
Ten kinds of common aquatic plants humidify and moisturize indoors

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Hydroponic plants have the following advantages: first, because water can evaporate freely, in the same environment, hydroponic plants play a more obvious role in regulating air humidity than plants cultivated in potted soil; second, hydroponic plants can omit the management of potted soil, clean and hygienic, and easy to maintain.

Hydroponic plants have the following advantages:

First, because water can evaporate freely, in the same environment, plants cultivated in potted soil play a more obvious role in regulating air humidity.

Second, water-raised plants can omit the management of basin soil, clean and hygienic, and easy to maintain.

Third, if the selection of some roots can be exposed to the light of the plant, coupled with a suitable container, the whole plant can be ornamental, fresh and elegant, with higher ornamental value.

There are two main types of aquatic plants:

One is aquatic flowers, which grow in water in nature, such as lotus and water lilies that we are familiar with, and the other is hydroponic flowers, which generally grow in soil or cultivation media, such as rich bamboos and hyacinths. Because the indoor light is not enough, it is more suitable to cultivate the latter kind. In addition, they have low nutrient requirements and can basically grow in tap water, and some only need to add a small amount of nutrient solution.

Below, I would like to introduce the top 10 aquatic plants suitable for home or office:

Rich bamboo

Liliaceae is an evergreen upright shrub, which is very suitable for indoor hydroponic flowers. The leaves of Fugui bamboo are green, the stems are straight and round like bamboo. Leaves ovate, apex pointed, petiole base clasping. It is a very shade-tolerant plant. It still grows well and is tall and strong under weak light conditions. Can be placed indoors for a long time to watch the leaves, do not need special maintenance, as long as there is enough water, it can grow vigorously. When hydroponic culture, the rich bamboo stem will be cut into small segments of more than 20 cm as cuttings in water, as long as the cuttings can be soaked in water, they can take root and survive.

Hanging orchid

Perennial evergreen persistent-rooted herbaceous flowers of the family Liliaceae having clusters of leaves linear with longitudinal yellow-and-white stripes on the margin or in the middle. In summer and autumn, slender, flexible and drooping stolons are drawn from the leaves, tender leaves and aerial roots germinate at the top or nodes, and white flowers bloom. The orchid can be raised in indoor water, which can not only purify the air, but also has the advantages of beautiful appearance and simple management. Dig out the potted orchid, go to the root soil, cut off the old root and rotten root, leave the fibrous root, put it in a container bottle, fill the bottle with water and flower nutrient solution, and let the root of the orchid grow in water.

Green pineapple

Araceae is a plant of the genus Colocasia, which belongs to climbing vines and foliage flowers. Sexual preference for warm, humid environment, rattan up to several meters long, internodes have air root, leaves will grow bigger and bigger, leaves each other, evergreen. The stem of the radish is soft and the leaves are delicate. Aquaculture is very simple, make sure to change the water every 2 to 3 days, with simple nutrients. Green pineapple has a high ornamental value, vine stem naturally drooping, not only can purify the air, but also make full use of the space, for the rigid cabinet to add lively lines, lively color.


Araliaceae, ivy genus, is the most ideal indoor and outdoor vertical greening varieties, evergreen vines, thin and soft branches, aerial roots, can climb on other objects. The leaves are alternate, the leaves are triangular-ovate, and the demand for potted plants is increasing day by day. It is a typical negative plant, which can grow in full light, grow well in warm and humid climate, and is not resistant to cold. Water is easy to raise and has strong vitality.

Asparagus asparagus

Perennial evergreen herbaceous flowers of the genus Liliaceae. The stem is thin and weak, and the branches are slender and leafy, spreading horizontally. The flowers are small and white. Berries globose, black. After the fruit is ripe, it shows a little red in the thick green cluster, elegant and lovely. Plant strong negative tolerance, placed at the head of the bed, table case, elegant and generous, is a good indoor flower. Asparagus is also an ideal foil material for cut flowers. In recent years, water-raised asparagus has been successfully developed, which is even more elegant in the room.


Also known as foreign daffodils, belongs to the hyacinth genus of Liliaceae, perennial herbs, bulb spherical or oblate, outer coat flag is purplish blue or white, etc., basal leaves, leaves thick, banded lanceolate. Flower stem extracted from the middle of the leaf stem, raceme, flower appearance delicate, colorful, dazzling, pleasant fragrance. Sex likes a sunny and cool and humid environment, which is not only suitable for potted plants, but also suitable for water culture. When raising water, put its bulb in the hydroponic nutrient solution, the appearance is clean, the ornamental is strong!


