
How should the potted banyan tree lose its leaves?

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, The fallen leaves of healthy banyan trees just purchased are mostly due to lack of nutrition, tree potential decline, induced by habitat mutation (such as temperature, temperature, light, etc.). If the fallen leaves have been cultivated for a long time, factors such as lack of soil fertilizer, alkalinization or diseases and insect pests should also be considered.

The fallen leaves of healthy banyan trees just purchased are mostly due to lack of nutrition, tree potential decline, induced by habitat mutation (such as temperature, temperature, light, etc.). If long-term cultivation of fallen leaves in the basin, we should also consider the lack of soil fertilizer, alkalization or diseases and insect pests and other factors. So how to prevent and control fallen leaves? We should start with the following points:

First, when you buy, you should choose the leaves to stretch, the bright green, the whole plant free from diseases and insect pests, and the cultivation soil should be loose, fertile and breathable.

Second, to be placed in a brighter room, the temperature is between 10 ℃ and 30 ℃ and does not change much, no less than 5 ℃ in winter and no more than 35 ℃ in summer, and pay attention to ventilation and often spray water to the leaves. After Grain Rain and in front of Cold Dew, it can also be kept outdoors and slightly shaded in summer. Be careful to stay away from heat sources in a dry room, especially at low temperatures.

Third, apply thin fertilizer frequently, apply more thin cake fertilizer water or alum fertilizer water, irregularly spray 0.3% urea water, 0.3% potassium dihydrogen phosphate solution, etc., do not apply thick fertilizer.

Fourth, actively prevent and control diseases and insect pests. The root can be irrigated with 14.5% water-soluble powder 150 to 200 times, or 20% Tuba wettable powder 500 times, once every 20 days. 3% furan granule was applied to the root, 5 g to 10 g per plant, and pest control was carried out every 20 days. Foliar spraying 1200 times of methyl topiramate wettable powder to control leaf diseases.

Fifth, prevent fallen leaves. Can be sprayed with 50 mg / kg of cytokinin, 0.01% Fuzi 300 times to 400 times solution, once every 15 to 20 days. In the vigorous growth period of spring and autumn, 15% paclobutrazol wettable powder can also be sprayed 300 times to 500 times once or twice. It can also be sprayed with 200 times of high-fat film concentrated emulsion when the air is dry or dry. Before changing the environment or in order to strengthen the tree, you can use 5ppm to 10ppm ABT3 rooting powder solution to irrigate roots.

Sixth, control the fallen leaves. Once the banyan tree has fallen leaves, it can be sprayed with 95% anti-falling element wettable powder 50000 times, plant cytokinin 0.4% wettable powder 800x liquid and so on. In the case of sufficient fertilizer and water, gibberellin can also be sprayed 20 mg / kg water control, serious cases can be once or twice a week. At the same time, the disease should be treated from the comprehensive consideration of soil, fertilizer, water, pipe and so on.

What is the reason for the loss of leaves in potted banyan trees? How to deal with the loss of leaves of potted banyan trees?

Some time ago, when I went to a friend's house to play, I accidentally saw a banyan potted plant. I looked at a few yellowish leaves among the green leaves, and a few leaves were scattered on the ground. Then I asked the flower expert that the potted banyan tree in his home lost its leaves due to lack of good ventilation. After his miraculous skill of "making a comeback", within a few weeks, the potted banyan tree had luxuriant branches and new branches. My friend has also grown flowers for more than ten years, and the house is full of all kinds of potted plants, such as green pineapple, brown bamboo, Brazilian iron, hanging orchid and so on. According to his careful explanation, I probably knew why the potted banyan lost its leaves, so I quickly sorted out this article about "what is the reason for the loss of leaves in potted banyan?" The article "how to deal with the loss of leaves in potted banyan trees" is roughly classified into several categories. I will list them one by one for your reference.

What is the reason for the loss of leaves in potted banyan trees? One of the reasons why potted banyan trees lose their leaves: improper watering

The banyan tree likes the wet environment, the basin soil is too dry will appear the defoliation phenomenon. Banyan watering must adhere to the principle of not drying and watering thoroughly. Drying here means that the surface of the basin soil is dry, not thoroughly. Of course, even if it is dry, it will not cause great harm to the banyan tree in a short time, because the leaves of the banyan tree are thick and small, and have a certain degree of drought tolerance. Humidity is not too large, improper water is also a great harm to the banyan tree, too much watering, or high environmental humidity, will cause the root rot of the banyan tree, resulting in a large area of fallen leaves. It is difficult for banyan trees to be cultured in the north, and the humidity should be controlled in the family. Too low humidity will also cause yellow leaves.

