
Common diseases and insect pests of bonsai and their control methods

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, In the prevention and control of bonsai diseases and insect pests, there are diseases in the branches: phloem, cambium rot, stem rot and ulcers on the branches, surface decay of the branches, dry core decay, spots on the branches and so on. Bordeaux solution should usually be sprayed, Xu with stone-sulfur mixture, and scraped off the rotten parts, etc.

Prevention and control of diseases and insect pests in bonsai

Diseases on the branches:

It is shown in the phloem, cambium decay, stem rot and ulcers on the branches, surface decay of the branches, dry core decay, spots on the branches and so on. Usually Bordeaux solution should be sprayed, Xu should be treated with stone-sulfur mixture, and the rotten parts should be scraped off.

Leaf diseases:

Leaf diseases usually appear yellow-brown or black spots, leaf curl, wilt, early defoliation and other symptoms, which may be yellowing, leaf spot, soot, powdery mildew and so on. Leaf spot disease can be removed and Bordeaux solution can be sprayed; chlorosis can be sprayed with 0.1-0.2 ferrous sulfate solution; powdery mildew can be sprayed with Baume 0.3-0.5 degree sulfur mixture.

Root diseases:

The root of bonsai stump is aging, which is easy to produce root rot or nodule disease caused by various bacteria and fungi. Attention should be paid to the disinfection of potted soil and the control of watering water.

Beetle management:

There are many kinds of damage caused by shell insects. It is a pest that absorbs tree stump tree sap, and it is easy to cause soot disease, poor growth, yellow branches and leaves, early defoliation and so on. In addition to killing with manual brushes, 40% dimethoate EC 1000-1500 times solution can be used, or 80% dichlorvos 1000-1500 times solution can be used to kill it.

Red spider governance:

The red spider harms the leaves by absorbing the leaf juice. After the insect pests, the leaves show gray spots and cause withered and yellow shedding. The control method is to spray with 40% dimethoate emulsion 1500-20000 times solution or 50% parathion wettable powder solution 1000 times.

Aphid management:

There are many kinds of aphids and the harm is common. The leaves of the damaged stumps are generally curled and drooping, and when they are serious, the leaves are black and dry and fall off. Control method: generally spray with 40% dimethoate 2000-300O times aqueous solution, once a week. Or spray it with an aqueous solution of 2.5% 800 to 1200 fish vines.

A brief introduction to the common diseases and insect pests of Bauhinia bonsai and their control methods

Bauhinia, deciduous trees or shrubs, can also be made into bonsai ornamental. Bauhinia is native to China. Sex likes light and has a certain degree of cold resistance. Like fertile, well-drained soil, not resistant to flooding. Strong sprouting and resistant to pruning. Skin, fruit, wood and flowers can be used as medicine, and their seeds are poisonous. It is a symbol of family and beauty and deep love of flesh and blood. The following editor will introduce to you the knowledge of common diseases and insect pests of Bauhinia bonsai for your reference and study.

I. Diseases

1. Bauhinia spot

Symptoms: mainly occurred in the leaves, the disease spot was polygonal, yellowish brown to dark reddish brown, dark brown mildew spots in the later stage. In severe cases, the leaves are covered with disease spots, which are often connected into pieces, causing the leaves to die and fall off.

Incidence regularity: fungal diseases, pathogens are Cercospora and Cercospora. The disease usually occurs from July to September. Most of them are susceptible to the disease from the lower leaves and gradually spread upward. The growth of the plant is poor, the disease is serious in the rainy season, and the pathogen overwinters on the diseased leaves and remains.

Prevention and treatment:

The main results are as follows: (1) to remove the diseased fallen leaves and burn them in autumn so as to reduce the source of infection.

(2) 50% carbendazim wettable powder, 70% mancozeb wettable powder, or 80% mancozeb wettable powder can be sprayed at the time of onset. Spraying once every 10 days and spraying continuously for 3 to 4 times has a better control effect.

2. Bauhinia wilt

Symptoms: most of the leaves yellowed and fell off from the top of the diseased branches, generally from individual branches, and then gradually developed to the whole clump to die. Peeling off the bark, it can be seen that the xylem has yellowish-brown longitudinal stripes, and its cross section can see yellowish-brown wheel-shaped necrotic spots.

Disease regularity: the disease invades the root of the plant by underground wound, destroys the vascular bundle tissue of the plant, and causes the plant to wither and die. The disease is caused by Fusarium infection in fungi. The pathogen can overwinter in the soil or on the remains of diseased plants and survive for a long time. It is mainly spread by soil, underground pests and irrigation water. The disease is usually more serious from June to July.

Prevention and treatment:

The main results are as follows: (1) strengthen the maintenance and management, enhance the tree potential and improve the disease resistance of plants.

(2) pay attention to rotation, avoid continuous cropping, or apply 70% pentachloronitrobenzene powder 3 to 5 jin / mu before sowing. Cut off dead branches and diseased plants in time, burn them centrally, and disinfect them with 70% pentachloronitrobenzene or 3% ferrous sulfate.

(3) 50% thiram wettable powder 200x or 50% carbendazim 200x or 50% carbendazim wettable powder 200x or 50% carbendazim 400x, or root irrigation with 100ppm solution.

3. Bauhinia leaf blight

Symptoms: the main damage to leaves; the first disease spot reddish brown round, mostly at the edge of the leaf, connected and expanded into irregular spots, to more than half or the whole leaf showed reddish brown death. Black dots are produced in the later stage of the disease.