Liliaceae, basal leaves thickly leathery, oblanceolate, broadly lanceolate or broad-band, 10mur40 cm long and 2.5 Mel 5.5 cm wide, apex acute, base long and narrow, with fibrous roots at nodes. Flowering stems short and thick, even inflorescences 4 Mel 8 cm long; terminal fleshy inflorescences long ellipsoid, flowers densely borne, sessile, yellowish, hemispherical. Rich in varieties, there are green leaves, mosaics and other types. Like the overcast and wet environment, put it in a shady place in summer to avoid strong light. Is a strong adaptation to ornamental flower varieties, usually pot ornamental, in recent years, more and more water-raised varieties, not only strong ornamental, but also can effectively clean indoor air pollution.

Thousand-year wood

Evergreen shrubs of the family tequila. The stem is round and straight, the leaf is slender, the new leaf elongates upward, and the old leaf hangs. The leaves are green in the middle and purplish red stripes on the edges. Sex like high temperature and humidity, but also resistant to drought, shade, simple water culture, fashionable appearance.

Brazilian wood

The scientific name Xianglong blood tree, alias Brazilian iron tree, is a plant of the genus Liliaceae. Evergreen tree with neat plant shape and erect stem. The leaf cluster is born at the top of the stem, 40-90 cm long and 6-10 cm wide, the tip is slightly obtuse, curved into a bow, with bright yellow or milky stripes; the leaf margin is bright green, undulating and glossy. The flowers are small. Yellowish green, fragrant. The sex likes the environment with sufficient light, high temperature, high humidity, shade and dryness, and grows well in the bright scattered light and the dry environment of the northern bedroom. Brazilian wood is mostly propagated by cutting. As long as the temperature and other conditions are suitable, Brazilian wood can grow all the year round. it is a beautiful, regular and world-famous new generation of indoor foliage plants. In recent years, its hydroponic variety has developed rapidly, as long as it can grow normally with enough slow-release fertilizer, and it can be rotated in the living room, study and living room, with elegant style, simple style and strong appreciation.

African chrysanthemum

Compositae perennial root herbs, large flower diameter, rich flowers and colors, often blooming all the year round. Like warm, sunny and well-ventilated environment, is a semi-cold-resistant flowers, like fertile and loose. African chrysanthemum is a good variety of cut flowers, which can be cultivated in water for a long time, highly ornamental, and good at absorbing formaldehyde.


Water farming of these plants generally does not require special management. Containers with a certain volume for root expansion can be used, while glass containers with open mouth are more beneficial to maintaining water quality and root growth. When planting, you should avoid immersing the leaves in water so as not to cause decay; under suitable light conditions, you can quickly take root; when you find less water, add some water to prevent the root system from drying; when the water becomes dirty, take out the plant, clean the container, and rewater it. General water plants, three days to change the water, apply a nutrient solution, the proportion of the nutrient solution and how much depends on the size of the plant.

Brief introduction of several indoor humidifying plants such as tortoise back bamboo

Flower bonsai network guide: today's flower bonsai network editor brings you a brief introduction to several kinds of indoor humidifying plants, such as tortoise back bamboo, let's take a look!

Except for a very small part of the water absorbed by green plants through their roots, most of the rest will be released into the air, thus becoming a natural "humidifier". In particular, large-leaf plants, plants with strong photosynthesis and hydroponic plants have a significant effect on improving the indoor environment which is dry and not circulating in winter.

1 tortoise back bamboo

Tortoise back bamboo has a peculiar ability to absorb carbon dioxide at night, and home maintenance has a certain role in purifying the air. The general plant is larger, the leaves are sparse and beautiful, and it is famous for being shade-resistant. it is suitable for decoration and embellishment in indoor living room and aisle.


1. I'm afraid of strong light exposure. Especially sowing seedlings and fresh cuttings into live seedlings, avoid direct sunlight.

two。 Watering would rather be wet than dry. Keep the basin soil moist but not stagnant, the evaporation of leaves is weakened in winter, and the amount of watering should be reduced. It is watered every 2-3 days in spring and autumn. Water and spray water many times every day in the middle of summer.

3. Apply thin fertilizer diligently. Fertilizer is applied every half a month during the growing period. at the same time, the roots of tortoise back bamboo are relatively tender, and do not apply raw fertilizer and thick fertilizer to avoid burning roots.

4. Need to be ligated and reshaped. Tortoise back bamboo stems and thick leaves are large, especially when adult plants are ramets, they should be framed and tied to avoid lodging. The bracket is removed after it is finalized. At the same time, when the leaves of the stem nodes grow too dense and the branches grow too long, pay attention to the pruning of the whole plant.

5. As long as you do not eat the juice of the tortoise back bamboo or knead the juice into the eyes or wounds, its toxicity will not cause harm to people.

2 Brazilian wood

Quite popular indoor large potted flowers and trees, belonging to large-leaf green plants, the leaves are hypertrophic, can evaporate more water from the leaves, play the effect of indoor humidification.


