
Why are red flowers black?

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Anthurium flower bud blackening may be due to metabolic needs, not disease, so we don't have to worry too much. It may also be caused by too much watering, if it is appropriate to reduce watering. It may also be caused by fertilizer damage. If the fertilizer concentration is too high or the fertilizer amount is too much, it is necessary to apply fertilizer reasonably.

I. Metabolism

Reason: when it grows to a certain point, its bud will gradually turn black, usually because it blossoms for too long.

Solution: this situation is generally normal metabolism, not a disease, will not hurt the plant, so we do not have to worry too much, as long as we wait patiently, slowly its bud will return to normal.

Second, reduce watering

Reason: when raising it, the substrate used is usually peat soil, and its water retention capacity is very strong, but it is not easy to absorb water after the soil is dry, so if you water it too much, it is easy to let there be stagnant water in the basin. At this time, the root soaked in the stagnant water for a long time, it began to rot, unable to continue to provide nutrition for the bud, so the bud will slowly turn black.

Solution: at this time, watering should be controlled. When watering, the substrate should be watered slightly, not when the soil is completely dry or watery. We can use the peat soil on the surface as a watering signal and continue watering as soon as it dries. This will make it grow better.

III. Rational fertilization

Reason: in the process of its growth, in order to make it grow faster, we will continue to fertilize it, or use high concentration of fertilizer, so that it is easy to burn roots, let the roots rot, over time, the bud will also be affected, slowly begin to blacken.

Solution: at this time can be diluted with water, and control fertilization.