
What about rotten walnuts?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, What about rotten walnuts?

Walnut it is a kind of light-loving plants, and its resistance is very strong, in most areas of our country can be planted. Regular consumption of walnuts can enhance the memory of the brain, has great benefits for the development of the brain, and at the same time it has a lot of other functions, than the treatment of neurasthenia, waist and leg pain, so it has a very high market position, but there are many people feedback, is walnut planting will appear rotten fruit phenomenon, this is how to return a responsibility? What else could he do? Therefore, the editor of the pro-agricultural network immediately summarized it for everyone. Let's take a look at it together.

Cause of fruit rot

The main cause of walnut rot is caused by one of the most common walnut diseases, anthracnose. This can also know why the peach will rot fruit, that is, because the temperature is too high, coupled with too much rainfall, the permeability of the forest is not good, the soil humidity is too high, resulting in ponding in the forest, causing fungal infection, and then slowly will find walnut rot phenomenon, this symptom generally occurs in summer around July.

Symptoms of rotten fruit

Walnut rotten fruit is not suddenly rotten, but progressive. The early stage of walnut rot is that brown spots appear slowly on the walnut fruit, and slowly spread, gradually turning black. If rain continues or without treatment and control, red bumps will appear on the walnut fruit, then the whole walnut fruit will turn black, and rot, and finally the whole fruit will rot and go deep into the fruit core, emitting a smell. Such walnuts have no use value. If control is not strengthened, the losses will be heavy.

Methods of prevention

Prevention and control methods are generally divided into two types, one is physical control, the other is chemical control, if the disease has not deteriorated, we usually use physical control methods to prevent, so that the quality of walnuts can be largely guaranteed. Physical control methods are generally carried out by clearing gardens and pruning diseased branches. Clearing gardens and pruning and removing germs from the roots are very effective methods. The chemical control method is mainly through the control of chemicals, we first need to remove the diseased fruit on the tree, and then spray mancozeb 800 times solution, generally need to spray about three times, every week or so spray once.

The above is the pro-agricultural network for everyone to sort out the reasons for walnut rotten fruit and control methods of all the content of it. Although the resistance of walnuts is very strong, but also the market will cause some diseases due to improper management, so pay attention to it when planting. If you have other questions about walnut disease, you can also pay attention to our pro-agricultural network to get answers.