
Production technology and maintenance management method of peony bonsai

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Peony is a deep-rooted flower, fleshy root, less fibrous root, but as a bonsai, the volume of the basin is limited, which results in a relative reduction of root nutritional area, resulting in malnutrition between underground and aboveground parts, thus affecting the normal growth and development of peony. Therefore, the scientific preparation of cultivated soil is very important. According to the characteristics of peony

Peony is a deep-rooted flower, fleshy root, less fibrous root, but as a bonsai, the volume of the basin is limited, which results in a relative reduction of root nutritional area, resulting in malnutrition between underground and aboveground parts, thus affecting the normal growth and development of peony. Therefore, the scientific preparation of cultivated soil is very important. According to the characteristics of peony, the cultivated soil should be loose and fertile, with high humus content and long-lasting fertilizer effect. According to our research, the ideal formula is humus, horse dung, garden soil and slag mixed evenly according to the ratio of 2 to 1, and sealed with human feces and urine, and then reused one month later.

Selection of peony varieties and stumps

The requirements of peony bonsai varieties are relatively strict, and the varieties with higher flowering rate, moderate growth and easy shape should be selected. Such as "cinnabar base", "Zhao Fan", "Hu Hong", "Azure Dragon lying ink pool", "fat red" and other varieties. In addition, although the number of flowers is small and the growth is large, Shengdan stove has strong growth, vigorous branches and good natural plant type, so it is suitable to be used as bonsai material.

In the selection of peony stump, from the point of view of rapid prototyping, we should choose the stump which is suitable for modeling or trunk simple and dignified, and the seedling age is older. The one with good natural pile view is the most ideal.

Potting time

The time of potting directly affects the root development of Zhuanjing and the normal flowering in the coming year. Practice has proved that it is more suitable to start the basin in the middle and last ten days of September.


The wood of peony is brittle and easy to break, so it is difficult to process.

Bend the ① trunk and let it be as natural as possible. When tilting planting on the basin, first wrap the bending part with a setting rope or brown skin, and then insert a corresponding thickness of wire from the base (12Muth18) for 45 °oblique winding in the same direction as the predetermined twist, so that it can be wound more and more tightly. Or use hemp rope for bow traction, operate by stages, bend step by step, and gradually achieve the goal of modeling.

② branching (twig) treatment is mainly pruning. The level of pile scene and the leaving of branches and buds should be considered, such as density, virtual-real relationship and spatial layout, so as to achieve the ideal effect.

③ root treatment: root exposure can be balanced with the crown center of gravity, echoing up and down, so that the root, such as tiger paw, eagle claw, full of force. The method of gradually scouring the basin soil can be used for root exposure treatment, and the root can be raised year by year. The hypertrophy of peony leaves can be controlled by controlling water and fertilizer and spraying dwarf.

Pot surface treatment (with stone and cloth moss)

The best stone is Taihu stone and stalagmite, which can lie and stand, and pay attention to the harmony and balance of the whole work. Cloth moss can increase the beauty of the work and have the effect of moisturizing and heat insulation.

Administration and Management

Watering: due to the small soil in the bonsai basin, the water holding capacity is limited, so it must be watered in time to ensure normal growth. Water thoroughly immediately after putting on the basin, and water once a week according to the dry and wet condition of the soil. If excessive watering, it is easy to make branches and leaves grow, long-term stagnant water will also make the roots rot. Especially in summer and autumn, watering should be controlled so that it is not watered.

Fertilization: the nutrients in the basin are limited, and only timely fertilization can ensure normal growth. Liquid fertilizer must be ripened and diluted with water, and solid fertilizer can be evenly punched and watered in the basin. In addition, pay attention to the application of thick fertilizer in winter, light fertilizer in spring and autumn, thin application or foliar fertilization as far as possible in spring and autumn.

Pay attention to overwintering and spend the summer: in winter cold areas, bonsai can be placed underground, surrounded by soil, sealing the root system, to the first and middle of March next year, the surrounding soil will be removed, and then normal management. In the hot summer period, move the bonsai to the shade shed, ensure good drainage and ventilation, spray water on branches and leaves and around it every day to increase air humidity and ensure the water supply in the period of peony flower bud differentiation.

