
Cultivation methods and key points of maintenance and management of potted Brazilian wood

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Brazilian wood produced natural variation in the process of cultivation, and striped spots appeared on the leaves. A swordleaf dragon blood tree with red edges; green in the center of the leaves

Brazilian wood produced natural variation in the process of cultivation, and striped spots appeared on the leaves. The sword leaf dragon blood tree with red edge; the dragon blood tree with green leaves in the center and silver edges on both sides; the Venus dragon blood tree with irregular spots on the green leaves; the golden heart dragon blood tree with several yellow vertical markings on its leaves; the tiger blossom tree with dark green and gray horizontal stripes in its leaves; and the dragon blood tree with dark green mixed with several white stripes, and so on. But the most common ones are Phnom Penh Brazilian wood and silver-edged Brazilian wood.

There is plenty of sunshine

Brazilian wood likes to be warm and humid, which requires sufficient sunshine and should not be placed in a dark place, otherwise the leaves will have no luster and lose their ornamental value. However, Brazilian wood can not be exposed to direct sunlight for a long time, 50% shading is appropriate in summer, spring and autumn can accept direct light in the morning and evening, and there is no need to shade in winter. If the environment is too overcast, the leaf color is green and the glossiness is low; if the light is too strong, it is easy to burn the leaves by the scorching sun. Brazilian wood in the cultivation process, if the yellow lines of the leaves fade, it is due to the indoor light is too dark, proper exposure to the sun can be changed.

Timely watering

The soil planted with Brazilian wood should be kept moist, but it should not be flooded, otherwise the roots will rot. Due to exuberant growth and large water consumption, Brazilian wood is prone to water shortage. Therefore, attention should be paid to timely watering. In normal weather, it is necessary to be fully watered once a day, and the air humidity is required to be 80%. High temperature and high humidity are conducive to its rapid growth. However, too much or too little watering will lead to root rot, drooping leaves and dull leaves, so the rotten roots should be removed. If the bottom stake is rotten, it can be sawed off, soaked in 0.2% potassium permanganate water for 10-30 minutes, and buried in a well-drained matrix soil. If the leaf is scorched or dry, it is caused by air dryness and can be improved by spraying water to the leaf surface.

Soil fertilizer conservation

The basin soil requires a certain amount of water and fertilizer, aerated and loose soil. Generally, coconut bran and river sand are mixed with 6 ∶ 4, or peat soil and river sand are mixed with 1 ∶ 1. Change the basin every two years to renew the root system and enhance its vitality.

Brazilian wood is a foliage plant, so the proportion of nitrogen fertilizer should be slightly heavy, usually apply nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium full-effect compound fertilizer once a month, while external application of potassium dihydrogen phosphate plus urea 0.2% 0.3% aqueous solution 2-3 times. For the varieties with golden or silver spots, we should apply more phosphate and potassium fertilizer and less nitrogen fertilizer, too much nitrogen fertilizer will lead to excessive plant growth and leaf color turning green, and reduce the ornamental value.

Suitable temperature to keep warm

The suitable temperature for Brazilian wood growth is 20 ℃-25 ℃. Brazilian wood can grow when the indoor temperature is not lower than 18 ℃; if the temperature is lower than 13 ℃, it will go into dormancy. The temperature is too low, because the root system is difficult to absorb water, the evaporated water of the leaf can not be replenished in time, which can easily lead to chloasma on the leaf edge and reduce its ornamental value. Winter room temperature should be kept between 6 ℃-10 ℃, if the indoor temperature is too low, and the air is dry, the lower leaves will turn yellow and scorch edges, and even part of the leaves will die; if the heart of the leaf buds blacken and rot gradually, it is due to low temperature, mostly caused by frost injury; if the skin of the stake is not rotten, it can also be moved to a high temperature place to send new buds and remove the old buds to renew.

