
Picture of triangular Metegen bonsai

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, English name: triangular Metis root bonsai Latin name: BougainvilleaspectabilisWilld family genus: purple jasmine leaf flower bonsai root is designed for a more wonderful and varied form under exposed dry conditions.

English name: triangular Metegen bonsai

Latin scientific name: Bougainvillea spectabilis Willd

Family and genus: leaf flower genus of purple jasmine family

The purpose of bonsai is to expose a more wonderful and varied shape. Triangular plum bonsai can add a lot of color to triangular plum bonsai. This paper collects some pictures for flower friends' reference.

Root-revealing method: if you want the root system of the bonsai to be exposed to the bonsai, you can lift the root year by year when changing the basin, so that the lower new root is deeply rooted, and the proposed potted root system will be thinned and deleted appropriately, leaving it thin and thick, some flying claws, some outcrop drilling tail, such as Panlong into the hole, each show thousands of years.

How to make triangular plum bonsai method of making triangular plum bonsai

Triangular plum bonsai has unique shape, luxuriant branches and leaves, bright colors and high ornamental value. Put a pot of triangular plum bonsai at home, which is very pleasing to the eye. Today, wed114's wedding editor will introduce how to make triangular plum bonsai.

How to make triangular plum bonsai

Triangular plum bonsai production is relatively easy, according to the situation of potted triangular plum, can be made into single pole type, double pole type, inclined rod type, curved rod type, horizontal pole type, water drought type, facing water type, cliff type, pagoda type, flower basket type and other different shapes.

The modeling method of triangular plum bonsai is mainly pruning, supplemented by binding. For young trees, flat binding can be carried out according to the needs of modeling, and several triangular plums of different varieties can be planted together according to the needs.

The following editor introduces several methods of making triangular plum bonsai in detail.

Flower basket type: that is, under the premise of trimming the triangular plum into a large plane, each leaving a 500-600mm long branch at the opposite corner of the triangular plum plane, the triangular plum branches are gently bent inward, overlapping at 100-200mm, and tied together to form a flower basket carrying beam, and the basket-like triangular plum bonsai is completed.

Pagoda style: cut off all the side branches of triangular plum, leaving only one or three upright branches upward, if three must be tied or woven together, wait for it to grow to the ideal height, cut off the top, make it sprout lateral buds, according to the interval of 400-500mm, remove the excess buds, forming a multi-tower type.

Cliff style: is the use of binding, so that part of the branches of triangulated plum droop, shaped like a cliff. The cliff-style triangular plum bonsai is finished.

Different kinds of butt grafting method

Several triangular plums are planted in the same basin, the branches are separated by three centimeters, and after normal growth, they are tied up with wires with plastic skin at the appropriate height (depending on the shape). After the triangulated plum growth is fixed, the outer skin of the plant branch joint is cut off with a knife, and the cambium is aligned with the cambium.

The triangular plum branches after the festival are still tied up (the wound is protected from rain and watering), and the thread is removed after the growth is firmly formed. Depending on the following parts can be regarded as the root, can be bent according to their own needs, can also match the stone to form a root boulder. Strengthen the management, grow a lot of branches by connecting the above parts, prune according to the intention, and subtract the excess branches.

Trim trimmed plum branches should not be blindly pruned, there should be an overall bonsai style concept. After pruning the remaining branches for further flat modeling, with the passage of time, the following parts will form a new trunk, but the surface will be rough, will be more vigorous and simple.

Maintenance method of Triangle Plum Bonsai

Sun exposure: triangular plum is a plant that likes high temperature and strong sunshine. Triangular plum bonsai should always be placed in a sunny place. Plenty of sunshine is conducive to the growth and flowering of triangular plums. After strong sunshine treatment, the triangular plum bonsai has short branches, full growth, large number of flowers, deep color and long flowering period.

Timely pruning: the growth period of triangular plum is long and the growth rate is fast. Only through timely pruning and coring can the plant shape be fixed and maintained. Picking the heart will help triangular plum bonsai to promote new technology and blossom more. Pruning of triangular plum bonsai is generally carried out in spring and summer. Pruning after mid-August will affect flowering and should not be carried out again. Triangular plum bonsai needs to be trimmed off the inner bore branches, weak branches, only long school, cross branches and so on.

Strict water control: Triangle plum should begin to control water 5 weeks before flowering (that is, about mid-August). After watering once, wait for the leaves and buds to droop before watering. It was treated repeatedly until the embryonic form of flowers appeared in the axils of the leaves at the end of the branch, and then gradually returned to normal watering. Buckling water increased the concentration of bonsai cell fluid, thus promoting the differentiation and formation of flower buds.

