
The prospect of bonsai vegetables-- bring huge economic benefits

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, In July, more than 3000 pots of bonsai vegetables planted by Huang Mingzhi in Huadong Village, Neijiang City, were put on the market, with prices ranging from 30 yuan to 100 yuan per pot, with economic benefits several times or even dozens of times that of traditional vegetables. Huang Mingzhi has grown vegetables for more than 20 years, from ordinary greenhouse vegetables to pollution-free vegetables to soilless bonsai vegetables.

In July, more than 3000 pots of "bonsai vegetables" planted by Huang Mingzhi in Huadong Village, Neijiang City, were put on the market, with prices ranging from 30 yuan to 100 yuan per pot, with economic benefits several times or even dozens of times that of traditional vegetables.

Huang Mingzhi has grown vegetables for more than 20 years, from ordinary greenhouse vegetables to pollution-free vegetables, and then to soilless cultivation of "bonsai vegetables". His experience reflects the great changes that agricultural scientific and technological innovation has brought to vegetable cultivation. He said that modern agriculture needs continuous transformation and improvement in order to have market competitiveness, and he will expand the planting scale of "bonsai vegetables" to drive more villagers to take the road of transformation of modern and efficient ecological agriculture. The picture shows Huang Mingzhi pruning and shaping the "bonsai vegetables".

