
Techniques of sowing propagation and pot culture management of Podocarpus sinensis

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Propagation and cuttage propagation are adopted. Podocarpus seeds should not be preserved for a long time, should be harvested immediately after sowing, or stratified sand stored in a cold place, sowing in March of the following year. Plough, rake, compact and irrigate the ground before sowing. After the water seeps down, sprinkle the seeds. After harvesting, soak the seeds for 4-5 days.

Sowing and cuttage are often used for propagation.

Sowing seeds

The seeds of Pinus elliottii should not be preserved for a long time, but should be sown immediately after harvest, or stored in a cool place with stratified sand, and sown in March of the following year. Before sowing, loosen, rake, stabilize and irrigate the ground. After the water seeps down, sow the seeds, soak the seeds for 4-5 days after harvest, and sow the seeds according to the row spacing of 20 cm and the plant spacing of 10 cm after fully absorbing water and expanding. The thickness of fine soil is 1-2cm. After sowing, cover the grass to moisturize, keep the seedbed moist and set up a shed to shade. The seedlings can be unearthed in 8-10 days. Remove the cover grass and shade immediately after being unearthed. Do not expose yourself to the sun. Ploughing and weeding after emergence, pay attention to anti-freezing after winter, and can be planted separately after a year.


It is divided into spring, summer and autumn, and cuttings must be carried out with nodes. The spring planting was carried out in the first ten days of March, and the immature and hardened shoots on the 1-year-old strong shoots were selected as cuttings. Summer cuttings are inserted in June, and the twigs are broken off. In order to ensure survival, the cuttings had better be cut along with the cuttings (time in the morning). When cutting, remove the lower needle piece (all cuttings are half the length), loosen, rake flat, make the border, irrigate, rake into mud with iron rake at any time, insert the branches into the soil, insert 5-6cm deep. Water once after insertion. Spray water once a day after insertion. Autumn is planted from July to August, with semi-lignified twigs as cuttings. No matter spring, summer or autumn cuttings, the nursery bed should build a shed to shade, shade can be removed after September, and covered with 3-4cm thick horse dung or grass dung to prevent cold during the winter. Do not rush into the pot after the cuttings have survived. It is best to continue to maintain them in the sand bed for 6-8 months. When the seedlings grow to 5-8 cm, apply thin fertilizer once a week, apply 1% compound fertilizer to the soil, and spray 0.5% potassium dihydrogen phosphate on the leaves to strengthen the seedlings. A more developed new root system will be cultivated and put into pot in the following spring. At this time, the earth returns to spring, everything recovers, and the survival rate of transplantation is very high.

Cultivation and management

The growth habit of Luohansong is warm and sunny, but it is easy to grow in semi-shady, humid environment and loose and fertile soil with good drainage medicine and slightly hardy. In the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River, large-leaf Siraitia grossedentata can winter in the open field, while leaflets and rice leaves need to winter in sunny shelter. Otherwise, it is easy to freeze to death or scorch the leaves. Spring and March is the most suitable for transplantation. When transplanting, young seedlings need to carry soil, and large seedlings need to bring soil balls, or they can be potted. Apply fertilizer once a year in the courtyard planting, pot planting of Luohansong should not use a large pot, fertilizer should not be applied more, so as not to flourish. Spray water on the tree every few days to clean the branches and leaves and keep half the soil moisture in the basin. Potted plants on display indoors should be moved outdoors to see the sun every three or four days. If they are kept indoors for too long, the leaves will turn yellow or even fall off. Pot plants overwintering in greenhouse should leave the house when the outdoor temperature is stable at 10 ℃, and should not be exposed to high temperature in summer and should be placed in a half-shaded place. The amount of water should be controlled after entering the room in winter. After leveling the ground, spread 0.5% carbofuran and 50% carbendazim wettable powder to disinfect the soil and eliminate underground diseases and insect pests.

Key points of potted plants:

① prepared transplanting soil: install the prepared culture soil in the seedling basin, after sunlight and drying, turn it over with a shovel knife and water once every other period (either for 10 days or 1 month). After a long time, the basin soil is not only loose, but also basin, good fertilizer and water retention performance, very suitable for the growth of species with weak roots.