Proper fertilization: triangulated plum is very sensitive to urea, such as the period of fertilization, improper proportion, may produce triangular plum bonsai luxuriant leaves and few flowers, therefore, urea should be particularly cautious. The summer temperature is high, Rain Water is many, the plant is easy to grow, can not only apply urea, can be applied to some fertilizer made from waste vegetables retting.

When possible, 0.2-0.3% potassium dihydrogen phosphate solution can be used as foliar topdressing, once every half a month. Triangle plum bonsai flower branch still needs to be applied once at the initial stage of flower branch growth, which is beneficial to the flower branch growth.

Conclusion: the above is the method of making triangular plum bonsai introduced by the editor. we have also enjoyed so many pictures of triangular plum bonsai and learned how to make triangular plum bonsai and try to make a triangular plum bonsai at home to please your body and mind. I hope the editor's introduction will be helpful to you.

Triangulated plum FAQ summary [picture] data sharing

Picture: triangular plum

[FAQ] what are the common problems of triangular plum?

[question 1] Why are there a large number of fallen leaves in triangular flowers?

[answer] the main reasons are as follows:

a. The basin soil is suddenly dry and wet, insufficient watering in midsummer and too much watering in winter, all of which are easy to cause a large number of fallen leaves.

b. Lack of light, the plant for a long time in the dark corner, easy to cause fallen leaves.

c. The temperature varies from high to low, and it changes too much in a short period of time, which is easy to cause fallen leaves.

d. If the concentration of fertilizer is too high, the leaves will become scorched and fall off overnight.

[question 2] how to make triangulated plum blossom in a short time?

[answer] the leaves of the newly extracted branches turn dark green, and when the branches become full, use 750x paclobutrazol aqueous solution or 1000 times dwarf aqueous solution, irrigate 2-3kg solution in each pot, then transfer it to a cool place, and then move to light after 3-5 days. After 10-15 days of cultivation, the plant will bloom one after another.

[question 3] how to change the pot of triangular plum?


1. Prepare the soil and the basin that needs to be changed. The soil should be rich in organic matter, loose and fertile. It is best to mix some wood chaff or leaves to rett their own mature soil for more than a year. In general, the new pot should be larger than the old one to facilitate the growth of the plant.

2. The time to change the basin, once every three years, is generally carried out before the Spring Festival flowers germinate. After changing the basin, the flowers directly enter the root and sprout. The triangular plum cultivated by the author changes the pot all the year round, even when it is blooming. Because the big root of triangular plum stores a lot of nutrition and water, 1/3 or even 1/2 of the soil is replaced and 1/3 of the fine roots are broken, which has no effect on the whole plant at all. The thin root is like the human gastric mucous membrane, which has a strong ability of regeneration. If you don't change it, it will often die on its own. After changing the basin, the soil is loose, the oxygen is sufficient, and the new root grows faster. The ability of absorbing fertilizer is stronger and the plant growth is more exuberant.

3. The method of changing pots is actually simple and skillful. As long as the small pot clamps the root of the plant with the right index finger and middle finger, turn the basin upside down, and the left hand buckles the drain hole. As soon as you lift it, the whole basin soil will come out. If you don't come out, you will gently knock the edge of the pot against the edge of the flower pool and the balcony fence. If it is too tight to come out, put the basin down and use a hardwood stick or iron bar smaller than the drainage hole to get out of the top of the drainage hole. Relatively large pots of potted flowers are difficult to move, only to pry loose the soil around the basin, get it out, reduce weight and friction, and then grasp the roots and lift them out.

[question 4] how to water the triangular plum?

[answer] Triangle plum needs proper water control when it is not blooming, which is beneficial to blossom as soon as possible. if the seedling is not very small and strong, it will be fine without watering for 3 or 4 days. You can be relatively diligent in summer, but you should be flexible according to your own situation.

[editor's comments] the above are several common problems of triangular plum sorted out by the first Agricultural Economics. I hope they will be helpful to you and have more relevant information, such as "breeding methods and precautions of triangular plum", "bonsai modeling of triangular plum", "summary of common problems of triangular plum", "cutting propagation methods of triangular plum", "prevention and control of common diseases and insect pests of triangular plum", please pay attention to the relevant columns or special channels of the first agricultural economy. Thank you for your support and attention to the first Agricultural economy!