
I just want to raise a lohan pine, but the price is too expensive to cut a branch and plant it.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Many flower lovers now not only like to raise good-looking flowers, but also like good ones. But generally such as pine potted plants and ginkgo potted plants, the price will be on the high side, it is hard to spend a lot of money to buy a plant. ...

Many flower lovers now not only like to raise good-looking flowers, but also like good ones. But generally such as pine potted plants and ginkgo potted plants, the price will be on the high side, it is hard to spend a lot of money to buy a plant. Don't worry, Huahua will think of a way for you. In fact, some plants can be cut successfully with a single branch!

Like Luo Hansong. Everyone knows that Luo Hansong is a kind of sturdy tree, which is generally more common in the south, and many people plant it in the courtyard with the meaning of health and auspiciousness. Nowadays, some people also cut Luohansong into bonsai, which is really spectacular in the past.

In fact, the cutting of Luohansong does not need any special technology, as long as a little twig on the branch can, the following flowers will tell you about the cutting method of Luohansong!

1. Selection of cutting season

Luohansong generally chooses cuttage in spring and autumn, when the weather is cooler and the survival rate is higher. But the branches selected when cutting in spring and autumn are different. Dormant branches are generally selected in spring, the cutting length is about 20cm, and petite twigs are chosen in autumn, but there is little difference between the two, and basically all of them can survive.

two。 Soil selection

The cutting soil matrix of Luohansong generally chooses the relatively rough river sandy soil, which is rich in nutrients and more conducive to growth. However, it is best to sterilize the soil when it is put into the flowerpot, so as to ensure the growth of Luohansong later.

3. Treatment of branches

The branches of Luohansong need to be treated before cutting. We need to clean up 2/3 of the leaves under the branches, and the smaller ones that are not easy to remove by hand can be trimmed off with scissors, but remember not to cut the bark. The treated branches also need to be cut into a bevel style at the bottom, and then disinfected with disinfectant.

Finally, the branches were inserted into the prepared soil and the work was done. Naturally, the follow-up maintenance of pots of Luohansong is also very important. Luohansong is a drought-tolerant plant, so when watering it, we should pay attention to watering less and not too much, otherwise too much watering will cause the death of Luohansong.

Luohansong needs a lot of fertilizer in spring and autumn, and it is enough to apply thin fertilizer and water about 4 times each in these two seasons. Thin fertilizer and water can be selected with nitrogen element, and it should be watered quickly the next day after applying fertilizer, which is beneficial to the absorption of fertilizer nutrients by the roots of Luohansong.

When Luo Han Song has just finished cutting, the small pinch is very elegant, but after a few years of cultivation, it will become a "towering tree". Is this also the so-called contrast cute? flower friends who like Luo Han Song should not miss the good season of cutting in autumn. Now, you may be able to receive a new pot of Luohansong.