② transplant Mo Shang root: before planting, use a small shovel knife to loosen the basin soil, shovel out 1/3 of the culture soil and set aside. Then remove the cuttage seedlings of Pinus elliottii, gently shake off the excess sandy soil, put the intact root system in the human basin with the plant, add part of the culture soil shoveled from the original basin to water, and then spray water to combine the soil with the root system and maintain a better aggregate structure. This is the key step for the first planting of plants to survive.

③ light fertilizer maintenance: after the cuttings were transplanted into the pot, the cuttings were watered with a spray pot in the daily management, and a dilute fertilizer and water could be applied after 30 days. Usually through inspection and inspection, find problems, and flexibly grasp the supply of fertilizer and water. In general, strong seedlings are applied more, weak seedlings are applied less or not. It should be placed in a place with good light and ventilation to provide a good ecological environment for plants to grow in order to achieve the goal of planting one plant and living one plant.

The Propagation method of raising Pinus elliottii in pot

Luohan pine, also known as Luohan pine, gold pine, Luohanbai, etc., is an evergreen coniferous tree of Luohan pine family, with extremely high ornamental value, lush and elegant tree appearance, ancient and vigorous, fresh green leaf color all the year round, and a sense of vitality and nobleness. If attached to the posture of rock making into eagle claw stone, it is more quaint and chic. Let's take a look at how to raise potted Luohansong.

Growth habits of Pinus elliottii

Luohan pine is produced in Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Fujian, Anhui, Jiangxi, Hunan, Sichuan, Yunnan, Guizhou, Guangxi, Guangdong and other provinces and regions, cultivated in the garden as ornamental trees, few wild trees. Like warm and humid climate, weak cold resistance, strong negative resistance, like sandy loam with good drainage, strong adaptability to soil, can also survive on saline-alkali soil, strong resistance to sulfur dioxide, hydrogen sulfide, nitrogen oxide and other pollution gases, strong resistance to diseases and insect pests.

Propagation methods of Pinus elliottii

1. Sowing: the seeds of Pinus elliottii had better be sown with picking and not stored in summer. Soak the seeds for several days first, and then strip sow or sow on demand after the seeds are fully absorbed and swollen. The sowing depth is better to cover the seeds, cover the grass to moisturize after sowing, and spray water once a day. If sowing in the open field, it is also necessary to cover grass to survive the winter in the southwest. Pot sowing is needed in other areas, and after sowing, it is moved to a low-temperature greenhouse to overwinter. The seedlings can be unearthed in 8 to 10 days. Remove the cover grass and shade immediately after being unearthed. Do not expose yourself to the sun.

2. Striping: the striping propagation of Luohansong should be carried out before and after the stinging solar term in spring. select the branches that are slightly smaller than chopsticks near the ground, cut the branches obliquely with a knife on the side near the ground, and insert an inch-long piece of bamboo into the incision horizontally with a prepared one-inch-long piece of bamboo. Insert a small stick to support the branch, tie it up gently with plastic tape, then cover the cut with loose soil, gently compacted, and covered with withered grass to keep moist. After March, the branch can take root at the cut.

3. Cuttage

① softwood cuttings: the softwood cuttings of Luohan pine were conducted from mid-late May to early July in the first half of the year, and from mid-late August to mid-late September in the second half of the year. Seedlings planted in the first half of the year should pay attention to prevent high temperature burns and diseases, and seedlings planted in the second half of the year should pay attention to heat preservation and anti-freezing in the middle and later stages. The time to uncover the shading net is late November, and the time to uncover the shading net in dry years can be extended to late December.

② hardwood cutting: hardwood cutting refers to the dormant stage in which the sap has not yet flowed from February to March in early spring, cutting the sturdy branches completely lignified in the previous year for cutting. what should be paid attention to in early spring hardwood cutting is to improve the soil temperature and control the air temperature in the greenhouse.

How to raise potted Luohansong?

1. Soil: Luohansong likes sandy loam with good drainage, strong adaptability to soil, and can survive on saline-alkali soil. Culture requires slightly acidic culture soil rich in humus, loose, fertile and good drainage, and leaves are yellowed in alkaline soil. Slow growth, long life, can reach hundreds of years, or even more than a thousand years.

2. Transplant: the best transplant of Luohansong is from March to April in spring, small seedlings need to carry soil, large seedlings with soil balls, can also be potted. After planting, the soil should be watered thoroughly, the soil should be kept moist during the growing period, and the semi-shaded place should be preserved in high temperature season in midsummer, and fertilized once every 2 months. Potted plants should be protected against cold in winter, pots can be buried in the soil and watering can be reduced.