The second reason for the loss of leaves in potted banyan trees: improper fertilization

The fertilization of banyan tree needs to be carried out by applying thin fertilizer frequently to avoid the application of high concentration chemical fertilizer or unfermented mature organic fertilizer, otherwise it will cause fertilizer damage, the light ones will lose their leaves and the heavy ones will die. Proper application of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium can make the bonsai banyan tree luxuriant branches and leaves, can prevent the plant from dwarfing, leaves yellowing, but it should be noted that fertilizer along the edge of the flowerpot will be buried in the soil, fertilization and then watering, which can promote plant absorption. Friendly tip: fertilization is not recommended in winter.

The third reason for the loss of leaves in potted banyan trees: lack of light

Most plants need light, just like human beings need oxygen, banyan leaves are luxuriant and need more nutrients to support, and the important source of these nutrients is sunlight, when the lack of light, poor leaf growth, the phenomenon of fallen leaves. Of course, in the muggy summer environment, the leaves will fall due to excessive light. If the summer temperature is high, it should also be properly shaded.

Fourth reason for the loss of leaves of potted banyan trees: diseases and insect pests

Diseases and insect pests are also one of the most important reasons for the loss of leaves in potted banyan trees, which should not be ignored. Red spiders and shell insects are the main pests that lead to the loss of leaves in potted banyan trees, although there is also harm to thrips, which only roll leaves to absorb juice. the harmfulness is less than the above two kinds, and thrips are easy to control. The individual red spider is relatively small, and the general harmful part is the back of the leaf, which is caused by poor ventilation and dry air. The most harmful parts of scale insects are stem and petiole, with different size and color, and round and oval in shape.

The fifth reason for the loss of leaves in potted banyan trees: improper pruning

The banyan tree is resistant to pruning, and pruning can be carried out in March or April, but the old piles that have just been planted should not be cut in the first year. In the first year, we first cultivate its foundation, nourish its essence, erase only the wrong buds, and wait for the branches to grow thick and lignified in the second year before they can be cut. Give priority to cutting, supplemented by binding, it is appropriate to cut once a year, cut off a small number of random branches each time, and cut it many times. Once it is cut too much, it will affect the growth of the root and the whole stump.

How to deal with the loss of leaves of potted banyan trees

Diseases and insect pests: mites, acaroid mites and other mites can be washed with large water and sprayed with special mites. Shell insects can be wiped clean with a toothbrush or a dishcloth, or can be sprayed with 0.2% solution of detergent and essential oil, or pesticides such as methamphetamidophos, with good results. The "thrips" can only be removed and destroyed.

Change the basin: turn the basin and change the soil for the banyan bonsai every two years. The best choice to change the basin in the banyan dormancy period, generally can be accompanied by pruning at the same time, change the basin will be organic fertilizer crushed, mature according to a certain proportion, mixed into the basin, slowly provide nutrition.

Pruning: ① pruning: it can restrain the growth and height of banyan trees, and promote the lateral buds to spread, and cut off the tender branches slightly; ② buds: in the process of growth, remove the adventitious buds on the branches at any time to avoid sprouting too many branches and affect the growth; ③ leaves: proper pruning of old leaves helps to sprout new leaves many times, keep the leaves bright and pleasing to the eye, and improve the ornamental effect. ④ pruning: pruning new branches according to the shape of the tree and its own aesthetic decisions, cutting off redundant branches and branches that hinder the overall shape; ⑤ pruning: pruning the root system that is too long or too dense when turning the basin, cutting off the old root, retaining the new root, and replanting.

What about the curly leaves of potted money trees? there are 8 reasons.

What to do about the curly leaves of the money tree? 1. Lack of light

The money tree can not be maintained directly in the indoor shady environment, it needs proper light to the money tree to grow normally, if it is kept in the shady environment for a long time, it will cause the leaves to curl.

