
How to make a good five-needle pine bonsai?

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, To raise a good five-needle pine bonsai, it is necessary to understand its habits and master its requirements for light, soil, water and fertilizer. Sunlight pine can grow in both light and shade. If planted everywhere in sunny, airy gardens, balconies, windows, etc., the needles grow green, short and robust

To raise five-needle pine bonsai well, it is necessary to understand its habits and master its requirements for light, soil, moisture, fertilizer and so on.

Light five-needle pine can grow in landlords with plenty of light and shade. If planted everywhere in gardens, balconies and windows with plenty of sunshine and air, the needles grow green, short and robust. If you put it in a place with insufficient light and damp heat, the needles will grow thin and yellow easily. In the spring and autumn season, it can fully accept the sun. But in the summer inflammation tears at noon, to prevent the sun caused by scorched leaves, so it is necessary to shade. Usually shade with curtains or move the pot plants into the ventilated room, do not bask in the west for a long time, so as to avoid sunburn to death. Five-needle pine cold-resistant, winter can be placed in the outdoor sun, the temperature is kept at 0 ℃-15 ℃, should not be too high.

Five-needle pine prefers loam which is loose, fertile, well drained and acidic (PH value is between 5.5 and 6.5). Generally choose 25% rotten leaf soil, 25% mountain mud, 10% coke peat, 40% river sand or honeycomb coal slag, mixed with a little bone powder. If alkaline general garden soil is used, the leaves of the right pine will yellowing and fall off, and even cause plant death.

Moisture five-needle pine likes to dry and hate dampness, basin soil can be kept slightly moist. Otherwise, the pine leaves will turn yellow and wither gradually. In autumn and winter, the basal leaves will also turn yellow, which is a phenomenon of natural renewal of fallen leaves. Spring watering, usually 3mi every 4 days, but it depends on the weather of the day and the dry and wet conditions of the basin soil. During the rainy season, the air humidity is high, so watering should be reduced as appropriate. Sometimes it rains continuously, and you have to pay attention to buckle the water or put the potted plants in a ventilated place under the eaves. The temperature is high in summer, and the basin soil is easy to dry, so it is usually watered once in the morning and evening. The air is dry in autumn, and it is the growing season of five-needle pine. The soil is easy to dry and can be watered once every two days, but not too dry. At ordinary times, it is best to spray the foliar surface with clear water, which can not only cool down and remove dust, but also achieve the role of green Baoxiu. The amount of water watering is relatively reduced in winter. In order to prevent freezing, water must also be controlled. Only when it is too dry, the right amount of water should be watered.

Fertilizer fertilization is the key to raising five-needle pine well, which can be combined with watering, but it is based on the principle of "thin fertilizer and frequent application". It is usually watered with rapeseed cake, bean cake and bone meal. From March to June, fertilizer is applied every other half month, and the concentration of fertilizer and water is 15%. The weather is hot from July to August, so it is appropriate to apply about 10% diluted liquid fertilizer. September is a period of rapid thickening and growth of five-needle pine, so after late August, about 55% liquid fertilizer should be applied to promote its growth. Stop fertilizing after 11 / 11.

Before fertilization, the basin soil should be slightly dry and loosened to facilitate the full absorption of fertilizer. If the basin hurts the root. It is better to apply fertilizer in cloudy days and should not be applied in high temperature and strong light. On the second day after fertilization, the plants should be watered.

How to raise five-needle pine bonsai well, it is necessary to understand its habits and master its requirements for light, soil, moisture, fertilizer and so on.

Light five-needle pine can grow in landlords with plenty of light and shade. If planted everywhere in gardens, balconies and windows with plenty of sunshine and air, the needles grow green, short and robust. If you put it in a place with insufficient light and damp heat, the needles will grow thin and yellow easily. In the spring and autumn season, it can fully accept the sun. But in the summer inflammation tears at noon, to prevent the sun caused by scorched leaves, so it is necessary to shade. Usually shade with curtains or move the pot plants into the ventilated room, do not bask in the west for a long time, so as to avoid sunburn to death. Five-needle pine cold-resistant, winter can be placed in the outdoor sun, the temperature is kept at 0 ℃-15 ℃, should not be too high.