Pest control: before potting, cut off residual branches (except as needed for piles), disinfected roots and bad roots, and disinfect the wound with 0.1Mel 0.3 stone sulfur mixture. Pot soil disinfection, can be mixed with carbofuran insecticidal sterilization (0.5 kg / cubic meter), spray stone sulfur mixture or carbendazim once before Spring Festival sprouting and autumn defoliation respectively. When a scale insect is found, spray it with 25% imidophos 800 to 1000 times, or 80% dichlorvos 1000 ml 1500 times, and remove the wax with a brush.

Production and maintenance of peony bonsai

Preparation of cultivated soil

Peony is a deep-rooted flower, fleshy root, less fibrous root, but as a bonsai, the volume of the basin is limited, which results in a relative reduction of root nutritional area, resulting in malnutrition between underground and aboveground parts, thus affecting the normal growth and development of peony. Therefore, the scientific preparation of cultivated soil is very important. According to the characteristics of peony, the cultivated soil should be loose and fertile, with high humus content and long-lasting fertilizer effect. According to our research, the ideal formula is humus, horse dung, garden soil and slag mixed evenly according to the ratio of 2 to 1, and sealed with human feces and urine, and then reused one month later.

Selection of peony varieties and stumps

The requirements of peony bonsai varieties are relatively strict, and the varieties with higher flowering rate, moderate growth and easy shape should be selected. Such as "cinnabar base", "Zhao Fan", "Hu Hong", "Azure Dragon lying ink pool", "fat red" and other varieties. In addition, although the number of flowers is small and the growth is large, Shengdan stove has strong growth, vigorous branches and good natural plant type, so it is suitable to be used as bonsai material.

In the selection of peony stump, from the point of view of rapid prototyping, we should choose the stump which is suitable for modeling or trunk simple and dignified, and the seedling age is older. The one with good natural pile view is the most ideal.

Potting time

The time of potting directly affects the root development of Zhuanjing and the normal flowering in the coming year. Practice has proved that it is more suitable to start the basin in the middle and last ten days of September.


The wood of peony is brittle and easy to break, so it is difficult to process. Bend the ① trunk and let it be as natural as possible. When tilting planting on the basin, first wrap the bending part with a setting rope or brown skin, and then insert a corresponding thickness of wire from the base (12Muth18) for 45 °oblique winding in the same direction as the predetermined twist, so that it can be wound more and more tightly. Or use hemp rope for bow traction, operate by stages, bend step by step, and gradually achieve the goal of modeling. ② branching (twig) treatment is mainly pruning. The level of pile scene and the leaving of branches and buds should be considered, such as density, virtual-real relationship and spatial layout, so as to achieve the ideal effect. ③ root treatment: root exposure can be balanced with the crown center of gravity, echoing up and down, so that the root, such as tiger paw, eagle claw, full of force. The method of gradually scouring the basin soil can be used for root exposure treatment, and the root can be raised year by year. The hypertrophy of peony leaves can be controlled by controlling water and fertilizer and spraying dwarf.

Pot surface treatment (with stone and cloth moss)

The best stone is Taihu stone and stalagmite, which can lie and stand, and pay attention to the harmony and balance of the whole work. Cloth moss can increase the beauty of the work and have the effect of moisturizing and heat insulation.

Administration and Management

Watering: due to the small soil in the bonsai basin, the water holding capacity is limited, so it must be watered in time to ensure normal growth. Water thoroughly immediately after putting on the basin, and water once a week according to the dry and wet condition of the soil. If excessive watering, it is easy to make branches and leaves grow, long-term stagnant water will also make the roots rot. Especially in summer and autumn, watering should be controlled so that it is not watered.

Fertilization: the nutrients in the basin are limited, and only timely fertilization can ensure normal growth. Liquid fertilizer must be ripened and diluted with water, and solid fertilizer can be evenly punched and watered in the basin. In addition, pay attention to the application of thick fertilizer in winter, light fertilizer in spring and autumn, thin application or foliar fertilization as far as possible in spring and autumn.