The law of incidence: it is a fungal disease, and the pathogen overwinters on the diseased leaves with hyphae or conidia. If the plant is too dense, it is easy to develop the disease. The disease usually begins in June.

Prevention and treatment:

The main results are as follows: (1) the diseased leaves were removed and burned in autumn.

(2) spray 50% carbendazim 800 to 1000 times, or 50% methyl topiramate 500 to 1000 times after leaf expansion, once every 10 to 15 days, 2 to 3 times in succession.

II. Insect pests

1. Spodoptera litura

Prevention and treatment:

(1) remove the overwintering insect sac from the branches in autumn and winter.

(2) from late June to July, 8 to 1200 times of trichlorfon was sprayed at the initial stage of larval hatching.

(3) protect natural enemies such as parasitic wasps and parasitic flies.

two。 Spodoptera litura

Prevention and treatment:

The main results are as follows: (1) the combination of autumn and winter poured frozen water and applied to the shallow soil around the plant to dig out the overwintering cocoon.

(2) cut off the insect leaves in time when a small amount occurs.

(3) in the early stage of larval occurrence, insecticides such as dichlorvos, trichlorfon and fenitrothion were sprayed 1000 times.

3. Aphids

Prevention and treatment: can spray 40% dimethoate EC 1000 times.

It is said that Bauhinia bonsai can not only be used for viewing, but also has a certain medicinal value. Its bark can be used as medicine, it has the effect of clearing heat and detoxification, promoting blood circulation and qi, reducing swelling and pain, treating postpartum blood gas pain, sores, throat arthralgia, flowers can treat rheumatism, muscle and bone pain, and so on.

Conclusion: the above is the introduction of diseases and insect pests about Bauhinia bonsai. I hope it will be helpful to those who plant Bauhinia.

Bauhinia bonsai common diseases and insect pests and control Bauhinia, also known as Bauhinia full of red, its beautiful trees, beautiful leaves, unique flowers. It is a common early spring flower. Several common diseases and insect pests in cultivation and management are as follows: 1. The symptoms of bauhinia spot mainly occur on the leaves, which are polygonal, yellowish brown to dark reddish brown, and dark brown mildew spots in the later stage. In severe cases, the leaves are covered with disease spots, which are often connected into pieces, causing the leaves to die and fall off. Incidence regularity: fungal diseases, pathogens are Cercospora and Cercospora. The disease usually occurs from July to September. Most of them are susceptible to the disease from the lower leaves and gradually spread upward. The growth of the plant is poor, the disease is serious in the rainy season, and the pathogen overwinters on the diseased leaves and remains. Prevention and treatment: (1) clear the fallen leaves in autumn, burn them centrally, and reduce the source of infection. (2) 50% carbendazim wettable powder, 70% mancozeb wettable powder, or 80% mancozeb wettable powder can be sprayed at the time of onset. Spraying once every 10 days and spraying continuously for 3 to 4 times has a better control effect. 2. Symptoms of bauhinia wilt: most of the leaves yellowed and fell off from the top of the diseased branches, generally from individual branches, and then gradually developed to the whole clump to die. Peeling off the bark, it can be seen that the xylem has yellowish-brown longitudinal stripes, and its cross section can see yellowish-brown wheel-shaped necrotic spots. Disease regularity: the disease invades the root of the plant by underground wound, destroys the vascular bundle tissue of the plant, and causes the plant to wither and die. The disease is caused by Fusarium infection in fungi. The pathogen can overwinter in the soil or on the remains of diseased plants and survive for a long time. It is mainly spread by soil, underground pests and irrigation water. The disease is usually more serious from June to July. Prevention and control: (1) strengthen maintenance and management, enhance tree potential and improve plant disease resistance. (2) pay attention to rotation, avoid continuous cropping, or apply 70% pentachloronitrobenzene powder 3 to 5 jin / mu before sowing. Cut off dead branches and diseased plants in time, burn them centrally, and disinfect them with 70% pentachloronitrobenzene or 3% ferrous sulfate. (3) 50% thiram wettable powder 200x or 50% carbendazim 200x or 50% carbendazim wettable powder 200x or 50% carbendazim 400x, or root irrigation with 100ppm solution. 3. Symptoms of bauhinia leaf blight: it mainly harms the leaves; the initial disease spot is reddish brown and round, mostly at the edge of the leaf, and expands into irregular spots, until most of the leaves or the whole leaf is reddish brown dead. Black dots are produced in the later stage of the disease. Disease regularity: it is a fungal disease, and the pathogen overwinters on the diseased leaves with hyphae or conidia. If the plant is too dense, it is easy to develop the disease. The disease usually begins in June. Prevention and treatment: (1) remove diseased leaves in autumn and burn them centrally. (2) spray 50% carbendazim 800 to 1000 times, or 50% methyl topiramate 500 to 1000 times after leaf expansion, once every 10 to 15 days, 2 to 3 times in succession. The main pests are: 1. Control of Spodoptera litura: (1) removal of overwintering insect sacs from branches in autumn and winter. (2) from late June to July, 8 to 1200 times of trichlorfon was sprayed at the initial stage of larval hatching. (3) protect natural enemies such as parasitic wasps and parasitic flies. two。 The control of Spodoptera litura: (1) the combination of autumn and winter pouring frozen water and digging out the overwintering cocoon in the shallow soil around the plant. (2) cut off the insect leaves in time when a small amount occurs. (3) in the early stage of larval occurrence, insecticides such as dichlorvos, trichlorfon and fenitrothion were sprayed 1000 times. 3. Aphid control: can spray 40% dimethoate EC 1000 times.