
How to open a bonsai shop?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, When it comes to the development of bonsai production, many people will say that the project takes too long, the production process is difficult to master, and the market is limited. In fact, this is not a comprehensive understanding. If we produce large and medium-sized bonsai, the cycle is indeed too long, the program is difficult to master, the market is limited, and it will lead to the destruction of wild resources.

When it comes to the development of bonsai production, many people will say that the project takes too long, the production process is difficult to master, and the market is limited. In fact, this is not a comprehensive understanding. If large and medium-sized bonsai are produced, the cycle is indeed too long, the process is difficult to master, the market is limited, and it will also lead to the destruction of wild resources, but if producers aim at small and micro bonsai, its development prospects are very different. Why do you say that? We might as well analyze one or two from the perspectives of producers and consumers.

As a producer, its goal is to produce products with lower production costs, shorter production cycle and larger market space, so as to have high profit margins.

First, if small and micro bonsai are developed, the source of raw materials for their production can be purchased from local nurseries, which are suitable for the production of bonsai seedlings, or they can cultivate their own raw material seedlings; the raw materials of landscape bonsai can be purchased from large-scale rockery projects and stone yards, and the cost of raw materials obtained from these channels is relatively low.

Second, the production cycle of small and micro bonsai is much shorter than that of large and medium-sized bonsai. Large and medium-sized bonsai take at least five to eight years from blanking to shaping, if slow-growing trees fail to grow in a decade or two, while the production of small and miniature bonsai takes three to five years, and the finished product can be sold in as little as one to two years. In addition, the production of small and miniature bonsai can be produced in a factory.

In addition, there is a large market space for the development of small and micro bonsai, because the pace of life and work of people in modern society is obviously accelerated, resulting in people's nerves in a state of excessive tension and fatigue for a long time. This forces people to do everything possible to find ways to eliminate tension and fatigue, and proper placement of green flowers and bonsai in the workplace and at home is one of the most effective ways. In particular, the bonsai full of artistic conception is a panacea to eliminate fatigue and adjust thinking. Now we will analyze the prospect of developing miniature and miniature bonsai from the perspective of consumers. Consumers require that the products they consume are cheap and good, easy to carry, and the producers and sellers of the products are also required to have good consumer services.

Miniature and miniature bonsai have the characteristics of beautiful and elegant works of art, and their prices are basically between tens and hundreds of yuan, which is cheap and good compared with large bonsai priced at tens of thousands of yuan; and its small size and light weight make it easier to carry. The characteristics of small and miniature bonsai make it not only a decorative ornament inside and outside the office and home, but also an elegant gift for people to visit relatives and friends and wedding banquets, but also the most meaningful souvenir for people to travel on holiday. In terms of maintenance and management, small and miniature bonsai is also much easier than large and medium-sized bonsai. Because the former plants are in young age, exuberant growth, strong disease resistance, fertilizer and water can grow well with a little attention.

From the above analysis, we can draw the following conclusions: the development of small and micro bonsai production not only has broad prospects, but also brings social benefits other than economic benefits, which not only protects wild resources, restrains soil and water loss, but also solves the unsalable seedlings in nursery and promotes the development of nursery industry.