The Prospect of planting ornamental plants teacher: I am a graduate majoring in landscape architecture. I would like to ask you a question. Prospect of planting ornamental plants name: Ma Fei Unit: school students contact telephone: 131 2009-04-18 expert answer Comrade Ma Fei: Hello, with the rapid improvement of people's consumption level and the rapid development of agricultural high and new technology, the planting efficiency of many common plants is declining day by day. However, some new, rare and characteristic plants such as scented plants, bonsai plants and artistic plants are favored by people, and their economic benefits are rising in a straight line. According to the prediction of relevant experts, the development prospects of the following plants are promising. Ornamental plants. Including: ornamental fruits, ornamental vegetables, ornamental crops and so on. With the continuous improvement of people's consumption and appreciation, some ornamental plants with different colors, strange shapes and delicious taste have come out one after another. Such plants are: special-shaped dates such as Hulu jujube, Mopan jujube, teapot jujube, ornamental jujube, colored fruits such as colored pears and colored grapes, colored vegetables such as red, white and yellow colored sweet peppers and pear-shaped tomatoes, and colored crops such as colored corn, colored peanuts and colored sweet potatoes. The advent of these ornamental plants, which integrate ornamental, edible, greening and beautifying the environment, is very consistent with people's needs for nutrition, health care, ornamental and other aspects. Therefore, it is favored by the majority of consumers. Potted fruits and vegetables. In recent years, the selling prices of many ordinary fruits and vegetables are mediocre, and some fruit and vegetable experts have created some potted fruits and vegetables, transplanting fruit trees or vegetables from the field to flowerpots, and changing the growth position of fruits and vegetables, which can double their value. For example, the selling price of an ordinary apple is only about 1 yuan per kilogram, while a potted apple tree can sell for more than ten yuan. Potted fruits and vegetables greatly meet people's psychological needs because of their many functions, such as ornamental, edible, greening, beautifying the environment and so on. Therefore, potted fruits and vegetables have become a major selling point in the market recently. This kind of plant also has: potted grape, potted pomegranate, potted colored pepper, potted tomato and so on, all sell well in the market. Scented plants. Many careful consumers may have found that in recent years, parks, flower shops, hotels and other places in major cities. Some plants that can constantly release their fragrance come into people's lives quietly. Can constantly release fragrance, which is a common feature of scented plants. This kind of plant has a wide range of uses, can be used for potted ornamental, greening, fragrant environment, health vegetables, manufacturing sachet, pillow, seasoning, extracting natural flavor, as raw materials for food industry, and so on. Fragrant plants, a new kind of planting industry with broad development prospects, will be recognized and accepted by more and more horticulturists when people advocate nature, love nature, the planting structure is in urgent need of adjustment and the western development. Fragrant plants are: thyme, parsley, thousands of floors, vanilla, lemon basil and so on. Artistic modeling plants. In recent years, people's aesthetic consciousness and curiosity psychology are increasing day by day, and the agricultural products consumed are required not only to have edible value, but also to have ornamental and preservation value. Therefore, some artistic modeling plants emerge as the times require. For example, making use of the unique and beautiful shape of Ganoderma lucidum, which is a combination of ornamental function and craft production, the artistic bonsai and Ganoderma lucidum mosaic map "Erlong play Zhi", etc., express the profound cultural heritage of Ganoderma lucidum. It is a good decoration for hotels, buildings and apartments, and is loved by the majority of consumers. Another example: pagoda-shaped green cauliflower, which has changed the old face of round cauliflower for a long time, can be said to be a masterpiece of vegetable experts. In addition, there are different shapes of ginkgo bonsai and other artistic plants. The advent of this kind of artistic modeling plants greatly satisfies people's curiosity and aesthetic psychology, so they take the lead in the market. Landscaping plants. With the gradual enhancement of people's awareness of greening and beautifying the environment, some famous, excellent, new and strange landscaping tree species have been introduced. Such as: rare landscaping tree species-red Robinia pseudoacacia. The tree species has bright color, unique fragrance, green leaves and extremely beautiful leaves. Robinia pseudoacacia is cold-tolerant and drought-tolerant and can grow normally at a low temperature of minus 30 ℃. In addition, there are rare tree species with both anti-cancer and greening, such as Mandia red bean shirt in the United States, cold-resistant plum blossom-Liao plum, which can withstand minus 30 ℃, and color greening tree species-American red pear, which are widely adaptable famous, special, excellent and new landscaping tree species, all of which are the best choice for greening tree species in China's current agricultural industrial structure adjustment and western development. Flowers and fruit plants. That is, a plant that integrates flower viewing, fruit appreciation and food consumption. General apricot, peach, pear and other fruit trees can be called both flower and fruit plants, but their flowering period is generally only more than ten days, and experts have recently cultivated a new type of flower and fruit plant-peony pomegranate, which has a flowering period of four or five months; this variety is a rare flower and fruit tree variety cultivated through hybridization, optimization and purification, which fills the gap in the flower industry at home and abroad. In the face of the challenge of entering the GATT, conventional flowers are difficult to enter the hall of elegance, while the perfect combination of national flowers and auspicious fruit pomegranates, such as peony pomegranate trees, is undoubtedly the best flower tree species for the development of tourist attractions and the construction of garden-style cities, and it is also the preferred planting project for farmers to shake off poverty and become rich, and will become the most attractive investment hot spot in the flower market. The above contents and suggestions are for reference only. Development of aromatic plants: the scenic spot is very close to Henan Future Agricultural demonstration Park, a well-known enterprise with Chinese characteristics in Qi County, northern Henan Province. Walking around the park, there is a strange fragrance floating around from time to time, asking the staff to know that this is the intoxicating fragrance emitted by hundreds of aromatic plants introduced from more than 10 European countries to meet the huge demand for aromatic products from domestic and foreign markets.

Magical "aroma"

Anyone who knows a little about medieval history knows that there was a plague that shocked the world and still makes people smell, and frightened people fell down before they could figure out what was going on. More than half of the people died in some places, some villages were wiped out, and more than 25 million people died in the blink of an eye. Even no one was spared from the hardest-hit areas ravaged by the plague. But afterwards, people were surprised to find that there was a kind of grass planted in front and behind the house, but miraculously no one died. After the epidemic, grass became popular in Europe instantly. This grass is called by European descendants as "the grass that does not dare to approach even plague and death"-sage. Now it has settled down in the future agricultural demonstration park in Qi County, Henan Province, a well-known enterprise with Chinese characteristics, and has begun to stride towards the main battlefield of building a social epidemic prevention system.

