
Luck | the red flowers in the home are full of peach blossoms.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, As we all know, the family raises rich bamboo, rich trees and other plants, can be prosperous, then do you know that the color of flowers will also affect your feng shui? Today, Huahua will introduce to you the relationship between flower color and luck! The eastern position.

As we all know, raising rich bamboo, rich trees and other plants at home can flourish. Do you know that the color of flowers will also affect your home's feng shui? Today, Huahua will introduce you to the relationship between flower color and fortune


East position--red flowers

Feng Shui Benefits

The eastern five elements belong to wood, the red five elements belong to fire,"wood fire", the red flower is placed in the eastern position, in the feng shui belongs to the "wood fire" pattern, Italy




For students, planners and all

mental work

People have help.

Recommended Flowers

Anthurium, amaryllis, poinsettia, etc.

West Position--Blue Flower

Feng Shui Benefits

The five elements in the west belong to gold, which is the peach blossom position in feng shui; gold produces water, blue flower Five elements belong to water, water produces wealth, blue flower in the west can

Prosperous fortune, prosperous peach blossom


The western position should not be empty vases, bathtubs and other objects, nor should it be placed too bright flowers, to avoid weak peach blossom potential or the emergence of "not peach blossom".

Recommended Flowers

Blue snow, blue hydrangea, iris, etc.

South position--

Yellow, orange flowers

Feng Shui Benefits

The five elements in the south belong to fire, fire produces earth, yellow flowers belong to earth, and yellow flowers are placed in this orientation.



Orange flowers, maybe.

Make money

Recommended Flowers

Yellow Phalaenopsis, Clivia, etc.

North position--green plants

Feng Shui Benefits

The north belongs to water, aquatic wood, green plants belong to the five elements of wood, this orientation puts green plants, symbolizes harmony between husband and wife, filial piety, help

improve family relations

And the relationship between the superior and the subordinate, and


prosperous career

Recommended Flowers

Green radish, evergreen, spider orchid, hairpin, etc.

Southeast Position--Pink Flowers

Feng Shui Benefits

southeast bearing influence


Pink flowers can be improved.

Love luck



Recommended Flowers

Pink rose, rain orchid, cosmos, etc.

Southwest location-red and yellow flowers

Feng Shui Benefits

The southwest is fire, and it rules.

healthy transport

The most suitable for red flowers, most people are in a sub-healthy state, can put pots of yellow flowers.

Recommended Flowers

Red rose, dahlia, begonia flower, etc.

Northeast position-red and purple flowers

Feng Shui Benefits

Northeast is Wenchang position, there are children at home, must pay attention to this orientation of feng shui, put a pot of red or purple flowers, help

Wang Xuecheng


Recommended Flowers

Anthurium, violets, hyacinths, etc.

Northwest position-white, yellow flowers

Feng Shui Benefits

Northwest location related to family relationships, suitable for placing white or golden flowers, can be

Increase contacts and improve your luck


Recommended Flowers:

Sunflower, white palm, jasmine, etc.

I didn't expect color to have so many Feng Shui meanings.

Are your flowers in place?

Share it with your friends.

Let your luck flourish!

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Name of plant (such as fortune tree)

: View farming methods

For consultation on flower cultivation problems, please add personal WeChat:


(Long press copy)