Disease prevention and cure

The main diseases and insect pests of Brazilian wood are stem borer. Among them, the sugarcane moth and longicorn beetle pests feed on the larvae in the upper and lower cortex of the stem, and when they are light, they will appear insect tracks and a small amount of insect feces will be excreted; in heavy cases, the endoplasmic part of the epidermis will be eaten up, and finally the branches and leaves will wilt and turn yellow gradually, thus losing the ornamental effect of foliage plants. Move the Brazilian wood to an outdoor cool place, spray or pour with 1000 times omethoate once a week, three times in a row, or use pesticides to form 1-∶ poisonous soil and spread it evenly on the surface of the basin soil to kill pests. Anthracnose and other diseases that occasionally appear on leaves can be effectively prevented by spraying 75% wettable powder chlorothalonil or 85% topiramate 800 times.

The cultivation methods and matters needing attention of Brazilian wood the key points of cultivation and conservation of Brazilian wood native to tropical Africa, it is a perennial woody foliage plant of tequila family, which has high ornamental value. The common species on the market are green leaf Brazilian wood, Phnom Penh Brazilian wood and golden heart Brazilian wood and so on. Next, the editor will introduce to you the key points of cultivation and conservation of Brazilian wood, which can be of some help to the majority of flower friends. The main results are as follows: 1. The cultivation medium with loose and good drainage is used in the soil, and the culture soil can be prepared with pastoral soil, rotten leaf soil, peat soil and river sand according to the ratio of 3 ∶ 2 ∶ 2 ∶ 3. It should be noted that the Brazilian wood had better change the basin once a year. When changing the basin, replace the old soil with 1 big 3 and add new soil. 2. Brazilian wood has a wide range of adaptation to light, but it is not resistant to strong light, especially from May to October, which makes the leaves yellowing and the leaf tip dry, so some shading measures are needed. There are also slight differences according to different varieties, green leaf varieties avoid direct sunlight, it is best to shade 50% to 60%; Phnom Penh and Jinxin varieties can grow well in full light, but if the light is not enough, the leaves will fade. 3. During the growing period, organic manure can be embedded at the base of the plant or at the edge of the basin. Spraying foliar fertilizer three or four times a month can promote its growth. The fertilization period is from May to October every year, and the fertilization is stopped in winter. For Phnom Penh or Jinxin varieties, attention should be paid to reducing the proportion of nitrogen fertilizer when applying fertilizer, so as not to cause excessive growth of leaves and disappearance of lines. The suitable temperature for Brazilian wood growth is from 20 ℃ to 28 ℃. When the winter temperature is less than 13 ℃, the plant will go into a dormant state and the leaves will wither. 4. Watering Brazilian wood does not require much moisture, but it requires high humidity. The basin soil should be kept moist, but not stagnant. Often spray water to the leaves to improve the humidity of the surrounding environment. In the northern region, it is watered every three or four days in spring, summer and autumn. The amount of water should be controlled when the temperature drops at the end of autumn, and the basin soil can be kept semi-dry and semi-wet in winter. Maintain a good ventilation environment, air humidity of more than 80%. 5. prevention of diseases and insect pests in potted Brazilian wood, if the environment is not suitable, there will be red spiders, thrips, shell insects and other harm. For the threat of diseases and insect pests, it is necessary to detect and deal with them early. 6. Propagation technology Brazilian wood is propagated by cutting method. The technique strips trimmed from the poor plant shape are used as cutting materials, cut into 5-10 cm segments, and cut upright or recumbent on a cutter with coarse sand or vermiculite as medium. Water culture can also be used to promote its rooting. The specific method is to cut off the stem, into the water, the cross section to be smooth, the upper end to prevent water evaporation can be coated with wax, which is particularly important in the dry season, the lower end is immersed in water 2-3 cm, the temperature is above 25 ℃, water and containers should be kept clean. The top with leaves can take root faster, and it can take root in 3-4 weeks, while the stem segment can take root slowly, sometimes it takes 2-3 months to grow new roots and buds. Conclusion: the above is the introduction of the conservation methods of Brazilian wood. I hope everyone will share the planting experience of Brazilian wood. A complete Collection of Culture methods and points for attention of potted Kylin Palm

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In the magical nature, there is such a plant, although it has the title of auspicious animal unicorn, but in fact it has nothing to do with unicorn, this plant is called unicorn palm. It is native to eastern India, is a variety of Bawang whip plant, the whole plant contains white highly toxic milk, is a strange appearance of succulent plant. So how to breed the unicorn palm, and what are the breeding methods and matters needing attention? Now let's take a look at the cultivation methods and points for attention of potted unicorn palm.