The Latin name of sage is' saivia', 'from English' safe',', meaning 'recovery'. Literally, it is a kind of epidemic, medicinal and health plant, so it enjoys the reputation of "curing all kinds of diseases". Europeans are fastidious in front of the house, courtyard, study, copywriting species or put a few, dozens of plants, in order to psychological balance, so that people have a sense of security, happiness!

Sage is so amazing because it is extremely rich in nutrients, containing 115.0 micrograms of the active substance SOD (superoxide dismutase) per 1 mg of fresh sample. In addition, it also contains picrin, flavonoids, tannic acid and other substances. It has the functions of antibacterial, epidemic prevention, anti-corrosion and contraction of soft tissue of the body. As early as the Middle Ages, it has been used in the treatment of constipation, malaria, colds, fever, stroke, liver disease and epilepsy. It can promote breathing, smooth blood flow, strengthen muscles and relax nerves. Therefore, the Italian has a famous saying: "it would be incredible if a guest died in his garden." He even said with great confidence, "if you have the countryside of Sylvia (sage), will there be death?"

China has a long history for the understanding and utilization of the aroma of aromatic plants. In the Compendium of Materia Medica, Li Shizhen, a famous physician in the Ming Dynasty, listed a large number of herbs, fragrant flowers and other plants with the functions of fitness, epidemic prevention and disease treatment. It has played a great role in the prevention and control of several major epidemic situations in the history of our country, including SARS and highly pathogenic avian influenza in recent years. For example, patchouli in the prevention of SARS and star anise in the prevention of bird flu have all come in handy and become the main force of the human decisive battle against the virus and are favored.

Why does aroma have the functions of epidemic prevention, health care and treatment of diseases? Professor Yang Chang, a famous fragrant plant expert in China, pointed out that this is because the oil cells of plant stems, leaves or flowers, once exposed to sunlight, can release a volatile aromatic oil, and the aroma volatiles can strongly stimulate people's respiratory center. promote the human body to inhale oxygen and expel carbon dioxide. As a result, the brain is given an adequate supply of oxygen and produces exuberant energy, thus making people's minds clear and agile. At the same time, with the spread of aroma, the number of cations in the air increases, which can further regulate the human nervous system and promote blood circulation, thus promoting the secretion of healthy hormones and body fluids by the corresponding organs of the human body. release enzymes, acetyl, ballast and other physiologically active substances, so as to achieve the role of harmonizing the function of the whole body organs and enhancing people's immunity and body vitality. Progressive and effective inhibition or treatment of the occurrence of various diseases.

With the deepening of scientific understanding of flavor products, the production and development of flavor products are becoming more and more prominent. Many people may have had such an experience: after a hard day's work and living, they occasionally feel relaxed and happy in the flowers and fragrance, and all troubles and fatigue disappear instantly, and their memory, understanding, judgment and decision-making on complex issues are significantly enhanced, and work efficiency is greatly improved. This effect is particularly peculiar to children. Some experts put a group of children before the age of 15 in vanilla and fragrant flowers, and after staying in them for a few hours, they found that even children with poor intelligence suddenly seemed to be a different person, thinking clearly and doing homework much easier. Some people still have the experience that when exposed to daffodils and violets, irascible and reckless people suddenly become relaxed and carefree; while living in the smell of geraniums for a long time, it can relax bronchial smooth muscle and relieve asthma; in apple aroma, it can reduce systolic blood pressure and diastolic blood pressure in patients with hypertension. Piperaldehyde aroma can be used to reduce anxiety and depression during magnetic resonance imaging. Recently, it has also been found that there is a special fragrant smell, which can not only help people sleep peacefully and wake up early, but also change anxiety into calm and troubles into tenderness, thus changing people's mood and mood, and even behavior and life style, making people happy in life. In foreign countries, some people have begun to set up "fragrance hospitals", which use fragrance to regulate people's psychological and physiological functions and change people's mental state, so as to treat diseases and prevent health care. And in cardiovascular disease, hypertension, tracheitis, asthma, neurasthenia, insomnia and other diseases have begun to make breakthroughs. In view of the above-mentioned special functions of aromatic plant products and their strange role in human health and social development, some experts cry out that the time has come for aromatic plant products to show their skills. It is even asserted that the 21st century is the century of fragrant products, and the development of aromatic plants has a bright future.

