
Should we ask the power supply bureau for compensation if the power outage fish is dead?

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, Ms. Zhang, who lives in Building 2 of Jiangong Middle Road, raised a lot of ornamental fish blood parrots, but a sudden power outage a few nights ago killed her 17 blood parrots due to lack of oxygen. Why didn't the power supply department notify in advance of the sudden power outage?

Ms. Zhang, who lives in Building 2 of Jiangong Middle Road, raised a lot of ornamental fish blood parrots, but a sudden power outage a few nights ago killed her 17 blood parrots due to lack of oxygen. Why didn't the power supply department notify in advance of the sudden power outage? Ms. Zhang went to many departments and did not give a satisfactory explanation.

"it's so angry that the fish that have been raised for more than a year died like this!" Ms. Zhang told reporters that she has always liked to raise fish, and her family has also raised a lot of ornamental fish blood parrots. At 8 o'clock the next morning, she came to the fish tank in the living room and saw all the fish sinking at the bottom of the tank. She thought she was asleep, so she patted the fish tank hard, but the fish remained motionless. "Ah!" What happened to the fish? " She let out a cry of surprise, and her husband came after hearing the news. "it's lack of oxygen, and the fish is dead." Only then did they find that they did not know when the power had gone out. Without thinking about anything else, she quickly took remedial measures to change the water and oxygen for the fish, hoping that the sleeping fish would come back to life, but after she and her husband struggled for a long time, the fish remained motionless, so she hurriedly called the fish seller for help. The boss said that the lack of oxygen in the fish had exceeded the limit and was hopeless.

"if you had been notified of the blackout in advance, it would not have happened if you had prepared in advance." Ms. Zhang said that there had been a power outage at home in the past, and if the time was short, she would use artificial oxygen, and if it took a long time, she simply sent the fish to the boss who sold the fish for foster care. Later, she went to the property to learn about it, and the property said that the power outage was sudden, and the power outage time was from 00:00 to 8: 00 on August 6, and the property was not notified by the power supply department. She called the service hotline of Lanzhou Power supply Bureau, and the staff said they would reply her after the investigation was clear.

At noon on the same day, the reporter went to the No. 2 building of the construction era where Ms. Zhang's home was located for an interview, and the security guard on duty downstairs told the reporter that the power outage was indeed too sudden, and the property was not notified in advance, and the owner asked for compensation and could only find the power supply department. Subsequently, the reporter contacted a staff member of the Lanzhou Power supply Bureau, who claimed to be surnamed Gao, who was specially in charge of public complaints. He said that the sudden power outage was due to the construction team digging the high-voltage cable near the construction period, and the abnormal appearance of the distribution room in the residential area, which was an emergency caused by irresistible factors. He also received a response from Ms. Zhang that the death of fish raised in residents' homes as a result of a sudden power outage was not within the scope of compensation stipulated by the state. The staff member said that the power supply bureau had received such complaints before, and there was no precedent for compensation, and he would continue to contact Ms. Zhang to communicate and explain.

After reading the above, what do you think?

The above content comes from the Western Evening News, and the picture has nothing to do with the content.

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