is the same as changing pots, it also needs to pay attention to conditions, not only depends on the season, but also depends on the performance of plant growth, both should be taken into account, when it should be used, it can play a role in promoting growth, flowering and fruiting; on the contrary, blind topdressing, regardless of conditions, is easy to be counterproductive, light affects growth, leads to fertilizer damage, and therefore Q falls directly.

According to the condition of topdressing, air temperature:

In general, the temperature between 15 and 30 degrees is suitable for topdressing, but when the temperature continues to be below 15 degrees or exceeds 30 degrees, topdressing should be cautious. If the temperature is too low or too high, the risk of topdressing will increase and easily lead to fertilizer damage.

According to the condition of topdressing, the state of plant growth:

The main results are as follows: 1. Under normal circumstances, the conditions suitable for topdressing are growth period (mainly nitrogen fertilizer), flower bud stage, fruiting stage, post-anthesis growth period of bulbous or persistent root plants (mainly phosphorus and potassium fertilizer).

2. If the plant has just been transplanted and is in the state of slow seedling recovery, do not fertilize it prematurely. At this time, topdressing will not help and affect its slow seedling recovery.

In short, the simple description is "do not see new leaves (buds) do not pursue fertilizer".

The method of topdressing:

1. General method: for most potted plants, when topdressing, dig up the topsoil at the edge of the flowerpot and put it directly into the fertilizer, then cover the soil and pour enough water into it. This method is suitable for both water-soluble and water-insoluble methods.

2. For water-soluble fertilizers, they can also be mixed with some water and then directly sprayed on the leaves of plants (foliar fertilizer) or directly dissolved in water and poured directly with water.

The principle of topdressing: apply thin fertilizer diligently. Thin fertilizer: that is, when the appropriate dosage is not mastered, the concentration should be as low as possible (try to follow the instructions on the package, and the seedlings can be reduced if they are too small).

Diligent application: it means to apply fertilizer frequently. Eating less and eating more is the most beneficial to plant growth. But there should also be a degree of diligence, continuous topdressing, at least an interval of more than a week. If you can't use this fertilizer today and that fertilizer tomorrow, topdressing is too frequent. If it goes on for a long time and exceeds the tolerance limit of the plant, it will also cause fertilizer damage; and don't give it too much fertilizer at once, and if you don't give it for a long time, you will be overfed. It is also not advisable to be hungry for a long time.

Special case:

1. For plants in full bloom, this period is very sensitive to water, fertilizer and environmental changes. in general, for most plants that bloom regularly and bear fruit, there is basically no topdressing at full flowering, but for grass flowers that bloom all the year round, such as dwarf cattle, geraniums, carnations, sunflowers, etc., they can still be fertilized in full bloom.

2. The method of topdressing mentioned above is suitable for potted plants, especially for observing the temperature. Once the temperature is not suitable (too cold or too hot), it is best not to topdressing; but for ground-grown plants, the temperature requirements are not so strict and can be appropriately relaxed. It is entirely possible to look at the growth of plants and then determine whether topdressing is possible.

The summary is complete.

Supplement 1: time for topdressing (provided by chipmunk fish friends):

Fertilization had better not be carried out at noon in summer and autumn, and leaf fertilizer should be applied in the afternoon without direct sunlight or in the evening, otherwise the fertilizer sprayed to the leaves evaporates too quickly, the leaves are not fully absorbed, and it is easy to cause sunlight to burn leaves.