3. Watering: Luohansong is not a Pinaceae plant and is not resistant to drought. On the contrary, Luohansong is resistant to Yin and dampness, so it should be watered frequently during the growing period, but it should not be watered. Shunde area should pay attention to regular watering when it is sunny in summer, generally watering once in the morning and evening, and often spraying foliar water to make the leaves bright green and grow well. Rain Water is usually more in summer. Luo Hansong is not resistant to waterlogging, so we should pay attention to prevent stagnant water for a long time.

4. Sunshine: Pinus elliottii is a neutral and negative tree species, which can not only accept strong light, but also grow in a shady environment. Although the temperature is high and the sun is strong in summer, it is not necessary to shade the tree in summer because the tree is propitious to maintain its leaf shape under the condition of high temperature and strong light. Because of the tender tissue, the seedlings of Luohan pine should not be exposed to strong light for a long time, so it is suggested that they should be preserved in the shade.

5, temperature: potted plants in the north, leave the room when the outdoor air temperature is stable at about 10 ℃, put it outside in the leeward and sunny place, and move to the semi-shady place after summer. When the temperature does not drop to 5 ℃ in winter, you should enter the room and control the watering after entering the room, so that you can survive the winter safely without freezing.

6. Fertilization: Luohansong likes fertilizer, should be thin fertilizer frequently, fertilizer is mainly nitrogen fertilizer, supplemented by phosphorus and potassium fertilizer, can add appropriate amount of black alum, retting into alum fertilizer water. The combination of changing pots in spring, applying sufficient base fertilizer, applying some thin alum fertilizer during the growing season, and often applying 01% urea and 3% leftover beer can make the leaves thick and green. During the growing period, fertilization can be applied once every two months, and fertilization can be combined with watering at the same time (the ratio of water and fertilizer is 9:1).

7. Shaping: Luohansong is a whorled branch. According to the customized potential of the trunk, the random branch is cut off, 2-3 branches are retained in the appropriate position, and the branch is bound with wire to make the main branch droop slightly and the skill is not strong. Every year June, July each trim, usually take the heart to pick the heart mainly (generally should wait for the twig Lignification to pick the heart).

8. Diseases and pests: the main diseases of Luohan pine are leaf spot and anthracnose, which can be sprayed with 500 times of 50% methyl topiramate wettable powder. As long as the pests of Luohan pine include shell insects, red spiders and large coir moths, they can be sprayed with 1500 times of omethoate EC.

Morphological characteristics of Pinus elliottii Reproduction Mode and function of Pinus elliottii

Luohan pine is a kind of pine, also known as Luohanshan, evergreen, Taxodium, Pinus elliottii, Pinus elliottii, Siberian cypress, Luohanbai, Jiangnan cypress, can be up to 18 meters high, usually pruned to keep low, leaves alternate, arranged in a spiral shape, also divided into male and female, the species is larger than the seed, ripe red, plus green seeds, like a bald monk wearing red robes, hence the name Luohan pine. Luo Hansong is common in South China, including Hong Kong. Because potted Siraitia grosvenorii is available for viewing, and its wood is used for construction, medicine and carving, so its value is very high. As a result, there have been a number of cases in which Hong Kong Luohansong has been illegally felled by illegal immigrants from the mainland.

Morphological characteristics of Pinus elliottii

Branches of Pinus elliottii (original variety) are trees, up to 20 m high and 60 cm in DBH; bark gray or grayish brown, shallowly longitudinally lobed, deciduous in thin flakes; branches spreading or obliquely spreading, denser.

Leaves of Pinus elliottii are spirally inserted, striate-lanceolate, slightly curved, 7-12 cm long and 7-10 mm wide, apex pointed, base cuneate, dark green above, glossy, midrib conspicuously elevated, whitish, grayish green or light green below, midrib slightly raised.

Male cones of Siraitia grosvenorii are spicate, axillary, often 3-5 clustered on very short peduncles, 3-5 cm long, with several triangular bracts at base; female cones solitary in leaf axils, pedicellate, with a few bracts at base.

The seed of Pinus elliottii is ovoid, about 1 cm in diameter, apex round, fleshy aril purple-black when ripe, white powder, seed receptacle fleshy cylindrical, red or purplish red, stalk 1-1.5 cm long.