Pay attention to overwintering and spend the summer: in winter cold areas, bonsai can be placed underground, surrounded by soil, sealing the root system, to the first and middle of March next year, the surrounding soil will be removed, and then normal management. In the hot summer period, move the bonsai to the shade shed, ensure good drainage and ventilation, spray water on branches and leaves and around it every day to increase air humidity and ensure the water supply in the period of peony flower bud differentiation.

Pest control: before potting, cut off residual branches (except as needed for piles), disinfected roots and bad roots, and disinfect the wound with 0.1Mel 0.3 stone sulfur mixture. Pot soil disinfection, can be mixed with carbofuran insecticidal sterilization (0.5kg / m  3), spray stone sulfur mixture or carbendazim before Spring Festival sprouting and autumn defoliation each year. When a scale insect is found, spray it with 25% imidophos 800 to 1000 times, or 80% dichlorvos 1000 ml 1500 times, and remove the wax with a brush. Production and appreciation of peony bonsai

Peony bonsai appreciation is a unique and beautiful garden art treasure in our country, which has a history of 1500 years in our country. It is an ingenious combination of potted technology and plastic arts, an organic unity of scenery, pots and frames, on a par with traditional arts such as painting, calligraphy, sculpture and music. It is called "silent poetry, three-dimensional painting". Peony bonsai is a new kind of bonsai, which combines magnificent peony with simple and elegant bonsai art to form an art form with unique Central Plains style, which is praised by bonsai experts and scholars in our country. Chinese bonsai master Chen Sifu praised: "Peony bonsai shows bonsai charm and picturesque poetry." Chinese bonsai artist he Xunsun said: "taking a comprehensive view of the bonsai works of peony, it reflects that the bonsai works of peony are beautiful in shape, appropriate in material selection, suitable in configuration, tuned and unified, such as' Fang 'with proper stone, strong and soft complementary; the branches of' Jing 'are ancient and relaxed; the contention of' hometown 'echoes and is full of wild interest; the composition of' the rhyme of Tang and Song dynasties'is complete and elegant. The combination of withered wood and spring, the combination of deficiency and reality, and so on, reflects the artistic attainments of these peony bonsai. It is the sublimation of the artistic beauty of peony planting. " Chinese bonsai artist Meng Lanting called the peony bonsai "an unprecedented initiative." The appreciation of peony bonsai is roughly the same as other bonsai. Such as one view (pile view), two appreciation basin, three appreciation several, four appreciation name (proposition) and so on. Pile view peony pile view, can be watched in four seasons. View flowers in spring and summer, leaves in summer and autumn, buds in winter and spring, dry in winter. In order to get richer ornamental content than ordinary peonies, breaking the habit of simply watching flowers for thousands of years. View stem: the peony branch is stout, the bark is grayish brown or dark brown and mottled. After plastic arts treatment, there is a thousand-year-old pine state, a century-old plum bone, or tall, or hanging, or lying, or oblique, "hidden earth-shaking meaning, with the potential of Qiu long hundred feet." Flower viewing: peony bonsai is mainly to watch flowers. Its flower shape is changeable, the flower color "red orange yellow green blue blue purple" has everything, the flower fragrance is overflowing, the pot is in a few graceful peony flowers, will make you endless aftertaste. View leaves: peony leaves are beautiful, pinnate compound leaves, green leaves in spring, yellow, red, purple and other colors after autumn frost, very beautiful and eye-catching, with the charm of "layer forest dyed". Watch the bud: watch it from the fallen leaves to the early spring, and its buds are of different colors. The bud color is red, pink, purple, etc., and the bud shape is torch-shaped, olecranon-shaped, narrow-pointed, etc., which can make people imagine. View the fruit: the fruit is odd fruit, that is, the fruit is arranged in a radial wheel of about five egg-shaped fruits, seen from afar, like the "starfish" in the sea and the "five-pointed star" on the national flag. View the root: after the peony is "exposed to the root", people can directly see the intertwined peony root. Give people strong strength and the beauty of nature, so that people's desire to return to nature has been met. The use of potted peony bonsai is very fastidious, and the painting "Peony" has to be set off through the "background color". Whether using Jingdezhen colored porcelain, blue and white porcelain landscape basin, or matching Yixing purple sand basin, it must reflect the elegance and elegance of