How to appreciate bonsai

First, what is the artistic conception? "the artistic conception is the soul of art and the concentration of the essence of objective things, coupled with the pottery casting of people's thoughts and feelings, through a high degree of artistic processing, to achieve the blending of feelings and scenes, to express their feelings through scenery, thus showing the artistic realm, the realm of poetry is called artistic conception." Li Keran talks about learning landscape painting. If we analyze the artistic conception, we will find that: "artistic conception is the sum total of artistic images (reality) and the interest they express and the rich associative images (virtual) triggered by them, and it shows the unity of" real world "and" virtual world ". The artistic conception of bonsai is born in the image and is larger than the image. restricted by the image, it is inseparable from the trigger of the bonsai scene, from the specific "reality" to the uncertain "virtual", and from the "virtual" to the richer "reality". Bonsai is thus transformed from reality to emptiness, which reflects reality, reciprocating movement and endless life, thus giving people the beauty of artistic conception. Second, how can we create bonsai with far-reaching artistic conception? we know that the artistic conception of any art is the realm of "spirit resemblance" in life, and only spirit resemblance can give the viewer rich freedom of imagination and thus obtain a "vast emptiness". This requires that the "artistic conception" in bonsai is to grasp the objectivity through active subjectivity, that is, the subjectivity of bonsai creators is included in this objectivity. The old title "Poetry style" of Wang Changling says that "poetry has three contexts": "material realm", "situation" and "artistic conception". " "artistic conception" is the result of the author's "Zhang's mind and thought in the heart". The process of shaping the artistic conception is the process of expressing the creator's subjective interest, and the process of obtaining "verve" is the process of expressing "spirit". In order to create more and better excellent works with far-reaching artistic conception, bonsai creators must inject their own interest, put the law into practice, hide the spirit in vain, see in form, and think in vain, so as to produce an intriguing artistic image. Bonsai creators reflect everything with their hearts and "speak on behalf of the mountains and rivers". Only in this way can the subjective sentiment and the objective scene blend and permeate, thus becoming a vivid, lively, profound and profound artistic conception. "Mountain nature is me, WA, and mountain feelings are my feelings."the mountains and rivers are met by the gods and are transformed." The creator's ideological interest and the scenery in the basin are combined into one, so that the viewer, by virtue of the limited bonsai shape, induces association in the combination of deficiency and reality, and is infected in the emotional "endless realm". Understand the "meaning outside the scene" and even "wonderful outside the scene". At this time, in front of its ears, is often a fresh, or quiet, or distant, or empty, or Xiao Shu interesting space scene. Third, how to understand the artistic conception of bonsai. For viewers, if they want to understand the artistic conception of bonsai, they must first fall in love. Since the artistic conception in bonsai is the expression of the creator's emotion, "all scenery words are love words". In that case, the viewer must also be full of passion, only affection can be subtle, subtle can enter the country, and entry can be understood. In the process of appreciation, the subject and object are the same, and both things and I forget. The viewer enters the artistic conception created by the bonsai creator and is infected by the unique nature of the bonsai, and its emotion, consciousness and association are mobilized. the implication of bonsai is discovered, and the essential content of bonsai is realized, the general is grasped from the individual, and the necessity is revealed by accident. Take the scene in the basin as the medium to communicate and resonate between one's own association and the creator's ideological interest. Watching bonsai and experiencing the artistic conception depends on people's aesthetic imagination. The function of imagination is extremely flexible and unrestricted, so the interest and association expressed in the artistic conception are often fluid and changing, which seems to be true and uncertain. Sometimes, because the reality-oriented feelings composed of tree stumps, mountains and rocks are very hidden; tortuous and complex, the artistic conception is expressed as "its sustenance lies between the indescribable and the inexplicable, and it refers to the meeting that can be understood and inexplicable." Therefore, if we appreciate and appreciate the artistic conception in bonsai, we can not only touch the creator's ideas along the creator's train of thought, just like enjoying the title music, but also give full play to our imagination as we appreciate non-title music. let the Mustang of thought run. However, because the bonsai is certain, and the creator's ideological interest in bonsai is also definite, although the viewer is different, "the method of viewing and the angle of understanding are different, but the taste of the" virtual world "is roughly the same. the magnificent bonsai will never be regarded as a work describing soft and beautiful scenery, but it is only different in the depth of understanding. In short, "reality is like visual observation, virtual divine encounter, real intuition, virtual wisdom", you can understand the taste of bonsai and get the feeling of beauty.

The annual income of opening a fragrant plant bonsai shop can be about 40, 000 yuan to 100000 yuan.

Benefit analysis

The annual cost of medium-and low-grade varieties is about 0.8 yuan-1 yuan, retail 6mur20 yuan; the cost of perennial high-end products is 7 yuan, and the price is more than 100 yuan. On average, 20 pots of medium-and low-grade varieties are sold every day, and the net income is not less than 100 yuan at least. The annual income can be about 40, 000 yuan to 100000 yuan.

Investment conditions

1. Location: choose a facade of more than 20 square meters, should be in the vegetable market or flower market, densely populated areas and other areas.

two。 Purchase vanilla seeds, flowerpots and shelves and other bulk purchase of about 3000 yuan, you can start.

3. Business license, tax registration is about 1000 mi 1500 yuan. A total of about 5000 yuan can start normal business.

Marketing suggestion

1. If your own seedlings are limited by conditions, you can order seedlings with a reputable seedling base, or you can

To be their agent.

two。 The usage, efficacy, usage and cultivation techniques of each vanilla variety should be printed as instructions along with bonsai.

3. Those with relatively large business scale can be publicized through the media and leaflets, which can significantly increase their sales.

At present, vanilla bonsai is an attractive industry and is still in demand in the flower market. With the continuous enhancement of people's awareness of health care, the market of vanilla bonsai will be bigger and bigger. This natural green and pollution-free fragrance satisfies people's psychology of returning to nature.

Vanilla bonsai can be divided into three categories: the first category: Chinese vanilla, etc.; the second category: Qili incense, lavender, western chamomile, etc.; the third kind of sterilization and insect repellent: mosquito clean vanilla, fragrant bee flower, patchouli and so on.

(China Garden Network hint: starting a business has risks, and the project should be carefully compared and investigated.)