
Cultivation methods and points for attention of asparagus, a small indoor potted plant

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Asparagus, also known as Pinus elliottii, Radix Scutellariae, Phyllostachys pubescens, Latin name: Asparagussetaceus, climbing plant, up to a few meters high. The root of asparagus is slightly fleshy, the stem is soft and tufted, slender. The stem has many branches, nearly smooth. Leafy branches, setose

Asparagus, also known as Pinus elliottii, Radix Scutellariae, Phyllostachys pubescens, Latin name: Asparagus setaceus, climbing plant, up to a few meters high. The root of asparagus is slightly fleshy, the stem is soft and tufted, slender. The stem has many branches, nearly smooth. Leaflike branches, setose, slightly trigonous; scalelike leaf base slightly spiny spur or inconspicuous. The flowers are white, with short pedicels, and the florescence is from September to October. The berries appear purple-black when ripe, with 1-3 seeds. The fruit period is from winter to spring.

Native to South Africa, it is distributed in central China, northwest China, the Yangtze River Basin and the south. Its nature likes the warm, humid and semi-overcast ventilated environment, does not tolerate severe cold in winter, does not bear drought, and avoids direct sunlight in summer.

Asparagus is a very high ornamental plant, can be placed in the living room, study, change the air at the same time also add bookish flavor. Root medicine can treat acute tracheitis and has the function of moistening the lung and relieving cough.

Culture methods and matters needing attention of asparagus

1. Adequate nutrients to avoid nutrient loss. Some are due to the hardening of basin soil and the decrease of root activity due to poor ventilation, which affects the normal growth of plants. In addition to changing the basin with soil rich in organic matter in spring, we should often loosen the surface of the basin soil and pay attention to strengthening fertilization.

2. Water more and keep moist. Should always keep the basin soil moist, and often spray water to the plant, the water temperature had better be the same as room temperature, and put asparagus in a place with high air humidity. Mixed fertilizers should be properly applied in the growing season to make the plants healthy and strong and enhance their resistance.

3. The amount of water should be appropriate, and too much is not good. It should be moved to the shade or the edge of the curtain window to avoid direct exposure to strong light, and pay attention to not watering too much.

4. Pay attention to the weather changes. When a typhoon comes, asparagus should be moved indoors. Its decay is mainly caused by strong winds in the hot summer season, or long-term stagnant water in flowerpots. So in summer, we should pay special attention to guard against thundershowers or typhoons.

Wenchu Jiujiang Xindi computer Plaza, an ecological plant suitable for indoor farming, is an one-stop shopping ecological theme store with computers, digital, communications, security and consumables, covering all categories of the IT industry. Draw the mainstream of IT industry in Jiujiang economic circle and attract Jiujiang digital middle and high-end consumer groups. Strongly advocate the strong development of IT professional market, intensive brand scale, and enhance the level of large-scale professional services. Ecological IT, away from radiation, the first ecological store in the country, committed to reducing radiation pollution, store merchants in the business can also ensure good health, so the new earth computer square has cultivated a large number of ecological plants. The following is to introduce one of the ecological plants suitable for indoor cultivation, asparagus! There will be more introduction of indoor ecological plants in the future. Please follow the Wechat public platform and Weibo of Jiujiang Xindi computer Plaza. Asparagus (scientific name: Asparagus setaceus), also known as Pinus elliottii, Scutellaria angustifolia, Phyllostachys pubescens, is a perennial evergreen vine ornamental plant, a famous ornamental plant, asparagus is a kind of ornamental green plant with high ornamental value. It can also clean the air, kill bacteria and regulate the indoor air. The surface of asparagus is yellow and white, with wrinkles of different depth and slender roots. The quality is more flexible, not easy to break, and the cross section is yellow and white. The breath is slightly fragrant, but the taste is bitter. The roots of asparagus are slightly fleshy, the stems are soft and tufted, and the leaves degenerate into scales, light brown, growing at the base of leafy branches; leafy branches have branchlets, green. Most of the scales on the main stem are spiny. Flowers small, bisexual, white-green, flowering in spring. The berries are globose and purple-black when ripe. Native to South Africa, it is widely cultivated in China. Root medicine has the effect of treating acute tracheitis and relieving cough, moistening the lung and anti-tumor. It is mainly used to observe stems in potted plants, and it is also an important leaf-cutting material. The flower language of asparagus is eternal, asparagus posture is graceful, elegant and generous, horizontally spread out like feathery green leaves, delicate and lovely, is an excellent leaf material for flower arrangement. Asparagus evergreen four seasons, a symbol of eternity, wedding flowers, she is a symbol of marriage happiness and everlasting love. Asparagus can be sowed and ramets. The seeds matured from December to April of the following year, and the ripe berries were purplish red. When the fruit changes color, the seeds are harvested in time, and asparagus blossoms to remove the seed coat, dry the seeds, and then sow on the mixed substrate such as river sand and rotten leaf soil, cover with soil (not too thick), water thoroughly and keep moist. It can germinate in about one month at the temperature of 20-30 ℃. When the seedling height is above 5cm, it can be transplanted into a small pot. Generally speaking, the plants of 3 ~ 5 years old grow thickly and can be propagated separately. Ramet is generally carried out in spring, with a sharp knife to divide the tufted stems and roots into 2-3 clumps, so that each clump contains 3-5 buds, and then planted in the pot. When ramet, damage the root system as little as possible, and pay attention to moisturizing and shading after ramet. Jiujiang new earth computer plaza consult QQ:2825882665 Jiujiang new earth computer square investment hotline: 0792 murmuring bamboo investment hotline: 557 Qianjin East Road, Lushan District, Jiujiang City (opposite Jiujiang College) how to raise rich bamboo in winter? Culture methods and matters needing attention of Fugui Bamboo

