
These 10 kinds of flowers, the cooler they are, the more prosperous they grow, and they can burst without the sun!

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, For a long time, many flower friends have asked Huahua that the lighting at home is not good, so they can only grow flowers on the indoor balcony, living room or north balcony. What kind of flowers should they choose? Today, Huahua will recommend 10 kinds of special shade-resistant flowers, even if the light is not good, it can grow prosperous and bloom!

White palm

White palm belongs to super shade-resistant flowers, can be put in the living room, kitchen, study, can be soil culture or water culture.

How to raise white palms?

1. White palm basically blossoms all year round, if your home does not blossom, you can put it in a cool place and accept indoor astigmatism.

two。 Water white palm twice a week in summer, once a week in spring and autumn, apply slow-release fertilizer or compound fertilizer once a month, and blossom more.

Green pineapple

The shade resistance of green pineapple is well known, no matter how the light is, it can live well in any place such as living room, balcony, kitchen and bathroom.

How to raise green pineapple?

1. Green apple likes water, but if it is watered too much, it is easy to rot the roots, so it is usually watered when the pad is light, and the soil is made of loose rotten leaf soil + perlite.

two。 If you want the green apple to grow fast, you can pour it with rotten rice water every half a month, or sprinkle a small handful of slow-release fertilizer on the basin to keep the roots from burning.

Asparagus asparagus

Asparagus has to be placed at home in a semi-shady, slightly brighter place, the living room is the most suitable, do not put a good light on the south balcony, it is easy to yellow leaves.

How to raise asparagus?

1. Asparagus can be watered twice a week in summer, once every 7-10 days in spring and autumn, and once a month in winter, spraying water on the leaves every morning and evening.

two。 If the asparagus at home has branches with yellow leaves, or branches that grow tall but do not grow leaves, they should be cut off decisively.

Ball orchid

Ball orchid is also more shady, basically put in the living room where the lighting is not good, can also be green, but also can blossom ball-shaped florets in summer, super fragrance!

How to raise ball orchid?

1. Ball orchid in addition to the shade is also more drought-resistant, see that the basin is very dry and white and then watered, there is no requirement for the soil, ordinary garden soil will do.

two。 If you want the orchid to climb all over the wall, always spray water to keep it moisturized. you can pour some slow-release fertilizer or a few grains of compound fertilizer in the water, which can spray both leaves and roots.


Impatiens in the shade, such as indoor balcony, just luxuriant branches and leaves, blossom, once to the place of strong light, it is easy to die in the sun, dry to death!

How to raise impatiens?

1. If watering, keep the soil slightly moist, not too much or too little, resulting in drought and stagnant water.

two。 Impatiens in the seedling about 8-10 cm high, it is necessary to pick the heart, pick 2-3 times, can form a large bouquet, flowering is particularly beautiful!

Gentleman orchid

The leaves of Magnolia are fat, shiny and shade-resistant, so they can live anywhere in the home, but if you want it to blossom more, you can keep it on the indoor balcony or south balcony.

How to raise a gentleman's orchid?

1. Magnolia is a fleshy root system, very drought-resistant, usually see basin soil 2 cm below the surface of the dry and then watered, the soil can use pine needle soil or rotten peanut shell.

two。 Gentleman orchids like fertilizer, especially oily fertilizers. When changing pots in the spring and autumn, you can put some melon seeds on the bottom of the basin, or bury some chopped peanuts in the soil every 3 months.


Put in the indoor north balcony can live ivy, super easy to raise!

1. Usually do not water, sooner or later spray water to the leaves, add some liquid fertilizer to the water, grow super prosperous!

two。 Ivy is not only shade-resistant, but also easy to cut, pinch roots, cut into the soil or throw water to live!


Hang the golden bell upside down like shade, do not expose yourself to the bright light, and usually put it on the balcony or windowsill where you can see the light sooner or later.

How to keep the golden bell upside down?

1. You don't have to water the inverted Admiralty clock too frequently. In general, in spring and autumn, you can water it 2-3 times a week and once every 1-2 days in summer.

two。 Hang Jinzhong Xi fertilizer upside down, bury 4-5 grains of compound fertilizer in about 10 days, and pour potassium dihydrogen phosphate before flowering.

Like shade flower

Shade-loving flowers can be regarded as the superstar of shade-tolerant flowers, which can not only grow sharply in poor light, but also blossom in spring, summer and autumn!

How to raise the shade flowers?

1. Like shade flower roots are weak, to use a shallow basin, the soil should be loose, can be mixed with garden soil, rotten leaves, soil, river and sand.

two。 The basin noodles are watered thoroughly when they are dry, and liquid fertilizer is applied every half a month in spring, summer and autumn. Pay attention to watering and fertilization can not be sprinkled on the leaves, perishable.


Hosta is a typical negative flower, like shade, if the light is too strong, it is easy to yellow leaves, belong to lazy flowers, very easy to raise!

How to raise jade hairpin flowers?

1. There are no basic requirements for the soil, if you use a more rigid garden soil, it is best to add some sand to breathe!

two。 Hosta likes water, keeps the basin soil slightly moist in spring, summer and autumn, sprays water on the surface every day, and grows faster!