The flowering period is from April to May and the seeds are mature from August to September.

Ecological habits of Luohansong

Luohansong likes warm and humid climate, weak cold tolerance, potted ornamental plants in North China, strong negative resistance, strong adaptability to sandy loam with good drainage, strong adaptability to soil, and strong resistance to sulfur dioxide, hydrogen sulfide, nitrogen oxide and other pollution gases. Strong resistance to diseases and insect pests.

Cultivation techniques of Luohansong

Like warm, humid and semi-shady environment, cold tolerance is slightly poor, afraid of waterlogging and strong light, requires fertile, well-drained sandy loam. It is best to transplant from March to April in spring, small seedlings need to carry soil, large seedlings with soil balls, can also be potted. Water thoroughly after planting. Keep the soil moist during the growing period. It needs to be maintained in a semi-shady place in the high temperature season in midsummer. Fertilize once every two months. Potted plants should be protected against cold in winter, pots can be buried in the soil and watering can be reduced.

Key points of management

Pinus elliottii is a neutral and negative tree species, which can not only accept strong light, but also grow in shady environment. Although the temperature is high and the sun is strong in summer, it is not necessary to shade the tree in summer because the tree is propitious to maintain its leaf shape under the condition of high temperature and strong light. Because of the tender tissue, the seedlings of Luohan pine should not be exposed to strong light for a long time, so it is suggested that they should be preserved in the shade.

Watering Luohan pine is not a pine plant and is not resistant to drought. On the contrary, Luohansong is resistant to Yin and dampness, so it should be watered frequently during the growing period, but it should not be watered. Shunde area should pay attention to regular watering when it is sunny in summer, generally watering once in the morning and evening, and often spraying foliar water to make the leaves bright green and grow well. Rain Water is usually more in summer. Luo Hansong is not resistant to waterlogging, so we should pay attention to prevent stagnant water for a long time.

Fertilization Luohansong like fertilizer, should be thin fertilizer frequently, fertilizer is mainly nitrogen fertilizer, can add appropriate amount of black alum, retting into alum fertilizer water. During the growing period, fertilization can be applied once every two months, and fertilization can be combined with watering at the same time (the ratio of water and fertilizer is 9:1). Siraitia grosvenorii planted in a large area can be applied in a semi-orchard ditch with 300 grams of fast-soluble compound fertilizer each time. Potted plants can be sprayed with 0.5% water fertilizer or 1.0% water fertilizer or thin cake liquid water fertilizer each time.

The mode of reproduction of Luohansong

Pinus elliottii is commonly used for sowing and cutting propagation. Sow seeds, sow after seed collection in August, and germinate about 10 days later. Cuttings are carried out in spring and autumn, dormant branches are selected in spring, semi-woody twigs are selected in autumn, 12-15 cm, inserted into the seedbed of sand and soil, and take root in about 50-60 days.

Tender wood cuttage

Softwood cutting refers to the cutting method of using semi-mature branches as cuttings in the growing season of seedlings, which is mainly suitable for evergreen and semi-evergreen woody flowers. Such as camellia, rhododendron, golden leaf privet, sweet-scented osmanthus, Luo Han pine, red leaf heather, yew, Haitong, rose, cedar, cypress and so on. For individual deciduous trees that are difficult to take root, such as ginkgo biloba, it is also appropriate to use tender wood cuttings. The specific operation method of tender wood cutting is: in the vigorous seedling growth season, cut the semi-lignified branches of the same year, according to 2 to 4 nodes (one or a pair of leaves for a section) into a section, each section is about 10 cm long, keeping 1 to 2 leaves above, and removing 1 to 2 leaves in the lower part. Tree species with large leaves, such as camellias, sweet-scented osmanthus, and heather, can cut off the leaves 1 / 2, then cut or cut the lower end of the cuttings into an oblique mouth, and then tie the cuttings with dozens of pieces of rope. finally, the cuttings are evenly glued with mud made of clean loess plus fungicides, rooting agents and water, which can be cut in the prepared seedling bed after the mud dries slightly. Tender wood cutting requires that the soil of the seedling bed should be fine, soft and flat, remove weeds and other impurities, and spray, disinfect and kill insects on the soil. The cutting depth is about 5 cm. After the cuttage is finished, sprinkle with water, immediately after the leaf droplets dry, spray pesticides on the seedbed again to kill bacteria and insects, then put on the bamboo bow, cover it with plastic film, and then insert some bamboo bow to cover the bamboo bow with a black shade net. The film and shade net should be fixed. The bamboo bow supporting the shading net is 15 to 20 centimeters higher than the bamboo bow supporting the film, so as to prevent the heat from the shading net from passing into the film and scalding the seedlings. At this point, all the cutting work has been completed.