As the modeling material of bonsai, rich bamboo can form special shapes such as pagoda, curved bamboo, stem vase and so on. when the Spring Festival is approaching, you can also tie Chinese knots, red ropes, wealth cats and other lucky ornaments to the bamboo pole. it is even more obvious that the rich bamboo has a far-reaching meaning of peace. So, how to raise rich bamboo in winter?

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How to raise rich bamboo in winter? Culture methods and points for attention of Fugui bamboo-

[plant archives]-

English name: Fugui bamboo

Scientific name: Dracaena sanderiana

Aliases: bamboo banana, evergreen bamboo, Xin's dragon tree

Family: Ruscaceae of Pseudophyllaceae

Genus: Dracaena

Distribution of origin: it originated from Cameroon and Congo in western Africa and was introduced into China in the late 1980s.

Morphological characteristics: perennial evergreen herbs, slender plants, erect upper branches. Leaves alternate or subopposite, long lanceolate, with obvious 3-7 main veins, short stalked, dark green. Umbels have 3-10 flowers in leaf axils or opposite flowers to upper leaves.

How to raise rich bamboo in winter? -

The suitable temperature for the growth of Phyllostachys pubescens is 22-25 ℃. During the overwintering period, the room temperature should be above 10 ℃. If the temperature is less than 13 ℃, the bamboo will go into dormancy and stop growing. And when the temperature is too low, the water absorption of rich bamboo roots weakens, resulting in yellowish-brown patches on the tip and edge of leaves, that is, the yellowing of leaves. So in winter to prevent frostbite, especially in the northern areas, do not put rich bamboo outdoors, and stop fertilization, control watering, can survive the winter safely. In addition, if the rich bamboo is cultivated in water, it is necessary to avoid water freezing and frostbite on the roots.

Culture methods and points for attention of Fugui bamboo-

Rich bamboo is the growing season in northern China from April to October. The basin soil should be kept moist and humic acid liquid fertilizer should be applied once a month. Excessive light in summer will make the leaves yellow, outdoor maintenance of rich bamboo needs shade, put in the north balcony is better. Sprinkle water to the ground and leaves 1-2 times a day when the climate is dry. From November to March, it was moved into the room for maintenance and placed in the sunlit place in front of the south window. It could grow slowly when it was kept above 10 ℃. Change the basin and soil from March to April, and the culture soil can be made of peat soil and 50% garden soil. The basin bottom is padded with 2-3 cm thick ceramsite or coarse gravel as drainage layer, and then add culture soil. Keep the rich bamboo pot soil slightly wet after planting, and normal water and fertilizer management can be carried out after the new buds are issued. After about two years of cultivation, the plant should be cut off and replanted, the plant can be cut off with 5-6 nodes, and the cut-off part can be cut or raised in water.

The bundled "lucky" rich bamboo is raised in water and placed in a bright place indoors. When the temperature is low, the water is changed every 7-10 days, and the water is changed every 3-5 days during the spring and autumn growing season. All-element compound fertilizer is added to the water to provide nutrition. In order to avoid rotting roots or breeding algae, it is best to use cold boiled water during the high temperature period in summer.

It should be noted that: do not put the rich bamboo next to the TV set or where the air conditioner is often blown, otherwise the leaf tip and leaf edge will dry up; the rich bamboo purchased in the north is better in spring and enters a suitable growth period after buying it back; rich bamboo grows poorly in alkaline soil and dry climate, and the leaf color is dull and dull; hydroponic rich bamboo should choose plants with uniform stem thickness, beautiful shape, base and root system without decay. Potted rich bamboos should choose strong plants with bright green leaves, bright Phnom Penh stripes, plant height below 30cm and 3-6 branches.

Conclusion: after talking about the breeding methods and matters needing attention of rich bamboo, it also introduces how to raise rich bamboo in winter, with special emphasis on the yellowing leaves of rich bamboo and some matters needing attention in the selection of rich bamboo. I believe everyone has a certain understanding and grasp of breeding rich bamboo.

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