What to do

Put the money tree on the windowsill with scattered light, so that the tree receives mild light for 5 hours a day, so that the leaves will slowly recover.

2. Long-term water shortage

If the tree is short of water for a long time, it will make the potted soil board hard and impervious, even if it is watered, the water can not penetrate into the soil layer, which will cause most of the roots to be unable to absorb water and nutrients, which will cause the symptoms of yellow leaf curl when the leaves are short of water.

What to do

In the case of lack of water, it is generally timely watering and spraying and loosening the soil properly to keep the soil loose so that the irrigated water can be fully absorbed by its roots.

3. Dry environment

If the ambient air is too dry, it will also cause the leaves of the money tree to curl. Therefore, we must give the flower pot to adapt to the environment.

What to do

A, if the room is dry in winter, you can add a humidifier at home to increase indoor air humidity, which can not only alleviate the curl of plant leaves.

B, the summer temperature is high, and the indoor water evaporates faster. Generally, you can sprinkle water around the money tree with a spray can for a long time to improve the air humidity.

4. The basin soil does not adapt.

The newly bought money tree or the leaf curled when changing the pot, and some soft leaves, may be because the money tree was nurtured in the greenhouse, suddenly changed to the family or hurt the root system when changing the pot, so the money tree does not adapt to the environment and basin soil, resulting in leaf curling.

What to do

Every day to do a good job of watering, reasonable maintenance of light, do not always change the position of the money tree, so that the money tree to adapt to the new environment and pot soil after the phenomenon of leaf curl will disappear.

5. Too much watering

The water in the basin soil is too wet for a long time, which causes anoxia in the soil, causes some fibrous roots to rot, hinders normal respiration and absorption of water and nutrients, and causes leaves to curl and turn yellow. After the injury, the young leaves turned pale yellow, and then the old leaves gradually turned yellow.

What to do

Should immediately control watering, suspend fertilization, and often use small sticks or other small shovels to loosen the soil, so that the soil aeration is good. After such maintenance for a period of time, the curly yellow leaves will slowly return to green and restore their former vitality.

6. Excessive fertilization

The leaves of the tree are curled due to improper fertilization. If the leaves are sprayed with high concentration of chemical fertilizer or pesticides which are more sensitive to the young leaves of banyan trees, the tender leaves may be scorched and curled. In addition, the phenomenon of leaf curl may occur if there is a lack of nitrogen fertilizer.

What to do

Pay attention to rational fertilization, unsuitable fertilizers should stop fertilization and replace better fertilizers. It should be mixed with water before applying thick fertilizer. If the fertilizer is only slightly overweight, you can wash the soil with heavy water for 1 hour and shade, then put it on the basin and maintain it normally. Pay attention to the fact that you can't bask in the sun immediately after putting on the basin, but you have to slow it down for a day or two.

7. the root is damaged.

If you have just bought a money tree online and have curled leaves after only a few days of maintenance, it may be because the money tree sold to you by some bad traders is itself a money tree with damaged roots or rootless money trees. that's why the leaves curl.

What to do

According to the actual situation, return or rest the money tree to wait for it to sprout new roots, it is recommended to find merchants to return goods, it is generally difficult for beginners to feed rootless money trees.

8. Diseases and insect pests

There are four main types of leaf curls caused by diseases and insect pests:

A, leaf spot disease

Leaf spot disease can lead to black spots on leaves, which mostly occur from June to September. The diseased leaves can be cut off and treated with 1500 times of 50% Dysenamine wettable powder in time.

B, thrips

Its piercing and aspiration will cause abnormal growth of leaves and tender shoots and leaf curling, but the damaged parts are deep purplish red, which may occur all the year round in the south and in the greenhouse or under the shade in the north. It can be sprayed with 2000 times of imidacloprid wettable powder.

C, mites

Mites can also cause scorched and curled leaves under the condition of high temperature and drying. It can be sprayed with 2000 times of 25% Baileba wettable powder.

D, aphids

Also known as greasy bug, honey bug. Small, soft, green or black, clustered on the tender leaves, stems and buds of the money tree to absorb the sap of flowers, it is easy to cause the leaves to turn yellow, wrinkle and curl. Spray dichlorvos 1500 liquid or fenitrothion diluent for prevention and treatment.