After the end of cutting, but also often on the nursery bed for inspection and care, check the seedbed covered by the film, shade net is bitten by insects, rats, blown open by the wind. Uncover the film and shade net every 15 days or so, spray pesticides to kill bacteria and insects, and then cover the film and shade net again. If the seedbed soil is found to be dry, sprinkle some water before spraying, and then spray pesticides after the foliar water dries. Generally uncover the film spray 2 to 3 times, the cuttings have taken root and survived, and then can be given medicine every 1 to 2 months. After the cuttings survive, you can consider uncovering the film. Before officially uncovering the film, you should choose a cloudy and rainy day, first uncover the film at one or both ends of the seedbed for several days, and then remove all the film. The shade net should still be covered after uncovering the film. For the seedlings cut in the first half of the year, the shade net can not be removed until late autumn, because the young seedlings cannot stand strong light exposure. In particular, it is worth mentioning that Ligustrum lucidum and Ligustrum lucidum are susceptible seedlings, and the film should be uncovered in time. Generally, about 90% of the seedlings can take root 20 days after insertion. After removing the film, you should immediately spray fungicide to prevent disease, spray once in 7 to 10 days, and spray 3 to 4 times in a row.

Softwood cuttings are generally carried out from mid-late May to early July in the first half of the year, and from mid-late August to mid-late September in the second half of the year. Seedlings planted in the first half of the year should pay attention to prevent high temperature burns and diseases. Seedlings planted in the second half of the year should pay attention to the middle and later stage of heat preservation and anti-freezing, the time to uncover the shade net is in late November, and the time to uncover the shade net in dry years can be extended to late December.

Hardwood cutting refers to the method of cutting the sturdy branches completely lignified in the previous year during the dormant stage from February to March in early spring when the sap has not yet flowed. This method is mainly suitable for deciduous trees such as crape myrtle, hibiscus, grape, poplar, willow and so on, and a few evergreen trees can also be cut with hardwood, such as oleander. What should be paid attention to in hardwood cutting in early spring is to improve the soil temperature and control the temperature in the greenhouse. In short, whether it is softwood cuttings or hardwood cuttings, we should not only do a good job in the disinfection of cuttings and soil, but also regulate the temperature, humidity and light of the seedbed. In addition, in order to improve the survival rate of seedling cuttings, some measures should be taken to promote rooting.

The function and use of Luohansong

Economic value the material of Luohansong is meticulous and uniform and easy to process. It can be used as furniture, utensils, stationery and agricultural tools.

Although Luohan pine originated in China, due to historical reasons, the number of large-scale Luohan pine old enough is very few, and the number of large-size green seedlings of Luohan pine is also very limited. As a slow-growing tree species, Luohan pine itself can not be copied quickly, and the existing quantity is far from enough to meet the needs of courtyard greening and high-end residential landscape, especially the large size and beautiful shape of Luohan pine is difficult to obtain. It is understood that engineering seedlings with a breast diameter of more than 10 cm on the market mainly rely on imports.

Guangdong, China is dominated by household consumption. it is understood that in Guangdong, families become the main force of Luohansong consumption, with a purchase proportion of about 30%, preferring to choose middle and high-end products, followed by landscaping units of about 20%. Enterprises and institutions account for about 20%, collectors account for about 15%, and other uses account for about 15%.

Luo Hansong is elegant and upright, with a strong and vigorous momentum, coupled with the implication of "longevity" and "auspiciousness" in Chinese culture, owners who pursue high-grade courtyard beautification often like to plant one or two trees of Luo Han pine, adding a masterpiece to create their own "garden-style tale".

The Flower language of Luo Hansong

Luo Han Song flower language: youth, vitality, health, longevity, luck, money.

After reading the above introduction about the reproduction mode and function of Luohansong, do you know more about the breeding mode of Luohansong? if you want to know more about Luohansong, please continue to pay attention.