
Cuttage culture method of water-cultured coleus

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Colored leaf grass is a herbaceous flower with strong breeding ability. As an ornamental flower, we can cultivate Colored leaf grass in water on our desk. When you cultivate yourself, you can try: 1. Prepare a container: the container for Colored leaf grass cuttings can be a jar, or a beverage bottle can be used to cut off the upper part. Take the lower part and fill it with clean water.

Colourful leaf grass is an herbaceous flower with strong breeding ability. As an ornamental flower, we can raise it on our desk. You can try it when you breed it yourself:

1. Prepare the container:

The cuttage container for colored leaf grass can be a jar, or you can cut off the upper part with a beverage bottle and fill the lower part with fresh water. The container must be clean, the water quality must be clean, and it is best to take a large cola bottle to store water for more than one day for cutting and follow-up management, and the tap water released at that time must not be used.

two。 Cut the cuttings:

When the main branch of coloured leaf grass or the side branch that passes through the heart has 4 nodes or about 10 cm in length, select the thick stem, leaving only 1 to 2 opposite leaves at the base, cut off the upper part, the cut should be smooth, and there is no wound of extrusion and tear. Then, cut off the lowermost pair of leaves of the cuttings, concentrate on the base of every 3 to 5 cuttings, bundle them together with white thread pine, and wait for water insertion.

3. Water plug management:

Generally, it is best to insert cuttings into water from 3 cm to 4 cm from the mouth of the bottle. After that, put it in the scattered light place, pay attention to change the clear water (reserve water storage) every 2 to 3 days, and pay attention to make up for the falling water level in the bottle due to evaporation every day. The white root can be seen in 7 to 10 days under the condition of 18 ℃ to 25 ℃.

4. Put on the basin:

After 7 to 10 days, you can move the plant with white roots to a beautiful glass bottle or you can pot it. When it is seen that there are several 1 cm to 2 cm adventitious roots at the base of the cuttings, they can be put on the pot or planted in time. Pay attention to careful operation, do not damage the root system, generally in the shade of flowers for about 10 days, you can enter the normal management.

The cutting culture method of color leaf grass-- color leaf grass is an herbaceous flower with strong breeding ability. As an ornamental flower, we can raise color leaf grass in our own desk. When you breed yourself, you can try:

1. Prepare the container: the cuttage container for colored leaf grass can be a jar, or you can cut off the upper part with a beverage bottle and fill the lower part with fresh water. The container must be clean, the water quality must be clean, and it is best to take a large cola bottle to store water for more than one day for cutting and follow-up management, and the tap water released at that time must not be used.

2. Cutting cuttings: when the main branch of coloured leaf grass or the side branch that passes through the heart is about 4 nodes or 10 cm long, select the thick stem, leaving only 1 to 2 nodes of opposite leaves at the base, cut off the upper part, the cut should be smooth, there is no wound of extrusion and tear. Then, cut off the lowermost pair of leaves of the cuttings, concentrate on the base of every 3 to 5 cuttings, bundle them together with white thread pine, and wait for water insertion.

3. Water insertion management: it is generally best for cuttings to enter water from 3 cm to 4 cm from the mouth of the bottle. After that, put it in the scattered light place, pay attention to change the clear water (reserve water storage) every 2 to 3 days, and pay attention to make up for the falling water level in the bottle due to evaporation every day. The white root can be seen in 7 to 10 days under the condition of 18 ℃ to 25 ℃.

4. pot: after 7 to 10 days, you can move the plant with white roots to a beautiful glass bottle. When it is seen that there are several 1 cm to 2 cm adventitious roots at the base of the cuttings, they can be put on the pot or planted in time. Pay attention to careful operation, do not damage the root system, generally in the shade of flowers for about 10 days, you can enter the normal management. Culture methods and points for attention of Rabdosia angustifolia the efficacy and function of Rabdosia angustifolia

Codonopsis lanceolata is one of the most popular aquatic plants because of its beautiful plant shape, green leaves, good looking and easy breeding. Do you know anything about it? Today, I will share with you the breeding methods and points for attention, as well as the efficacy and function of Rabdosia angustifolia.

Culture methods of Rabdosia angustifolia:

1, water quality requirements: in fact, there is no requirement for water quality, ordinary water can be satisfied, it is best to use river water. Because it is rich in organic matter. In general, water is required to be changed roughly once a week, and half a basin is required when changing water. In winter, it is more special, just change the water for 1/3.

2. Water and fertilizer: the nutrients synthesized by Codonopsis lanceolata itself, if hydroponic flowers are recommended to apply less fertilizer, but in the early stage of growth, you can use hydroponic fertilizer and put some hydroponic nutrient solution, but be careful not to be too dense.