At present, China's reform, opening up and construction have entered a new historical period. The structural adjustment of the national economy is changing rapidly around the global economic integration and social life from the well-off type to the well-off type. With the rapid development of economy, the aggravation of environmental pollution and its control, as well as the changes in the interest relationship among regions, groups and people in the process of introducing a series of reform measures, the competition for social survival has intensified, psychological pressure has increased day by day, and psychological tension. More and more people are perplexed by emotional irritability, melancholy and other problems. How to make people who are physically and mentally tired get mental relaxation and pleasure after work, so as to maintain a healthy physique and good competitive state, so as to deal with all kinds of situations, competition and pressure easily? it is a sharp problem that the whole society pays close attention to. Under this background, aromatic plant products appear on the stage and meet the market demand, driving away tiredness and tiredness for the large social groups that work hard at a fast pace in their spare time, and provide a kind of "neural regulator" and "relaxing agent" for people who are troubled by all kinds of trifles and diseases. Its product development market is huge and the prospect is attractive.

Eight families

Aromatic plants are a large family, which covers "eight fields" of vanilla, fragrant flowers, fragrant vegetables, fragrant fruits, aromatic trees, aromatic shrubs, aromatic lianas and aromatic crops.

1. Vanilla

Fragrant grasslands are produced along the coast of the Mediterranean and are also distributed in Asia and Africa. At present, hundreds of species have been found, including herbs, woody, annual, biennial and perennials. there are fennel, rue, lemon, peppermint, basil, rose, Cornai, sweet-scented osmanthus, celery, jasmine and so on. in a strong degree, there are delicate fragrance, dark aroma, incense, light fragrance, fragrance, mellow, drunkenness, aroma, there are also a variety of fragrance in one rare treasures Such as "six vanilla" Miye basil and so on. Famous varieties are perfume, vanilla, cymbidium, herb, white bee, blue bee, little lover, evening fragrant jade, thousand floors, Soviet Tairuigang, sage, lavender, divine vanilla, row vanilla, spirit vanilla, touch incense, touch incense, La incense, Magnolia incense, rosemary, six vanilla, seven thyme, thyme, thousand-mile incense and so on.

2. Fragrant flowers

Its famous products are jasmine, purple jasmine, mast flower, Milan, fragrant pearl orchid, fragrant cherry, fragrant peony, fragrant peony, fragrant camellia, honeysuckle, fragrant smile, fragrant cornflower, chamomile, mother chrysanthemum, fragrant buttercup, fragrant paulownia, incense tail, wild lily, fragrant snowball, Xiangfu Lukao, fragrant geranium, cardamom geranium, five-colored plum, saffron, seven variants, osmanthus bamboo, hairpin, hairpin. European daffodils and so on.

3. Fragrant fruit

Its famous products include peach, fragrant apricot, fragrant pear, fragrant plum, fragrant apple, fragrant walnut, fragrant grape (sweet-scented osmanthus, rose), crispy fruit, honey fruit, fragrant fruit, egg fruit, passion fruit, sweet Hawthorn, fragrant carambola, fragrant beauty fruit and so on.

4. Fragrant vegetables

Its treasures are coriander, cress, parsley, parsley, root celery, cumin, taro, chamomile, mint, peppermint, bee flower, jasmint, pepper, cantaloupe, cantaloupe, corm fennel, turnip, watercress, turnip, beefight, lone grass, chives, scallions, prawns, shallots, scallions, dry lotus, horseradish, scallions, sesame oil, lilies and so on.

5. Aromatic trees

Its famous products are American red pod fans, American red leaf Photinia, sour leaf Photinia, Scottish golden chain tree, wax bayberry, American fragrant peach, American cedar, American pine, Japanese wisteria, golden willow, witch hazel, dried branch plum, incense, Korean poplar, European clove, European leaflet Tilia, seven-leaf tree, Tianshi chestnut, Koeluan tree, silver magpie, tourist wood, magnolia, purple magnolia, safflower magnolia, drunken fragrant smile, Michelia mandshurica, Huang Xin Ye he, jade bell flower, sudden horse clove and so on.