peony. It is best to have simple and elegant colors and colorful old famous pots, especially those in the Ming and Qing dynasties. Choose more circular shallow basin, ancient printing basin, Yuanpeng basin, cylinder basin, color to bronze, incense, black and green, sesame, scarlet metallurgy, grape purple for the most beautiful. The "calligraphy" related to peony engraved on the basin is the best. Appreciate several frames to place peony bonsai to be very elegant. It is to improve the status of bonsai space, separate the connection between bonsai and the ground and the surrounding environment, make it stand out and further set off the peony bonsai. The aircraft itself is a work of art. Now mostly use imitation Ming, Qing style, Ming style concise and generous, simple and honest; multi-use yellow rosewood, rosewood, shallow color, obvious wood grain. Qing style carving is fine and rich, mostly using red sandalwood and mahogany, both of which have higher technological achievements in the Ming and Qing dynasties. Modern use of mahogany, red sandalwood, boxwood production, the wood is delicate and hard, bright and bright color. In addition, it is also made of imitation mahogany and rosewood. Because of its fine craftsmanship, the ornamental effect is also good. The styles are "Book number", "return pattern", "Bogu Shelf", "Xiaoqin Table", "Root carving", "Tang Sancai Drum" and so on. Those carved with peony patterns are the best. The concept of bonsai appreciation is very important, which can increase the ideological and artistic nature of the works and further express the artistic conception. Chinese painting pays attention to the artistic effect of poetry, book, painting and printing, and the proposition of peony bonsai, like scenery, basin and several, is an indispensable part. Express the content and spirit of the work with concise and general words and sentences, which plays the role of the finishing touch. We can use "national color and heavenly fragrance" to reflect the position of peony in the eyes of the Chinese people; we can show the beauty of peony and bonsai at the same time; we can use "the rhyme of Tang and Song dynasties" to express the ancient history of peony, which makes people look back to the present and go back to the past. In short, through the limited landscape in the basin, there are infinite associations, so that the viewer has endless aftertaste. In addition, the decoration of the basin surface is also very important, such as stone, point moss, planting small turf and the treatment of topography and landform, and the placement of various accessories (pavilions, platforms, buildings, pavilions, towers, pavilions, rafts, bridges, people and various animals), and so on. Peony is very particular about stone matching. There are "Peony Stone Pictures" in Chinese paintings. It is common that peonies depend on Taihu Lake stone, quartz stone and bamboo shoot stone, making the landscape more vivid and changeable, the composition more perfect, and more mountain flavor. Cloth moss or cloth makes the basin green, full of vitality and closer to the landscape of nature. The placement of accessories makes the picture more poetic. Peony bonsai masterpiece appreciates peony bonsai "National Color and Tianxiang": it won the prize of the second bonsai art evaluation exhibition of Henan Province in 1985. The work adopts the stone-attached style, standing in a rectangular light purple sand basin with exquisitely carved Taihu Lake stone, several peonies passing through the stone holes, the branches are old and vigorous, and the branches are in full bloom. There are also two peonies waiting to bloom at the stone root, the whole work is hierarchical, the composition is perfect, and the picture is fresh, just like a freehand "Dan Shi Tu" ancient painting. Peony bonsai "Rhyme of Tang and Song dynasties": won the excellent work Award of the second Chinese Bonsai Art Evaluation Exhibition in 1989. The work uses a single-stem modeling method, planting a tall and straight peony in a purple sand gold bell basin with a round bottom, with free and easy branches and leaves, distinct layers, stout and mottled trunk, bare roots and intertwined roots, just like a thousand-year-old wood. There is a lying stone beside the root, the moss on the edge of the stone, and the drum table of the Tang Dynasty tricolor antique peony pattern under the basin. There are several peonies in full bloom at the end of the pile, with local characteristics and artistic effects, so it has the legacy of peonies of the Tang and Song dynasties. The preparation of peony bonsai production and maintenance culture soil Peony is deep-rooted flowers and trees, fleshy roots, less fibrous roots, but as a bonsai, the volume of the basin is limited, which results in a relative reduction of root nutritional area and malnutrition between underground and aboveground parts. thus affecting the normal