Flower topdressing precautions many growers are concerned about what kind of fertilizer should be selected for topdressing plants. Here are some suggestions. There are many kinds of fertilizers used for topdressing. The most common ones we see are granular soluble fertilizers and slow-release fertilizers, which are occasionally applied to powdered fertilizers, such as various bone meal. What kind of fertilizer growers use depends on the reasons for topdressing and how they intend to operate it. Reasons for topdressing: growers have the following four main reasons for topdressing: 1. The reason why there is no slow-release fertilizer for topdressing in the mixed fertilizer is because there is no controlled-release fertilizer in the mixed fertilizer. This method is sometimes used by small growers who cannot apply mixed fertilizers in a short period of time. This method is also very useful for growing plants with different nutritional needs. The difference between large growers and small growers in topdressing is that they install more accurate dose equipment and are combined with pot equipment, so it is recommended that controlled release fertilizers should be placed directly at the bottom of the sowing hole. two。 Topdressing in order to make plants grow better in the next season and to make plants grow better in a new season is a feature of large container plants. In this case, it is best to apply controlled-release fertilizer because it can last until the new season. It is wise to consider using elements other than nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. Calcium, magnesium, sulfur and trace elements may also be used. 3. To make plants look fresh before sale when topdressing plants to make them look fresh before sale, only nitrogen fertilizer is usually applied. Soluble or granular fertilizers such as urea, ammonium sulfate and calcium nitrate have the advantage of being relatively cheap and effective quickly, while the disadvantage is that excessive application is dangerous. Slow-release fertilizers are relatively safe, but expensive, such as isobutene diurea (IBDU), urea formaldehyde (UF38) and methylene urea. When applying available fertilizers, growers should be reminded that potassium nitrate is safer than urea or ammonium sulfate. 4. Plant growth is poor or does not meet the standard when the plant growth condition is not good, the plant can be topdressing, but only if the grower must find out why the plant is not growing well. If the plant is not growing well due to excessive fertilization at the beginning, topdressing the plant again will only make the plant's growth worse. The method of topdressing: the cost of topdressing is high, and if sufficient controlled release fertilizer has been applied, topdressing should be avoided as far as possible. However, sometimes heavy rainfall or excessive irrigation will lead to the loss of some fertilizer, which requires topdressing. At present, topdressing is carried out by hand, and the biggest problem now is how to master the exact dose when topdressing. It is recommended to use containers, such as spoons, for topdressing. Although it is easy to master the dose, it is time-consuming to operate. Many growers like to use thumb and index finger to pick up a certain amount of fertilizer to estimate topdressing, this method is more time-saving. But the disadvantage of this method is that it is not easy to control the amount of fertilizer, which may lead to excessive fertilization. Therefore, the consistency of dose must be mastered. Matters needing attention in topdressing of flowers in spring

How to fertilize flowers in spring? What should be paid attention to in raising flowers and nursing in spring?

Now is the time for spring to blossom. As the saying goes, all the year round is in spring. Florists all hope that this year's flowers will bring rich economic benefits. Then, it is very important to do a good job in the field management of flowers. Next, let me talk about what you need to pay attention to fertilizing flowers. Experts pointed out that flower fertilization to achieve "three look", which is the "three look"?

First, it depends on the season. Winter temperature is low, plant growth is slow, most flowers are in a state of stagnant growth, generally do not apply fertilizer; spring and autumn is the peak period of flower growth, root, stem, leaf growth, flower bud differentiation, young fruit expansion, all need more fertilizer, so it is necessary to apply more fertilizer; summer temperature is high, water evaporation is fast, it is also the peak period of flower plant growth, so the concentration of topdressing fertilizer should be smaller, but the number of times can be more.

Second, it depends on the variety. Different varieties of flowers have different requirements for fertilizer, so different fertilizers should be applied. For example, flowers such as sweet-scented osmanthus and camellia like pig dung rather than human dung and urine; southern flowers such as rhododendron, camellia and gardenia avoid alkaline fertilizers; flowers that need to be re-cut every year need to increase the proportion of phosphorus and potassium fertilizer to facilitate the germination of new branches; flowers that are mainly foliage can pay more attention to nitrogen fertilizer; flowers that watch fruits should properly control their water supply during flowering; bulb flowers should apply more potash fertilizer to enrich their bulbs.

The third is to look at the growth. Especially for potted flowers, fertilization depends on the growth rate. Adhere to the principle of "four more, four less, four noes": four more is: flowers apply more when they are yellow and thin, before germination, when pregnant buds, and after flowering; they are: less when they are strong, less when they sprout, less when they bloom, and less during the rainy season; that is, they do not apply when they are long, when they are newly planted, when they are in summer, and when they are dormant.