6. Aromatic shrubs

Its fine products are white flower drunken fish grass, purple drunken fish grass, mountain thorn rose, multi-flower rose, light leaf rose, chicken tree pod fan, "golden dusk" rue, lilac and so on.

7. Aromatic lianas

Its boutiques are fragrant Fufang vine, Chinese wisteria, vine rose, fragrant Lingxiao, fragrant honeysuckle and so on.

8. Fragrant crops

Its famous products are fragrant rice, fragrant valley, fragrant corn (black fragrant waxy, color fragrant waxy), fragrant peanut (red pearl, black agate), fragrant soybean and so on.

Fragrant plants vanilla, fragrant flowers, fragrant fruits, vegetables, fragrant trees, fragrant shrubs, fragrant vines, fragrant plants "eight families" colorful, colorful, fragrant, together on the stage, not only ground planting, pot planting, but also cluster planting, row planting, sheet planting, hospital planting, garden planting and even large-scale commercial cultivation. Especially according to its different color, shape, aroma ingenious combination, collocation, three-dimensional cultivation, it is simply a beautiful picture, so the market is favored as soon as it appears.

Seven major markets

The market for the development of aromatic plants is huge, and every item is overflowing with splendor, giving birth to "gold" and "silver", creating a new world of wealth.

1. The cultivation of fragrant plants and exquisite bonsai. Vanilla, fragrant flowers, fragrant fruits, aromatic shrubs and other characteristics of bonsai small and exquisite, not only beautiful and attractive, but also fragrant, placed in the courtyard, residential, balcony, and even bedrooms, reception rooms, offices are very tasteful, the market is very popular. Some experts say that the market is huge, the input-output cycle is extremely fast, and the rate of return is extremely high. Because it generally takes only 60 or 70 days from sowing to listing, the cost of its seeds and flowerpots is only more than 1 yuan, while the market price is as high as more than 10 yuan, the return ratio of input and output is as high as 1:10, and the income per mu is as high as 100,000 yuan, the benefit is very attractive. Yan Xiumin, a young woman from Zhangjin Village, Qiaomeng Township, has cultivated vanilla bonsai in a small courtyard to be listed on the market, with an annual profit of more than 30,000 yuan. The "Science and Technology Garden" program of CCTV reported her deeds to the whole country, driving tens of thousands of farmers to get rich.

2. Production of aromatic plant fresh cut flower series products. With the approaching of a well-off life, the whole society has an increasing demand for aromatic plant products such as vanilla, fragrant flower vase, flower basket, wreath, style, bouquet, hedge, guarded flowers and so on, especially in the gift and wedding market. Zhang Hongmei, a young woman on the outskirts of Hangzhou, rents three mu of land in the countryside to grow vanilla, runs a flower shop in the city to sell fresh cut flowers, and sells vanilla wreaths, vanilla baskets, and vanilla bouquets in the wedding market. the market is very popular, and the comprehensive income per mu is as high as 120000 yuan, which is coveted.

3, fragrant flowers, fruits and vegetables and other delicacies enter supermarkets, hotels and restaurants and even thousands of families' dining tables. Some experts have pointed out that fragrant delicacies such as vanilla, fragrant flowers, fragrant fruits and vegetables and their fragrant health food sugars, tea, tobacco, wine, beverages, pastries, bread, and flavors are undoubtedly the most beautiful scenery in the catering market. If nothing else, as far as aromatic vegetables and fruits are concerned, not to mention that each person eats hundreds of jin a year, just dozens of jin, this industry lurks and gives birth to huge business opportunities of hundreds of billions of yuan. Especially in the suburbs of large and medium-sized cities, hundreds or even thousands of mu of large-scale planting, industrial development, service city food basket, good management, annual income up to tens of millions or even hundreds of millions of yuan, the benefit is very attractive

4, aromatic health care products, accessories, cosmetics, handicrafts and other characteristic products into life. Domestic and foreign huge consumer groups for aromatic health care products such as sachet, sachet, pillow, sachet, cosmetics such as hand lotion, hair lotion, skin care oil, lipstick, etc., the demand for handicrafts such as aromatic fans, handbags, wall hangings, key chains, bookmarks, etc., also accounts for a large proportion in the future consumer expenditure of the whole society, especially the healthy consumption fashion makes this momentum unabated, and the input-output reporting rate is quite attractive.

