
Winter potted plant indoor cultivation should pay attention to what?

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Foliage plants mostly come from tropical and subtropical regions, so they are more difficult to adapt to cold seasons. The most important thing for plants to winter is, of course, to control the amount of watering. This is because the plants themselves become less active in winter. If too much water is poured at this time, it will become a burden on the plants.

Foliage plants mostly come from tropical and subtropical regions, so they are more difficult to adapt to cold seasons. The most important thing for plants to winter is, of course, to control the amount of watering. This was because the plants 'activity gradually weakened in winter. If too much water was poured at this time, it would become a burden on the plants. There is also a key point is the temperature, try to move to the sun during the day to get the window and other places, at night should be placed indoors insulation.

As long as these two points are strictly observed, plants can be guaranteed to be healthy and welcome the arrival of the new year!

What a joy it would be to see green plants alive in a cold, bleak winter home! On the left side of the photo is the commonly known fortune tree (Malabar chestnut), and on the right side is the vine green velvet (golden kudzu).

Excessive watering can cause heel rot. Therefore, see the soil surface dry in watering on the line, such watering frequency is just right. The standard is 1-2 times a week (note: this is the standard for cold areas).

Move the flowerpot frequently

During the day to move to the window and other places where sunshine is better, it is also a care tip. Of course, do not directly expose to the sun, it is best to pull up the gauze curtain, or put it next to the matte glass window to ease the sun.

As the sun slowly sets, the temperature by the window will drop suddenly. If it is still placed by the window, I am afraid I cannot stand the cold. So, at night, you must move away from the window and move to a warmer place.

Absolutely no heating.

Although repeatedly stressed to keep warm, but also can not be directly blown against the heating. Plants die because the air is too dry.

Cultivation methods and precautions of potted mint flowers

Mint flower is not grass, it is perennial herbs, stems and leaves can be used as medicine, can clear heat to fire, but also anti-inflammatory pain, usually planted in large areas of nature. But do you know that flowers can also be potted and raised at home? It is cultivated at home, not only can purify the air, but also can eliminate indoor mosquitoes, and the cultivation method is not complicated, I will tell you in detail later, but also let you know what we need to pay attention to when cultivating mint flowers.

breeding method

When potted mint flowers are cultivated, it is necessary to choose a sunny, warm and humid environment. It is not strict with the soil requirements, as long as it is not heavy alkali soil, and clayey soil can be used, but it is best to choose fertile and loose sandy soil. Moderate watering and fertilization every 15 to 20 days will ensure that potted mint flowers thrive.


1. Reasonable watering

Potted mint flowers must pay attention to reasonable watering during cultivation, and watering time is not the same in different growth periods and different seasons. Every spring the temperature warms up, it enters the growth season after the increase of water supply, every 3 to 4 days watering can be, winter and late autumn potted mint flowers grow slowly, then to reduce the number of watering, you give me 7 to 10 days watering once, keep the pot soil not dry can.

2. Moderate fertilization

Potted mint flower fertilizer requirements are not large, in the culture can not be excessive fertilization, otherwise it will make its roots rot, but also let its leaves turn yellow. Every spring and summer is the peak season for mint flower growth. At this time, fertilizer should be applied to it every 15 to 20 days. Thin liquid fertilizer should be selected. After mint flower stops growing in winter, fertilizer is not needed.

3. Disease control

Potted mint flowers often have some diseases during cultivation, especially in the rainy season of summer every year, its pink rust and white rust will be high incidence, then need to remove the diseased leaves in time, and to spray 50% carbendazim on it, and to apply medicine once every seven days, continuous spraying three times, in order to make the disease completely controlled.

Rose flower cultivation rose pot cultivation attention

In the case of limited living space, many people will also cultivate some green plants indoors to enhance indoor ornamental. Rose flowers are potted plants that many flower friends like to cultivate. They can produce very bright flowers and can be very beautiful in indoor cultivation. So, what about rose flower farming?

Rose flower culture potted rose generally has the growth characteristics of shade, wet and waterlogging, fertilizer and birth, so it is the basis to maintain potted rose according to the characteristics conducive to rose growth. Shade-loving and shade-avoiding. Although rose is a flower accustomed to sufficient sunshine, due to the particularity of potted rose, if it is exposed to sunlight for too long, it may lead to withered branches of rose flowers, especially high-rise balconies, so proper shade should be provided, but it cannot be completely maintained in shade; moisture-loving and waterlogging, keeping the soil slightly moist is conducive to plant growth, but it cannot be watered heavily because of moisture, which will lead to waterlogging death; The rose is a fertile flower, but remember not to apply a large amount of raw fertilizer (that is, organic fertilizer without decomposition). Rose potted culture attention 1, choose the right pot, culture rose pot size should be commensurate with the size of the plant, pot can not be too small, when the plant grows up to the rootstock filled pot, should be replaced in time to meet the needs of rootstock continued development. 2, should maintain sufficient sunshine, air circulation. Rose flowers like sunlight, but need to avoid too strong direct sunlight, when the summer noon sunlight is too strong, need to give a certain shade. If the rose is placed indoors, open the doors and windows to maintain air circulation. If the ventilation is poor, it is easy to cause powdery mildew. 3. Trim branches and leaves in time. After flowering, subtract the upper part of branches connected with residual flowers in time to promote early growth of new branches and re-flowering. If there are branches that grow particularly strongly, they should be cut short to avoid consuming too much nutrients and affecting the growth of other branches. Summer growth too dense, should also be properly pruned. 4, flowering period to apply more fertilizer, because the rose flowering times, fertilizer needs more, so in May-October flowering period, should be applied once every ten days, into winter should be less fertilizer, or even stop fertilization. 5, more watering during the growth period, the growth period of plants consume more water, coupled with the hot summer weather, water evaporation faster, so it is necessary to water once a day in the morning and evening, to maintain sufficient water, if it rains, you can reduce the amount of watering. But potted roses need special attention, do not accumulate water. 6, timely prevention of diseases and insect pests, rose flower main diseases and insect pests are black spot disease, powdery mildew, leaf blight, beetle, thorn moth, etc., for diseases and insect pests should be mainly prevented, can be in high temperature, high humidity, rainy season regularly spray bactericidal drugs, in winter dormant stage, depending on the appropriate spraying drugs. Most rose flower cultivation in the indoor time is the use of potted way, it is completely different from the precautions and methods of open field cultivation, can not be used to treat rose potted cultivation. Remind everyone that potted roses are more delicate and should be carefully taken care of.