Watering in spring is the key to raising potted flowers. Because the spring climate is relatively dry and the air humidity is small, if the amount of water is less, it will cause yellow leaves and fallen leaves, affecting the growth and development of flowers; too much watering will cause flower buds to fall off or root rot, or even death.

The method to judge whether potted flowers need to be watered: if the color of the potted soil surface is brown-red, press the potted soil surface with a soft, damp feeling, bounce the basin wall with your fingers, and the sound issued is muddy and dull, it means that the potted soil is moist and does not need watering; if the color of the potted soil surface becomes light and white, pressing the surface of the potted soil with your fingers feels hard, and the sound of hitting the basin wall is clear and loud, it means that the potted soil is dry and needs watering.

Times, time and amount of watering of potted flowers

After the beginning of spring, the temperature begins to rise, flowers enter the growth period, and the amount of water should be gradually increased. In general, flowers are watered once every 2 to 3 days, and then gradually increased to once a day with the increase of temperature, and twice a day in the high temperature stage in July. Watering time should be between 10:00 and 4 p.m.

Different kinds of flowers have different habits and water requirements. Pteridophytes, orchids, begonias and other wet flowers should be watered more; crassulaceae, cactus, tequila and other drought-loving flowers should be watered less; bulb flowers should not be watered too much.

The amount of water required is different in different growth and development stages. The watering of flowers from dormant period to growing period should be gradually increased; flowers in vigorous growth period should be watered more; water should be deducted in the early stage of flower bud differentiation, squatting seedling stage, and before changing pots; less water should be watered in the early flowering stage and fruiting stage, and appropriate watering should be done in full flowering period; flowers newly planted or newly changed pots must be watered thoroughly for the first time.

The nature of cultivated soil is different, the water retention capacity is very different, and the amount of water should also be different. Sandy loose soil, poor water retention capacity, should be watered more; sticky soil, strong water retention capacity, should be less watering.

The amount of water also depends on the size and texture of the flowerpot, the flowerpot is small, the soil dries quickly, and the watering times should be increased, while the flowerpot is large, on the contrary. The mud basin has loose texture and good water permeability, and the loss of water through basin wall evaporation is more than that of flowers, so it is necessary to water more; pottery basin, glaze basin and purple sand basin have fine texture, poor water permeability and air permeability, so they should be watered less; plastic basins are impervious and should be watered less.

Water quality

Rain Water, pond water and river water are the most suitable. General flowers can also use tap water, but it is best to store tap water for 1 or 2 days before use.

Watering method

Soaking pot method: soak the flowerpot into the water basin and let the water seep into the basin soil along the water hole at the bottom of the basin until the basin soil is completely soaked. This method is mostly used for new pots of flowers and when sowing and raising seedlings in flowerpots, in order to prevent watering from the outside to wash away the pot soil or to shift the seeds, thus affecting the emergence of seedlings.

Spray pot watering method: use a spray can to pour water directly on the basin surface. This method is commonly used in larger flowers and trees.

Spray pot sprinkling: sprinkle water on the leaves and pots of the plant with a spray can. This method is often used in new seedlings, cuttings and foliage plants. However, some flowers are particularly sensitive to water, such as Tripterygium przewalskii, Baobao flower, begonia and so on, which have thick villi on the leaf surface, which is not easy to evaporate after spraying water, and the leaves are easy to rot; the top leaf buds of cyclamen bulbs and the flower buds of African chrysanthemum are easy to rot and wither, so it is not suitable to use water spray. For blooming flowers, it is not advisable to spray more water, otherwise it is easy to cause petal mildew or affect fertilization and reduce seed setting rate.