5. Expand the market of aromatic health care drugs, aromatherapy and aromatherapy services. Such as the production of all kinds of aromatic health care essential oils, concentrated liquid, capsules, plaster pills, granules, compound tea bags, mouthwash, epidemic prevention agents, disinfectants and other products; vanilla bath, fragrant flower bath, vanilla SPA (spa) management, the construction of fragrant disease treatment hospitals and other prospects are very attractive. Eastern and Western medicine and modern science agree that the "fragrant" gas of aromatic plants can not only sterilize, resist toxin and detoxification, dispel plague and eliminate epidemic disease, but also refresh people, invigorate their eyes and wisdom, make people relaxed and happy, calm and calm, help people to maintain beauty, cure diseases, and help people live a long and healthy life. It is listed grandly under the condition of serious environmental pollution and severe epidemic prevention situation, in order to meet people's thirst for health, and to maintain a good state of mind and state of mind in the fierce survival competition situation, it is undoubtedly of great significance to deal with all kinds of interest relations and contradictions rationally, and to promote the harmonious development of society, so the prospect is promising.

6. Street, living district, residential environment greening, beautification, color, incense, beautification project contracting and ecological home construction. Aromatic plants into the streets, residential areas, especially to join hundreds of millions of urban and rural ecological home construction, undoubtedly give birth to, latent huge business opportunities. According to experts, aromatic plant engineering contractors, generally 2-3 times higher than lawn construction profits, and extremely popular, strong market demand, unlimited business opportunities.

7. Relying on large and medium-sized cities to create and operate characteristic vanilla gardens, fragrant gardens, fragrant vegetable gardens, fragrant orchards and fragrant botanical gardens. Operating scenery, mood, health and beauty are the most brilliant areas for the construction of aromatic plants. Because, China's incense culture has a long history and is an important part of Chinese culture. Advocating fragrance, appreciating incense and smelling incense has a large consumer group, and the market demand is strong. For example, fragrant botanical gardens with comprehensive development of vanilla, fragrant flowers, fragrant vegetables, fragrant fruits, fragrant trees, fragrant shrubs, fragrant vines and so on will be built in large and medium-sized cities. it will become a rest post station for people to relax their nerves, relax their nerves and release their mood during holidays, after-work sightseeing, vacation and leisure, and the first choice for the pursuit of fashion, beauty and beauty, fragrance, food and drink, incense therapy and sentiment. It is an ideal place for children to learn science, to use science, to cultivate self-cultivation in old age, to treat diseases, to live in old age, to fall in love with young people, to socialize with businessmen, and to entertain guests and friends. At the same time, it has also become an "open-air gold mine" for producers, operators and consumers to produce, sell and buy incense and create wealth, contributing to the development of the national economy and even the construction of a better future for mankind. Some experts estimate that according to the construction of 100,300,600 and 1000 mu aromatic botanical gardens in counties, cities and provinces, respectively, the annual ticket revenue can reach more than 60,180,360 and 6 million yuan respectively for tourism, vacation, leisure and recreation services alone, and such as bonsai, fresh cut flowers, fragrance products, catering, spices, aromatherapy and other special services. The annual income is as high as 1000 yuan, 3000 yuan, 60 million yuan, 100 million yuan, or even higher, which is simply a "money printing machine" with full power, and is undoubtedly one of the most beautiful and wonderful flowers in the municipal economy, the regional economy, and even the whole national economy. Qualified units and individuals can invest in advanced development.