Five-needle pine prefers loam which is loose, fertile, well drained and acidic (PH value is between 5.5 and 6.5). Generally choose 25% rotten leaf soil, 25% mountain mud, 10% coke peat, 40% river sand or honeycomb coal slag, mixed with a little bone powder. If alkaline general garden soil is used, the leaves of the right pine will yellowing and fall off, and even cause plant death.

Moisture five-needle pine likes to dry and hate dampness, basin soil can be kept slightly moist. Otherwise, the pine leaves will turn yellow and wither gradually. In autumn and winter, the basal leaves will also turn yellow, which is a phenomenon of natural renewal of fallen leaves. Spring watering, usually 3mi every 4 days, but it depends on the weather of the day and the dry and wet conditions of the basin soil. During the rainy season, the air humidity is high, so watering should be reduced as appropriate. Sometimes it rains continuously, and you have to pay attention to buckle the water or put the potted plants in a ventilated place under the eaves. The temperature is high in summer, and the basin soil is easy to dry, so it is usually watered once in the morning and evening. The air is dry in autumn, and it is the growing season of five-needle pine. The soil is easy to dry and can be watered once every two days, but not too dry. At ordinary times, it is best to spray the foliar surface with clear water, which can not only cool down and remove dust, but also achieve the role of green Baoxiu. The amount of water watering is relatively reduced in winter. In order to prevent freezing, water must also be controlled. Only when it is too dry, the right amount of water should be watered.

Fertilizer fertilization is the key to raising five-needle pine well, which can be combined with watering, but it is based on the principle of "thin fertilizer and frequent application". It is usually watered with rapeseed cake, bean cake and bone meal. From March to June, fertilizer is applied every other half month, and the concentration of fertilizer and water is 15%. The weather is hot from July to August, so it is appropriate to apply about 10% diluted liquid fertilizer. September is a period of rapid thickening and growth of five-needle pine, so after late August, about 55% liquid fertilizer should be applied to promote its growth. Stop fertilizing after 11 / 11.

Before fertilization, the basin soil should be slightly dry and loosened to facilitate the full absorption of fertilizer. If the basin hurts the root. It is better to apply fertilizer in cloudy days and should not be applied in high temperature and strong light. On the second day after fertilization, the plants should be watered. Author: how to raise five-needle pine bonsai by Niu Xiaogu

The five-needle pine is elegant and graceful, luxuriant and vigorous, evergreen all the year round, very ornamental, so it is an excellent tree species for bonsai. So, how should we raise five-needle pine bonsai? Next, I will introduce to you the breeding method of five-needle pine bonsai.

I. Culture environment

After the five-needle pine is turned over and watered, it should be planted in a shady place for 10 days, then moved to a half-shaded place for a week, and then maintained in a place with sufficient sunshine, good air circulation and humid microclimate. It is afraid of hot sun exposure, especially on the fine basin of five-needle pine bonsai, because the potted soil is less, more afraid of the scorching sun, summer should be placed in a half-cloudy and half-sunny place. When the weather is dry and hot, sprinkle water on the ground near the five-needle pine bonsai once or twice every morning and evening to maintain the humidity of the microclimate.

In the late autumn and early winter in the north, the five-needle pine bonsai is moved into the smoke-free room (because the five-needle pine avoids smoke damage more than the general potted flowers), and the room temperature is about 5 ℃. If the room temperature is too high, it will affect the winter dormancy, which is disadvantageous to the growth of the following year. Five-needle pine pot soil requires drainage, good ventilation, slightly acidic sandy soil rich in organic matter, generally commonly used rotten leaf soil mixed with yellow soil (or black mountain mud) and sandy soil, the proportion is 6:3:1. The basin soil should not be alkaline, otherwise it is disadvantageous to growth, and the five-needle pine will yellowing and falling off.

II. Change the basin soil

At the beginning of the five-needle pine basin, it is suitable to burn the mud basin, because of its good ventilation, easy to survive. Wait for the basin, and then change the form of simple, deep color purple sand pottery basin. The potted soil should be changed every 3 to 4 years, and the time of soil change should be from the end of February to the beginning of April or from September to mid-October. When changing the basin, cut off some old roots properly and water them thoroughly.