Fertilizer application

Fertilize according to the type of flowers

Different kinds of flowers require different kinds of fertilizers. The types of fertilizers should be matched reasonably, otherwise nutritional deficiency is easy to occur. Green foliage plants, such as tortoise back bamboo, hanging orchid, asparagus, iron tree, etc., are generally based on nitrogen fertilizer, which can promote the growth of branches and leaves and make them green in color; colorful foliage plants, such as colored leaf grass, flower and leaf taro, flower and leaf evergreen, etc., in addition to nitrogen fertilizer, we should also pay attention to the application of phosphate and potassium fertilizer, otherwise the leaves will grow too long, the markings will disappear, and the color will not be bright. Flower and fruit flowers, such as pansy, marigold, Bidong eggplant, five-color pepper, etc., should apply complete fertilizer, apply more nitrogen fertilizer at seedling stage, apply more phosphorus fertilizer at flower bud differentiation stage, flower bud formation and early flowering stage, so as to promote them to blossom and fruit; flowers that bloom many times in a year, such as rose, jasmine, Milan, etc., mainly apply phosphate fertilizer to promote them to blossom many times. More phosphate and potassium fertilizers are applied to bulb flowers to facilitate the development of spheres; flowers with acidic soil walls in the south, such as rhododendron, camellia, gardenia, pineapple, pteridophytes, etc., are forbidden to apply alkaline fertilizers, and acidic fertilizers such as ammonium sulfate and calcium superphosphate are suitable. Ferrous sulfate should also be applied to adjust the pH value of the soil if necessary to ensure flowers and leaves flourish.

The method and amount of fertilizer application

Base fertilizer and topdressing fertilizer can be used to fertilize potted flowers in spring.

Fertilizer applied to the soil before flower planting or potting is called base fertilizer. For flowers that need to go up or change pots in spring, they can be combined with pots or change pots to apply some base fertilizer, which is generally based on organic fertilizer, such as livestock dung, bean cake, compost, bone meal, etc., which must be fully mature before use. The amount of base fertilizer shall not exceed 20% of the total amount of basin soil, and the base fertilizer shall be mixed with the culture soil or placed around the basin bottom or around the basin. The plant root system must not fall directly on the basin bottom base fertilizer, and should be separated by a layer of soil between the root system and the base fertilizer.

Flowers in the growth period, the need to supplement fertilizer at any time is called topdressing. Topdressing is mainly liquid fertilizer, which is beneficial to soil absorption and root utilization. Topdressing is based on the principle of "applying thin fertilizer frequently", which can be applied both organic fertilizer and inorganic fertilizer. Organic fertilizer, usually can be used retting cake fertilizer water, sesame sauce residue water, diluted with water, the concentration should not exceed 5%. Due to the tender root system of potted flowers in early spring, it is easy to suffer from thick fertilizer or unmature organic fertilizer, resulting in withered yellow and zoom of the leaf margin. So at the beginning, it should be applied every 10-15 days, with the increase of air temperature and plant growth, the number of fertilization should be gradually increased, once every 7-10 days, the concentration of fertilizer solution should also gradually increase to 10%-15%. Add 10 grams of ferrous sulfate per kilogram of cake fertilizer and add water to fully mature, that is, alum fertilizer. Alum fertilizer and water are mostly used in acid-loving soil flowers, which can make sandalwood leaves dark green. Inorganic fertilizers, commonly used urea, ammonium sulfate, calcium superphosphate, potassium sulfate, etc., must pay attention to the concentration, generally should be controlled at 0.1%-0.5%, so as to avoid damage caused by excessive concentration.

The chemical fertilizer solution is sprayed on the plant leaves and is absorbed and utilized by the plant through the stomata. This fertilization method is called extra-root topdressing. Extra-root topdressing is usually used during the vigorous growth of flowers or when certain nutrients are lacking. Generally, it can be absorbed by plants within 4-5 hours after spraying, and 50%-75% within 24 hours, and the fertilizer effect can last 7-10 days. When spraying, the concentration should be strictly controlled, generally urea 0.1%, calcium superphosphate 0.5%-1.0%, potassium dihydrogen phosphate 0.05%-0.1%. When spraying, you should choose a sunny morning or evening, spray the fertilizer evenly on both sides of the plant leaves, and it is appropriate to spray wet.