1. Brazilian wood likes high temperature, humidity and sunshine. If it is too shady, the leaves will fade. However, it is not resistant to strong light, especially from May to October, which makes the leaves yellowing and the leaf tip dry, so some shading measures are needed.

two。 Put it indoors in bright places in autumn and winter, pay attention to spraying water to the leaves, the basin soil is half-dry and half-wet, too much water will rot the roots and scorched leaves. In the northern region, it is watered every three or four days in spring, summer and autumn.

3. During the growing period, organic fertilizer can be embedded at the base of the plant or at the edge of the basin. Spraying foliar fertilizer three or four times a month can promote its growth. The fertilization period is from May to October every year, and the fertilization is stopped in winter.

3 fruiting taro

Fruit taro, also known as arrow leaf taro, can use its own broad leaves to increase air humidity and absorb a large amount of formaldehyde and ammonia. The more leaves, the stronger the function of filtering and purifying air and moisturizing.


1. Like warm and wet, afraid of sun exposure, not cold-resistant, should be placed in the sunny place indoors from late October, the indoor temperature is not less than 10 ℃, otherwise the leaves will turn yellow.

two。 In winter, special attention should be paid to keeping the soil and environment with high humidity and temperature, so that the leaves can be robust, substantial and have a better ornamental effect. During the peak growth period in summer, it is necessary to fully water, keep the basin soil moist, and increase foliar spraying every day.

3. The growth rate of synthetic taro is relatively fast, and the pots should be changed once a year, and the old branches and disorderly branches should be pruned properly in the growth process.

4 White palm

In autumn and winter, the high evaporation rate of white palm can play the effect of invisible humidification, prevent nasal mucosa from drying, inhibit the exhaust gas exhaled by the human body, such as ammonia and acetone, and filter benzene, trichloroethylene and formaldehyde in the air.


1. The plant is more shade-tolerant and can be cultured indoors with bright scattered light all the year round. It is best to give sufficient light conditions in winter, which is not only conducive to thick green leaves, but also conducive to overwintering.

two。 Keep the basin soil moist, but avoid overwatering. Watering should be controlled in winter, and the basin soil should be slightly wet. In summer and dry seasons, you should often spray water on the leaves and sprinkle water on the surrounding ground to provide higher air humidity.

3. The leaves of white palm grow rapidly, and the pot should be changed to loosen the soil in time according to its growth. In early spring every year, or when the branches and leaves of the plant are too dense, and the ratio of plant to pot is at 3:1, the pot needs to be changed in time.

5 cactus

Cactus management is extensive, easy to cultivate, and its unique way of exhaling oxygen at night, fresh air at the same time, can make the indoor feel moist and mild, more suitable for placing in the air-conditioned room.


1. November-March of the following year is the dormant period of cactus, which is placed in a shelter with sufficient sunshine indoors. When it is more than 5 ℃, it can survive the winter safely.

two。 Cactus like strong light, resistant to heat, drought, barren, tenacious vitality, spring and autumn season, watering should grasp the principle of "do not dry do not water, do not be too wet". June-August is a period of exuberant growth, usually watering once every morning and replenishing water in the evening depending on the situation. When watering, do not wet the stem.

3. During the growing period, dilute liquid fertilizer was applied once every 15 days, and stopped after October, otherwise the newborn tissue was weak and vulnerable to freezing injury.

6 rich bamboo

Rich bamboo can be raised in pots and can release moisture indoors. It is known as "humidifier in plants", especially in private bedrooms.


1. Rich bamboo is suitable for bright scattered light and can survive indoors with a small amount of sunlight. Be careful not to put it directly in the place where the air conditioner blows, so as not to dry the leaf tip.

two。 When hydroponic culture, pay attention to oblique cutting root, knife edge should be smooth, promote rooting. Just add 1/3 of the water to the bottle. If the tap water is reused for a day, change it every 3 days or so. Don't turn the bottle within 10 days. It will take root in half a month or so.

3. Simple water can not raise rich bamboo, need to add 5 to 10 drops of nutrient solution for every 500 milliliters of water, the frequency is about once a month. After adding the nutrient solution, change the water once in 10 days in winter, spring and autumn, and about 5 days in summer.

4. In order to cultivate potted rich bamboo, it is necessary to master humidity and temperature in management and protection. Always keep the basin soil moist during the growing season, and often spray water to the leaves. The basin soil in winter should not be too damp, but it should often spray water to the leaves, and pay attention to cold prevention at the same time. From May to September in the peak growing season, granular compound fertilizer can be applied 2-3 times a month to keep the leaves green and bright.

7 loose tail sunflower

Sunflower can evaporate a liter of water every day and is the best natural humidifier. In addition, its green palm leaves have a very effective purification effect on xylene and formaldehyde.