3. Lighting: if the grass is hydroponically cultivated, its sunlight requirements are still in demand. Generally need at least half a day of light, if raised in a greenhouse, it is recommended to use fluorescent lamps to ensure 5 hours of light every day.

4. Pests: generally speaking, insects do not grow on leaves. However, because it is aquaculture, there is no guarantee that there will be some aquatic pests in the water, so it is suggested that it should be eliminated in time.

Temperature: because of the growing environment of Mr. Tongqian Prairie, the most suitable temperature is 20 degrees Celsius. Because it is the reason of hydroponics, generally no less than 10 degrees Celsius will be fine. But not too high, not too low. Because this will cause it to inhibit growth.

Points for attention in the culture of Rabdosia angustifolia:

1. Tongqian grass has round wavy leaves, long stems and small yellow-green flowers in summer and autumn, which can be cultured on both land and water. Like warm and humid, it is better to cultivate in half-day sunshine or shade, avoid direct sunlight, regardless of cultivated soil, and it is better to cultivate soil with soft and good drainage. Propagation can be done by ramet or cuttage, which is easy to cultivate, keep the cultivated soil moist, and root in about 1-2 weeks. Because the plant is moisture-tolerant and watery, it is also suitable for cultivation in water basin and pool. If aquaculture, be sure to change the water every week and add a special nutrient solution for foliage plants.

2. Copper grass does not need a large pot, but it can also be planted in a larger bowl, or a daffodil pot for daffodils, and the soil uses ordinary vegetable garden soil, with an appropriate amount of river sand, and a small amount of organic fertilizer as base fertilizer. Money can be planted flat when the money is planted, it is better to cover the rhizome slightly and not to be too deep. Then leave it in the semi-shade for a week and wait for the new leaves to grow and see the sun again.

3. Tongqian grass is afraid of the cold. If you put it outside in winter, you can pour out all the water. If you put it in a place facing south and leeward, you can survive the winter safely, but some of the leaves will die, and the underground roots will sprout again next spring. If there is no heating in the cold areas of the north, you can make a cover with a basin, pour out the water and keep it moist. As long as the room temperature is not lower than zero, it will continue to grow in the coming year.

The efficacy and function of Codonopsis pilosula

1. Ornamental value

Tongqian grass is a perennial water or wet herb, 5-15 cm high, small and exquisite, its submerged leaves with long handle, round shield-shaped, wavy edge, grass green. The flowers of Rabdosia angustifolia are umbels, small and white and pink. Its stem node is obvious, one node, each node has a leaf, can be extended all the time. The growth rate of the horizontal stem under Tongqian grassland is amazing, it spreads to wherever it goes, and the water quality is not strict. It can be cultivated in fresh water with low hardness. It is one of the beautiful and easy-to-grow aquatic plants and has high ornamental value.

2. Decorate the home

Copper money grass is an evergreen, chic small aquatic plant, easy to cultivate and manage, and it is also useful in home style collocation. For example, if it is used to match the Chinese style decoration style of advocating and elegant, paying attention to symmetrical beauty, then you can use oval pots engraved with blue carvings to cultivate copper money grass, and the home is more elegant. Chinese ornamental plants pay attention to "look at its leaves, appreciate its shape", copper grass has a strange shape, the leaves are like copper coins, round and lovely, symbolizing wealth and reunion, integrating the moral that Chinese people like, but the home does not lose the color of wealth.

3. Purify the air

Rabdosia angustifolia is not strict in water quality and can be cultivated in fresh water with low hardness. Potted plants can be planted in open fields in warm areas, which are suitable for water trays, aquariums, pools, and wetlands. Indoor water bodies are green and can purify water quality. Moreover, the green leaves of Rabdosia angustifolia can purify indoor air, which is good for the indoor environment.

4. Fengshui action

According to Chinese culture, pay attention to moral meaning, homophonic, etc., copper grass, round leaves, like mini lotus leaves, quite lovely, like ancient copper coins, implying reunion, good luck, and the name is stained with the word "copper" and "money", symbolizing wealth, implying that the family has copper money and rolling wealth. Therefore, copper grass is regarded as a symbol of wealth, so, from the moral point of view, the same money is also a good feng shui. Therefore, planting copper grass in the home not only has symbolic significance, but also avoids the vulgarity of using golden copper coins to decorate. The shape of copper grass is special and expensive.

5. Medicinal value

The roots, stems and leaves of Rabdosia angustifolia can be used as vegetables, as well as traditional Chinese medicine to cure wind, solidify intestines, clear eyes and clear summer heat, etc. Tongqian herbaceous slightly cold, bitter taste, the whole grass can be used as medicine, with heat-clearing, dehumidification, detoxification, diuresis, detumescence and other effects. Copper grass can also be used for damp-heat jaundice, heatstroke, diarrhea, sand bleeding, carbuncle, sore poison, fall injury.