III. Watering and fertilization

The five-needle pine likes the humid environment, but it is afraid of waterlogging, so the basin soil can be kept moist. April to May is the season of new bud germination and vigorous growth of five-needle pine. Water should be properly controlled, because water can make the new branches grow steeply and the needles elongate. The summer temperature is high, watering should be carried out before 10:00 or after 16:00; the winter temperature is low, water demand is reduced, less watering, basin soil can not be watered, watering should be carried out around noon when the temperature is the highest of the day.

Five-needle pine is most afraid of waterlogging to hurt roots, so watering should be appropriate, not too much, foliar water should be often sprayed, soil moisture should be kept between 15% and 30%, and natural water is the best. It is generally irrigated once a day in spring and autumn, twice a day in summer and once a few days in winter. At the same time, it should be controlled flexibly according to the changes of the weather. The method of thin fertilizer and less fertilizer should be used for five-needle pine, and fully rotten cake fertilizer should be applied. Fertilization for mature plants should be carried out in spring and autumn.

Spring fertilizer is applied every 10 days for 3 months before germination, with a concentration of about 15%, to promote germination and branch growth. The weather is hot from July to August, 10% dilute fertilizer and water should be applied once every half a month, and the application should be carried out in the morning and evening. September is the fastest stage of thickening and growth of five-needle pine, so autumn fertilizer can be thickened appropriately (the concentration of fertilizer can be increased to about 20%) to promote multiple axillary buds, fewer flower buds, and sufficient nutrients for stem and branch growth. IO should stop fertilizing after the end of the month. In addition, fertilization depends on the weather conditions. For example, it is not suitable to apply fertilizer immediately if it is sunny for a long time; if it is sunny for a long time, it should be watered first, and fertilize after 2 Mel for 3 days.

Fourth, lighting requirements

Five-needle pine is a strong positive plant, usually flowerpots should be kept in a dry, ventilated, sunny place to maintain, too wet and too shady are disadvantageous to its growth. The five-needle pine seedlings planted by Agricultural Bank of China for 1-2 years should be placed in the outdoor open air at all times except that they should be properly shaded in the hot noon in summer to prevent the needles from being overexposed to the sun. In this way, the five-needle pine bonsai has dense branches and leaves, thick green, high ornamental value and less diseases and insect pests. In as far as possible to maintain the natural growth environment of five-needle pine, to ensure good ventilation, sufficient light, uniform application of water and fertilizer, so as to raise an excellent bonsai.

Fifth, the appearance arrangement

Five-needle pine bonsai after a year of growth, some branches grow too long, too dense or improperly positioned, so they have to be reshaped every year. The best time for plastic surgery is from November to March of the following year, because during this period, the five-needle pine is in a dormant period, the sap flows slowly and the resin spills less after pruning. At the same time, because the five-needle pine only produces terminal buds and does not send adventitious buds, it is not suitable to be forced to repair. If the pruning is too heavy, pine resin is easy to flow out of the wound, and the flow of resin will affect the growth and development of Pinus elliottii.

The pruning period should be from early winter to early spring before the sap begins to flow. The cut after pruning is easy to be sealed with wax, sticky wood, adhesive tape and so on, so as to avoid the outflow of pine resin. Plastic surgery is generally a combination of flat binding and pruning. For over-long branches, one is to cut short, and the other is to tie them into an irregular "S" shape with wire to make the branches shorter. Branches that are too dense and unnecessary for styling must be cut off. Some beginners feel that only a few branches grow in a year, but it is a pity that they are reluctant to cut them. In fact, whether they should be cut or not, the branches are too dense and disorganized, which will seriously affect the shape and artistic conception of bonsai.

Picking buds is an important plastic measure to maintain the beautiful shape of five-needle pine bonsai trees. When the five-needle pine sprouts in spring every year, in order to shorten the branch length and make the branches and leaves dense properly, in addition to controlling the fertilizer and water, the buds that are not needed for modeling should be removed in time, and the buds left should also be removed according to their length. The time to pick buds should not be too early. Wait until leaf buds and flower buds are clearly distinguished. There is a string of buds in the lower part of the flower bud, which forms a long leafless branch after falling. This bud is best removed, but it can also be retained if the shape is needed.