1. The cold tolerance is weak, and it is very sensitive to low temperature. The overwintering temperature should be above 10 ℃. If it is lower than 5 ℃, the plant is bound to suffer.

two。 Avoid the direct sun, summer should cover 50% of the sun, even if a short period of exposure will cause the leaves scorched yellow, it is difficult to recover. Keep it in a brightly lit place indoors in winter.

3. Watering should grasp the principle of "dry and wet", pay attention to timely watering during the growing period, keep the basin soil moist, water twice a day when the growth is exuberant in summer, and control watering in late autumn and rainy days.

4. When planting, it should be buried a little deeper, in order to facilitate the new buds to absorb fertilizer, and apply fertilizer and water every 1-2 weeks in May-June when growing vigorously. It is better to apply late-acting compound fertilizer, and stop applying fertilizer after late autumn.

8 aloe vera

Aloe carries on photosynthesis during the day, releases oxygen, and can absorb indoor carbon dioxide at night, so as to achieve the effect of purifying indoor air. In addition, aloe can purify 90% of formaldehyde in a cubic meter of air, and several aloe vera plants are planted at home, just like installing a "biological air freshener" to sweep away the dust haze.


1. Aloe was afraid of cold and almost stopped growing when it was lower than 10 ℃, and all the mesophyll of aloe vera below 0 ℃ wilted and died after freezing.

two。 Aloe likes light, is resistant to semi-shade, and avoids direct sunlight and excessive shade.

3. Aloe vera is known as a "drought-immortal plant". It can be kept dry for months without dying. In winter, water can be watered once every 15 to 20 days, properly increase foliar spraying, watering as little as possible, and keep the basin soil dry; in spring and autumn, usually once every 5 to 7 days, the watering principle is not dry, watering thoroughly; in summer, it is watered once every 2 to 3 days.

4. Aloe needs nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and some trace elements, and can apply green fermented organic fertilizer, such as cake fertilizer, chicken manure, compost and so on.

Plant several pots of humidifying plants

Decorate the room and purify the air

Have a warm and humid winter

Free subscription to plants with good indoor air humidification effect! Click the blue word above

Follow, check out the previous articles! This content comes from a historical story: humidity is high where there are plants in lishigs, but the effects of different plants on indoor temperature and humidity are also different. So, which plants are effective in humidifying indoor air? Next, the editor will recommend several plants that have a better effect on humidifying the air. Rich bamboo: raising rich bamboo at home can release humidity indoors. Rich bamboo has relatively low requirements for the environment and can survive even in a room where there is no sunlight at all. In addition, water plants are also a good choice, daffodils adjust indoor humidity is also very good, can not only play the role of humidifier, but also make the room full of fragrance. Rich bamboo fruit taro: synthetic fruit taro is also called arrow leaf taro. It can use its broad leaves to increase air humidity and absorb large amounts of formaldehyde and ammonia. The more leaves, the stronger the function of filtering and purifying air and moisturizing. The fruit taro is not cold-resistant, so it should be placed in the sunny place indoors from late October, and the indoor temperature is not lower than 10 ℃, otherwise the leaves will turn yellow. In winter, special attention should be paid to keeping the soil and environment with high humidity and temperature. Fruit taro white palm: the high evaporation rate of white palm can prevent the nasal mucosa from drying, so that the possibility of disease is greatly reduced. Can inhibit the exhaust gas exhaled by the human body, such as ammonia and acetone. It can also filter benzene, trichloroethylene and formaldehyde in the air. White palm is a shade-loving plant, suitable for a warm, shady and humid environment. The basin soil should be kept moist and fertilized regularly, and the leaves need to be sprayed frequently. White palm loose tail sunflower: loose tail sunflower can evaporate one liter of water every day, which is the best natural humidifier. In addition, its green palm leaves have a very effective purification effect on xylene and formaldehyde. Spraying water regularly not only keeps the leaves green, but also cleans the stomata on the leaves. Sunflower is a sunny plant and needs plenty of sunshine. When planting, it is necessary to keep the basin soil moist and fertilize regularly. Loose-tailed sunflower weeping leaf banyan: weeping banyan can improve the humidity of the room, which is good for our skin and breathing. It can also absorb formaldehyde, xylene and ammonia and purify the turbid air. The weeping-leaf banyan is suitable for planting in semi-shade. Sufficient moisture is needed when planting to keep the basin soil moist. Weeping banyan dripping Guanyin: the leaf surface of dripping Guanyin is very large, the evaporation of water is fast, and it has a strong ability to absorb dust and toxic gases. And easy to feed, the selected plants should be easy to feed, so you don't have to bother. Dishui Guanyin summary: the above are several plants that have a good effect on humidifying indoor air. Indoor air is easy to dry and is not suitable for human health and breathing. Plant these plants with good effect on indoor air humidification. Increase indoor air humidity, but also increase the viewing degree of the house. Wechat public platform cooperation QQ:278538567 jabs below, you will be happy! ↓