Culture method of potted unicorn palm

There are still many people who breed the unicorn palm in their daily life. After all, this kind of plant is indeed very strange, so it is also a different kind of enjoyment, and the cultivation of the unicorn palm is generally carried out by means of potted plants. So how should the cultivation of potted unicorn palm be done?

1, lighting: Kirin palm originated in the very hot areas of eastern India, is very fond of light, so it is necessary to maintain sufficient light during the breeding season, especially in the plant growing season, if the light is not enough, it is easy to cause the abnormal stem of the plant to grow into a columnar stem, which is very unsight. after leaving the house in May, the plant should be placed in the shade for 7 to 10 days, and then cultured in the sun.

2. Temperature: Kirin palms like warm places, cold tolerance is relatively poor, winter breeding must do a good job of keeping warm, the temperature can not be lower than 7 degrees, less than 7 degrees may lead to frost injury or even death. And in order to keep the plant leaves from falling, it is best to keep the temperature above 15 degrees in winter.

3. Soil: unicorn palm, like many succulent plants, does not have a high demand for soil. Generally, sandy loam with good drainage is a better cultivation soil, which can be used directly when potted.

4, watering: Kirin palm is very cold-resistant, the demand for water is not high, daily farming watering also follows the principle of dry rather than wet. Only when the surface of the soil is dry and hard whitening can it be watered. In winter, in order to maintain indoor temperature, should be appropriate less moisture, in 15 to 18 degrees indoor, watering some every 10 days is enough, watering can not be much, otherwise it is easy to atavism.

5. Fertilization: the demand for fertility of Kirin palm is not very high, fertilization is very similar to watering, it is better to have less than more, and to be light rather than thick. Plants can use an appropriate amount of solid fertilizer as base fertilizer when they go to the pot, and in the growing season, they can be fertilized every half a month, with 15% of rotten alum fertilizer applied each time. Plants dormant in winter and fertilization can be stopped.

Matters needing attention in potted unicorn palm culture

The difficulty of unicorn palm breeding is not very high, but there are still a lot of problems, which is because people do not pay attention to some small details, so what are the precautions for potted unicorn palm?

1. Changing pots in spring: every spring is a good time for potted unicorns to change pots. Because the temperature is warmer, after changing the basin, the plant can survive as soon as possible. Pay attention to change the pot, to remove the old soil and persistent soil above the plant roots, remove the pro-decaying roots, and then breed them in the new flowerpot. Change the basin culture needs to first breed indoors for more than 10 days, move out of the outdoor for breeding, and pay attention to keeping the soil moist during the breeding period.

2, pest control: although the unicorn palm is not easy to produce diseases and insect pests, it does not mean that it will not get sick. Therefore, it is still necessary to do a good job of prevention and control in daily breeding. During the breeding period, it is best to put the indoor air in a place with relatively good ventilation, so that the air is relatively fresh, and the plants can avoid the air energy caused by shell insect diseases. At the same time, in order to avoid falling leaves, unicorn pots had better stay away from the kitchen and gas.

3. Atavistic phenomenon: the unicorn palm is prone to atavism, that is, the crown-shaped embellished stem of the plant is reduced to a columnar stem. In this case, the columnar stem needs to be cut off immediately, and at the same time, the pot plant must be moved to a place with plenty of light, basking in the sun more, watering less and flying less.

Conclusion: there are all kinds of wonders in the world. The unicorn palm is a very unique plant. Friends can breed and play if they have nothing to do in their spare time. Anyway, the breeding method of the unicorn palm is also very simple, which can not only pass the time, but also have endless taste.