The time of fertilization and matters needing attention

Fertilization of potted flowers in spring should be carried out in the morning or evening in sunny days, but not in rainy days or when the potted soil is wet. It is best to loosen the basin soil before fertilization, and then apply it after the basin soil is slightly dry, which is conducive to the infiltration of fertilizer and water. The foliage should be sprayed with water immediately after fertilization so as not to pollute the foliar surface and cause leaf yellow or charred leaves. Water should be watered again the next day to promote the absorption and utilization of fertilizer by the roots.

For newly unearthed seedlings, new cuttage survival seedlings and newly changed pots of flowers, do not apply fertilizer temporarily, otherwise affect their root development, and even lead to death.

Soil preparation culture soil

Preparation of commonly used materials for culture soil

The commonly used materials are garden soil, rotten leaf soil, peat soil, river sand, rice chaff ash, sawdust, moss and so on. Garden soil is the surface mature soil of vegetable garden and orchard, which contains certain humus; rotten leaf soil is formed by the accumulation of leaves, straw, withered grass, etc., with high humus content, strong water retention and good permeability. Peat soil is an ancient plant buried in the ground not completely decomposed, it is rich in organic matter, acidic or neutral. The river sand is the coarse sand for construction, and mixing with a certain proportion of river sand is beneficial to improve the permeability and drainage of the soil; Rice chaff ash is the ash after burning rice husks, which is rich in potassium fertilizer, slightly alkaline, and can make the soil loose; sawdust sawdust can be mixed into the soil after fermentation and ripening, which can change the loose degree and water absorption of the soil; moss dried into the soil, can make the soil loose, drainage and air permeability good.

The proportion commonly used in the preparation of cultivated soil

Natural resources are different in different regions. According to the different requirements of different kinds of flowers for trench nutrition, ventilation, drainage capacity and acidity and alkalinity, local materials should be used to prepare suitable culture soil. For example, rotten leaf soil, garden soil and river sand can be used to prepare culture soil in North China. For general herbaceous flowers, 3 rotten leaf soil, 5 garden soil and 2 river sand can be used for planting greenhouse flowers, 4 rotten leaf soil, 4 garden soil and 2 river sand can be used for planting greenhouse flowers, 4 rotten leaf soil, 5 land soil and 1 river sand can be used for planting and breeding, 5 rotten leaf soil, 3 garden soil and 2 river sand can be used to prepare culture soil.

Determination and adjustment of pH of cultivated soil

The easiest way to determine the pH of cultured soil is to buy a box of pH test paper from the reagent store with a standard colorimetric plate in the box. When measuring, take a small tablespoon of culture soil, put it into a clean glass or small bowl, add distilled water or cold boiled water according to the proportion of soil water at 1:2, stir well, after precipitation, take a piece of pH test paper and put it into the aqueous solution for about 1-2 seconds, take out and compare it with the standard colorimetric plate, so as to determine the pH of the culture soil.

According to the determination results, for the culture soil with unsuitable acidity and alkalinity, it can be adjusted: if the acidity is too high, lime powder or plant ash can be added to the culture soil to increase the pH value; if the alkalinity is too high, sulfur powder can be added to the culture soil to reduce the pH value.

Disinfection of cultivated soil

The seeds of bacteria, bacteria, nematodes, eggs and weeds are often carried in the culture soil, so it is necessary to carry out disinfection treatment. The commonly used disinfection methods are: (1) Solar exposure: in the hot summer, the cultivated soil can be exposed on the cement floor for 2-3 days, and the soil should be turned over for 2-3 times. (2) Steam heating: 100 ℃ ~ 120 ℃ steam was put into the culture soil for 40 ~ 60 minutes. (3) stir-fry in an iron pan: put the culture soil into an iron pan and stir-fry over the fire for 20-30 minutes. The temperature should reach about 120 ℃ and turn constantly. (4) Chemical disinfection: per cubic meter of culture soil, 40% formalin solution (that is, formaldehyde) 400ml~500ml, diluted 50 times with water, evenly sprayed on the culture soil, then piled up the culture soil, covered with plastic film, sealed for 48 hours, spread out and hung for 10 days, it can be used.

Spring is coming, fertilize and change the soil for the flowers and plants at home. A new life begins again. Fengqiaoju Flower Network Flower cultivation experts around you.