growth and development of peony. Therefore, the scientific preparation of cultivated soil is very important. According to the characteristics of peony, the cultivated soil should be loose and fertile, with high humus content and long-lasting fertilizer effect. According to our research, the ideal formula is humus, horse dung, garden soil and slag mixed evenly according to the ratio of 2 to 1, and sealed with human feces and urine, and then reused one month later. The selection of peony varieties and stumps has strict requirements for peony bonsai varieties, and the varieties with higher flowering rate, moderate growth and easy shape should be selected. Such as "cinnabar base", "Zhao Fan", "Hu Hong", "Azure Dragon lying ink pool", "fat red" and other varieties. In addition, although the number of flowers is small and the growth is large, Shengdan stove has strong growth, vigorous branches and good natural plant type, so it is suitable to be used as bonsai material. In the selection of peony stump, from the point of view of rapid prototyping, we should choose the stump which is suitable for modeling or trunk simple and dignified, and the seedling age is older. The one with good natural pile view is the most ideal. The time of potting directly affects the root development of Zhuanjing and the normal flowering in the coming year. Practice has proved that it is more suitable to start the basin in the middle and last ten days of September. The modelling peony wood is brittle, easy to break, and it is difficult to process. Bend the ① trunk and let it be as natural as possible. When tilting planting on the basin, first wrap the bending part with a setting rope or brown skin, and then insert a corresponding thickness of wire from the base (12Muth18) for 45 °oblique winding in the same direction as the predetermined twist, so that it can be wound more and more tightly. Or use hemp rope for bow traction, operate by stages, bend step by step, and gradually achieve the goal of modeling. ② branching (twig) treatment is mainly pruning. The level of pile scene and the leaving of branches and buds should be considered, such as density, virtual-real relationship and spatial layout, so as to achieve the ideal effect. ③ root treatment: root exposure can be balanced with the crown center of gravity, echoing up and down, so that the root, such as tiger paw, eagle claw, full of force. The method of gradually scouring the basin soil can be used for root exposure treatment, and the root can be raised year by year. The hypertrophy of peony leaves can be controlled by controlling water and fertilizer and spraying dwarf. For basin surface treatment (stone and cloth moss) the best stone is Taihu stone and stalagmite, which can lie and stand, and pay attention to the harmony and balance of the whole work. Cloth moss can increase the beauty of the work and have the effect of moisturizing and heat insulation. Management watering: due to the small soil in the bonsai basin, the water holding capacity is limited, so it must be watered in time to ensure normal growth. Water thoroughly immediately after putting on the basin, and water once a week according to the dry and wet condition of the soil. If excessive watering, it is easy to make branches and leaves grow, long-term stagnant water will also make the roots rot. Especially in summer and autumn, watering should be controlled so that it is not watered. Fertilization: the nutrients in the basin are limited, and only timely fertilization can ensure normal growth. Liquid fertilizer must be ripened and diluted with water, and solid fertilizer can be evenly punched and watered in the basin. In addition, pay attention to the application of thick fertilizer in winter, light fertilizer in spring and autumn, thin application or foliar fertilization as far as possible in spring and autumn. Pay attention to overwintering and spend the summer: in winter cold areas, bonsai can be placed underground, surrounded by soil, sealing the root system, to the first and middle of March next year, the surrounding soil will be removed, and then normal management. In the hot summer period, move the bonsai to the shade shed, ensure good drainage and ventilation, spray water on branches and leaves and around it every day to increase air humidity and ensure the water supply in the period of peony flower bud differentiation. Pest control: before potting, cut off residual branches (except as needed for piles), disinfected roots and bad roots, and disinfect the wound with 0.1Mel 0.3 stone sulfur mixture. Pot soil disinfection, can be mixed with carbofuran insecticidal sterilization (0.5kg / m  3), spray stone sulfur mixture or carbendazim before Spring Festival sprouting and autumn defoliation each year. When a scale insect is found, spray it with 25% imidophos 800 to 1000 times, or 80% dichlorvos 1000ml 1500 times before waxiness, then remove with a brush